Hua Wuque waited and waited, and when it was eleven o'clock, instead of the "father-in-law and mother-in-law" she was supposed to wait for, she was greeted by the aggressive Shangguanjing.

Seeing Shangguanjing's angry face, Hua Wuque looked at her without saying a word, but those eyes were full of doting. Looking at Shangguanjing like this, he couldn't help but think of himself in the A post I saw on Weibo.

It goes like this: the husband quarrels with his wife, and angrily slams the door and leaves.The wife scolded: "Don't come back if you have the guts!" The husband said: "Who the hell comes back is the grandson." After going out for a walk and having nowhere to go, he went home. When he knocked on the door, the wife asked: "Who is it?" The husband said He said: "Grandma, I'm back."

In fact, many people have different attitudes and praises and criticisms about this. Men think that the husband in the joke is too cowardly, not a man at all, and throws all his dignity and integrity on the ground; while women think that this is a very responsible man. A man is humorous, has a sense of responsibility, and is magnanimous, knowing how to love his wife. This is a real man. They all sighed, marrying such a man.

Of course, what we are going to talk about today is not the issue of differences in thinking between men and women, but how we should judge a relationship, whether it is as healthy as it appears, whether it is really as harmonious as we see it, whether the person opposite is It really fits.

Regarding feelings, some people say that the relationship you want is a relationship that will never quarrel.Because quarreling not only consumes feelings but also consumes energy. When two people start to quarrel, it means that there is a problem in this relationship, so as long as a relationship starts to quarrel, this relationship is no longer suitable.Therefore, only a relationship that never quarrels can go on happily and for a long time, which is a sign of a stable relationship between two people.

It's just nonsense!!!
Take the love between Mr. Yang Jiang and Mr. Qian Zhongshu, which I especially like. These two people can be said to be soul mates. , There have also been conflicts and quarrels.

People are not sages and sages, no one has faults, people eat five grains and suffer from all kinds of diseases, who can lose their temper.What's more, men and women living in today's society, no one is a saint, everyone is a layman, so everyone is the same.Therefore, most of the quarrels between couples are nothing more than trivial things in life. You think he has done something wrong but refuse to admit it because of face.

Talking to each other to save face and suffer, they kept hurting each other with words, as if everyone refused to give in.So conflicts and quarrels will break out.

Zhang Zhilin and Yuan Anita are the most beautiful appearance of love in the hearts of girls. Zhang Zhilin once said: "Every time I quarrel, I think about what will happen if I lose her, so I cherish it very much. I would rather take the initiative to admit the wrong owner."
Make up with each other, because I cherish every day with her, man! It's okay to admit your mistakes, I'm most afraid of losing and regretting before it's too late. "

This shows that quarreling is a very normal thing in marriage, and even model couples quarrel sometimes.The important thing is whether you really love each other enough and are willing to make concessions for each other.Quarreling is definitely not for breaking up, but for getting together better in the future.

I still remember this sentence in the movie "Previous Strategy": "Actually, many couples quarrel to prove that they care about each other more and love each other more, but what they say often turns into venting dissatisfaction. The more the other party doesn't want to hear anything, What to say more. What I wanted to prove was love, but it turned out to be hurt!
In the love of adults, there are always many moments when you want to break up. In the quarrel, you break up, hoping that the other party will prove his love by staying;

These are all normal, but when you meet the person who has decided to be with you from the beginning, and who is consistent with his words and deeds, you must cherish it.Quarrels are not terrible, what is terrible is that you keep quarreling; quarrels are not terrible, what is terrible is that you quarrel repeatedly because of the same thing; quarrels are not terrible, what is terrible is that you don’t solve them properly after quarrels, and quarrels consume rather than promote your relationship. .Fight hard, fight hard!!!
In love, everyone has their own fatal weakness, and my weakness is you.If you love him, don't be aggressive, remember to leave a step for the other party.Love her, don't let her leave with sadness and helplessness, and don't leave her alone. May you cherish the person who won't leave, won't break up, and will always guard you.

Shangguanjing still looked at Hua Wuque fiercely, like a fighting cock, and almost stood up his hair in anger.

When Hua Wuque was distracted, Shangguan Jing was also distracted at the same time. She looked at the affectionate pampering in the man's eyes, and couldn't help shrinking, thinking of something.

How do I observe whether you love me or not? It’s like I’m not feeling well. You force me to take medicine in the morning. When you quarrel, you’ll hold on to life and death, you won’t let go, you will beat me, and you will scold me. You stroked my hair softly, as if you were looking at a rare item. When you were facing me, your smile was different than usual, and you could see a pampering face. Do you know why I dare not look into your eyes when you are arguing? Because I am afraid that I will compromise with you. The affection in your eyes.

It seemed that there was really only her in his eyes, nothing else.

She had always wanted to find a perfect lover.

We all know that the word "perfect" is really difficult for a person to judge whether a person is perfect or a relationship is perfect.But two people are hardworking enough, and learn to communicate and accommodate in everything. In fact, a lot of noise can be avoided.Whether a relationship is high-quality or not is often defined by noisy and getting along.A good relationship is nothing more than learning to communicate and then you can understand without speaking; The ultimate pursuit is to continue to have love in the life after marriage, otherwise how will we survive the seven-year itch and fulfill the promise of that lifetime.All happy lives are alike, but every unhappy life is unhappy in its own way.

Just when Shangguan was in a daze, Hua Wuque suddenly whispered tightly into her ear, "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

The gentle voice made Shangguan Jing stunned for a moment. She didn't say anything, but he apologized. Only she knew that she didn't come to him because he made any mistakes, but because she woke up. After that, for no reason, she felt that she wanted to annoy him in her head, and she thought so, so she did it.

Love is tolerance rather than indulgence, love is caring rather than pampering, love is mutual blending rather than unrequited love, love is full of flavors and not all sweet Compatibility with each other is silent dedication to make each other's life better.

This love is not as warm as their own, but also those secular hearts.True love is a kind of care and care from the heart. There are no gorgeous words, no grandstanding actions, only in every word and deed, you can feel so plain and so firm. On the contrary, swear, the promise shows its uncertainty, never trust sweet words

If you really love someone, you will want to grow old together with him, and you will use all your love to bring him the greatest happiness, and you will also get another kind of happiness in this process! Often think of He is happy, minds him very much, cares about him very much, without him seems to lose something, with him, there is happiness.

Husband and child, wife, child, hot bed is the most perfect love in my mind!
In spring, we went for a walk in the suburbs together, held hands, led the children, and strolled on the tree-lined road together, playing and chatting with each other in whispers that we love to hear!
In summer, we sit on the sofa together, eat watermelon with the children, watch TV, and laugh non-stop!
In autumn, we led the children to the countryside together, helped relatives in our hometown dig sweet potatoes, looked at the village where the smoke was wafting, and ate farm meals. It was comfortable and comfortable!
In winter, we, led our children, came to the mountains and forests, had snowball fights, made snowmen, rolled and splashed in the snow together

During the day, we each work hard to make money, making our little family very happy and happy!
In the evening, although we were tired, we were cooking the meals we liked and looking at each other with a smile!
"Ah Jing, can you try to trust me once? Give me a chance, and give yourself a chance, open your heart and let me in, please? Don't force yourself so much to learn to grow, to learn If you want to do something that you don't want to do at all, will you give me a chance to take care of you?"

"I know that I may not be so perfect, I can't wash clothes, I can't cook, I can't even say a few nice words to you, but I want to learn, I will make changes for you, do you believe me ?”

"I know, you may have a big opinion on me, but Xiaochiyu also wants a father, right? A biological father is better than those wild fathers, right?"

After all, without waiting for Shangguanjing to say anything, she put the little girl in her arms in the cradle on one side, hugged Shangguanjing tightly, and said vaguely, "Jingjing, even if you disagree now, There seems to be nothing else to do?"

While talking, Hua Wuque looked at several people approaching from far and near. What was particularly conspicuous was that they were holding a few suitcases in their hands. People who didn't know it thought they were going on a trip.

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