Xiao Zhe got up and took the pill, opened the door and glanced at Liu Yutong, and said with a smile, "Go! Go down and have a look."

"Boss, your face!"

Liu Yutong pointed at Xiao Zhe's disheveled face, couldn't help laughing anymore, and said, "It's so dark! It feels like life has reached its climax!"

"Believe it or not, I'll make you like this too!" Xiao Zhe threatened her, and gave her a squinting look.

Liu Yutong quickly covered her mouth and followed behind Xiao Zhe, still smiling unbearably.

Xiao Zhe had no choice but to wash his face first, and then went downstairs to make a joke for free.

The medical hall is a serious place!He can't give people a different image.

The patient was a middle-aged man who appeared to be around 50 years old.

At this moment, lying on the hospital bed in the hospital, the person has fallen into a coma.

Seeing Xiao Zhe coming down, the woman guarding the hospital bed quickly walked over and said, "You are Doctor Xiao, right? Please ask the doctor to use his wonderful hands to cure my old man's illness."

Xiao Zhe motioned to the other party to be safe and not to be impatient, and felt his pulse while going to the hospital bed and asked, "How long has he been suffering from this disease."

"Over two years!" the woman sighed.

She was fine when she went out to buy vegetables in the morning, but she has become like this since she came back.

The condition of the middle-aged man is not optimistic. It is a sudden infarction. Fortunately, it was delivered in time, and if it was a step later, no one would be able to keep it.

Xiao Zhe's medical center had a precedent for treating such diseases, so after the middle-aged man fell into a coma, the woman first thought of his medical center.

The aorta of the middle-aged man's heart was blocked, which seriously affected the normal operation of the organs, and if it continued, it would only lead to organ failure.resulting in death.

Xiao Zhe took out the elixir he made, stuffed it into the middle-aged man's mouth, and swallowed it with water.

"Did you see what Miracle Doctor Xiao gave him?"

"I don't see clearly, my eyes are not very good."

"I see it, it looks like a pill!"

"Would this work?"

"Who knows, if this disease can be cured so easily, it won't be that there hasn't been a specific medicine for many years!"

Xiao Zhe was also observing the patient's condition. It was his first alchemy, so he was not sure if it would work or not.

"It seems useless, you see that person didn't respond at all!"

"Let's just wait, he is our miracle doctor, we should trust him."

"The genius doctor can't be so amazing every time, he is not a fairy in the sky!"

"Miraculous doctor Xiao, this...! Why don't you use acupuncture!"

The woman was also anxious when she saw it. Many people knew that Xiao Zhe was best at using silver needles.

Xiao Zhe frowned and did not speak, nor did he make any movements.

"Look, Miracle Doctor Xiao doesn't even use silver needles anymore. This person seems to be really dying."

"That's right, ever since we have the clinic of Miracle Doctor Xiao, I'm used to seeing people lying down and going in and out vertically, I'm afraid this time it really won't work!"

Many people in the medical hall shook their heads and sighed, and the middle-aged women also panicked.

Just when he was about to ask Xiao Zhe for a needle again, a miracle happened.

She seemed to see her old man's hand moving, and she wondered if she was dazzled.

Xiao Zhe smiled, the middle-aged woman read it right, his hand did move, and the elixir took effect.

"Old man, you woke up, but you gave me a big shock!"
The middle-aged man finally woke up after the elixir took full effect, and the heart held by the woman was also relieved.

Xiao Zhe checked his pulse again. Although the beating was a little weaker, it was caused by waking up.

The eyes of reincarnation are opened!
The middle-aged man's heart has returned to its normal beating rhythm, seven or eight of the accumulations in his body have been removed, and as long as he takes care of himself, he will be back to health.

Xiao Zhe didn't expect his elixir to achieve such an effect, he thought it would be a success if it could achieve half of the effect.

Unexpectedly, there was a surprise, which exceeded his expectations.

After thinking about it, he was relieved, he used this elixir refined by ignorant fire.

Wuminghuo is formed by condensing spiritual power. His spiritual power is the way of medicine. No wonder there is a record of Wuminghuo can enhance the efficacy of medicine in Taixuan Golden Alchemy.

If he practiced the way of fighting, I am afraid that the effect of this elixir would not be as great as before.

"Hey! It's amazing, I really woke up!"

"I just said you have to trust Miracle Doctor Xiao, there is no disease in the world that he can't cure!"

"It seems that the pill that Dr. Xiao gave him just now is a special medicine!"

"Miraculous doctor Xiao, I want to buy one!"

"I also want!"

"And me! With it, I will never be afraid of this disease again!"

Everyone scrambled to be the first, and immediately surrounded Xiao Zhe into a mess, so he had no choice but to explain one by one.

Everyone was disappointed when they learned that Xiao Zhe only had one pill in his hand.

But after getting his assurance, everyone was relieved.

Just because he said that there will be a batch of such pills in the medical hall in the future, but they will not be sold publicly.

Only when patients with similar symptoms are encountered, the medical center will take them out to save lives.

This is enough for them, as long as there is medicine in the clinic, they don't have to worry about Xiao Zhe not being in the clinic anymore.

Besides, Xiao Zhe has the experience of refining the first one, and he wants to refine the second one, which is not easy.

Instead, you can first refine some defective pills and use them as an emergency, and wait until you find suitable materials to create a furnace and then improve the quality of the pills.

He believed that if he had a cauldron in hand and fresh medicinal herbs, the quality of the refined medicine would be several times higher.

After Xiao Zhe sent the patient away, he went upstairs to refine two pills, which took a total of one hour, and handed them to Liu Yutong for safekeeping.

Xiao Zhe specifically instructed Liu Yutong to take out the medicine only when encountering patients with severe cardiovascular diseases, and ordinary mild patients should just seek medical treatment from a doctor.

After explaining to Liu Yutong, Xiao Zhe walked out of the clinic, and he was going to find suitable materials to refine storage rings and medicine cauldrons.

Xiao Zhe drove his car to a suburb, and this was the place where he became Xiao Zhe.

At that time, his soul came here by accident, it was not just a coincidence, but something was attracting him.

His soul is an immortal emperor, even if he was severely injured, his perceptibility is not comparable to that of ordinary practitioners.

Maybe you can find an unknown opportunity here.

In this place of the earth, besides the lack of aura, it is also difficult to find some commonly used materials that are often seen in the fairy world, let alone any treasures. He can only come here to try his luck.

When Xiao Zhe got out of the car, the first thing he did was to open the eyes of reincarnation.

The Eye of Reincarnation has the ability to see through the essence of all things. If there is really any secret here, then he should be able to see it.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhe made a different discovery.

And this discovery was actually on a stone, which looked like an ordinary stone.

Xiao Zhe took a closer look and found many small lines carved on this stone.

If he didn't have the eyes of reincarnation, he wouldn't be able to see the things on this stone at all.

Xiao Zhe studied it for a long time, but he still didn't understand what it was!
When he touched the stone with his hands and used his spiritual power, these lines were instantly lit up.

The dazzling light made him unable to open his eyes, he had no idea what was going on!
When the light dissipated, the scene before Xiao Zhe's eyes completely changed.

There is nothing here, only a vast expanse of gray, and the feet are full of gravel, which looks like a cave.

"Did I come to a secret place?"
A big question mark popped in Xiao Zhe's mind, but he turned his head and saw the big rock just now.

"It doesn't matter, let's take a look first." Xiao Zhe thought in his heart.

He walked forward cautiously, not knowing what mechanism he touched by mistake.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Dozens of short arrows shot through the air in an instant.

Xiao Zhe used his body skills to dodge quickly, and the short arrows disappeared after piercing the wall.

"Strange, could it be a hallucination, but I clearly feel the murderous intent."
Xiao Zhe frowned, and immediately opened the eyes of reincarnation to see clearly.

The position he was in was a half-truth and half-false illusion formed by people.

The so-called half-truth and half-false means that he will come whatever you think. If you are really hit, you will lose your life.

Xiao Zhe was wondering if there would be some kind of trap just now, but it finally came.

The reason why it was a trap that was so weak as Short Arrow was because it was influenced by the original Xiao Zhe, not the current Xiao Zhe who was reincarnated as the Immortal Emperor.

What kind of big scenes did Xiao Zhe have been in contact with in the past? These thoughts came from watching some treasure hunting movies and TV dramas.

Xiao Zhe, who had figured out the situation, immediately calmed down all his thoughts, completely emptied himself, and nothing happened when he walked forward.

Xiao Zhe, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, realized that he was wrong.

At this time, the ground shook again inexplicably.

After calming down, a stone statue appeared in front of his eyes, and this stone statue turned into an old man again, looking at Xiao Zhe with a smile.

"who are you?"
Xiao Zhe's eyes were wary. He couldn't see any fluctuations in spiritual power from the old man, but his intuition told him that it was very dangerous.

The other party wants to kill him, only in one thought.

"Young man, don't be nervous. I have no malicious intentions. I am the owner of this place, and I know your background. You are indeed weaker now. If you want to return to your own place, you still have to work hard!" The old man laughed. said.

"Where are you holy?"

Xiao Zhe felt that there were no secrets in front of him, as if he had seen through him, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

"I am the guardian god of the earth, and every creature here is closely related to me, including you, and it is also because of me that you can become the current Xiao Zhe." The old man gave Xiao Zhe the answer with a light smile.

It's no wonder that he had a feeling at the time, it turned out that it was the old man in front of him, and he didn't expect that there would be a patron saint here.

God, that was an existence that he had never come into contact with when he was an immortal emperor.

Could it be that I can't even develop the courage to resist in front of him? The gap is really a gap.

"Thank you God for the grace of rebirth!"

What Xiao Zhe said was true, if it wasn't for the guidance of the old man, given how weak his spirit was, it would not take long for him to perish.

The old man waved his hand and said, "You didn't disappoint me either. Your clinic has treated many people! So I should give you a reward. I can give you whatever you want."

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