On the second day, the sky was clear and cloudless!
Lei Dashao's brand press conference was full of people, and all the media were present.

This Glad Hotel is a subsidiary of Lei's Group. Although it is not as luxurious as the Jinli Mansion Hotel, it is extremely private.

Young Master Lei didn't know much about cosmetics, so he had to hand over the questions raised by the reporter to Liu Yunyun to answer them one by one.

Xiao Zhe was watching them from the depths of the crowd, there must be a good show today.

Originally, Wei Zhen also wanted to come over to see how Lei Sigu, a person who pirated his secret recipe, dared to hold a press conference in such an aboveboard manner.

But being stopped by Xiao Zhe, Lei Sigu was destined to fail this press conference, and it was a waste of time for him to come to the scene, it would be more convenient to stay in the office and watch the live broadcast directly.

When the reporter asked about some product effects in cosmetics, Liu Yunyun explained in detail, and finally they focused on Lei Sigu, after all, he was the host of the press conference.

  "May I ask Master Lei, how did you come up with the idea of ​​developing cosmetics? Are you publicly challenging the Red Star Group by doing this?"

A reporter in the field asked a very sharp question, and his question aroused the attention of the audience.

Lei Sigu looked down at the microphone placed at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "The Red Star Group is the Red Star Group, and it has nothing to do with me. Whoever stipulates that cosmetics business can only be done by them, I can't do it."

"Master Lei, Ms. Liu Yunyun, as the secretary to the president of Red Star Group, came to work with you, is there any hidden secret in it?" The reporter asked more and more sharp questions.

  Lei Sigu glanced at the reporter who asked the question, and quickly thought of how to answer, "People go to high places, and water flows to low places. As a leading local enterprise, Lei's Group welcomes talents from all walks of life to join us at any time."

"Ms. Liu Yunyun, I heard that you are attending this event today as the general manager of Romance Era Cosmetics Company, but because Lei's Group offered you a higher price."
The reporter turned their attention to Liu Yunyun again, and the age of love is the name of Lei Sigu's company.

  "Your question is not related to the product of this conference, so I refuse to answer it." Liu Yunyun smiled lightly and answered the reporter politely.

Xiao Zhe saw all this scene, Liu Yunyun was worthy of being a secretary, and his way of answering questions was much smoother than that of Lei Sigu.

Lei Sigu answered the questions directly, and responded in a tough way, but this was in line with the temperament of First Young Master Lei, and he didn't like so many twists and turns.

"Master Lei, when did you start developing cosmetics? You must know that the research of cosmetics requires a lot of energy and money. Can you ensure the effectiveness of the products?"

The reporter who got rejected turned the question to Lei Sigu again. Compared with Liu Yunyun's tact, he still hoped to learn some secrets from Lei Sigu.

Lei Shi remained silent, when a thunderbolt suddenly appeared, no one doubted that there was nothing tricky in it.

Everyone knows that Red Star Group has been focusing on the research of cosmetics, and Lei's Group has never set foot here before.

In addition, Liu Yunyun, who was supposed to be the president's secretary, also joined Lei's Group, which is even more thought-provoking.

On the surface, Lei Sigu said that Romance Times is his own company and has nothing to do with Lei's Group.

The experienced reporters would naturally not believe his rhetoric. Without the help of the Lei's Group behind the scenes, let alone the development of formulas, they would not be able to quickly form a team in terms of production.

Lei Sigu didn't speak for a while, and several flashing lights flashed in front of his eyes.

Liu Yunyun frowned and glanced in his direction, and walked over on his high heels.

Under the silence, the crisp sound attracted everyone's attention. Liu Yunyun, who was wearing a short skirt with hips, and the flesh-colored stockings on her legs reflected a bright light under the light.

She took the microphone in the reporter's hand calmly, and said with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth: "Mr. Lei only looks at the results, and I am responsible for the research and development, so let me answer this question."

Liu Yunyun cleared his throat slightly, glanced at the audience, and then said: "I know what you are worried about. It is nothing more than that we are a new company. It is still unknown whether the efficacy of the product can meet expectations. Here, I ask you to rest assured. , we will have a product demonstration soon.”

Liu Yunyun winked at the staff at the side, and the staff brought the exhibits over.

"A good show is coming." Xiao Zhe, who was in the crowd, hooked the corners of his lips.

  "Everyone, please look, this is the new moisturizing lotion developed by our romantic era. It can not only better lock the moisture in our skin, but also has the effect of brightening the skin."
Liu Yunyun took the small silver bottle from the tray in front of him and showed it to everyone.

"In terms of packaging, we have also adopted a unique design style, which is purely sealed and has an antibacterial effect."

Liu Yunyun walked a few steps forward with a smile, and circled around her with the hydrating liquid.

  "Can you demonstrate the effect to us on the spot?" Another reporter asked a question.

Liu Yunyun smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Pointing to a beautiful woman in the front row, he said, "Please come on stage and cooperate with our product demonstration. In return, we will give you a free bottle."

Liu Yunyun stretched out his hand and pulled the woman up. Under the expectant eyes of everyone, he opened the bottle of lotion, took out a part and spread it evenly on the woman's face.

  "How do you feel?" Liu Yunyun asked with a smile.

The woman frowned, waited for a while, and said uncertainly: "I don't seem to feel anything, does this really work?"

Liu Yunyun looked at the woman's skin, took out part of the lotion and applied it on the back of his hand. After careful perception, it didn't seem to bring any effect.

Liu Yunyun had big doubts in his heart, this is impossible.

There is no problem with this formula. The Red Star Group's formula has passed the inspection, and it was also the final version when she brought it.

Is there a problem in production?
"What's going on?" Lei Sigu walked up to Liu Yunyun and asked in a low voice.

Liu Yunyun shook his head.

Lei Sigu took the milk from her hand, opened the bottle cap and sniffed it, then looked suspiciously at Liu Yunyun and said, "This is water."

He didn't smell any smell from it. There are many precious ingredients in the formula, so how could it have no smell.

There is also a unique fragrance in light milky water.

"Of course it is water! There is a price to be paid for stealing other people's formula."

Xiao Zhe walked out of the crowd with a faint smile and appeared in the sight of everyone.

"It turned out to be a stolen formula. No wonder they can develop new products so quickly. Where did they steal the formula from?"

  "You don't need to ask, it must be the Red Star Group. You see, the secretary of the Red Star Group has come here."

"They really are working together, it's really shameless."

Chattering voices came from the crowd, condemning the act.

The reporters also suddenly realized.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lei, this gentleman said that your formula was stolen. What's your explanation for this?"
A reporter stepped forward and held the microphone to Lei Sigu's mouth.

After waiting for a long time, I finally got the news. It was a worthwhile trip.

This news is much more explosive than Lei's Group's research and development of cosmetics.

After the reporter asked the question, other reporters also rushed to hand over the microphone.

Lei Sigu pushed the reporter away with contempt, pointed at Xiao Zhe and said angrily: "It's you Xiao Zhe again, why are you everywhere, you must have tampered with it! I want you to give me an explanation."
"So he is Xiao Zhe, our genius doctor in Longtan City."

  "That's right, that's right, he's Miracle Doctor Xiao. I didn't expect him to come too. I was lucky enough to go to his clinic on the day it opened. At that time, Young Master Lei even went to ruin the scene."

The reporter who recognized Xiao Zhe directly turned the microphone to him, and asked, "Hi Doctor Xiao, you just said that Young Master Lei's secret recipe was stolen, is the news true?"

  "Every sentence is true. The young master Lei in front of you looks like the young master of the Lei Group. In fact, he has another identity."
Xiao Zhe let it go with a smile, and stopped talking.

Everyone looked anxious. For them, the bigger the trouble, the better. They also wanted to see another identity of Young Master Lei.

  "Excuse me, Miracle Doctor Xiao, what is his other identity, please answer us." The reporter passed the microphone over again.

"The other identity of Young Master Lei is a flower picker. He tried his best to trick the little girl into his hands, and took advantage of her work to steal the secret recipe." Xiao Zhe said slowly into the microphone.

  "That's right. With the character of Miracle Doctor Xiao, he wouldn't lie to us." It was unknown who said something in the crowd.

"Xiao Zhe, don't confuse people with gossip here, you have to talk about evidence in everything. What evidence do you have to prove that I stole the secret recipe?"
Lei Sigu gritted his teeth, and he took all countermeasures, especially the people from the Red Star Group. He thought his plan was perfect, and he didn't expect to kill a difficult Xiao Zhe.

"The evidence is that your formula is exactly the same as that of the Red Star Group. If you are not convinced, you can confront Wei Zhen face to face to see if it is you who understand the product or Wei Zhen who understands the product." Xiao Zhe said with a smile.

"If you say confrontation, confront it. I don't have that free time, so don't meddle in my own business."

Lei Sigu looked impatient, meeting Xiao Zhe would be a bad thing, but he didn't dare to really confront him.

"Look, everyone, Young Master Lei has a guilty conscience. What I said is true or false, you must all know it."

Xiao Zhe turned around and looked at the crowd.

At this moment, everyone accused Lei Sigu one after another.

Young Master Lei's face was swollen and red, and Liu Yunyun didn't know what to say.

She didn't expect that she would lose the position of general manager before it was hot, so she couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.

But if she doesn't do something, no company will dare to ask her in the future.

In contrast, Liu Yunyun quickly made his own decision, and it was more important to get himself out first.

"Here, I want to apologize to everyone. I stole the secret recipe. My actions have failed Mr. Wei's trust. I am also sorry to everyone. There is a reason for this."

"I accidentally got drunk a few nights ago. Lei Sigu forced me to do such a stupid thing. I don't expect everyone's forgiveness. I just hope that you can give me a chance to correct it."

  It has to be said that Liu Yunyun's technique is indeed clever, and this move of retreating into advance played a corresponding role.

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