After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 221 Love is worthless even if you can't get it.

When eating in the evening, Shangguanjing originally wanted to avoid flowers and bring Xiaochiyu back to the room to eat, but she couldn't stand the invitation of the proprietress, saying that it was raining today, so some of the guests Called to eat hot pot downstairs, lively and lively.

Shangguanjing didn't want to go down at first, but Hua Wuque went upstairs to find her, and just said, "Aren't you afraid to have dinner with me?"

She was stunned for a moment, and then said cheaply, why didn't she dare to go?
After the man left, Shangguan touched her forehead silently, thinking to herself, how could she be so stupid, she was taken in by someone as soon as she was provoked.

But there's nothing wrong with going there, and there are so many people below, it's not too embarrassing.

an hour later.

Shangguanjing changed into a conservative dress and went downstairs.

Hearing the sound of going downstairs, Hua Wuque's eyes drifted over involuntarily, and saw that she was wearing a blue and white knitted sweater, white casual tights, and a pair of small white shoes on her feet. She looked youthful Much more beautiful.The little girl in her arms also wears the same clothes, and the mother and daughter are in parent-child outfits.

After Shangguan Jing came down from the stairs, she randomly found a small corner and sat down, but as soon as she raised her head, she saw a man standing not far away. It wasn't about how he looked, because his back was facing her Yes, she didn't see the appearance, could the clothes look so similar to theirs, it was just naked.

Looking at the man's blue and white sweater, white suit pants, and a pair of white sneakers, what the fuck, it's almost the same as me.

She was thinking about whether to change clothes, but she saw the man turned around. It was fine if he didn't turn around, but when he turned around, he was startled, it turned out to be a flower!none!lack!

I wipe!
Shangguan Jing just felt very speechless, no matter how she wore the same clothes as other people's, she was so unlucky to be drunk!
Hua Wuque turned around and saw Shangguan Jing's expressionless expression.

I don't know what I thought of, and slowly walked towards Shangguanjing.

"Ah Jing, why did you come down so quickly?" Hua Wuque asked dotingly.

In the next second, Shangguan Jing, who was originally in a daze, was stunned when she heard his words. What did he call her just now! ! ?
After hearing the conversation between the two, the surrounding guests all showed ambiguous smiles. They thought before that such a handsome guy was politely standing in the lobby on the first floor with a distant smile. The demeanor is relatively cold, and it is estimated that the few single women present have already rushed over like hungry wolves.

"Pay attention to your wording!!" Shangguan Jing looked at Hua Wuque who was smiling with a silly face and gritted her teeth.

"Ah Jing, come, I'll hold my daughter." Hua Wuque didn't answer her words, just looked at her with a smile.

Tonight, Shangguanjing didn't know how she came here in a daze, she only knew that she was dragged by Hua Wuque to have dinner for no reason, and then returned to the room by him for no reason, waiting for her to come back to her senses again At that time, he was already sitting in the room.

Shaking her head, she wondered if she was poisoned. Why didn't she shake her hand away when Hua Wuque pulled her?When so many people misunderstood them as husband and wife, why didn't they know how to refute?
After sitting on the balcony alone for an unknown amount of time, he slowly took out his cell phone, found Xi Ruo's number, and called.

"Hey, Ruoruo, are you busy?"

Hearing the weak voice on the other end of the phone, Xi Ruo immediately put down the pen in her hand and asked nervously, "Did something happen to Jing Jing?"

"No, it's nothing, I just want to talk to you." Shangguan asked while touching his heart.

"Ah? That's good, that's good, Jing Jing, what do you want to talk to me about?" Xi Ruo asked suspiciously, she didn't know what Shangguan Jing wanted to talk to her, but she felt that it would definitely not be about feelings After all, every time she has any emotional problems, Shangguanjing is always the first to help her out.

"Well, I just want to talk to you. You can't love it, Ruoruo, do you know what it's like to love it?"

"Ah?" Xi Ruo just felt very strange when she heard her words. She really didn't expect that the master of feelings would come to talk to her about feelings one day.

"Jingjing, I don't know what it's like to not love someone, but I can analyze them for you according to my opinion." Xi Ruo said seriously into the phone.

"Okay, you say."

Quiet, you know?
Sometimes writers can vividly express people's various personalities.It is estimated that at least dozens of those various personalities can be listed.However, when they wanted to express their love, they caught

From the past to the present, the most famous love stories, such as Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Romeo and Juliet, Xu Xian and the White Snake, are all love stories.

The perfect love mixed in other stories is not a plot constructed by writers.The reason is that writers write about watermelons, but love is sweet.We can all experience sweetness through watermelon, but no one can express sweetness.Conversely, if a person can't feel the sweetness, it's useless for you to write extravagantly.

The same goes for friendship.In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Guanzhang did not die on the same day in the same year and the same month; in the Water Margin story, the heroes of Liang Shanbo ended up in depression.The reason why these feelings are valuable is that they are the necessities of human beings, but they are often not satisfied.I believe that if only a handful of people have ever had enough to eat throughout the ages, there must have been many great literary works describing eating.

In fact, there are indeed many literary works describing eating.Human beings have the ability to experience sweetness, but they often cannot experience sweetness.But I often feel that it is not sweet. This is the reason for the existence of writers, but it is not the meaning.

There is no great love in this world.

The so-called great love is nothing but giving up others for love.

Giving up other things for money, can it mean that money is great? There are only great stories in this world.Those stories inspire people and comfort people.No matter how far the story is in the past, if you close your eyes, you will always feel that tomorrow is still worth reading a poem—if the story is thick enough.

So love has nothing to do with whether you hug each other, sleep together, or stay together for a lifetime.

It is not necessary or opposed, but it must be related to tacit understanding!
No matter what kind of complex character it is, literary works can express it, because it is about the individual.However, love is a relationship between two people.

Sometimes you will admire your bravery, tossing and turning for one person, losing yourself for one person, willing to bear all the suffering for one person, but that person will not love you after all, but no matter how much unwillingness there is. It doesn't help, and when you grow up, you will understand a truth, that is, there is a kind of feeling in the world called "love but can't get it", and there is a kind of regret called "you can't get it, you can't forget it."

Imperfect love stories may be even more unforgettable. People who try their best but can't get it have to let go, but we all need to understand the truth of a person. The person who can't get it is not because of how good that person is, and you are not bad, it's just that Everything is so unfortunate.

So if you fall in love with someone who doesn't like you, you have to learn to accept and let go slowly, and stop the loss in time, so that you have more energy and emotion to face the next person.

It may be sad to let go of the person you like, but if he doesn't like you, letting go is the most correct choice.

Love can be poetry, you can fantasize, but never deceive yourself again, okay?
I don't know why, but I always dream about love stories in my dreams, and the most of them are unrequited love.After waking up, the plot in the dream faded like a tide, but the feeling in the dream was unforgettable.Probably because the feeling in the dream is too strong, tearing my heart all the time, so in reality, I have reservations about the feelings I give, and I will not love someone seriously, nor will I go too far Value a relationship.But in fact, I also wanted to talk about a vigorous love in the past, to love someone unreservedly, even if the body is covered with bruises, even if the heart is torn, but the feeling of dying or living should be considered interesting.It’s just that after thinking about it, the world is always unsatisfactory, and the dream is already painful enough. In real life, it’s better to let yourself go and live a happier life.

Sometimes, the story is not long and not difficult to tell, it's just that acquaintance-field, love cannot be obtained.

Do you know what it means to be in love? He smiled coldly: Her facial features, her smile, and her happiness have nothing to do with me.

You said, what is the most tormenting thing in the world? Picking stars with your bare hands, you can’t love them.There are thousands of people in the world, and it is difficult to meet me again.Why are you wronged, and you are not the only one.

It is the normal state of life to love but not get it.Aren't the people who bow their heads again and again the one who suffers the most in the end?
You are the heartache that I can't forget but can't love.

You are the person who once flustered my youth, and you are also the person I can't love now.

No matter how much you cried last night, when you wake up in the morning, the city is still in a rush, and people always like people who cannot be loved.

After listening to Xi Ruo's words, Shangguan Jing was silent for a while, maybe what Xi Ruo said was right, she should have come out instead of being bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Lovely people in this world also suffer from not being able to love, and happy people in this world also bear unspeakable difficulties.

Turn back when the road doesn't work, let go if you can't get it, and stop the enthusiasm if you don't get a response.Don't mistake wishful thinking for lonely courage, and don't mistake boredom for hard-to-get.Turn back when you go wrong, and let go of those who cannot love you.

Maybe the love you don't get in your eyes is always worthless in the eyes of others!

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