"What a handsome young man, good, good."

Lan Yiyi's mother fell in love with Xiao Zhe at the first sight, but she didn't expect that this young man in front of her was a genius doctor in Longtan City.

Although she doesn't go out often to take care of Lan Yiyi's father, she still has heard of Xiao Zhe's name.

His miraculous medical skills are superb, coupled with the propaganda of caring people, there has been an uproar for a long time.

It's a pity that Xiao Zhe seldom shows up on weekdays, and it's not easy to diagnose and treat non-critical illnesses. He is usually seen by doctors in the medical center.

Mother Lan didn't know how her daughter invited Xiao Zhe, or whether she came to see a doctor.

"Auntie, I think your complexion is slightly yellow, which is probably caused by the lack of energy and blood, and you need to recuperate your body." Xiao Zhe said with a smile.

"Hey! It's an old problem. It's okay. I'll take you to see Yiyi's father."

Mother Lan smiled and led Xiao Zhe to the bedroom, where her father was lying on the bed.

After being introduced, I found out that this young man is a miracle doctor, so he came here to treat him specially. Lan Yiyi's father was very grateful.

In order not to disturb Xiao Zhe's consultation with his father, Mother Lan called her daughter to come out, and closed the door by the way.

"How do you two know each other? I think this young man is not bad. He has looks and skills. You have to catch him." Mother Lan said with a light smile.

  "Mom, what are you talking about? I called someone here to see my dad, so don't worry about it."
Lan Yiyi couldn't hide her blushing face, she quickly turned her head away, not daring to look at her mother.

Mother Lan didn't know that her daughter was embarrassed, but she had experienced it and knew how important it was to choose the right man.

"Mom, can you not worry about it? Your father has been lying in bed for so long and has seen many doctors. If he can be cured, he will be cured long ago. Xiao Zhe is a miracle doctor, but he is only limited to common diseases."
Mother Lan sighed, as if she didn't have much hope for Xiao Zhe's treatment.

Speaking of her father, Lan Yiyi also became serious, and said: "Mom, don't worry, since others call him a miracle doctor, it means that his medical skills must be excellent. We will wait for him to see it before we talk about it, in case he can cure you." Well my dad, isn't that a great thing."

Mother Lan nodded with a smile. It is better to have hope than to have no hope. I hope everything goes well.

A girl is weak, but a mother is strong. She still has to survive in this family. Looking in the direction of the bedroom, she sighed.

Xiao Zhe easily diagnosed Lan Yiyi's father's illness.

Severely comminuted fractures of both legs, and damage to blood vessels and nerves, even in the hospital did not dare to perform surgery easily.

In addition, the operation requires a huge amount of medical expenses, and I can't afford it, so it has been delayed until today.

The cause of comminuted fracture is caused by external force.

Blood vessel damage is not a big problem for Xiao Zhe, his spiritual power can repair it.

As for bone injuries, it is more difficult. Only by regenerating broken bones can the problem be solved from the root.

The medical Taoism and fairy art he practiced has miraculous effects on healing internal injuries, so he needs to think carefully about this type of trauma.

Seeing Xiao Zhe frowned, Lan Yiyi's father looked slightly disappointed, but he also understood his situation, and he was afraid that he would be a useless person in this life.

  "Genius doctor, it doesn't matter. I still have my life without my legs. As long as I can see Yiyi's happy life, I am not dissatisfied."
Lan Yiyi's father had a wry smile on his lips, as if the last glimmer of hope had been shattered.

If even he, a genius doctor, is helpless, he really doesn't know what to do, and the only thing left to live is the support of faith.

  "Your daughter is indeed very filial, but you still have a lover, right? Auntie will also worry about you, so put your heart in your stomach, and I will heal you." Xiao Zhe said with a light smile.

Lan Yiyi's father smiled and nodded, he only thought Xiao Zhe was saying words of comfort.

During this period of time, many doctors were invited to the family. They all suggested going to the hospital for treatment, and some said that the limb should be amputated and then fitted with a prosthetic limb.

No matter which method is adopted, it is not economically affordable for them, and he does not want to add pressure to his daughter.

Xiao Zhe took out a few silver needles and pierced several important points on his leg with his skillful technique, mainly used to treat the blood vessel damage on Lan Yiyi's father's leg and restore his nerve perception.

He gradually felt sensations in his legs, from numbness at the beginning to severe pain afterwards.

  "Dad, what's the matter with you?"
Lan Yiyi and her mother rushed into the bedroom when they heard the wailing, and saw that their father seemed to be enduring extraordinary pain.

His forehead was sweating, his hands were clutching the sheets, his face was so pale that he couldn't see the blood clearly, which frightened the mother and daughter.

There was a smile on the corner of Xiao Zhe's mouth, a reaction meant that his treatment was effective, and he immediately administered two more injections, which were used to relieve pain.

The moment the silver needle fell, Lan Yiyi's father instantly got rid of the pain. He looked at Xiao Zhe in surprise and asked, "Genius doctor, what happened just now?"

Since he broke his leg, he has never felt pain, let alone the existence of his own legs, but the severe pain pierced his cerebral cortex, making him clearly know that it came from his legs.

  "Pain means that you have regained consciousness, and your blood vessel damage and nerve perception have been cured by my acupuncture."
Xiao Zhe's words confirmed Lan Yiyi's father's guess, but he never expected that his useless legs would really regain consciousness only under his few tiny silver needles.

Lan Yiyi's father was deeply surprised, like a dream, and the flame of hope was ignited in his heart again.

Lan Yiyi, mother and daughter were very excited, they could only suppress this joy forcibly, for fear of disturbing Xiao Zhe's treatment.

Her mother held her father's palm and stood aside silently encouraging him.

What Xiao Zhe has to do next is to set about bringing him back to life with his broken bones.

Now that his father has regained consciousness, the pain of the broken bone will always be with him if he is not healed, it is better to lose consciousness.

Xiao Zhe closed his eyes slightly, and a light flashed in his mind. He had read thousands of medical books at the perverted old man, the patron saint of the earth, and he happened to read one that specialized in treating bone injuries.

He immediately immersed himself in his mind and carefully recalled the contents of the book. From the appearance, Xiao Zhe was still treating Lan Yiyi's father with all his heart.

The book that Xiao Zhe saw was called Canggu Neijing.

According to the records in the book, the formation of human bones is a kind of innate spiritual power born by nature.

Since it is innate spiritual power, it has the possibility of regenerating broken bones.

Xiao Zhe studied the contents of the book carefully, and a clear human skeleton emerged in his mind.

This skeleton moves its own body from time to time, and then the skeleton disappears one after another, becoming an empty body and becoming a part of the aura of heaven and earth.

Slowly, the aura gathered again, and the bones seemed to want Xiao Zhe to be able to see the formation of human bones more intuitively.

Xiao Zhe quite understood that since bones are also a part of spiritual power, broken bones are equivalent to broken spiritual power.

If this is the case, regathering spiritual power can achieve rebirth from broken bones.

Xiao Zhe opened his eyes, and quickly removed the silver needle on Lan Yiyi's father's leg.

He grasped Lan Sihai's broken bone with both hands, and kneaded it repeatedly with his ten fingers.

Xiao Zhe's spiritual power is permeating his body surface and entering his bones.

Before being reborn from a broken bone, Xiao Zhe had to melt his disused leg bone first.

Under the action of Xiao Zhe's spiritual power, Lan Sihai's leg bones gradually turned into innate spiritual power. In order to keep the spiritual power alive, Xiao Zhe sealed them all.

Then, according to the records in the Canon of Internal Medicine, these innate spiritual powers are combined to achieve the purpose of rebirth from broken bones.

After about ten minutes, the outline of Lan Sihai's leg bones gradually appeared. This was the call that was about to succeed.

Xiao Zhe exerted his spiritual power, and a brand new leg bone was regenerated, which fit perfectly on Lan Sihai's right knee.

The injury to the left leg is not as serious as the right leg, Xiao Zhe only needs to ablate part of the leg bones, and then regenerate them sequentially.

This time the speed was much faster, and it was done in just a few minutes.

Xiao Zhe took a long breath, although he was a little tired, it was finally considered a success.

  "Doctor Xiao, how is my father's leg?"
Seeing Xiao Zhe stop, Lan Yiyi couldn't help asking, even her mother looked at Xiao Zhe expectantly.

  Only Lan Sihai didn't react too much, and now he concentrated all his energy on his legs.

Now he not only has consciousness, but also seems to be aware of the sense of strength coming from his legs.

Lan Sihai's heart was pounding, he tried to lift his right leg.

When he really did it, everyone except Xiao Zhe was shocked!
His legs are really healed!

"Quick, pinch me."
Lan Sihai's eyes were wide open, and he looked at Lan Yiyi's mother.

Mother Lan's consciousness hadn't reacted yet, she didn't understand Lan Sihai's meaning, and twisted his ribs in a circle.

Lan Sihai bared her teeth in pain, rolled her eyes and said, "Silly woman, pinch my leg, where are you pinching?"

Lan Yiyi's mother looked embarrassed, and then pinched him on the leg.


Lan Sihai was in pain, hurriedly called to stop, and then laughed out loud.

"I'm healed, I'm really healed! You are my benefactor, and I want to beg you."
With tears in his eyes, Lan Sihai grabbed Xiao Zhe's hand. He always dreamed that his leg would get better. Now that his dream has come true, he can no longer control his emotions.

Lan Yiyi stood there dumbfounded, full of embarrassment.

Mother Lan glanced at her daughter, she was speechless, sweating profusely on her forehead, she slapped Lan Sihai on the head, closed her eyes and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, I don't care how old you are."

  "Yes, yes, yes, it confuses me. Does the young man have a girlfriend? Let's see how our family Yiyi is. If you want to have a good appearance, a good figure, and can endure hardships, she is definitely a good wife."
Lan Sihai picked up his eyelids, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was somewhat obscene, this appearance was like a different person.

"I have."

Xiao Zhe was snatched away by Lan Sihai before he finished speaking, and said with a smile: "It's good to have an idea, I support you, I have the final say in this family."

The corners of Xiao Zhe's mouth twitched slightly, what's all this, I'm here to treat your illness, how could it be a blind date.

And what I want to say is that I have a girlfriend, how can I interrupt someone like this, I am too excited.

Lan Yiyi was so shy that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and sneak in, her own father was really too, how could he talk about this in front of others.

She wasn't sure if he had any intentions in this regard, so she was just messing around here. If he had a girlfriend, it would be embarrassing.

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