CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 458 Entertainment

Her originally flushed cheeks were even redder at the base of her ears.

"Well, that... It's getting late, I'll go to bed first! Thank you for the clothes, but let's talk about it after work is over!"

Shen Wan Bai stammered, in order not to be bullied by He Zefeng, he immediately hung up the phone.

In the afternoon, she was a little depressed because of this incident.

As a result, when she returned to the hotel at night, she got such a big surprise.

The man He Zefeng seemed so cold and unapproachable, but she found that he seemed to be a master at flirting with girls.

It's hidden really deep, it looks like an old fox at first glance!
Shen Wan Bai threw the phone aside, and rolled around on the bed hugging the quilt.

What He Zefeng said just now echoed in his head.

The more I thought about it, the more shy I felt, and my heart was beating fast.

She despised herself very much in her heart.

Well worthless!
After sending a piece of clothing and saying a few words, her emotions were completely taken away by He Zefeng.

What can I do in the future!

No no no!

She has to find herself, and she must not be confused by him!
Originally, she was still very sleepy, but now she was completely out of her pajamas, and she was very excited.

Lying on the bed and staring at the red dress for a long time, in the end I was really bored, so I picked up my mobile phone to surf the Internet.

She can log in to some domestic websites. At this time, it is almost morning in China, and it is also the time for the major gossip media to go to work.

Shen Wanbai flipped through the news on the Internet, inadvertently glanced at the word "war", and immediately concentrated his attention and glanced again.

Sure enough, it was news related to the He Group.

She is very sensitive to things about He Zefeng now, so she immediately clicked in to check the content.

This news was a few days ago, but the popularity has not diminished.

After seeing the photos inside, she understood why the popularity was so high.

The gossip circle likes gossip news the most, and what is reported at this time is the gossip about He Zefeng.

There are several photos in the article, showing He Zefeng and another woman with long hair and a mask walking side by side.

The two of them seem to have a good relationship, at least familiar.

There are two photos that are particularly misleading.

One is that the woman got into the car, and He Zefeng bent down to talk to her.

The other is the moment when the two of them entered the hotel's premium box.

Either way, it looks like an intimate couple.

Shen Wan Bai's eyes stayed on these photos, and his heart "thumped".

If she guessed correctly, the photo was taken on the night they came to Italy.

At that time, He Zefeng was not there, and Song Si said that he had something to do, and he would not meet until the next morning.

At that time, Shen Wanbai thought that He Zefeng was busy meeting important people, but he didn't expect that he was actually with another woman.

So, who is this woman?

It's definitely not Chen Yueqing, no matter in terms of height or temperament, they are two completely opposite people.

What's more, Chen Yueqing is still filming in China.

There are three hot topics on the Internet.

One is to guess who this woman is.

The second is the relationship between Chen Yueqing and He Zefeng.The third is to suspect their love triangle.Shen Wan Bai originally just read the gossip news with an attitude of being bored, but after seeing these contents, she instantly lost her good mood.

People on the Internet are saying that He Zefeng has a woman in China and another in foreign countries. They don't know who is his true love.

Some people started voting out of boredom, supporting who He Zefeng would be with.

All kinds of things surrounding the three of them were hotly discussed.

Once a woman is serious, she will become like Sherlock Holmes, not letting go of any details.

She flipped through it quickly, and what she wanted to know most now was who this woman was.

Soon she had her target locked on.

Yan Wan, a pianist who studied abroad in Italy, is very good and won many awards when he was young.

Another thing flashed through Shen Wanbai's mind instantly.

He Zefeng has something to do tomorrow, and he has something to do with the piano competition.

Shen Wanbai deduced instantly: He Zefeng is going to watch Yan Wan participate in the piano competition tomorrow.

For this woman, He Zefeng specially spared time.

She had to suspect that the relationship between Yan Wan and He Zefeng must not be simple.

Shen Wanbai sat up straight, and was about to look up information about tomorrow's piano competition, but halfway through, she suddenly felt boring.

Because she thought of one thing.

She has nothing to do with He Zefeng now.

Chen Yueqing, the relationship between Yan Wan and him is not certain.

In other words, the three women have the same identity, and no one is qualified to control He Zefeng.

Shen Wan Bai's heart suddenly sank and became cold.

What is she doing stupid?

He Zefeng really has no shortage of women.

How could she choose to believe his words and give him time to deal with it?
Fortunately, what she waited for was not He Zefeng and Chen Yueqing separating their relationship, but another unidentified woman.

Shen Wanbai really wanted to call He Zefeng and ask him what was going on.

But she was afraid again.

Worried that she really heard the result she least wanted to believe.

After much deliberation, Shen Wanbai decided to put the phone away, and then lay down to sleep.

Now it's just a few photos.

Maybe it's not as serious as she thought?

What about the piano competition?
Maybe He Zefeng is going to sell the piano?

He is a businessman, and he sells whatever makes money, which is normal.

Yes, I don't want to.

It doesn't matter if she is sad or disappointed, or she continues to hope for him.

Everything will be discussed tomorrow.

Even if we can't meet until the day after tomorrow, she decided to call tomorrow to find out.

After a nap, she becomes more awake.

Shen Wan Bai closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep.

By the next day, she found that her mood had not improved.

Still interested in those photos.

Song Si and the others called her and told her to go to the restaurant for breakfast, and then went on to play for the day.

Shen Wan Bai put away the clothes, put on casual clothes, and hurried down.

During the meal, the rest of the people were talking and laughing, no one mentioned the matter of He Zefeng and Yan Wan, as if they didn't know about it.

Only Shen Wanbai was absent-minded.

Song Si noticed her abnormality, and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you? You seem to have something on your mind early in the morning."

"I'm fine, maybe I was a little tired from playing yesterday." Shen Wan Bai pulled a smile with difficulty.

Seeing that she didn't seem to want to talk very much, Song Si hesitated for a while and finally didn't ask, but just told her to say anything she wanted to say.

Shen Wan Bai smiled gratefully at him.

She hangs out with other people, and Wayne acts as their guide himself.

There are many places of interest in Italy, and the squares and churches are also very famous. The rest of the people had a good time, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

It's rare to go abroad, and you don't need to work, it's pure entertainment.

Except for private shopping, all food, drink and lodging here will be reimbursed by He Zefeng. They must make their stomachs round and visit all the nearby attractions!
Shen Wan Bai also wanted to be like them, relax and not think about anything.

But she couldn't.

Thinking that He Zefeng would be with Yan Wan at this time, she felt very uncomfortable.

When I was eating in the restaurant at noon, I don't know who mentioned this topic.

"Has the piano competition started? I heard that there are many internationally renowned performers, and the judges are all top-notch in the world."

"Why, do you want to see it?"

"Of course, but this time you can't buy a ticket if you have money, you have to be a person with status."

"Mr. He seems to be gone?"

When the name He Zefeng was mentioned, Shen Wanbai subconsciously "thumped", and couldn't help paying attention, listening to their conversation quietly.

"I don't know. But Mr. He specially set aside this day, it is very likely that he will go. They are all powerful people, their world is too high, we can't squeeze in, so we just watch the live broadcast and so on."

Seeing that their conversation was getting more and more exaggerated, Song Si interrupted: "Okay, you are too concerned about Mr. He's affairs, work hard, don't think so much."

His special assistant had already said so, and it was difficult for others to continue the discussion, and soon diverted from other topics.

However, Wayne, who always had a hearty smile, shook the wine glass in his hand at this time, and did not join their conversation, but was lost in thought, showing a little worried expression.

Shen Wan Bai really had no appetite, was in a bad mood, and his complexion was even worse.

She admitted that she was worthless, and all she could think about was about He Zefeng.

This kind of hiding is really not in her character, if she doesn't ask clearly, she can really suffocate to death.

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Shen Wanbai felt like sitting on pins and needles, in the end he still took the phone, found an excuse to leave, went to a place where no one was around, and dialed He Zefeng's phone number.

She held the phone nervously and waited quietly.

After two rings, it was hung up.

Shen Wanbai looked at the blacked out screen, and his heart suddenly turned cold.

He was with other women, so he didn't even answer her phone?
But obviously last night, he gave her a big surprise. He was still tender with her before, so why did he change his face?
Men really are big pigs!A liar who knows how to coax girls!
Shen Wanbai's nose was sore, and he had the urge to shed tears.

She hated herself for being like this, feeling very cowardly and weak.

Isn't it just a man!She doesn't serve anymore!

Just pretend that she slept with a handsome guy for free, anyway, it's not a loss!
Shen Wan Bai sniffed, rubbed his eyes and prepared to leave.

The phone she had just put in her pocket began to vibrate.

Caller ID is Big Bad Wolf.

My heart trembled again.

She wanted to hang up in anger, but finally answered obediently.

He Zefeng's magnetic, slightly deep voice came quickly: "Wan Bai, I heard from Wei En and Song Si that you went out to play early in the morning. How is it? Are you happy?"

Shen Wan Bai was very angry and disappointed before, and was even ready to ignore him.

It was at the moment of hearing his voice that all previous determinations collapsed, and besides being unhappy, depressed, there was also grievance.

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