Of course, after working hard last night, Tenant Fu felt that he had already paid enough rent, and Landlord Xi should have it.

But he didn't expect that what came the next morning was a desperate news. Fu Junmu went to work happily in the morning. Before he left, he put a note on the bedside to say good morning to his little wife. install.

After he arrived at the company, his whole body exuded a pleasant atmosphere, thinking of how enthusiastic his little wife was towards him last night, and how she cooperated with him so much, tsk!

However, after he came back from a morning meeting, he saw a text message he had just sent on his cell phone in the office.

My Empress Fu: Husband, you didn't pay enough rent last night, and it's useless.

F: .?
Seeing Xi Ruo's news, Fu Junmu expressed his doubts, isn't the rent paid enough? What's more, what does it mean that it's useless?
My Empress Fu: That's how it is, Fu Tenant, after Landlord Xi got up this morning, she found that her aunt, who hadn't visited for a long time, came to her. (><)
F: Aunt?Ruoruo, which aunt is it, why can't I remember?

Fu Junmu thought about it for a long time but didn't remember which aunt it was. After all, this is an extraordinary period. He must put Xiruo's safety first, and she can't do anything. There should be something wrong with the aunt who came at this critical moment. , he had to investigate carefully.

Seeing Fu Junmu's news, Xi Ruo, who was originally full of depression, burst out laughing. There was no way, how could her husband be so innocent? The aunt she was talking about was not that aunt.

My Empress Fu: Husband, it's like this. My aunt just came here. It's past eleven o'clock now. I'm going to see her. (Actually, Xi Ruo just went to the bathroom just now, looking for sanitary napkins to change, but suddenly found that the brands she used at home were all gone, so she planned to go to the supermarket, so she went to see her aunt!)
F: Then when you go, do you know that you should take Ling with you?
Fu Junmu sent text messages with his mobile phone, and ordered with a serious face. Although his people have been following Xia Mulin and Xi Yuer recently, he still can't guarantee that he will be safe, in case something unexpected happens what to do?
After thinking about it, I decided to send a message to Zero.

"Young madam is going out to see my aunt, follow along, and contact me at any time if there is any accident."


Zero, who was watching the news with his mobile phone, was stunned | Looking at the news on the mobile phone forcefully, see aunt? ? ?

She thought it was really strange, just now the young lady said she wanted her to accompany her to the supermarket to buy some sanitary napkins, why did she just go to see her aunt when she arrived at the master's place?
Ling got into the car with countless question marks, and Xi Ruo sat in the car thinking about it and thought it was strange, so he asked a question.

"Young madam, just now the master sent a message saying that I will accompany you to see your aunt, but aren't you going to buy sanitary napkins?" Zero's doubtful voice rang out from inside the car.

Fortunately, there were only the two of them sitting in the back today, and there was a baffle in front, so they wouldn't feel embarrassed. Xi Ruo almost laughed and spit out the water she just drank.

"Zero, let me tell you, didn't I have menstruation? Also, I'm going to buy sanitary napkins, but don't you know there is another name for menstruation?" Xi Ruo calmed down After a while, he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Ah? Is there another name, I don't know about that." Zero patted his head shyly (ω).

"Well, there is another title, that is, Menstruation can also be called Auntie, understand?" Xi Ruo looked at Ling with a childish and teachable expression.

Hearing her words, Ling's face turned red all of a sudden, why is she so stupid, just now the master meant that the young lady was going to buy sanitary napkins, so should she accompany her?
It seems that she is still too stupid to know even such a little common sense.

Thinking about it, Zero became very depressed, and there was a certain depression in his whole body.

"Zero, what's wrong with you?"

Xi Ruo asked involuntarily, this girl was still cold and cold a second ago, but now she looks very lifeless.

"Young Madam, it turns out that the master sent me a message saying that he would accompany you to see your aunt. It seems that the master also knows that the menstruation is the aunt. I didn't know it. I almost had such a big oolong." said aggrieved.

Since she was handed over to Xi Ruo by Fu Junmu, she has been in contact with Xi Ruo for a long time, and she has been infected by the sunny and positive aura of Xi Ruo, and gradually began to open her heart to the people around her, knowing how to accept Kindness from others.

After getting along for a long time, she slowly discovered that the fierce aura she had disguised on her body gradually became gentler, and she was no longer so repulsive. I asked the young lady why she was becoming less and less like herself.

She still remembered that the young lady said at that time, "You have always been like this, you have never changed, you just put a protective cover on your outside, now you are not in so much danger, and there is nothing wrong with it." Trust, you trust all of us, so you take off your armor and be your carefree self.

She might not know why the young lady analyzed her so thoroughly, but she knew that the young lady was always right. She believed in the young lady's ability and even more in her character.

"Zero, why are you in a daze, let's go, let's go down, we're here."

Before getting out of the car, Xi Ruo was still in a daze after poking around. This child, why does he look silly in broad daylight.

"Ah, young lady, here I come."

Zero shook his head vigorously and got out of the car immediately.

Afterwards, the two went shopping in the supermarket, but there was a person following them all the time, and the person behind them snuggled up complacently, even the super vigilant bodyguards didn't notice it, it's not that the follower was some kind of expert, But a man in rags.

I can't tell if it's a man or a woman, but it's just a person who has been wandering around the door of the supermarket. People who don't know it think it's a beggar.

Xi Yu'er finally ran out today. She originally wanted to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit to clean up Xi Ruo, but she didn't expect that she would wait until she went out, so she quietly followed behind and followed them. supermarket.

She thought that it was impossible for her to be followed by Xi Ruo and that silly bodyguard with her current attire, but she might not have thought that she would be harmed by her own self-righteousness this time.

She intends to kill Xi Ruo directly today, of course, she is not afraid of death anymore, after all, after being ruined many times, she has begun to feel that her life seems meaningless, and sometimes she is very confused, what is she going to do? What is she living for? Is she really living for that scumbag Liang Zihan? What is it for? After thinking for a long time, she finally figured it out.

The meaning of her life is to make Xi Ruo's life worse than death. Since she was a child, she felt that she was better than her no matter what she was, and she was more sensible than her, but her father was still lukewarm to her, and loved Xi Ruo extremely. Why, just because she was born in Xiao San?

From childhood to adulthood, the family will only spoil her alone, she doesn't eat well, picks and chooses, and her father always coaxes her to eat, gives her various gifts, and coaxes her to sleep , coaxing her to eat.

She passed No.1 in the exam, but her father would not say anything. Sometimes when she asked, her father would say, what gift do you want?
But why didn't he ask her, in fact, she didn't want any gifts, he just wanted a word of praise from him, why would her father be happy to eat several bowls of rice if Xi Ruo made progress, and her progress was just comforted by her father He glanced at it and said nothing more.

But she is the youngest child in the family, isn't she? Why, why does father treat her so well, why is he so partial?
So she is not reconciled, she must make Xi Ruo pay a certain price, she has nothing to be afraid of now, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, if you kill her, she will not be in this world anymore, no one will dare Steal the limelight with her.

So she made a move, she caused a car accident, sent her father and that woman to another world, so isn't that just killing people, what is there to be afraid of, she has already killed someone once, do you still care about this time? Well, her worst end would be to be sent to prison, but it doesn't matter, she doesn't care anymore, as long as Xi Ruo dies, she will be happy.

At this time, Xiruo and Ling were drinking milk tea, Xiruo gave Ling a wink, Ling nodded, and soon the two slipped out of the milk tea shop, in a clothing store opposite, looking at this side Case.

Not long after, a man in ragged clothes walked in. It should be a woman, but he looked very weak.

The woman walked out immediately, and began to keep scanning the people around her. She didn't know what to think of. She stared straight at Xi Ruo in the opposite window, evoking a sarcastic smile.

She doesn't need to think about it, there must be someone she wants to find there, why do you say that, because she knows that if Xi Ruo already knows that someone is following, then she will definitely wait to see who it is before leaving , That's why she concluded that Xi Ruo must be here.

After thinking about it, she walked in with a limp step. There was a sharp dagger hidden in the covered cuff. She had already figured it out. To hurt her, it's better to stab her hard in the stomach a few times, and it's better not to be pregnant for the rest of her life.

The thoughts in Xi Yuer's mind became more and more vicious. The clerk who was originally in the clothing store wanted to hold Xi Yuer and prevent her from entering, but Xi Ruo waved her hand, and the waiter moved out of the way.

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