CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 251 Reasons

Been a doctor for so many years.It's just to accumulate more experience and want to cure him.
Looking at his legs, Brother Ang could only sigh helplessly, he was really a drag on the family.

On the way back, Shen Wanbai thought for a long time and still couldn't figure out why she didn't speak, so Mr. Wu agreed directly.
Could it be that she was moved by her sincerity, but it's not right, she never said her purpose from entering the door to leaving, but it was Mr. Wu who mentioned it himself.
After thinking about it, Shen Wanbai still felt that this whole matter could only be solved by He Zefeng, so he kept his eyes on the man beside him.
"Oh, just tell me why!" Shen Wanbai waited for a long time but didn't hear He Zefeng's words, so he couldn't help biting the arm of the man beside Yiye.
He Zefeng originally meant to hang on to Shen Wanbai's appetite, and wanted to see how long Shen Wanbai could endure, and Ruxin saw someone ask a question, so he had to hurry up and tell what he knew.
"You just saw that Brother Ang is inconvenient to move. The reason why Mr. Wu agreed is because of Brother Ang's legs."
Seeing that Shen Wanbai was extremely anxious and wanted to urge him to continue, He Zefeng cleared his throat and started talking again.
"Even though Brother Ang is lame, there is no problem with his eyes. Mr. Wu has lived for such a long time, so how could he not see that you are so polite, so they will know our purpose as soon as we enter the door."
What He Zefeng said actually explained why Mr. Wu would take the initiative to bring up this matter, and after agreeing, there was no wave on his face, and even a little bit of clarity emerged.
While talking, He Zefeng mentioned Brother Ang's legs, and this was what Shen Wanbai was most concerned about.
But these are family affairs, He Zefeng only knows a little, he can only tell Shen Wanbai everything he knows.
"It is said that the reason why Brother Ang hurt his leg was due to Mr. Wu's negligence." He Zefeng recalled what his grandfather said to him before.
Brother Ang is Mr. Wu's old son, and he should be very fond of him, but Mr. Wu was most busy with work when he was born.It is precisely because of this that conflicts with his wife have gradually increased.
If there are too many contradictions, it is easy to quarrel. One day when the two were arguing, they accidentally broke a vase.
"What does this have to do with vases?" Shen Wan Bai received a shudder from He Zefeng as soon as he asked the question.
"Can you listen to people and ask after they finish talking!"
At that time, Angkor was only three years old, and he was not yet stable enough to walk.It happened that his elder brother and sister were not there at the time. After hearing the noise downstairs, Brother Ang wanted to go downstairs to see what happened.
But I didn't expect that when I went down the stairs, I missed a step and rolled down the stairs directly.It's nothing, I didn't expect that after rolling down the stairs, I fell into the fragments of the vase, and the fragments just stuck into Angkor's leg.
"This is the reason why Brother Ang's legs are kicked now, and Mr. Wu also blames himself for this matter, thinking that it is because of himself that Brother Ang's legs are injured and he can't stand up. So it was originally a surgeon. Mr. Wu, the doctor, later transferred to the neurological department and can re-learn."
He Zefeng also felt very sorry about this incident. If Brother Ang could stand up, he should be a very good person.
"But the fragments are stuck in the leg, why can't you stand up, and Mr. Wu is not a doctor? Could it be..."
Shen Wan Bai suddenly became enlightened, he was stuck in his leg by a splinter and couldn't stand up, and even the surgeon couldn't solve it, if he wanted to switch to a neurologist, it could only mean that the splinter hurt the nerve.
In this way, it can also show that Mr. Wu will directly agree after she mentions what Moz said today.
"Did you already guess the result a long time ago, but why didn't you tell me?" Shen Wan Bai now only thinks that He Zefeng is very scheming and everything is good.
He Zefeng shook his head when he heard the words, he just wanted to bring Shen Wanbai here for a try, but he didn't expect it to be successful.And this success has nothing to do with him at all, it's all because of what Shen Wanbai said that made Mr. Wu change his mind.
Moreover, Mr. Wu has an extremely weird personality. When the scene where everyone was silent just now had cooled down, He Zefeng once thought that Mr. Wu would let people throw them out.
Seeing that He Zefeng didn't speak any more, he didn't ask any more questions, anyway, he was happily planning the future.
With the joining of Mr. Wu, there are 4 people in their research institute. Although there are not many people, there are real materials left. Well, the real materials refer to Mr. Wu and Moz.
But it's not enough for 4 people to support a research institute, after thinking about it, Shen Wanbai decided to go around the surrounding universities on the second day, maybe he might find something unexpected.
"Are you sure you want to dress like this to go to other people's universities?" He Zefeng couldn't understand Shen Wanbai's outfit today.
Just because you want to go to someone else's university, do you have to dress so tenderly, so that others will mistake it for a college student at a glance?
Shen Wanbai looked down at the skirt on his body, there was nothing special about it, it's just that the color was a little brighter, why didn't it fit?
"So you mean I don't look good in this dress?" Shen Wan Bai narrowed his eyes and asked.
He Zefeng shut up quickly when he came here, this is a proposition, and he can't answer it casually.
In the end, Shen Wan Bai still wore the dress that looked tender in the eyes, and went out happily.
But after Shen Wanbai arrived at his university, he regretted it a little. Her dress seemed a bit too conspicuous, and several people were looking at him.
Shen Wan Bai was walking well at first, but a basketball hit him directly, after that it was a normal process, a few students ran over to apologize to her.
"Student, I'm sorry! How are you? Do you want to go to the infirmary..." The boy who accidentally threw the ball on Shen Wan Bai's body was about to ask if he wanted to go to the infirmary, but he heard the bell ringing.
"I'm sorry, classmate, I'm the counselor's class, so I may not be able to send you to the infirmary. This is my phone number. If you have any questions, please call me. If you have no questions, you can also call me!"
The child touched his pocket, took out a piece of paper and stuffed it into Shen Wanbai's hand, then ran away without a trace.
"Why did you prepare the phone number in advance? Shouldn't you write it on the spot?" Shen Wanbai frowned with the phone number in your hand. When you frowned, you didn't take this matter seriously. Go to the administration building.

When Shen Wanbai was recruiting members of the research institute before, it was easier than this university, but later he ran into Xiao Lin on the side of the road.
After the two chatted for a while, Shen Wanbai discovered that Xiao Lin was a plastic talent, so he apologized to the teacher she had contacted, and then took Xiao Lin back to his research institute, without thinking of the school to see him again.
Who would have thought that after going around like this, she still came to this school to find someone.
"Miss Shen, welcome!" When Shen Wanbai arrived at the administration building, the teacher was already waiting for her there. Seeing Shen Wanbai, the teacher hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.
After chatting with each other at the entrance of the administrative building, they arrived at the teacher's office.
"This is the information I gave you as a promise. It contains an excellent student from the medical profession, who is also my child. You can take a look."
After receiving the materials handed over by the teacher, Shen Wan Bai quickly flipped through them.The information is very complete, even the students have won any awards.
The teacher was quite nervous when Shen Wanbai was reading the materials without speaking. As a teacher, he was a bit selfish. The materials he handed over were all from his subordinates.
After looking at Shen Wan Bai, he was still not sure, the selection of candidates is a major matter that cannot be decided with just a few pieces of paper.
"I may have to look again. If I confirm it before, I will let you know. Thank you this time, you have worked hard."
Shen Wan Bai's words made the teacher not know what to say, this is a polite refusal!But this is someone else's research institute, and he can't decide what kind of people they recruit.
"Okay, then I still have something to do, so I won't send it away!"
After finally coming out of the administration building, Shen Wanbai immediately stopped the passing students and asked about the classroom.
She, when she was in the teacher's office just now, she accidentally glanced at the student timetable on his desk, Shen Wanbai wrote down the classroom number on purpose, and wanted to have a look.
Fortunately, the students in this school are also very enthusiastic, and with the help of several students, they successfully found the classroom.
It was a coincidence that Shen Wanbai came here this time, it happened to be the end of get out of class time, but it was probably because the last class was going to be here, there were not many vacancies left.
After taking a look outside the classroom, Shen Wan Bai finally saw an empty seat in the back few rows, and hurriedly ran in and sat down, but when he sat down like this, he always attracted the attention of the people next to him.
"Hello, are you our professional? I haven't seen you before!" Shen Wan Bai was greeted by a girl who was very shy when she spoke.
"That's not me, I just came to attend the get out of class." Shen Wanbai smiled awkwardly, but the children didn't notice her anymore.
The time between classes was not very long, but it came very quickly, but after the class, he kept on lecturing without even asking questions. Shen Wanbai listened to it for a long time, except that he could know that the teacher who gave the lecture was quite capable. Didn't hear it.
Shen Wan Bai quietly moved a little to his side, then stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl sitting next to him. It wasn't that she was intentionally disturbing the class, but that the girl picked up the phone after 10 minutes of class.

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