CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 562 Decision

A few children surrounded He Zi in the middle, completely blocking the surrounding sun.

The surroundings seemed to suddenly become dark, at least in Guo Jing's view, these shadows were the representative of darkness.

He curled up among the crowd, trembling a little, not knowing what was waiting for him next.

Xiaobawang's fist landed on his body, although he was only a child, the strength was terrifying, He Zi's body felt dull pain after burst.

He Zi tried to resist at the beginning, but there were too many people around Xiaobawang. When he resisted a little, Xiaobawang immediately became unhappy, and said with a straight face: "Okay, you still have to fight!" Dare to resist."

After finishing speaking, more fists and kicks were ushered in. It was because of this that He Zi didn't dare to resist. She just hugged her head and curled up, hoping that such days and times would pass as soon as possible.

I don't know how much time has passed, for He Zi, this period of time is like a year every time, but finally there is a voice that rescues him.

It was a crisp girl's voice, which came suddenly, like an angel descending from the sky, saving him from such a nightmare.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and stop!"

When a girl's voice came, He Zi thought she had heard it wrong, but what was strange was that Xiaobawang stopped, turned his head and smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

"You are bullying other friends here again, be careful and I will tell the dean."

The voice that stopped them before came again, and this time Guo Jing was sure that he was not dreaming.

After hearing this voice, Xiaobawang chuckled, scratched his head and said, "I didn't bully him, I just said hello to a new friend?"

"Hmph, I believe you are the one to blame."

"Are you all right?"

Just when He Zi was in a daze, she heard this voice again, and it was very close to her.

He Zi slowly raised her head, and saw a little girl who was the same age as him, smiling at her and staring at him with concern.

This little girl was very cute, cuter than any girl he had ever seen before, really like an angel.

"Are you an angel?"

The funniest thing was that He Zi, who was in a daze at the time, actually asked a question in a daze.

The last memory is a little fuzzy now, but the only thing He Zi remembers is that the little girl smiled at him, and He Zi didn't know anything after that.

When he woke up again, he had already returned to his small room, and the girl he had just met was sitting beside him.

He Zi hurriedly turned over and sat up, lowered her head a little embarrassed, and wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to break the deadlock in front of her, so she hesitated for a long time, but failed to connect a few sentences. It was the girl who said, "Are you awake?"

It turned out that all this was not a dream, He Zi realized it at this time, nodded quickly and said, "I'm awake."

Because of this episode, the two of them officially met, and this girl is Su Mei.

If He Zi had to say it, the acquaintance this time actually changed a lot of things about him.

Life in the orphanage is actually not always so boring. Not long after He Zi and Su Mei met, there was an opportunity for a picnic in the orphanage.

This time, they are also children in the orphanage, who can leave together to see the outside world.

For every child, this is a rare opportunity, and He Zi was also very excited, lying on her little bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, waiting with full anticipation for this trip the next day.

On the second day, the picnic they were looking forward to began, and the dean took all the children.They all gathered together, and after organizing them to line up, these children looked novel and carried their own small bags.Followed the dean and went out.

This is also the first time they have stepped into the gate of the orphanage.

After walking for several hours, they came to the destination of the picnic. It was a small forest with a beautiful scenery, and there was a green grass next to it. In this warm summer, this kind of scenery is the best interpretation of it .

After arriving at the destination, these children who were originally excited were already very tired at this time, but they cheered and jumped for joy when they saw their destination.

Under the organization of the dean, groups of three or four spread out the tablecloth and had their own picnic here.

And at this time, He Zi standing there seemed a little out of place.

The people around have already formed their own team in twos and threes, but He Zi just came here, and her personality is a bit withdrawn, and she is not very familiar with the children here. When choosing to form a team, he was so embarrassed and was rejected isolated.

He Zi stood here watching, looking at the smiling faces around him, although he was also infected, although his mood was also very happy, but at this moment, his mood was depressed.

He is like a person who is out of place, unable to participate in the environment in front of him, and he doesn't even know what to do after connecting.

Just when he was full of embarrassment, he was rescued by himself.

Su Mei saw him standing there alone and ran over to hold his hand, raised a innocent smile and said, "Come and play with us."

He Zi didn't even have time to react, and was directly pulled into that small group by Su Mei.

At first He Zi was still a little awkward, and after coming here, she didn't know who else to talk to, but at least he wasn't alone, standing there alone.

But at this time, they are all children, and most of their thoughts are innocent.

So after a short period of embarrassment, He Zi also quickly participated in the communication among the people around, and there was a burst of laughter.

For the situation in front of her, Guo Jing turned her head and was very grateful. Su Mei, who was sitting by the side, if she hadn't discovered him in time, maybe at this moment, he would still be standing there alone, looking at other people's faces. Laughter.

Staring at Su Mei's side face all the time, He Zi was stunned unknowingly. At that time, he was still very young and didn't know what kind of feeling he had in his heart. He only knew that at this moment, he was very grateful to Su Mei. .

This picnic was a turning point for the two of them. After only a brief communication and contact before, the two of them are now friends.

In this orphanage, Su Mei was also the first friend he found, and also the most important friend in his heart.

After getting acquainted with Su Mei, the two of them gradually became good friends. In the orphanage, this was the first time that He Zi felt that life seemed to have some brilliance.

Because Su Mei became his friend, Little Overlord never troubled He Zi again.

Although there were still hidden threats and fists waving from time to time, but by that time, He Zi already had the ability to protect herself, and sometimes even counterattacked one or two.

So as time went on, the little bully wouldn't dare to provoke him again.

By this time, He Zi had already adapted to the life in the orphanage. Although life in the orphanage was sometimes poor, everything became much brighter because of Su Mei's presence. The smile on his face also become more and more.

According to the current words, the two of them can actually be regarded as childhood sweethearts.

Growing up together since childhood, He Zi also discovered her own heart during this process, which gradually shifted a bit.

His gaze began to be fixed on Su Mei's body, and he couldn't move it away. Sometimes, just thinking of Su Mei's name was enough to make him laugh all day long.

At this moment, He Zi has already understood his heart, but he still dare not express his feelings directly.

Besides, at the end, Su Mei told him that she has someone she likes, and this person is still her good brother.

Although He Zi at this time is completely different from before, deep down in his heart, he still has a little inferiority complex.

Seeing that Su Mei had someone she liked, He Zi didn't want to express her feelings any more, but she was willing to step back temporarily and help Su Mei wholeheartedly.

At this moment, staying alone in her own room, He Zi is no longer as cowardly as she was when she was a child, but under the cover of darkness, the emotions contained in his eyes are more complex and complex.

"I will never let anyone ruin your happiness."

After talking to herself, the expression in He Zi's eyes became more determined.

After doing all this, he stood up from the sofa, went to the side and turned on the light. After the warm light dispelled the surrounding darkness, the shadow in He Zi's heart was not dispelled at all.

At this time, he has decided to do one thing.

He Zi walked to the computer next to her, opened it, and logged on to a chat software. She sent a message to a familiar name. Not long after, the other party began to reply.

"what happened?"

The opposite party sent back this paragraph in English.

Although it was only across the computer screen, after seeing this reply, He Zi already had a smile on his face, and he immediately typed a long string of text on the keyboard.

You have to come back quickly, if you don't come back, I'm afraid everything will be too late.

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