After being reborn, he was tricked by paranoid Fu Shao

Chapter 141 Daily Life of 1 Old and 1 Young

Shangguan sat on the chair and waited and waited. The drunk man hadn't arrived yet, and she was about to fall asleep waiting for her. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and she was so frightened that she immediately walked over to open the door. Then, watching the drunk man crawl into the door unexpectedly.

While wriggling, he was still muttering something in a mess. Shangguan Jing listened carefully for a long time, but still couldn't understand. Looking at the man crawling on the ground, his face was speechless, and he didn't know what kind of person this kind of person was. With such a big age, he is not afraid of being sold drunk, but he actually crawled in through the door, and she was also drunk.

Sure enough, he was a drunk person. He seemed to be in a trance, in a trance, and moody.Unsteady feet, remembering, and suddenly things.Squinting his eyes in the clouds and mist, his eyes widened and he didn't know where he was.

Seeing this idiot's appearance, Shangguan Jing thought not to spit it out, this is a new carpet she just replaced recently, but in the end, she heard a sip, the carpet was sprayed everywhere, she smelled The smell made her stomach queasy for a while, and angrily smashed the pillow in her hand to Hua Wuque.

However, the man still didn't respond, he just fell asleep on the sofa obediently holding the pillow in his hand, and soon there was a sound of breathing in the living room, Shangguan Jing frowned as he watched him die I went back to the bedroom and went to sleep.

The next day, early in the morning.

Looking out of the window, the snow is white, and the cold wind has taken away the fallen leaves. In the alternation of seasons, looking at the wind, I can vaguely hear the thoughts of winter growing quietly.The sound of the wind kept vibrating the eardrums, giving this scorching winter a ray of sunshine-like warmth.The abrupt tree trunk stands so abruptly, a few fallen leaves flap their wings, and a few wires compose the staff, criss-crossing monotonously.Only the cypress tree is covered with vicissitudes of green, without the tenderness of spring, without the calmness of summer, without the maturity of autumn, only the desolation of winter, standing there facing the cold wind, growing silently.

When Shangguan Jing woke up, there was snow white in front of the window.She got up and changed her clothes before going outside.The early morning in winter is already pale. Looking to the opposite side, the green hills in the distance are blocked by the white mist like a white silk scarf, which makes it difficult to see clearly.On the street, a gust of cold wind was blowing, the cold wind was biting, and the air conditioner was turned on.On both sides of the street, the flowers got up early and came to pee, but they all hid their little faces, like shy little girls, only the chrysanthemum showed its tenacious vitality, and it still bloomed more brightly.

At this time, there were not many people on the street. It was winter, and everyone was used to getting up late, but Shangguan Jing let Shangguanjing take a good look around the street.

It was already night in Jincheng at this time.

Today is the fifth day that Mu Duoer came to Suning's house. The time she saw Suning in this house was only at night, and she couldn't see him during the day. The housekeeper said that he had gone to work.

But if you think about it, as a gold medal lawyer in Jincheng, it is right for him to raise his eyebrows early and return late, but his request is a bit too much. Today, she must have a good reasoning with him. Why is she not allowed to go out? It's not a prisoner, she just came here for the so-called "remedial class" and said it was for her tutoring, but she didn't even see his shadow, this old man is really lying.

Mu Duo'er was thinking emotionally, while holding the remote control and pressing it back and forth on the TV, pressing her hands hard on purpose, as if she was afraid that the remote control would not be damaged, while looking at her old housekeeper Looking at the remote control, he felt distressed. It was a new TV just replaced a few days ago, and it was equipped with a new remote control. Now the lady is holding it, and just started ruining it. Doesn’t he feel distressed?

The old housekeeper couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately stepped forward to stand beside Mu Duo'er, and asked kindly, "Miss, do you still watch TV?"

"Ah? I'm watching TV, grandpa housekeeper, what's wrong?" Mu Duo'er asked curiously.

"Miss, the butler grandpa said, don't blame me." The butler has been with Mu Duoer for a few days, and he also knows that this little girl is a good girl with a straight temper.

"Oooh, grandpa housekeeper, tell me, I won't blame you." Mu Duo'er sat on the sofa obediently, and looked at the housekeeper seriously.

"It's Miss, look at this remote control, it didn't make Miss angry." The housekeeper asked cautiously.

"Well, no, the grandpa housekeeper joked, how could a remote control make me angry?" Mu Duo'er said with a smile.

"Then—then my lady, you can press it lightly, okay, the grandpa butler is watching you press it hard, the grandpa butler is very distressed." The butler touched the corners of his eyes on purpose, pretending to crying.

"Oh, ok, ok, grandpa housekeeper, I understand, I'm sorry." Mu Duo'er said with an embarrassed face, she just mistook this remote control for that old man Suning, that's why she slapped it hard Hold on, she thought about ruthlessly spoiling, trampling, trampling him, but in the end - she didn't expect to be seen by the housekeeper's grandpa, why is it so embarrassing!
Mu Duoer's little face was flushed, she put down the remote control in her hand in embarrassment, and was about to leave when she heard a sneer from the door.


Hearing this voice, Mu Duo'er turned her eyes and saw Su Ning leaning against the door and looking at her mockingly. The moment she saw him, Mu Duo'er's eyes started to blaze , this old man, it's all him, and she can't even go to school, forget it, after she lives here, she doesn't even have the right to go out, this - it's like going to jail Like, can she be comfortable?
"Old-man-man, take my life for the young master!" Mu Duo'er suddenly yelled and rushed over, took off the shoes on her feet, and flung them out at once. I was immersed in the three words "old man", and when I realized it, the bridge of my nose hurt, and then I felt that my face was dark, so I immediately took off the things on my face, and after seeing the pink cotton slippers , the veins on his hands jumped up, and his face almost turned from white to black with anger.

The old housekeeper at the side was frightened for a while, this young lady was too courageous, she actually smashed the young master, what if the young master gets angry?

At this time, the old housekeeper didn't realize that he was already worried about Mu Duo'er's safety.

And when Mu Duoer, who did something bad, saw that the shoe hit Suning, the corner of her mouth twitched. She knew that Suning had kung fu and the ability to avoid it. The playboy is just putting on airs, without any real material, and Mu Duo'er's impression of him has been reduced by a few points just this once.

"Woman, who gave you the courage, huh?" A deep male voice suddenly sounded in the quiet living room, as elegant and magnetic as a cello.

"." Mu Duoer saw Suning's face getting darker and darker, and her first reaction was to run away, but how could a 1.6-meter-small person run past 1.9-meter Suning, and soon she was caught by Suning. When she picked it up, she thought she had already run far away and out of the clutches of the clutches, and her two little feet kept paddling in the air, but after a long time, she felt that the bottom of her feet seemed to be empty, no She must have fallen downstairs.

She was so frightened that she immediately opened her eyes, only to see that she was being carried by Suning, and her feet were still "running". No one laughed, but it made Mu Duoer blush.

"Hey! Damn man, you——if you have the ability—put sister down, and let's fight one-on-one!" Mu Duo'er looked at the man in front of her and said with a firm face.

"Oh? How to choose?" Suning looked at her with interest and asked.

"Of course it was a fight. If you beat my sister, then you, you let me leave this ghost place." Mu Duo'er pouted her mouth and said.

"Okay, what if you lose?" Su Ning asked curiously.

"Me? You fart, sister can't lose, just you little boy, sister, I will deal with you casually" Mu Duo'er said with a hard face, but before she could finish her sentence, she felt as if she was being beaten. They hugged each other sideways.


Before she could react, there was a slap, Mu Duo'er was stunned, the housekeeper was dumbfounded, the two looked at Su Ning at the same time, but Suning was thick-skinned, and continued to slap Mu Duo'er without blushing. Ass, after being slapped again, Mu Duoer began to curse angrily: old man, Suning, you old man, why did you spank my ass, you——you hypocrite!
Mu Duo'er wanted to scold something, but she just couldn't open her mouth, she didn't know what to scold.

"What? That's the end of it? Didn't you know how to scold me just now, why don't you continue scolding?" Suni said with a smile.

"You, you are a pervert!" Mu Duo'er blushed and pointed to his nose.

"Oh? Is that so, now I know I'm a pervert, huh?" Su Ning slapped her little butt again, and she screamed in pain.

"Don't scold anymore? Say no to swearing? Huh?" Su Ning was still slapping her buttocks, but not very hard. The reason why Mu Duoer yelled should be because She was so scared that she thought it was in pain, which gave her a false impression.

"You, you hypocritical person, let go, woo woo woo—" Mu Duo'er stammered suddenly, and then cried.

"You—why are you crying? I didn't use much strength." Su Ning suddenly said in embarrassment. To be honest, after seeing her crying, his heart wrinkled and tightened slightly. pain.

"Why, are you planning to not be responsible now? You hit me, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--" Mu Duo'er started to cry. Having been spanked before, it is not a gentleman not to take revenge, she must avenge her revenge! ! !

The butler is already an elderly person, so can he not be angry when he sees an elderly "old man" beating a teenage girl?

The butler walked over, looked at Su Ning with a serious face and said, "Master, please stop in moderation. Look at how you beat the lady up and cried like this. It must be very painful. Master, please let go of the lady. I'll take care of the doctor to see."

Hearing the butler's words, for the first time, Su Ning showed a regretful expression on his face, and immediately let go of the little girl in his arms, gently put Mu Duo'er on the sofa, and hurriedly took out the phone to start I called the doctor to come and see, but when he turned around, he found that the old and the young had long since disappeared.

Su Ning looked at the two people who disappeared, and knew without thinking that he had been tricked by those two people, these two "little ancestors" who knew nothing about heaven and earth!
When Su Ning thought that the two of them might be cooperating with each other and acting in a scene just now, he felt a headache. Originally, there was a "fake butler" who liked to play at home, but now it's all right, and this one who was originally looked down upon His little girl, I'm afraid his future life will not be peaceful.

Su Ning began to search in the yard with a face full of headaches. In such a big yard, he didn't know when he would find that playful person; the old naughty boy and that dead girl, how could he be so stupid as to put these two together Yes, Su Ning rubbed his tightly frowning brows, he regretted it, why is he so stupid? He, it's all right now, this girl bought that old man too.The old man was so hoarse just now, it seems that he has been subdued by that dead girl.

Just when Su Ning was looking for it alone, the two people who had run away a long time ago were in Suning's study room, and the two of them sneaked under the desk.

"No. 1, No. 1, you go to the door and guard, I will destroy here!" Mu Duo'er said seriously.

"No. 2, No. 2, No. 1 received it. No. 1 is guarding the door. You can proceed now." The butler lay at the door and stared at the corridor vigilantly.

"Okay, okay, received on the 2nd." Mu Duo'er said solemnly, then stood up and looked at the bookshelf in Suning's study, with a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

The books that were still on the desk in the last second were already lying on the ground in a mess in the next second, piled up together in a mess, looking as if the books had been humiliated, and Mu Duo'er was struggling hard in the study In trouble, 5 minutes have passed.

"No. 1, No. 1, and No. 2 are done!" Mu Duoer shouted with joy in her voice.

"Okay, I received it on the 1st." After the housekeeper turned around and glanced at Mu Duo'er's results, he waved her out, then he went in and pulled a string at the door, and then put a vase at the door, and then an old man After a while, he sneaked away.

They haven't stopped their actions now, their next target is Suning's bedroom, and the two of them sneaked in again, this time it was Mu Duo'er who was guarding the door, and the housekeeper was plundering and fighting wantonly inside. To make trouble, the butler tore Suning's quilt off the bed and threw it on the ground. After stomping hard a few times, he ran to the bathroom, used Suning's brush to brush his teeth, and brushed vigorously on the toilet. Glancing at Mu Duo'er, Mu Duo'er looked at him with a gratified smile on his face.

Then the two ran out together, their action has been completed now, and the next step is to go to dinner, the two walked furtively, saw that there were no servants and Suning in the kitchen, and immediately After stealing a few steamed buns and steamed buns, he rushed out. At this time, Suning was looking for them. He had already seen the bedroom, and the next one was the study.

As soon as he opened the door of the study, there was a sound of "pa--", Su Ning looked up, and the scene in front of him hurt his eyes. He collected the vases of Qin State that he bought for a long time. This is an antique vase worth [-] million yuan. , and those messy books on the ground, those—all the antique books he found, some of which he collected after searching for a long time, looking at the mess on the ground, Suning's temples throbbed straight, He really didn't know what to say about the old and the young, he looked at it and suddenly thought of something and rushed out.

When he arrived at the bedroom, he saw that the room was in a mess, there were still a few footprints on the quilt, and his bath towel, towel, and even his white shirt and underwear were thrown on the ground - looking at these black threads on Suning's head, he suddenly I don't know if it was the right decision to bring Mu Duo'er home.

He thought that she would take the old man over because she was bored alone, but he never expected that they had reached a consensus within a few days, and now they can cooperate to destroy his things. Looking at the scene in front of him, the corners of Su Ning's mouth twitched fiercely, and he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He touched his tightly frowning brows, looked at the footprints on the quilt on the ground, and suddenly saw the open toilet with a few white things on it, he looked carefully and found that it was actually a toothbrush, no need to think about it , the toothbrush must have been brushing the toilet, the corner of his mouth twitched again! ! !
Well, he really has nothing to say, how did this matter turn out like this, it's completely deviated from his original idea, what should we do now?
At this time, an old man and a young man were secretly eating steamed buns and steamed buns in the grass in the garden, with a head of weeds on their heads.Muttering something incessantly, the two of them ate a bunch of steamed buns and steamed buns in the blink of an eye.

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