CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 476 Majors

"I know, so I don't intend to go with you, I will wait for you outside, and you will come out directly when you are done."

After He Zefeng finished speaking, he looked towards a corridor next to him, and there happened to be an employee passing by, he took off the peaked cap of the employee, and put it on Shen Wanbai's head.

Shen Wanbai stared at this scene dumbfounded, and later realized that the employee who walked past just now was someone He Zefeng had arranged in advance!
"Then I'll go."

Shen Wan Bai didn't ask any further questions, after pulling on his peaked cap, he prepared to go to a crowded place to inquire about the situation.

Before she left, He Zefeng grabbed her wrist and reminded: "As you said before, dealing with JK is the most important thing, so you should pay attention to him, understand?"

"okay, I get it."

Shen Wan Bai kept his words in his heart.

After that, he pretended to be calm and mingled with the crowd here.

She didn't intend to dig out anything from Jian Anran at first, after all, Jian Anran is just a shell boss, she just needs to pay the money.

Those teams of hers are so powerful in twisting right and wrong that it may be difficult to find any evidence.

While Shen Wanbai was looking for their design team, he also paid attention to the movements of other people.

She saw JK talking to a group of people, and when she was about to walk over, she found Meng Lu standing in the corner, looking at JK with resentment.

At this time, Jian Anran and her team came out from another room and saw Meng Lu.

Shen Wan Bai was startled, it's inappropriate for the original partner and the third party to appear on such an occasion at the same time, right?

She approached them quietly, trying to see if she could hear anything of value.

"Who told you to come here?" Jian Anran walked in front of Meng Lu, lowered her voice, and asked in a harsh tone.

"I'm an employee of the company, why can't I come over?" Meng Lu's tone was also very bad.

"You - okay, you stay here, don't talk too much, you know?"

"When will you do what you promised me?"

"What's the hurry? Didn't you see that the company was in a public relations crisis some time ago? After the turmoil subsides, I will naturally make it clear."

Meng Lu snorted coldly, and said in a mocking and disbelieving tone: "Your words have no credibility with me. This press conference, you have spent so much time on publicity, and you have attracted so much attention." Pay attention, once new designs and styles are released, it will only confirm that JK is the original designer of these works!
Jane Anran, I was deceived by you once, twice...but I won't be deceived by you forever! "

When Meng Lu talked about the latter, she almost gritted her teeth and waited for Jian Anran with hatred.

"Tch, damn girl, shameless." Jian Anran cursed in a low voice, and immediately winked at the security guard next to her, "Kick her out, don't let her spoil the press conference, everyone who comes here is very influential. Big journalists and media specially invited celebrities to support the scene, so it must not be messed up!"

"Got it, boss."

The security guards immediately grabbed Meng Lu from left to right, and dragged her outside by force.

Meng Lu couldn't struggle, her mouth was covered when she wanted to shout, and the other employees here were all from Jian Anran, so no one dared to take care of them even if they saw it.

Shen Wanbai sensed that something was wrong, the conflict between Meng Lu and Jian Anran seemed to have nothing to do with feelings, but it was inextricably related to these designs.

She looked at the direction in which Meng Lu was being dragged away, turned her eyes again, checked the surrounding situation, and when she was sure that no one had noticed her, she quietly left here and followed to find out.

The two security guards dragged Meng Lu to the back warehouse and pushed Meng Lu in.

"You can stay inside for a while." Anbao and Meng Lu spoke politely, with helplessness on their faces.

Shen Wan Bai followed them all the way to the warehouse, saw them stop, immediately found a place to hide, and carefully observed the situation there.

"Let go of me, let me speak clearly with Jane Anran!"

Meng Lu was very emotional, and she struggled hard, trying to get out of the confinement of the two people.

Although the two security guards were helpless and even guilty, they did not let her go because of this, but persuaded her: "Meng Lu, I know you are also very wronged, what Jian Anran and JK did is not appropriate, but we also You're just a part-time worker, so don't embarrass us. We'll let you out after the press conference is over."

When Shen Wan Bai heard this, she still felt that the matter was absolutely beyond her guess, and there must be something important hidden, so without much hesitation, she took out her mobile phone and recorded this scene.

"I don't want to embarrass you, but after this press conference is over, what chance do I have to clarify my explanation? At that time, everyone will think that those works belong to JK! But in fact? He is nothing! The random members of the team Even a small designer is more professional than him!"

Meng Lu was very emotional, and when she said these words, her eyes turned red.

But she was helpless, there was no way to break away from those people, she could only watch herself being pushed into the warehouse, and then the door closed in front of her eyes.

After the two security guards pushed her in, they shook their heads helplessly and stood guard outside.

There was Meng Lu's knocking on the warehouse door and her unwilling cries, but the security guards were helpless.

With the money given by Jian Anran, he had to do things for her.

If they relented, they'd lose the job.

So they chose to be wise and protect their lives.

After Shen Wanbai observed from a distance for a while, he was sure that Meng Lu would not come out, and the two security guards also planned to wait until the end of the press conference, so they put away their phones, walked over without thinking.

"I want to see Meng Lu." Shen Wan Bai pressed the peaked cap on his head and said to them.

"who are you?"

The two security guards immediately interrogated her vigilantly, looking up and down at the same time.

"I'm Meng Lu's friend and I work here with her. I know the boss locked her in, but I still want to go in and meet her."

"No, let's go, we can't let anyone in, if you want to see her, just wait until the press conference is over."

Shen Wanbai thought for a while, and changed his words: "I know what you are worried about, how about this, you lock me in too, and then release us both after it's over. This way, it won't embarrass you, and also Allow me to accompany Meng Lu."

Originally, the two security guards sympathized with Meng Lu very much, and the method Shen Wanbai said was indeed feasible, so after hesitating for a while, they agreed.

The two of them also kindly reminded her: "If you really want to go in, you won't be able to get out until the reception is over. Have you made up your mind?"

"Well, please trouble the two big brothers."

Shen Wan Bai nodded, showing a grateful smile to them.

The security guard took out the key, opened the door, and immediately pushed Shen Wan Bai in, not allowing the two of them to have any chance to escape, and quickly locked the door again.

Meng Lu was tired from shouting in the warehouse, and her hands hurt from clapping. She was sitting on the ground, her eyes staring blankly.

She was startled when she saw someone coming in.

"Meng Lu." Shen Wan Bai looked around, saw her in the corner, walked over quickly, squatted in front of her, and called her name.

"You are..." Meng Lu thought she looked familiar, and finally remembered after thinking about it, "Did I meet you in college?"

"Yes. You showed me the way that day."

Shen Wanbai would not be able to tell what was going on for a while, so he simply let go of all the speculations in his heart, and planned to get to know the girl in front of him again.

"Why were you imprisoned?" Meng Lu looked at her suspiciously. Seeing the work card hanging around her neck, her expression became a little strange, and she also resisted, "Are you also a worker for Jian Anran?"

"No, I'm not. I just sneaked in and wanted to know about JK."

Shen Wanbai shouldn't have talked too much with Meng Lu, but she subconsciously felt that Meng Lu was not a bad person, maybe being more frank with Meng Lu would make it easier to investigate.

What's more, He Zefeng said that the designer he was looking for was Meng Lu, so it was very possible that Meng Lu would become her colleague in the future.

According to this speculation, it must be a friend rather than an enemy.

"Know what he does?"

Meng Lu's eyes were more complicated and contradictory.

When mentioning JK, there was obvious disgust and anger in his tone.

Shen Wanbai saw all these emotions in her eyes, and said what was in her heart: "Do you still remember the uproar of listing production before? I despise Jane Anran's behavior of deceiving consumers, but now, They can actually turn black and white, and I sneaked in just to investigate."

Meng Lu didn't expect her to speak so directly, and she didn't hide her distaste for Jian Anran Company at all, so she became emotional again.

Suddenly her eyes flushed, she grabbed Shen Wanbai's hand, choked up and said: "Yes! You are right! Jian Anran and her team are too disgusting! They bully people too much! They, they... are too much !"

When Meng Lu said these words, her face was full of grievances and sorrows, as if the negative emotions that had been suppressed for a long time, because she found someone with the same path, she suddenly found an outlet and let them all out.

Shen Wanbai's heart sank, and he comforted her softly: "Although I don't know what happened, I know that there seems to be a big conflict between you, Jian Anran, and JK, if you don't mind, you can tell me Listen? Maybe I can help you find a way?"

Meng Lu shook her head: "It's useless, you have no money, no power, no power, how can you fight with Jian Anran? The person in charge of the factory, Xiao Liu, isn't he in the middle of a lawsuit with Jian Anran? Can't afford to sue.

His factory's reputation was damaged, no one dared to cooperate with him, and his factory was on the verge of bankruptcy. What about Jane Anran?The company is still thriving!Why? !Why is this world so unfair! "

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