"You can't go up here, the snow here is extraordinarily soft, if you go up, it may cause an avalanche!"
The expert suddenly felt a little thankful that he had conducted a survey of the back mountain before and got such a result. Otherwise, these people would climb up the mountain rashly, which might cause unexpected results.
"But they're still up there. It looks like they can't get down. They need our help to wave to us."
The person in charge was also caught in a dilemma. The court and the others were still staying on the top of the mountain, obviously wanting to rescue them as soon as possible.I don't know how the materials on their bodies are now, whether they are enough to support them.
"Is there no other way than here?"
He Zefeng buried his head and looked around, and finally found that there was indeed no other way to go except this side, and the other two sides were also blocked by heavy snow, and the depth of the snow was unpredictable.
Besides, when people were still trying to figure out a way to solve this matter, Shen Wan Bai who was holding a telescope suddenly yelled at them.
"The person standing next to the palace looks a bit like Qi Jue, I'm not sure, come and have a look!"
After Shen Wanbai finished speaking, he threw the telescope into He Zefeng's hand. He Zefeng took it over and took a look, and found that the figure of the person next to the palace was somewhat similar to Qi Jue.
After seeing He Zefeng nodding, Shen Wanbai immediately rushed back to the tent where the boy was.
The boy was a little surprised when he saw Shen Wan Bai barging in suddenly, but he quickly calmed down again.
"Before you ran out, did Qi Juehe's other boy get hurt, and do you know how the situation is?"
Shen Wan Bai asked while tugging at the boy's clothes.
The boy was stunned by this question, and nodded after thinking about it for a while. He seemed to remember looking back when he was running, and there was blood on Qi Jue's body.
When Shen Wanbai got the news, he immediately ran back to the person in charge and told it again, if Qi Jue was injured, then he really couldn't wait any longer.
"How about this! Everyone evacuates from the base first, stay far away, and send some professionals up to take a look. After you can save people, if an avalanche occurs, the only way to minimize the injury is!"
Under such conditions, the person in charge can only think of such a solution to the problem.
Everyone worked very efficiently. After the words of the person in charge came down, the people in the base quickly took action and were busy with their own affairs.
There were not many things in the tent, they were all medical equipment, which were quickly emptied by everyone.
Shen Wanbai retreated to a safe place with everyone, and then observed the situation here with the binoculars.
Several rock climbing experts are slowly setting off towards the top of the mountain. Every time the experts rise one meter, everyone's hearts are lifted.
Rock climbing is one thing. Hearing that the mountain was covered with heavy snow, it obviously caused a lot of obstacles to several rock climbing experts. After seeing the experts stepping in the air twice, they finally climbed to the top of the mountain.
"Don't scare yourself, everything will be fine!" He Zefeng noticed that the person next to him was very nervous, and immediately hugged him into his arms.
Getting to the top of the mountain is obviously no easy feat, but neither is bringing people down.
After Shen Wanbai waited with everyone holding his breath below for nearly three hours, the experts finally brought the few people on the top of the mountain to the ground successfully.
Shen Wanbai was the first person to rush up, and as soon as she rushed up, she saw Qi Jue who was dying in the arms of the expert.
All of a sudden, Shen Wanbai felt that his feet were heavy and he couldn't move them. Later, the people running behind her frantically passed her, and carried them into the tent.
He Zefeng came up from behind, held Shen Wanbai's hand and walked forward.
It's just that He Zefeng didn't bring Shen Wanbai into the tent, but stood outside the tent instead.Now the people in the tent must be inspecting Qi Jue and the others, and now the two of them are just obstructing them when they go in.
I don't know how long I waited outside, when Shen Wan Bai felt that his face was freezing, finally the people inside the tent slowly came out.
"I just heard that the inside has been dealt with, you can go in if you want to see it!"
The person in charge of the base did not know when he appeared behind the two of them, but Shen Wanbai did not have the intention to take care of her.After hearing what the person in charge said, she immediately walked into the tent.
There were not many people left in the tent now, Qi Jue and another boy in her team were lying on the bed, and the palace and the others stood beside them.
"Wan Bai! Why are you here?"
The palace turned around and saw Shen Wanbai was also quite surprised, it was incredible when they picked up Qi Jue on the way before.
He really never thought that a rich lady like Qi Jue would come over to be a volunteer.
"As you can see, we are also volunteers, but we are more unlucky!"
Shen Wan Bai spent a long time thinking about it, but he could only think of bad luck to describe them, isn't it just bad luck?
On the first day of volunteering in the mountains, I met people from Huaiyou Village, and then... alas!Don't mention it.
"Oh, by the way, we picked them up on the road. Although the injuries were relatively serious, we gave them first aid measures, and we just performed some remedial measures. Now thinking about it, there shouldn't be any big problems .”
Seeing that Shen Wanbai had been staring at Qi Jue on the bed, the court remembered to explain.
"But how did you find us? We stood on the top of the mountain for a long time, and no one saw us!"
The palace felt tired thinking about it. They had climbed to the top of the mountain a long time ago, but there was no way to get down, so they had been waiting for the people at the base to find them.
Later, they didn't expect that they stayed on the top of the mountain for nearly four or five hours before someone found them and took them down the mountain.

"It should be thanks to your clothes!" Shen Wanbai took a look at the palace's clothes that had been eclipsed in the tent.
Hearing that the palace looked down at his clothes, is there anything wrong with his clothes?
"If you want to know what's going on, go out and have a look now! I believe you will understand the reason without us explaining it."
Seeing the bewildered look on the palace's face, He Zefeng knew that he hadn't reacted yet, so he pointed out aloud.
Really curious what happened to his clothes, the palace had no choice but to open the tent and go out.
When he stood on the open ground, he finally understood that his clothes were very reflective. Now standing in the middle of the base, he was like a light bulb, shining blingblingly.
The court who found out about this matter babbled and explained, not knowing whether they should be happy or what to do.
"You should be happy. If it weren't for your clothes, we might not be able to find you, so take them home and confess!"
Shi Yao didn't know when she went out with the court. Although she didn't know the court, she found it funny to see the palace master in a daze, so she stepped forward and said such a thing.
Shen Wanbai in the tent was relieved to see Qi Jue sleeping soundly.It's just that Qi Jue was a little injured just looking at it, his face was bruised and purple, and he didn't know how much was under the clothes and above.
"This is already the best ending, isn't it?" He Zefeng gently squeezed the hand of the person next to him.
Afterwards, he felt the corner of his clothes being gently tugged. When he looked down, he found that it was a girl about four years old.
"Hello, who are you? Why are you here!" Shen Wanbai squatted down, I must be a girl, but the girl was obviously a little scared, and got behind He Zefeng.
Shen Wan Bai didn't know how to react when he saw this scene, shouldn't it be that she seems to get along better than He Zefeng?It's just that why does this child only pester He Zefeng and not himself?
He Zefeng didn't care what the people around him thought, instead he knelt down and asked the girl a few words.
It's just that the girl didn't know why she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but just pulled his clothes tightly, as if looking for a sense of security.
"This child was discovered together with Qi Jue and the others. We thought of many ways to talk to her, but she didn't say a word and ignored us. I didn't expect that she was still pestering you."
When the palace walked into the tent, they saw the little girl He Zefeng and the others picked up halfway in their arms.
But what surprised them the most was that the little girl actually put her arms around He Zefeng's neck, as if the two had known each other a long time ago.
"You said she was so dependent on you, I should have you suspect that she is your illegitimate daughter raised outside?"
As soon as Shi Yao entered the tent, she heard Shen Wan Bai say that she was stuck between the tent curtains and didn't know whether to go in or come out.
"Did I say before that you are not suitable for telling bad jokes!" He Zefeng rolled his eyes and carried the girl out of the tent.
Although Shen Wanbai is now in the mood to joke with him, it is something to be happy about, but what Shen Wanbai said really made him unhappy.
Seeing that He Zefeng and Shen Wanbai had left the tent, Shi Yao had no intention of going back in, and followed them directly.
It's just that she looked at the little girl in He Zefeng's arms, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar she looked.
Shi Yao thought that he finally figured out who this little girl was like, so Dang even took Shen Wanbai's hand beside him, and dragged her to the other side.
"Tongyi? You mean this child looks like Tongyi?"
When Shen Wanbai heard that Shi Yao didn't mean that he was a little overwhelmed, he just thought about it for a while, it seemed that the little girl was indeed childish between her eyebrows.
"I'll ask!" Shi Yao really had a hot-tempered personality, and immediately ran to He Zefeng after speaking.
He Zefeng, I have already put the little girl down and let her play in the open space of the base.Originally, He Zefeng wanted to bring her back into the tent to be warmer, but the little girl refused to enter the tent anyway.

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