CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 594 Protect Yourself

She had just arrived at the orphanage, and her family was destroyed by a car accident, leaving only her little one.

She was brought here by a strange aunt.Just witnessed the death of a family member.I couldn't accept it for a while.Close yourself in your own little world.

Reluctant to talk to anyone.

Most of the children have grown up together since they were young, and they are somewhat resistant to her as an outsider.

It's not uncommon for this kind of person to secretly bully them when they're not around.After all, she is just an outsider in this small world.

She used to have family members, and they were discarded children since they were young. After all, they still have some rejection of the family affection that they once enjoyed, longed for but couldn't get.

Not a person of the world.

The only food is always robbed by people, and it is also common to be beaten. The feeling of falling from heaven to hell all of a sudden is not good after all.

Until He Zi appeared.

In this small world, there are also weak people, but they are close together little by little. Her food was taken away by others, and he would rather starve himself than share his share with her.

As a result, the world began to reject him as a small person. She asked him: "Why?" Why did he treat her so well? She has nothing to do with him.

He Zi just thought about it, and said seriously, "Because you are my friend!"

For the first time, Zhao Yue felt that after the death of her parents, there was still a glimmer of light in her world.

And that light is He Zi.

At some point, a boy named He Zi began to appear in her heart.

Time gradually wears away everything, and she also worked hard to integrate into the small family of the orphanage, and she found a different look from the past.Or, misunderstanding.

Most of the children in this orphanage have not received much love since they were young, and they are too paranoid or too unfamiliar with people.

In order to survive in this small world, we have to use all means. In fact, everyone seems to live in their own small world.

Like a hedgehog, only in this way can we protect ourselves.

She gradually learned to get in touch with people, gradually became one with the children in the orphanage, and gradually learned to be a hedgehog.

Although she is in the orphanage, her life is much better than before.Although all the children in the orphanage are willing to contact her, she still likes being with He Zi.

He Zi was also happy to see this situation.At least in this way, Zhao Yue and him can live a good life in the orphanage.

Time can make people forget everything. Gradually, Zhao Yue felt that when her parents had become people in her memory, she grew up unknowingly.

Every day with He Zi, I feel pretty good.The girl's heart gradually surrounded by He Zi's name.

On that day, she remembered clearly that a child came to the orphanage.

It is a black and thin group. I don’t know who I heard. They were sent in because their parents were sent to prison and sentenced to death. Therefore, everyone is deeply unfriendly to this new member. Say disgust.

There is an old saying that what the parents are, the children may be what they are. In addition, this child is not good-looking, so that everyone has a little disgust for this new member.

For her, the bullying was even more ruthless than when Zhao Yue came.

Looking at her rather helpless appearance, Zhao Yue felt sympathetic, as if seeing herself from a long time ago.

Finally, one time, after her food was robbed, Zhao Yue took the bread in her hand and handed it to her.

The girl was obviously very hungry. She took the bread and stuffed it into her mouth without saying anything.

Zhao Yue smiled, rubbed her hair, and said softly, "Your name is Zhang Mei, right? My name is Zhao Yue, and I'm three years older than you. You can call me Sister Yueyue."

Zhang Mei was stunned, knocked off the hand on top of his head, turned and ran away.

Zhao Yue didn't mind, but felt a little distressed. What happened to Zhang Mei? It made her so sensitive.

Not long after, a child gradually appeared behind Zhao Yue. Because Zhao Yue treated people well on weekdays, everyone raised their eyebrows, and everyone's attitude towards her gradually warmed up.

He Zi also had a good impression of this little girl, and took good care of her on weekdays.

Gradually, without knowing when it started, Zhao Yue discovered that the attitudes of the people around her began to gradually become alienated.

"Heh... White Lotus." Suddenly, someone said behind her back.

Zhao Yue felt cold behind her back, and ran over to look for He Zi, but He Zi just looked at her with a complicated face, and didn't say why.

The next time, she heard Zhang Mei say this: "...Looking at Zhao Yue's appearance, it's disgusting to look at." The people around laughed together.

Zhao Yue was stunned.On weekdays, the person who always liked to call her sister Mei said so behind her back.

Originally, Zhao Yue wanted to go over and ask what was going on, but she held back after all, she didn't want to believe it.I can't believe it either.

He Zi's attitude towards her gradually became cold, and a child who had been following her gradually appeared behind her.eyebrows.

One day, one morning, He Zi, who had never been ill, suddenly fell ill.

Lying on the bed, with a high fever, I can't get rid of it no matter what.Zhao Yue was at the side, anxious for a while, Zhang Mei, who was next to him, lay on He Zi's body and cried: "Brother He, you can't die! You still have to take your sister out of here, you can't die." Seeing the unconsciousness in front of her He Zi woke up.

Zhao Yue gritted her teeth, turned around and ran out, carrying the only money she had on her body, which was also the money she had saved since she was a child, looking around.

She found a clinic and broke in with tears all over her face. She remembered clearly that there was only one old man in the clinic at the time, and the old man jumped when he saw him come in.

She knelt in front of the old uncle, crying, trembling her hands, and shouted in despair: "Uncle, please, can you save someone with me? He's burned very badly. I don't have much money on me. Can you save me?" I can't owe you first, I will definitely pay you back, please, go save him!"

The uncle was silent for a while, looked at the crying child in front of him, stood up, helped the girl up, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, take me to see it." He said, wiping away the tears on the girl's face .

Packed up the medicine box, took the girl's hand, and frowned when he arrived at the gate of the orphanage.went in.

There were some children in the yard, watching Zhao Yuehong pulling an old man with eye circles, talking a lot.

Soon he arrived at He Zi's side, Zhang Mei looked at the old man not far away, then at Zhao Yue, lying beside He Zi, and softly shouted: "Brother He, you can't die, my sister is here for you!" Doctor, you haven't taken me out of here, you can't die." Saying this, she wanted to touch He Zi's face.

When Zhao Yue heard what Zhang Mei said, she didn't care about anything, she took He Zi's hand and held it tightly.

Because it was a fever, the doctor uncle waved his hand to signal the people around him to disperse, and walked in front of He Zi, looking at the towel on He Zi's head, he thought it was Zhao Yue who made it.

There was a trace of anger between the eyebrows, and there was also a trace of displeasure when looking into Zhang Mei's eyes.

It's been so long, and I don't know how to change the towel for this boy, crying to death, the thunder is loud, and the rain is light.

Looking at the boy, it wasn't too serious at all, so he packed some medicine, pricked a few acupuncture points, and prepared to leave.

But when she saw Zhao Yue holding her hand, she thought she would ask something.

Unexpectedly, the girl bowed, with a trace of fear and tears on her face, carefully took out the money in her pants, and handed it to him.

Said: "I'm sorry, I don't have enough money, I will give you these first, and I will pay you back slowly in the future." As he spoke, there was a trace of apology on his face.

The uncle didn't speak, but rubbed the girl's head.

Shaking his head, he said, "There's no need to pay it back, these are enough."

Such a kind child is rare nowadays.

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Zhao Yue smiled, but tears ran across her face, and bowed deeply towards the direction the old man left.

Back at the orphanage, for some reason, everyone's eyes were afraid to look directly at the girl in front of them.

Coincidentally, the next day, a middle-aged couple came and wanted to adopt a child.He fell in love with Zhao Yue at a glance.

Although Zhao Yue's age was considered older among many children, she still took a fancy to her at a glance.

This kind of family affection that has been late for many years, she hesitated at the moment when it came, she didn't want to leave.

He Zi's illness is still not cured, if she leaves, what will He Zi do?
But the economic condition of the orphanage today is that if there is one less person, there will be one less person.

Only people come in and no one comes out.

Therefore, this matter basically cannot allow Zhao Yue to refuse.

She was taken away by her adoptive parents the next day. Before she left, she knelt down in the dean's room and begged straight: "After I leave, can I..." She paused, already full Tears on the face: "Help me take care of He Zi."

The dean didn't speak, just looked at the humble and stubborn girl in front of him, and nodded.

This is why the dean would easily agree to He Zi's request.Finding a good home may not be a bad thing for He Zi.

But he was wrong.What he sent He Zi to was not a warm home, but a hell, which was about to destroy He Zi.

Later, Zhao Yue was taken to another city by her adoptive parents. Before leaving, Zhao Yue took He Zi's hand and said with a sob: "You have to be good..." Saying that, she and He Zi were taken away. The only photos of the children in the orphanage, who followed their adoptive parents to other cities.

The adoptive parents were very kind to her, and the family affection from the past few years seemed to land on her again. After that, Zhao Yue was like a real girl.

I have the company of my parents and the care of my classmates, but what I miss the most is the years when I met He Zi in the orphanage.

She had always hoped to meet him, but she never thought that they would meet in such a scene.

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