CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 267 The Strange Girl

This matter cannot be said that Shen Wanbai is as realistic as it is, nor can it be said that Shi Yao is too idealistic.I can only say that everything I saw when I was a student was beautiful, and I didn't see the cruelty behind the beautiful things.

Today's Shen Wanbai can only hope that Shi Yao's edges and corners will not be smoothed by life in the end.


The three of Shen Wanbai originally planned to set off on the second day, but they didn't expect that there would be another hailstorm on the second day!
In this way, it was impossible to hurry, so they had no choice but to spend the night at the old village head's house.

"God doesn't let us go!" After hearing the sound of the hailstorm for a while, Shi Yao was sure that the hailstorm would not stop for a while, so she had no choice but to sit down by the stove.

At noon, something seemed to happen in the village, and the village head and his family all went out.

The three of Shen Wanbai stayed at the old village head's house for a long time but no one came back.In the end, it was Erwa who ran over to ask Shen Wanbai, saying that their teacher was sick.

"Sister, please accompany me to save my teacher, my teacher is dying, only you can save him."

Erwa couldn't cry, she had runny nose and tears, Shen Wanbai saw this appearance, and quickly picked up the medicine in the corner.

"Drinking talisman water doesn't work, how can it be cured by a few doctors! No, those doctors are here to play Gu!"

As soon as Shen Wanbai and the three approached the teacher's house, they heard someone arguing. After they passed by, they found a group of people gathered by the door, and they didn't know what they were arguing about.

"Stop arguing, the doctor is here to ask them to check and treat what's wrong!"

The old village chief stood in the middle of the crowd, and when he saw Shen Wanbai, he hurriedly made way for him.

Shen Wan Bai immediately couldn't care what these people were arguing about, and rushed inside when he brought up his own things.Originally, He Zefeng wanted to follow, but as soon as he lifted his foot, he was stopped outside the door.

"The teacher is a girl, it's not suitable for you to go in, you wait outside!" said the man who stopped her.

No way, He Zefeng had no choice but to sit outside.

Shen Wan Bai led Shi Yao to the innermost part of the house very quickly.

There were many people in the room, mainly women, and the group of women surrounded a bed.

It was only after Shen Wanbai walked in that he saw a woman lying on the bed, but the woman was too thin and emaciated.I don't know if it's because I've been sick for too long, or because I've always been so thin.

But no matter what, Shen Wanbai can be sure that this teacher has been malnourished for a long time.

"Oh, doctor, you are here. They didn't let you be called just now. I just quietly asked Erwa to call you here. Come and see how the teacher is doing!"

Surrounding the innermost one is Erwa's mother.Because Shen Wanbai treated her wrist yesterday, she still trusts Shen Wanbai.

In the end, with the efforts of the second baby's mother, Shen Wan Bai finally broke through the artificial meat wall and squeezed to the bedside.

Shen Wanbai focused on treating the patient emotionally, but the gazes from the people around her really made her a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Shen Wan Bai's ability to resist stress is good, after thinking about his state, he came up and touched the forehead of the person lying on the bed, and found that it was not hot.

Shi Yao, who was traveling with her, glanced at the things next to her. There were two large cans of wine on the table. She should have physically reduced the fever just now, but it didn't work.

"Physics failed to reduce the fever, it seems that we can only use antipyretics." Shi Yao's words were quickly denied by Shen Wanbai.

If it burns like this, the antipyretic medicine may not be effective, so it's better to get an injection quickly.

"The fever hasn't lasted for a day or two. It should be cured in time. If the fever continues, even if life can be saved, I'm afraid I'm going to be a fool!"

Shen Wanbai's words quieted down the noisy crowd, thinking that these people were frightened by his words, Shen Wanbai didn't pay much attention to it, but focused on dispensing the medicine.

The medicine was prepared quickly, and when Shen Wanbai wanted to seize the time to inject the medicine into the human body, she was stopped by someone. The person who stopped her was a 60-year-old grandma.

Grandma still said something that Shen Wan Bai could not understand, but it was not very important.Because the grandma was quickly squeezed aside by the second baby's mother.

After no one else disturbed him, Shen Wan Bai quickly inserted the needle.

I have to say that the injection came quickly, and teacher Erwa's fever subsided a little after half an hour.

Shen Wan Bai got up and wanted to find some medicine for the teacher to take, but unexpectedly she stood up.The 60-year-old grandma just stepped back a few steps, with horror written on her face.

It was also at this time that Shen Wanbai saw clearly that the old grandma was wearing clothes with national characteristics, but it was a bit out of tune with this world,

"Sister Wan Bai, does she think we gave the teacher some medicine?"

Shi Yao hid behind Shen Wanbai and asked.This grandma is really scary, both in her expression and her clothes.

"I don't know!" Shi Yao was afraid, and Shen Wanbai was also afraid, but she was older than Shi Yao, so she couldn't show it well and had to force herself.

"You guys go out first, there's nothing else going on here!" Fortunately, Erwa's mother stood between Shen Wanbai and grandma in the end, thus blocking the grandma's sight.

With someone backing him up, Shen Wanbai didn't care much, so he pulled Shi Yao along and left.

When I came, I passed through many crowds, and when I left, I also had to pass through the crowds.The only difference is that just now the women's attention was on Teacher Erwa who was on the bed, but now their attention is on Shen Wan Bai and Shi Yao.

Finally squeezed outside, Shen Wan Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief, but before taking two steps, he bumped into another girl squatting in a corner.

"Sister, you two are so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful!"

The girl's face was dirty, Shen Wanbai's figure judged that the girl should be in her 20s, but when she spoke, she looked like an 8-year-old child.

"What are you guys going to do? Aren't you going to leave? Hurry up!" A woman suddenly rushed out of her heart to protect the girl behind her, and yelled at Shen Wan Bai and Shi Yao.

When leaving, Shen Wan Bai looked back at the girl again, the girl's gaze was very dull, as if her mind was immature.

He Zefeng waited outside for nearly an hour, and finally got the person out. Before he had time to ask what was going on inside, he quickly dragged the person out of the yard.

To be honest, the group of men in the courtyard outside stared at the two of them after Shen Wan Bai came back, looking a little strange.

After a lot of tossing, they finally returned to the village chief's house. After all the tossing, it was already dark, but the three of them had no choice but to sit there and wait for the family to come back.

"Sister Wan Bai, that girl looked a little strange just now!" Shi Yao couldn't help shivering when I thought of the way the girl looked at her before.

"What girl?" Shi Yao's words caught He Zefeng's attention.

Shen Wan Bai shook his head upon hearing this. "That girl must be mentally ill. She must have been stimulated or fell ill, so she became like that."

I have also seen such cases when I was studying abroad before. Such people usually have dull eyes and talk a little silly.

"A girl with mental damage? Is she wearing a pink padded jacket with two braids?" He Zefeng told Shen Wanbai that I remembered it, and I also met such a girl when I was waiting outside the yard.

Shi Yao recalled what the girl was wearing at that time, and nodded.

So He Zefeng recalled the situation this afternoon to Shen Wanbai and the two, not long after Shen Wanbai and Shi Yao entered the room, a girl rushed out, saying something in her mouth.

It's just that the girl was stopped by a few big men next to her and locked up before she could run two more steps.

"I always feel that this village is weird. It seems that they don't welcome us, so let's go early tomorrow. Anyway, the village chief also said that there is no big problem here."

He Zefeng was a little worried about the witch mentioned by the village chief's son yesterday. This place is not only remote, but also very feudal in thinking.

Shi Yao immediately nodded and agreed, only Shen Wan Bai was immersed in her own thoughts.When he reacted, he agreed in one gulp.

But when the village chief's family came back, the three of them were hindered from leaving the next day.

The first thing the village chief did when he came back was to find Shen Wanbai, and said that he hoped they could stay in the village for two days.

The village has been closed to the outside world for many years, and roads will be blocked by heavy snow in winter for many years.But this year, there are a lot of people who are sick. It was also because of mistrust yesterday, so the village chief finally understood the matter.

Knowing that there were patients in the village, Shen Wanbai and the three naturally couldn't stand by and watch, so they could only stay and check the situation.

"Who is my mom's grandma today? What did she tell us?"

Shen Wan Bai originally didn't intend to take care of this matter, but they had already decided to stay, so naturally they had to ask clearly.

Hearing Shen Wanbai's question, Erwa's mother was stunned for two seconds, but soon returned to normal.

"That's the witch in our village. She stopped you from giving Teacher Erwa an injection today because she thought you were trying to trick her with ill intentions!"

Erwa's mother blushed a little when she said that, a little embarrassed.

"You also know that our place is a bit remote, so we don't know much about these things, and it's normal to be on guard. I hope you don't mind."

The old village chief explained.

"Dean, what's the situation with the girl I saw today?" He Zefeng's question made everyone quiet.

The three of Shen Wanbai didn't know why they didn't answer, the others seemed to be avoiding this question.

After some twists and turns in his heart, the village chief decided to tell the truth, and Shen Wanbai and the three of them realized that the girl was the daughter of Teacher Erwa.

Teacher Erwa suddenly appeared in Huaiyou Village more than 10 years ago.

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