CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 555 Leaving

After resting for a while, Liu Sisi still ignored her desire to gossip, looked Luo Jiali up and down, and finally found a red mark on Luo Jiali's neck.

As for how the red mark came about and what happened in the middle, Liu Sisi knew without guessing.

Then, unable to control himself, he lowered his head and laughed.

Seeing her best friend, Luo Jiali suddenly smiled, not knowing why, she stretched out her hand to push her and said, "What's wrong with you, you laugh so crazy."

Liu Sisi eased her emotions, blinked at Luo Jiali, and then said secretly: "You still ask me what's wrong, let's take a look at your neck first, and tell me if you succeeded that day, you Have you had a good talk with Huo Tianhua?"

After Liu Sisi finished speaking, Luo Jiali lowered her head suspiciously, only then did she realize that there was indeed a red mark on her neck.

Her face turned red immediately. Facing her best friend's teasing, Luo Jiali quickly adjusted, glared at Liu Sisi and said, "Since you already know everything, you still ask so many questions."

Liu Sisi restrained her smile. In fact, she was more happy for Luo Jiali in her heart. She was happy that Luo Jiali could recognize her own heart, and also happy that Luo Jiali could find her own happiness. After the smile passed, Liu Sisi said again: "Then you two..."

The conversation has already started, and Luo Jiali is not as shy as before, besides, the relationship between her and Huo Tianhua has come to this point, there is no need to continue to cover up.

Luo Jiali nodded, and said to this girlfriend: "Thank you for encouraging me all the time. I don't know what happened that night. Anyway, the two of us now understand each other's intentions."

After listening to Luo Jiali's words, Liu Sisi looked at Luo Jiali carefully.

At this time, Luo Jiali looked very happy, which meant that all the positive effects this relationship had brought to her, since this was the case, then she had nothing to worry about.

Liu Sisi nodded, reached out to hold Luo Jiali's hand and said, "Seeing that you feel happy and happy, I am relieved, you deserve all of this."

Luo Jiali nodded, her eyes suddenly turned a little red, this is her best friend, and she is thinking of her wholeheartedly.

But thinking about her family members again, you will find that the contrast is so stark, that group of people are simply blood-sucking leeches, but fortunately she saw all this clearly in time and broke away from them.

Seeing that Luo Jiali's eyes were turning red, Liu Sisi quickly changed the topic.

"Okay, okay, let's stop thinking so much, let's go shopping." After saying this, Liu Sisi stood up, took Luo Jiali's hand, and left the coffee shop together. Straight into the mall.

The shopping mall they are in now is a relatively high-end market in the city, and there are brands from various countries in it.

An ordinary person might not even have the courage to come in, but Luo Jiali is a jewelry designer, so she is very familiar with these luxury goods, and it is also within the burden of his consumption, so it is not difficult to visit these places. Nothing to be timid about.

When Luo Jiali is shopping, she doesn't pay much attention to the brand, but only pays attention to the suitability of what she wears.

However, the tailoring and design of these brands are indeed simple with a little care.

So they chose this place as their first stop for shopping.

After the two went in, they first accompanied Liu Sisi to go shopping, and they found a shop that specialized in professional suits.

After entering the door, the cabinet sister warmly greeted her, and the v2 person carefully introduced various new products recently. After Liu Sisi looked at them carefully, she picked up a black suit and turned her head to make gestures on her body. Then he said, "What do you think of this suit?"

Luo Jiali looked at the suit up and down, and it looked a little different from traditional professional suits.

Although there is still the shadow of a professional suit, it also incorporates some fashion elements, making this suit look less rigid.
It should be very good if paired with Liu Sisi, Luo Jiali nodded, and then said: "I think it looks good, why don't you try it."

After getting Luo Jiali's affirmation, Liu Sisi took the clothes and walked into the fitting room. Not long after, she came out of the fitting room.

This suit is a small suit jacket with a tight skirt, in a professional demeanor, with a little bit of playfulness.

It was unexpectedly suitable to wear on Liu Sisi's body. The black fabric made her skin fairer. After taking a look at it, Luo Jiali was extremely satisfied with this suit.

After seeing Luo Jiali's astonishing eyes, Liu Sisi knew that she had made the right choice, plus she stood in front of the fitting mirror and looked at it, and she was really satisfied with the dress at a glance.

Now that she was satisfied, Liu Sisi paid directly and took the clothes away.

After buying this dress, the two went shopping in different shops again, but this time, there were no more clothes that could attract Liu Sisi's eyes. Luo Jiali also planned to buy some more clothes, and the two were talking and laughing Go to the next store.

Only this time, it is completely different from the previous shops.

After Luo Jiali and Liu Sisi walked into the shop, the salesperson stood up and walked up to Luo Jiali and Liu Sisi, first looked Luo Jiali up and down, and then showed a disdainful and sarcastic smile .

Although her expressions were subtle, Luo Jiali could tell them at a glance.

At first, Luo Jiali didn't understand the reason. She thought it might be the clerk who was in a bad mood, so she didn't take it to heart. She just said, "Recently, what new products do you have here? Show me them."

After Luo Jiali finished speaking, the clerk's disdain became more obvious.

The clerk looked Luo Jiali up and down, this time 8 she looked more carefully, but after the scan up and down, she leaned against the shelf next to her and said, "It's okay to get new products, but you are sure you can afford it." How much? We have some high-end products here, ordinary people can’t afford this price, so don’t waste your time.”

After saying this, the clerk turned around and left, sitting on a chair, obviously not planning to entertain these two guests anymore.

It was the first time Luo Jiali and Liu Sisi had received such treatment after visiting so many shops.

From before to now, Luo Jiali has never been a good-tempered person. Ever since she received the magic power and fled abroad, he and her have struggled so far, relying not on her own weakness, but on her strength and strength. Fierce.

Not only Luo Jiali was angry, Liu Sisi was also furious now, and she was about to go up and argue with the clerk, but Xie Luo Jiali wanted to solve this matter by herself.

So she stretched out her hand, grabbed the angry best friend, and then walked up to the clerk and said, "You shouldn't be the one who opened this store, right? You're just a part-time worker here. I really thought I posted it too." What's with this expensive label, I'm asking you to bring me clothes, right now..."

When Luo Jiali spoke seriously, she was indeed quite imposing. The clerk was a little frightened for a moment, but then he raised his head unconvinced, and then sneered and said, "I am not mocking you, big sister.

Look at the things you wear, which ones are decent? I see that the necklace you wear on your neck and the earrings on your ears are all fake. Don't think I can't see it.

I have never seen any diamond jewelry like this. I guess I found the scraps of stones that people don't want, and I brought them with me after polishing. "

After hearing these words, Luo Jiali suddenly felt that she wanted to laugh, she was already amused by the ignorance of this clerk.

The clothes Luo Jiali was wearing were indeed nothing special, they were bought in ordinary shopping malls.

Because the design was quite novel, Luo Jiali followed this designer and ordered this dress with him all the time.

As for the jewels on her neck and ears, they were all designed by Luo Jiali herself. As for the raw materials of these jewels, they were indeed not that expensive, but their value was definitely not less than diamonds.

So at this time, Luo Jiali really didn't know what to say to the clerk in front of her and her ignorance.

This is the first clerk Luo Jiali has seen so far.

"Very good." Luo Jiali nodded and said, then took out the card in her hand and slapped it on the table.

The card she held in her hand was left by Huo Tianhua before. Luo Jiali once refused, but Huo Tianhua kept it with an attitude of not being able to refuse.

There was nothing special about this card, but it was a hey card with an unlimited amount. Not to mention anything else, this card alone was enough to prove Luo Jiali's identity.

Sure enough, after Heika was photographed on the table, the clerk's face changed instantly when he saw it. It could be called colorful and extremely distorted. Luo Jiali didn't feel very happy, but just felt that the clerk was a little sad.

"Open your eyes and take a good look." Liu Sisi stepped forward and scolded angrily.

She had been standing by the side just now, almost suffocating, especially seeing the clerk with his nostrils upturned, she couldn't help but want to sneer.

Others don't know, but she knows it clearly.

The jewelry that Luo Jiali wears is all independently designed by herself.

Raw materials are more expensive than diamonds, and there is no first step to reach rare jewelry.

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