After all, no one will forget the pain of being sealed for a hundred years.

Therefore, since the day of breaking the seal, the Night Stalker has sealed some of his own power.

Do not use unless absolutely necessary.

And the backhand he left behind was to guard against the power of the Dao.

Right now, Xiao Zhe and Long Qingcheng's fight against him is obviously to fight him desperately.

Neither of these two intends to use the means of banning.

However, it would be so easy to kill him.

He, the night lord, has been in other worlds for many years, as long as he breaks the seal, this world will return to his control.

Feng Chenzi blew himself up as the price, nothing more than hurting his body.

But his original physical body was eroded by the power of Dao just after being sealed.

It has long been riddled with holes, and there is no possibility of repairing it.

Therefore, he gave up himself, took the
Feng Chenzi.

Originally, she wanted to confuse Ji Xue, but this woman didn't fall for it, instead she secretly attacked him.

If she hadn't been vigilant, maybe she would really succeed.

He had only just broken through the seal at that time, and the power of his soul was extremely dim, and the power he could exert was extremely limited.

Fortunately, he absorbed all the aura from the Qi Lingzong Mountain Range, which brought him back to his peak.

  "Old Bear is right."

Ji Xue nodded, and said, "His power is sealed in the forbidden area of ​​Tianhuo Palace, where the demon energy is entwined, and no one can get close."

  "How good is that."

Xiong Zhengyang sighed, quite helpless.

Although the Night Stalker is at a disadvantage right now, the more so, the more it can arouse the devil's anger.

Unless they can destroy the sealed magic energy, but this is impossible.

These monks, as long as they enter that forbidden area, they will all become demon cultivators.

Even Ji Xue couldn't do it, the devilish energy in her consciousness didn't dissipate, she just suppressed it forcibly.

If you go to the forbidden area, you must immediately demonize it.

At that time, the situation will only get worse.

The consciousness that Ji Xue worked so hard to recover will be useless.

  "There is no other way. We can only break through the formation as soon as possible so that we can help them." Ji Xue said with a frown.

Things have come to this point, they have no other choice.

If the Night Stalker fused all the demon energy, his power would surely break through to an unattainable level.

At that time, even if they join forces, they may not be the opponent of this devil.

Their only chance now is to quickly break through the formation and support Xiao Zhe at an extremely fast speed.

Then, before the night lord could react, he beheaded him.

Although there is a sealed demonic energy remaining in the forbidden area of ​​Tianhuo Palace, the demon will not really perish.

But after beheading his main body, the remaining demonic energy was not enough to turn up the big waves.

Even without Xiao Zhe's attack, with her own cultivation, she can completely kill it.

  "it is good!"

Xiong Zhengyang nodded solemnly, and said: "We will try our best to adjust our breath, and we will break the formation in a quarter of an hour!"

Several people nodded their heads, and Tan Yushan took out a few Lingyuan Pills that Xiao Zhe had left for him in advance.

Originally, he was still reluctant, but the situation was imminent, so he didn't care about the value of this elixir.

As long as he is still alive, he can ask Xiao Zhe for the Lingyuan Pill after killing the devil and returning the peace of this world.

If it fails, keeping this elixir will lose any human effect.

Just because they can't bear the consequences of failure.

Ji Xue put the Lingyuan Pill in her palm and said, "Everyone, before that, please help me control the disciples, please!"

Ji Xue, who had always been defiant, bent slightly at this moment, bowing gracefully.

Her so-called arrogance is not aimed at people, but comes from the heart.

There are many practitioners in other worlds, but few of them are talented enough for her to take a fancy to.

It is precisely because of this kind of arrogance that she appears on weekdays and doesn't take anyone seriously.

Indeed, Ji Xue has the qualifications and strength.

Her practice time is even shorter than that of Tan Yushan.

However, it was unexpectedly fast to enter the country.

This is not only the effect of magic energy, but her own talent is the most important thing.

As the saying goes, standing on the cusp, pigs can take off.

She is very talented herself, and with the help of the demonic energy of the Night Lord, it is not difficult to quickly break through the peak of the Dao Realm.

  "You're welcome, you and I are both practitioners, and we should defend justice together."

Xiong Zhengyang reached out his hands to help Ji Xue up, and continued: "Time is running out, we will act immediately."

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Tan Yushan, "Junior brother, don't worry about the consumption of spiritual power. Since we have Lingyuan Pill, we can do whatever we want, but remember not to hurt anyone's life!"

  "I understand!" Tan Yushan nodded.

Immediately afterwards, three huge auras erupted.

The three quickly rushed into the crowd, each bursting with spiritual power.

With their joining, the disciples of Tianhuo Palace are even more difficult to resist.

Even the disciples of Qianhe Sword Sect and Luoyun Sect directly withdrew from the battle circle.

Just stood there blankly, looking at the three people whose figures kept flickering.

Helpless, not only could they not help, but they were in the way.

The method of confinement is the method that consumes the most spiritual power.

Only by using these methods can all the disciples in Tianhuo Palace be kept safe.

As the lord of the first palace, how could Ji Xue watch helplessly as these hundreds of years of foundation were destroyed in her hands.

They were infatuated, and she suffered more than anyone else.

Feng Chenzi has already died in martyrdom, and there can no longer be any mistakes in Tianhuo Palace.

Otherwise, she would have no face to meet the ancestors.

In the crowd, one stream after another streaked across.

Every time a force emerged, several disciples were suppressed by the spiritual power.

Under the suppression of this breath, they can no longer take any action.

He could only stare at his dark green eyes to express his anger.

At this time, a figure appeared behind Ji Xue.

There was a pitch-black devilish energy in his palm, and he was about to give her a fatal blow.

However, how could these small movements hide from her perception.

Ji Xue subconsciously turned around, with terrifying spiritual power in her palm.

Just when this disciple felt that he was about to die.

This ferocious spiritual power suddenly turned into a gentle force, imprisoning his whole body.

Dangerous and dangerous, a subconscious reaction almost killed a disciple.

Ji Xue was quite impressed with this disciple.

With his aptitude, as long as he takes time, he is enough to be an elder.

Unfortunately, due to the appearance of the Night Demon Lord, the Tianhuo Palace suffered heavy losses and never regained its former glory.

She had expected today's situation, but she never imagined that it would come so soon.

From the moment she knew the existence of the Night Stalker, Ji Xue was always doing her best to improve her cultivation.

I just want to use enough strength to protect the inheritance passed down by my ancestors when the catastrophe is approaching.

Or, with a strong cultivation base, behead the Night Demon Lord.

However, she never imagined that not only was this demon difficult to kill, but his cultivation had reached an extremely terrifying situation.

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