After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 159 The scandal of Fu's house (3)

At this moment, Xi Ruo, who was on the phone, was staying on the first floor of the villa next to her. She was holding her handbag. She was staying in the hall of the dinner just now, but she was called by Mu Ziling. Went out to meet friends.

She remembered that when she was leaving the hall of the villa, she bumped into someone accidentally, and when she raised her head, she saw a very mean woman who looked very arrogant.

"Hey, Mrs. Lin, why are you here?" Mu Ziling looked at the mean woman who bumped into Xi Ruo and said.

"Hey, so it's Mrs. Fu, who are you?" The woman looked at Mu Ziling suspiciously and asked.

"Oh, by the way, I'm sorry, this is my daughter-in-law. I took her out to meet someone. I'm so sorry that I bumped into you." Mu Ziling looked at the woman and said with a slight apology. .

"Ah, that's it. It's all right. If you have something to do, go away." The woman looked at Xi Ruo with a trace of embarrassment in her eyes. In fact, after they bumped into each other just now, she deliberately stared at Xi Ruo a few times. like.

"Mrs. Lin was joking. Ruo Ruo bumped into you, of course she has to make amends." Mu Ziling said with a smile.

Then Mu Ziling looked at the people around her, and casually called a waiter over, who quickly came over with two glasses of orange juice.

"In this way, if you use fruit juice instead of wine, if you touch one for Mrs. Lin, it will be regarded as an apology." Mu Ziling stared at Xi Ruo and said.

"Hey, what's the point of this?" Mrs. Lin said with a smirk, but her hand was already reaching for the juice.

Xi Ruo, who had been standing quietly by the side, glanced calmly at Mu Duo'er, who was blocked by a few people, and thought that she would have to make amends today, so she picked up the juice and laughed. Looking at Mrs. Lin, "Mrs. Lin, I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

"Ah? Well, what a shame, I still want to thank you!" The mean Mrs. Lin smiled ironically and drank the juice slowly.

"Okay, since that's the case, Mrs. Lin, let's leave first." Mu Ziling quietly gave the waiter a compliment, and then pulled Xi Ruo away.

At this time, Mu Duo'er looked at Xi Ruo who was pulled away by Mu Ziling, and originally wanted to send a message to Fu Junmu, but she couldn't get away. Many people who came today were hers Classmates, have been turning around her.

"Duo'er, Duo'er, what's wrong with you?" A baby-faced girl asked with some doubts looking at Mu Duo'er's restless appearance.

"Ah, nothing, what's the matter?" Mu Duo'er looked at the girl and asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's nothing. I just saw your cousin, I saw her swinging outside." The baby-faced girl said with a smile.

"Ah? Really?" Mu Duo'er glanced at her suspiciously, thinking, could it be that my aunt has already met her cousin Ruoruo?

"That's right, that's the sister in the dark blue dress. I really saw her." The girl's words made Mu Duo'er's restless heart calm down.

"Okay then, let's go eat some dessert." After hearing that Xi Ruo was fine, Mu Duo'er's appetite whetted.

The two little girls ran straight to the dessert area, each holding a small plate, and Mu Duoer held it tightly, as if a starved ghost was reincarnated.

And Xi Ruo, who was taken away by Mu Ziling outside the door, gradually felt her head getting more and more dizzy, and then she felt her arm being pulled up by Mu Ziling, and she felt her Her mind was a little confused, she didn't know when she was taken to a room, she heard a faint sound but it was not very clear.


Xi Ruo felt as if she had been thrown on the sofa, and when she was thinking about opening her eyes to take a look, she heard a voice.

"Master, I've brought him here, what should I do next?" Mu Ziling's voice sounded just like that, echoing in Xi Ruo's ear.

"Well, you don't need to worry about the rest, we will continue to follow the plan." A mechanical female voice sounded.

Even though it sounded emotionless, Xi Ruo still recognized that voice, wasn't she her good step-sister? It seems that the lesson she was taught last time was not enough, and now she dares to do this kind of thing.

"Shut up, when will the master need you, a bitch, to intervene." Mu Ziling retorted coldly.

"Okay, stop arguing, let's go first, and you can take care of the rest." At this time, Xi Ruo carefully distinguished the female voice that suddenly sounded, and couldn't help feeling a little worried. It was Xia Mulin, and she had been worried all along. Why did Xia Mulin make the move? It turned out that she was waiting for an opportunity.

"Okay, master." Mu Ziling and Xi Yu'er responded in unison.

Then there was a sound of high heels in Xiruo's ear, and when the sound went away, she felt a person suddenly walking beside her, smelling the scent of perfume lingering at the tip of her nose, she realized that it was It's my good sister.

Just when she was thinking wildly in her mind, Xi Yu'er's voice came from beside her ear, how familiar and strange this voice was.

"Dear sister, what do you think is good about you, it's worth him doing this, huh?" Xi Yu'er said angrily.

"Tell me, sister, he doesn't like your face, does he? If -- this face of yours is peeled off, will he still like you, huh?" Xi Yu'er held Xi Ruo tightly jaw, speaking viciously.

Sister, why do you think he likes you? What is your value? You were born a year earlier than me. What qualifications do you have to be with him and become his bride? Not allowed, you know?
I don't allow it!

Xi Yu'er seemed to be crazy, shaking Xi Ruo's shoulder vigorously and roaring loudly.

At this time, Xi Ruo was already awake. At that time, she was afraid that someone would put something in the water, so she prepared the pills in advance to avoid any problems. Fortunately, she was prepared, otherwise it would happen today. I don't know what will happen.

Dear sister, do you know what you look like now, do you know like a sleeping beauty?

Xi Yu'er stroked Xi Ruo's smooth cheeks with her slender fingers, and murmured, sister, have you heard the story of Sleeping Beauty, do you want me to tell you again?
Long, long ago, there was a very cute girl in a town. She was smart, beautiful and kind-hearted. Unfortunately, the girl passed away early. Since her father had a stepmother, her life is no longer the same as before. "Happy and happy" again.The new mother brought two older sisters, and the child was very excited, thinking that he had changed himself to have two more playmates, but he didn't expect that the next life would be painful.

"Oh, no, my dear sister, how did I tell you about Cinderella, this story is not for you, it is for me, you know?"

I remember, a long time ago, a beautiful little princess was born.The king and queen invited twelve fairies to her birthday party. No.13 fairies were not invited, she was very angry.

At the banquet that day, No. 11 fairies had just finished sending their blessings, and No. 13 fairies appeared. "In order to punish you for not inviting me,
The child will die when he touches the spindle tip when he is ten years old!" Fortunately, the No. 12 fairy said: "I can't break the evil spell, but the princess will not die, she just needs to sleep for 100 years.

Today, the princess is 15 years old.The whole country is busy celebrating her birthday.But she herself felt bored.what else is she ever

Haven't seen it before?
She came to a strange room and saw a strange old woman busy with a strange thing. "Miss, do you want to try it?" The old woman was the No.13 fairy, and she handed the spindle to the princess.

The spell worked, and the princess fell asleep as soon as she touched the tip of the spindle.Her entire country fell asleep with her.The castle is covered with fences, and no one can get in.One day, a handsome prince came to the princess' kingdom.This - day happens to be - - a hundred years.fence
Swallow the flowers and make way for him.

It was a strange place, all the animals were asleep, and all the people seemed to be asleep while they were doing their own things.What can wake people up from sleep? Looking at the beautiful princess, Zi Zi kissed her affectionately.As soon as his lips touched the princess, the princess woke up and looked at him sweetly.

Isn't it a nice story, my dear sister, but trust me this time, you won't see a prince when you wake up, and you won't have a handsome man to spend your time with, you haven't always been Are you pure, haven't you always been pure? I'll let you try another man today to see if Fu Junmu will want you. Let's test his tolerance. Don't you think so? ,elder sister?
Listening to Xi Yu'er's rambling words, Xi Ruo slowly pieced it together, today is a Hongmen banquet, just designed for her, so will find a man to come, and finally have another one but don't care Another well-planned operation to catch rape!
Well, the people involved here must also be the mother, the so-called apologetic juice is just a glass of drugged water, so she—has she still overestimated her position in the mother's heart?

Is she really wrong?
Tears slowly welled up in Xiruo's tightly closed eyes, she didn't dare to think about it, she was afraid that these things were all her mother's idea, what would she do then, what would Jun Mu do, what would dad do ?
Ding Ding Ding-

Suddenly Xi Yu'er stood up, and hearing the direction she was walking, it seemed that she was about to leave.Thinking of this, the corners of Xi Ruo's lips curled up, and she immediately opened her eyes to look at the woman not far away, gently took off her high heels, and approached her quietly.

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