"I don't believe it, what the hell are you so incapable of recovering? I think you are a bunch of quack doctors. If you don't have that ability, don't go into the profession of doctors, so as not to mislead others and yourself." Lin Guangliang cursed directly after hearing this.

"Boy, go and see if it can be cured?" Lin Guangliang turned to look at Xiao Zhe.

"Captain Lin, it's not that I'm talking nonsense. It's too absurd for you to expect such a young man to treat a serious illness that even I can't cure."

  Naturally, he would not be convinced by Lin Guangliang's scolding. He is the most authoritative medical professor in the Longtan Defense Area. When Xing Bo was wounded and his life was hanging by a thread, he was the one who pulled him back from the critical line.

However, human functions always have a limit, and if it exceeds this limit, it is really incurable.

He is very satisfied with the previous treatment, which has exceeded his expectations.

  Lin Guangliang did not refute, he knew that what Professor Su Mingshan said was true.

But he really didn't want Xing Bo to die like this, it was not only his comrade in arms, but also his companion who had experienced life and death together. 
He has never seen Xiao Zhe's medical skills with his own eyes, and he doesn't know if they are as miraculous as he said, but does he have other methods?

"The patient's pale complexion is due to insufficient blood supply. The reason for this is heart failure. If I read correctly, his heart was shot through." Xiao Zhe said lightly.

  After Xiao Zhe finished speaking, Su Mingshan's eyes were slightly surprised.

The young man stood still and did not move. He made an accurate diagnosis just by taking a look. It was unbelievable, so he turned to look at Lin Guangliang.

"Look what I do, I haven't said anything."
Sensing Su Mingshan's gaze, Lin Guangliang didn't know what he was thinking.

"Possibly curable?"
Lin Guangliang turned his head to look at Xiao Zhe, and Su Mingshan's gaze also fixed on him.

Only then did he take a closer look at Xiao Zhe's appearance.

He looked like he had seen it somewhere before, and he couldn't think of it for a while, but it was nothing to be able to diagnose the disease, the key was whether it could be cured, so he also wanted to hear the young man's answer .

Xiao Zhe uttered a word simply and confidently.

"What are you talking about, you can really cure it, young man, this matter is no joke!"

Su Mingshan grabbed Xiao Zhe's arm, looking very excited.

"It's a matter of life and death, how can I be aimless, but whether you believe it or not depends on your own decision." Xiao Zhe said with a slight smile.

"How do you plan to treat it?" Su Mingshan asked with a frown.

"A silver needle can save his life." 
Xiao Zhe flipped it over, and a slender and shiny silver needle was caught between his fingers.

No one saw where his silver needle was taken out, including Lin Guangliang.

"Young man, you are messing around. You can cure Vice Captain Xing with just a small silver needle of yours?" Su Mingshan said obviously in a daze.

  "I can do it now, but I'm afraid it won't work after a while." Xiao Zhe said with raised eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Su Mingshan asked.

"The patient's vitality is rapidly dissipating. As a doctor, in the face of such an acute and severe disease, the treatment is time-consuming. Don't you understand such a simple truth!" Xiao Zhe said with a sneer.

"I just……"

"Okay, here I have the final say, implement treatment immediately!" 
Lin Guangliang waved his hand and interrupted what Su Mingshan wanted to say. Even he could see that Xing Bo's breathing was getting weaker and weaker. Anyway, there would be no worse result. He would rather take a gamble.

Su Mingshan sighed, and didn't try to stop him anymore, he still believed that Xiao Zhe had no ability to heal Xing Bo.

It's just that Lin Guangliang has made a decision, so he can't say much.

  Seeing that Lin Guangliang agreed, Xiao Zhe smiled and walked over with the silver needle.

He had to channel Xing Bo's Qi and blood as soon as possible, because his life breath had weakened, and the blood flow in his blood vessels had become quite slow.

  If the blood stopped flowing, the heart would also stop beating. At that time, even if he took action, it might not be able to save the life.

Of course, Xiao Zhe was able to save him, mainly relying on the spiritual power in his body, supplemented by the Taixuan Jindan Jue technique, it is impossible to do it with a single silver needle.

Xiao Zhe stabbed the silver needle on Xing Bo's heart, and as the speed of twisting between his fingers increased, traces of spiritual power were transmitted through the silver needle.

Xiao Zhe's spiritual power was constantly repairing Xing Bo's damaged parts, but in Su Mingshan's eyes, what Xiao Zhe did was useless. He never believed that a silver needle could create miracles.

"Captain, why do I feel that the vice-captain's breathing seems to be stronger than before? This should not be my illusion."

The first person to notice Xing Bo's change was the young soldier, Yu Yang, Xing Bo's bodyguard.

  After hearing this, Lin Guangliang looked together with Su Mingshan, and found that Xing Bo's breathing became more and more rhythmic, and he was approaching steadily, and his face was no longer pale, but a little more rosy than before.

"That's right, you read that right, Lao Xing is saved, he wants to get rid of Lao Tzu and try to clean himself up, there is no door, haha." Lin Guangliang was overjoyed after seeing it.

  Now it was really Su Mingshan's turn to be surprised. He really didn't expect that a silver needle could turn the situation around. This is obviously not in line with medical common sense, and he became more and more curious about how Xiao Zhe did it.

"Little brother, can you teach me how you did it?" Su Mingshan couldn't help asking with embarrassment on his face.

  The main reason is that Xiao Zhe's performance is too miraculous. He has never seen this kind of treatment method. Although acupuncture is also available in Chinese medicine, he has never seen a doctor who only uses a silver needle.

This made him wonder for a while whether he had gone in the wrong direction after studying medical science for many years. There are still simpler and more effective medical methods in this world.

If you say that what you have learned and used is going in the wrong direction, but everyone else is doing the same. Is it possible that everyone is also going in the wrong direction just like him?
  Soon he shook his head and denied it. It would be unrealistic to say that he was going in the wrong direction alone, but everyone was going in the wrong direction. There was only one possibility left.

There are other medical methods in this world, and he very much hopes that he can learn some special medical methods from Xiao Zhe, so that he may be able to save more people.

Xiao Zhe didn't pay attention to Su Mingshan, but continued to concentrate on treating Xing Bo. Xing Bo's heart was seriously damaged, and it was not so easy to repair it.

Sweat gradually broke out on his forehead. The treatment of Xing Bo requires extremely strict control of spiritual power, and it is almost ineffective if it is light.

But if it is too heavy, not only will it not be able to save the person, but it will kill him on the spot.

  "Professor Su Mingshan, you have also seen that Xiao Zhe is devoting himself to the treatment, so you should not bother him."
Lin Guangliang looked at Xiao Zhe, and opened his mouth to ease the embarrassment condensed in the air.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Captain Lin is right. You see, I am really confused."
"What did you just say? He is Xiao Zhe, the genius doctor in the public eye." Su Mingshan said in surprise before he had time to catch his breath.

Seeing Lin Guangliang nodded, Su Mingshan smiled wryly and said, "Young and promising, it seems that I am really old."

  It wasn't until then that he knew that this young man was the miracle doctor that people called him.

It's no wonder that Xiao Zhe looks familiar, that's because he has seen reports about him in the media before.

  After seeing it at the time, he showed disdain and thought it was just media hype.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhe did have skills beyond the reach of ordinary people, but it seemed that he was sitting on the sidelines.

From this point of view, he is indeed worthy of the title of genius doctor.

There is no end to medicine. Su Mingshan felt that he needed to learn too much, and he was also deeply hit.

He has done decades of medical research, but in the end he is not as good as a young man.

"Okay! Rest for three days, I guarantee that he will recover as before."

Xiao Zhe took a long breath, pulled out the silver needle, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although the spiritual power was not consumed much, but he had to concentrate all the time, and after some treatment, he was still very tired.

His words once again attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone turned their eyes from Xing Bo's chest to his face again, they found that his complexion was ruddy and his breathing was steady, as if a normal person had fallen asleep.

  "Good boy, you are really here. This is a great achievement for you. I will report the truth to my superiors and ask for credit for you."
Lin Guangliang patted Xiao Zhe's shoulder, grinning from the corner of his mouth to his ears, it was obvious that he was very happy.

  "Miraculous Doctor Xiao, it's all my fault that I don't know Mount Tai. Please don't worry about what happened before. I'll pay you here." Su Mingshan sighed, and said with sincerity in his eyes.

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