All the other people in the coffee shop looked at them, with gloating, insulting, or disgusting and mocking eyes.

"Get out! Our coffee shop doesn't welcome women like you who rely on your body to make money, let alone third parties!"

One of the coffee shop entrepreneurial students here put the kettle on the table, walked towards the door sharply, and started to chase people away.

Shen Wan Bai came back to his senses, reached out to wipe off the water stains on his face, his expression was very calm.

"What third party? What do you mean! Who said Wan Bai is a third party? Apologize! Hurry up and apologize to her!"

Bai Yanfei stood up angrily and quarreled with that person.

"Everyone knows what kind of virtue she is! When you go out in the future, let alone a student of University A, we students of University A can't afford to lose this person!"

Several other people in the coffee shop also came over, showing contemptuous expressions.

"Be careful what you say! Let me tell you, Wan Bai is not—"

"Forget it, let's go." Shen Wanbai lowered his eyes, and pulled Bai Yanfei out of the coffee shop.

It's useless to say anything now, no one will believe her.

What's more, Jian Anran and Chen Yueqing teamed up to release the "evidence" on the Internet that really looks like that, and Shen Wanbai couldn't refute it.

In this matter, she is powerless.

"I'm so pissed off! Don't these people have their own thinking ability? What they say on the Internet is what they say? They don't know anything! How could you have anything to do with a man like He Zefeng! It's impossible to think about it! "

Bai Yanfei cursed indignantly.

Shen Wanbai sighed, and said sullenly: "I do live in He Zefeng's house, but I'm not a mistress, nor am I his adopted lover."

Bai Yanfei was stunned, then opened her eyes wide, looked at her in disbelief and asked, "What, what? Are you really with He Zefeng? The president of the He Group? Wan Bai, you, you haven't told me ah!"

"The relationship between me and him is not going to be made public for the time being. I plan to find an opportunity to tell you in the future. I didn't expect that Jian Anran would take the opportunity to deliberately turn black and white."

Shen Wan Bai also felt a headache.

The impact of the matter was more serious than she thought.

She even wondered, if she was walking on the road, would she be like today, either getting slapped or being thrown cold water?
"Although I don't quite understand what happened, I believe you are definitely not that kind of person!"

"Yan Fei, thank you for trusting me." Shen Wan Bai twisted the water on his clothes, his body was cold, but his heart was warm.

Bai Yanfei took out a tissue and helped her wipe the water off her face and hair.

It seems that if they want to chat, they can't find a place with a lot of people, so as not to be recognized and run into trouble.

Shen Wan Bai's cell phone was vibrating non-stop, she took it out to have a look, it was the tutor calling.

"Wan Bai, have you come to school yet? The grade director asked you to go to his place, so you can come here now."

"Oh yes, I'll go there right away." Shen Wan Bai didn't know what happened, but hurried over anyway.

"Why did the tutor suddenly come looking for you? How did he know you were here?" Bai Yanfei accompanied her.

"I don't know, I haven't contacted the instructor."

When Shen Wanbai and Bai Yanfei walked to the administration building, they happened to see a few girls coming out of it with cold smiles on their faces.

Shen Wan Bai immediately understood that it must be the fault of the girls, and they must have reported her coming to school to the tutor.

It seems that it is not a good thing for the grade director to find her.

Sure enough, when Shen Wanbai entered the office, not only the tutor and grade director were there, but even the principal was inside.

"Shen Wanbai! You are too embarrassing for our school!" The grade director directly threw the copywriting in his hand on the table, and shouted angrily at Shen Wanbai.

"Director, these are all rumors on the Internet. The truth still needs to be investigated. I believe Wan Bai is not that kind of child." The tutor was caught in the middle, and he spoke up to help Shen Wanbai in embarrassment.

The principal sat on the sofa, looked at Shen Wanbai expressionlessly, and snorted coldly: "No wind, no waves, this matter is not just as simple as just talking about it on the Internet, but also affects reality! You are now a Rats crossing the street, everyone is shouting and beating! Look at your appearance now! Do you know how much damage this incident has caused to the reputation of the school? Can you be responsible?"

Shen Wan Bai lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, trying to keep himself calm as much as possible.

But no matter how she explained, the grade director and the principal didn't believe her, and even warned her to be careful, it would be related to her degree certificate and graduation certificate, as well as her thesis grades and so on.

"You'd better think about it."

Before Shen Wanbai left, the principal left such a sentence.

Bai Yanfei waited outside the office, saw her face livid, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask: "Wan Bai, what did they say?"

Shen Wanbai leaned against the wall, staring at the air in front of him in a daze, and finally pulled the corners of his mouth after a long time: "The principal asked me to admit that this matter was my own, and had nothing to do with the school. He said that, maybe he can calm down this matter earlier, and also Can reduce the impact on the school."

Bai Yanfei exploded upon hearing this.

"Why? They asked you to admit it when they didn't know anything? Why did you admit it when you didn't do it? They even threatened you with your diploma and degree certificate? Is this really my alma mater, the famous A University?"

Bai Yanfei was so angry that she wanted to rush to the office to ask them for an explanation, but Shen Wanbai grabbed her wrist.

"Just now my tutor spoke for me, but the grade director and the principal don't care about the truth at all, they only care about the reputation of the school. As for whether I did this, they may not care, or they think so. Yan Fei, if because If you are involved in this matter, then I will feel guilty."

Shen Wanbai dragged Bai Yanfei away from here disheartened.

I really didn't expect such an incident to cause a storm in the city.

She always thought that as long as she didn't respond and ignore them, these rumors would stop at the wise.

She admitted that she and He Zefeng were lovers in private, but she never thought that she was a third party, nor did she think that the relationship between He Zefeng and Chen Yueqing was destroyed by her.

Even though Shen Wan Bai has always believed so firmly in his heart, reality does not intend to let her go.

Now her life is completely messed up by this kind of public opinion.

In fact, there is another way to solve the current situation, which is to ask He Zefeng to come out and explain in person, and disclose the real relationship between them.

But in this way, other things will definitely be involved...

The strange relationship between him and Chen Yueqing has not been dealt with, and the Zhan family seems to disagree with him casually falling in love.

I have a headache, what should I do?

"Wan Bai, what are you going to do next? Go back to the company? Or avoid the limelight for now? Come to the school and talk to the principal after the heat of this matter dies down?"

Seeing that her whole body was soaked, Bai Yanfei took off his coat and put it on her body, feeling extremely worried.

Shen Wan Bai shrank her arms, as if there was even a little wind, she would be extremely cold.

"That's the only way to go, at least wait until he comes back."

Shen Wanbai lowered his head, depressed and depressed.

She found that after she left He Zefeng, she seemed to be unable to do anything well.

Obviously it wasn't like this before, she always felt that she was very independent and could handle anything.

How did it become like this now?

Relying too much on him has become a habit.

"Nuannuan! I've been looking for you for a long time, why haven't you picked up your phone? What's wrong with you? You're all soaked."

Li Zhenxun searched around the school, finally met her again, and hurried forward to check her situation.

Shen Wanbai glanced at him, did not speak, and continued to walk towards the school gate.

"That coffee shop! It's too much! It directly poured cold water on Wan Bai and kicked us out!"

As soon as Bai Yanfei saw Li Zhenxun approaching, she angrily pulled him to talk about it.

"Nuan Nuan, you should go back quickly, everyone you know now has a big opinion on you—" Li Zhenxun persuaded Shen Wanbai worriedly after hearing Bai Yanfei's words.

"What are you talking about? Hey, Li Zhenxun, aren't you angry? I thought you would go to the coffee shop to settle accounts, but you let her go home? Wan Bai did nothing wrong, why did she hide ?”

Bai Yanfei looked at Li Zhenxun in disbelief.

"Walking on the street, she will encounter danger and be targeted. If she meets Chen Yueqing's fans, the situation will only get worse!"

Shen Wanbai saw the two of them arguing and attracted more people's attention, and felt very tired.

"Yanfei, forget it. Let's go." Shen Wanbai pulled Bai Yanfei, put his head on his head, and just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Bai Yanfei was very emotional, and glared at Li Zhenxun very dissatisfied, but she was pulled away by Shen Wanbai again.

"Wan Bai! Aren't you angry? Doesn't Li Zhenxun mean to help others? You have been treated like this! Is he still a man? You were bullied and you just let it go? Fortunately, it is an ex-boyfriend , or I'll be really mad!"

"There's nothing to be angry about, and what he said is not wrong. I'm the target of public criticism now. If I wander around outside, I will indeed encounter more trouble. Let's go."

Shen Wan Bai pretended to be relaxed and comforted her.

Anyway, now she still has friends like Bai Yanfei and Meng Lu who believe in her, and her mother has calmed down, so it really doesn't matter what other people think of her.

Regarding the graduation certificate, wait until the turmoil subsides and ask the principal again.

Bai Yanfei felt sorry for Shen Wanbai and felt angry for her, but she couldn't help her.

In the beginning, it was just Jian Anran who scolded Shen Wanbai, but after Chen Yueqing tore Shen Wanbai apart in public, she also started to incite fans to attack Shen Wanbai, and even some fans in N City threatened that they would teach her a lesson if they saw Shen Wanbai on the road.

Bai Yanfei flipped through the hot comments on the Internet, and felt terrified when she saw it.

"Wan Bai, tell me the truth, was your face slapped?" Bai Yanfei turned off the phone and asked seriously.

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