CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 489 Acceptance

Shen Wanbai also looked along, and unexpectedly saw Chen Yueqing.

Speaking of which, she hasn't seen this big star for a long time.

Whether it's in reality or on TV, Chen Yueqing's exposure rate is not as good as before, and Ming Entertainment seems to no longer praise her as before.

Of course, even so, everyone didn't dare to express their dissatisfaction with her obviously, who kept the big backer behind her unchanged.

"Miss Chen Yueqing." Song Si and others greeted her politely.

He Zefeng just looked up at her and didn't speak.

There is displeasure hidden between the brows.

"Ze Feng, I heard from my assistant that you invited the staff to dinner here, which seems to be a celebration banquet. I happen to be nearby, and I want to join you. Do you think I'm troublesome?"

Chen Yueqing ignored the people next to her and walked directly towards He Zefeng.

"It's not about the celebration banquet, it's just a small gathering with today's relevant employees."

He Zefeng looked at her calmly, with a calm tone.

The rest of the people heard what he meant, saying that irrelevant people are not welcome here.

Chen Yueqing's smile froze, but she still walked up to him cheekily.

"Ze Feng, can I be with you?"

He Zefeng didn't answer her, and the shadow between his brows deepened.

Seeing the strange atmosphere, Song Si immediately stood up to smooth things over: "Since Ms. Chen Yueqing is here, please sit down and eat with us."

If it were any other woman, Song Si would definitely not dare to say this, let alone make her own decision to let her stay.

But this woman is Chen Yueqing. Although He Zefeng's attitude towards her has changed, as long as He Zefeng doesn't explicitly refuse, then Song Si thinks that Chen Yueqing can still stay based on his understanding of him.

Just now He Zefeng didn't speak for a long time, wasn't it because he was neither very willing to let Chen Yueqing stay, nor would he open his mouth to refuse.

After Chen Yueqing got down the stairs, the embarrassment on her face just now was finally reduced a lot.

The lawyer who was originally sitting next to He Zefeng glanced at He Zefeng a few times. Seeing that he didn't respond at all, he immediately moved to the side and let Chen Yueqing sit down.

"I'm really sorry."

Chen Yueqing sat down unceremoniously, without even saying a word of thanks, as if it should have been given to her.

Because of her appearance, the lively scene just now suddenly became a little weird.

Shen Wanbai was in a good mood at first, but after Chen Yueqing appeared, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Even if she believed in He Zefeng, such a woman who could not be called a rival in love would still make Shen Wanbai feel uncomfortable.

After all, Song Si was a special assistant who had been by He Zefeng's side for many years, and he soon knew how to deal with this situation, and opened up the topic.

After several lawyers answered his words, the atmosphere finally warmed up a little.

Chen Yueqing was not interested in their chatting topic at all, and turned to look at He Zefeng, wanting to talk to her.

But as soon as she started, He Zefeng would turn his head and talk to Wen Zechen next to him, turning a deaf ear to her.

The disappointment on Chen Yueqing's face was clearly visible, but she was still not reconciled, she tried to find opportunities to talk to He Zefeng over and over again, and even if she couldn't speak, she still pretended to be intimate and helped him get food.

Meng Lu has the best relationship with Shen Wanbai here, and she has never experienced society or the workplace, so she always speaks out directly if she wants to say anything.

"That big beauty is Chen Yueqing, right? The female celebrity who is popular in half the sky. I heard that she is the only woman who can get close to Mr. He. Look, she can also serve Mr. He with food."

Meng Lu talked to Shen Wan Bai enviously and gossipingly.

"Aren't the two of us women too? Sitting here now, we're getting close to Mr. He."

Shen Wan Bai felt a little unconvinced in his heart.

"That's what I said, but we can only sit here, it's far away from Mr. He, but look at her, she's right next to her."

Hearing what Meng Lu said, Shen Wan Bai was a little helpless, but also wanted to laugh.

Is sitting next to He Zefeng really powerful?She often sits in his arms too!

After gossiping for a while, Meng Lu said thoughtfully, "But why do I feel that Mr. He seems to ignore Chen Yueqing? Could it be that the rumors are true?"

"What rumor?" Shen Wan Bai's curiosity was aroused by her.

"That means Mr. He is not interested in women."

"Pfft—this rumor is outdated, let me tell you, Mr. He is interested in women, and he is very interested."

Shen Wan Bai said that he has a deep understanding!

If you're not interested, can you toss her so hard that she can't get out of bed? !
Meng Lu looked at her suspiciously: "How do you know?"

"Uh...cough, well, I'm Mr. He's personal secretary, of course I know. And I was on a business trip with him before, and he also has other female friends."

For example, Yan Wan is still his fiancee.

Of course, it is impossible for Shen Wan Bai to tell this matter.

"Wow, looking for a woman and going abroad specially? Are you so picky? No wonder there are few rumors about him. It turns out that he doesn't like these female stars in China."

Meng Lu opened her eyes wide and nodded thoughtfully, as if she had discovered something serious.

Shen Wan Bai almost spit out water.

What she said didn't seem to be the same as what Meng Lu understood, right?
Why did it involve going abroad to find a woman?
Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Meng Lu's thoughts were so impure.

Tsk tsk, compared to when she was a junior, she was so silly.

Even if her thoughts are somewhat tainted recently, they were all brought down by He Zefeng!
Shen Wan Bai and Meng Lu chatted happily.

Although many things Meng Lu said made Shen Wanbai dumbfounded, but it was quite interesting to listen to these groundless rumors about He Zefeng.

"By the way, why are the two of them here?"

After being snubbed by He Zefeng for the nth time, Chen Yueqing finally turned her attention to other people.

Well, opposites attract, like repel.

Chen Yueqing was the first to find fault with the two of them.

Shen Wan Bai didn't take her seriously at all, but out of politeness, he still looked towards her and nodded slightly as a greeting.

Meng Lu is a newcomer, and felt that a big star like Chen Yueqing was very powerful, so she stood up nervously and bowed to her, "H-Hello, I'm a new employee of the He Group, and my name is Meng Lu. Advise!"

Chen Yueqing felt that her face was strange, looked at her slightly, and asked in an arrogant manner: "What is your position?"

"The designer of the latest women's clothing brand."

"Oh, you are the unlucky ghost whose name was stolen by JK, and you specially made Ze Feng spend so much time and energy on this matter.

I'm afraid I won't have advice, I'm afraid you won't go to work with me, even if you design clothes, I won't wear them.The clothes I can wear are either international famous brands or the works of our company's top designers. "

Chen Yueqing suddenly realized and nodded, then her attitude became even more contemptuous, and her words were also ugly.

Because she was neglected by He Zefeng, she vented all her unhappiness on the little staff.

Meng Lu's face was a little ugly and a little uncomfortable when she said that, she drooped her head and said nothing.

Shen Wanbai's temper immediately came up, she knew that Chen Yueqing was difficult to get along with, but it was too much to mock a new designer in front of so many people!

"Miss Chen Yueqing, I don't know if you have received any new scripts recently. If there are any, then our company's top designers are probably busy designing new clothes for you again."

Shen Wanbai pulled Meng Lu back, and looked at Chen Yueqing with a smile on his face.

Everyone knows that Ming Entertainment Company has been promoting several new artists recently, and there are obvious signs that they want to control Chen Yueqing's development, so she obviously has no new scripts to accept.

When Shen Wan Bai asked this question, he deliberately wanted to ridicule him back, and specially used honorifics, making the mockery even stronger.

Because Chen Yueqing had He Zefeng as a big backer before, no one dared to ridicule her like this in front of Chen Yueqing.

But now Shen Wanbai didn't take her seriously at all, and said it lightly, showing that he was confronting her tit for tat.

He Zefeng, who was talking to Wen Zechen, raised his eyebrows without leaving any trace, and looked at Shen Wanbai meaningfully, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yueqing suddenly felt that she couldn't hold back her face, her noble smile froze on her face, and her eyes became fierce.

"What are you! How dare you talk to me like this? Your face looks familiar. Oh, I remembered. It's the new translator. Don't think that you have completed a few tasks here at Zefeng. It's senior, if I want to play you to death, it's as easy as crushing an ant!"

Shen Wanbai felt that she was really stupid, and didn't understand why such a woman could stay by He Zefeng's side for so long.

Everyone knows that when you are in the workplace, don't talk so full of words and talk so rampantly. It is the right way to leave yourself a way out. If you are as arrogant as her, you don't know how you will die one day.

Shen Wanbai thought that she was already very young, but she didn't expect Chen Yueqing to be less disciplined in the workplace than her.

"I never said that. At least, I came with Mr. He, and I didn't force myself to stay later."

Shen Wan Bai shrugged his shoulders, showing an innocent and cowardly look.

But what she said irritated Chen Yueqing again.

Chen Yueqing directly patted the things in her hand on the table, stood up and pointed at Shen Wanbai: "Get out! Where I am, it's not your turn to be presumptuous!"

Seeing that the atmosphere became solemn and cold, Song Si lowered his voice and said to Shen Wanbai: "You can just say a few words, she just has this temper."

Then he stood up again, and said to Chen Yueqing with a lost smile: "Oh, it's rare for everyone to get together, so don't hurt your friendship because of a misunderstanding. Miss Chen Yueqing used to have too many scripts to finish, and she was too tired from work. For a while, I heard from your agent that you want to take a break."

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