"Brother Sen, it's this kid who came to us to make trouble. He not only doesn't understand the rules, but also hurt our brothers. We must teach him a lesson."
Seeing Wang Chusen walking in, the staff member quickly greeted him and pointed at Xiao Zhe.

  He looked in the direction of his finger, and happened to meet Xiao Zhe's eyes.

  "It's you!"

Wang Chusen exclaimed, as if he had encountered a huge and strange thing.

When did Xiao Zhe become so good at fighting? Could it be that he was already pretending?
  "Shocked or surprised?" Xiao Zhe grinned.

  Wang Chusen gave a wry smile and said, "It's quite unexpected."

He thought about all kinds of people who might cause trouble, but he didn't think about Xiao Zhe.
This is now a genius doctor in Longtan City, and his identity has long been different from before.

Only he can cure Young Master Lei's illness, and now he doesn't know how to solve it.

On the same day, Lei Sigu left the clinic and went to the most famous hospital in Longtan City, where he found the best doctor, but the result of the diagnosis was nothing.

Therefore, Lei Sigu wondered whether Xiao Zhe had tampered with it.

Otherwise, it would be too much of a coincidence that there would be no problem sooner or later, and it would be a coincidence that something would happen if he was the one to trouble him.

It can be seen that Lei Sigu is not really stupid.

In addition, Xiao Zhe asked him to go to him every month.

This made him even more suspicious that there was something tricky in it, or that Xiao Zhe was simply cheating him of money.

He is not short of this little money, but he is not happy, who wants to be taken advantage of.

If it is really sick, there is no reason for the hospital to find no trace of it.

With his mortal thinking, it is destined not to be applied to Xiao Zhe.

Just when Wang Chusen was hesitating, Lei Sigu also walked in.

"Xiao Zhe, how could it be you!"
As soon as Lei Sigu came in, he immediately saw Xiao Zhe smiling.

Fortunately, he thought that some great person came to Lei's casino to make trouble, and he was just worrying about it for a long time.

However, this also surprised him.

Xiao Zhe looked polite, but he was unambiguous when fighting.

Those thugs are not very good, but they can be regarded as some strong men after all.

"A bunch of rice buckets!"
Lei Sigu glanced at the staff member.

  Facing the scolding, the staff blushed for a while.

Immediately after, he lowered his head and did not say anything to refute. 
"Hello, Master Lei, we met again so soon, and in this way." Xiao Zhe said with a smile.

"This young master didn't bother you, but you rushed to the door yourself."

Lei Sigu sneered, then his eyes turned cold, and he said, "What? Is it because you are impatient?"

"I'm impatient to live. It doesn't matter what you say, but I think it's because I'm impatient. Tell me honestly, the robber who kidnapped Lu Jingyan was a bad move by you." 
Xiao Zhe stood up and walked towards Lei Sigu.

But when he was about to approach him, he was stopped by a figure.

After that, Xiao Zhe looked up and laughed outright.

  "Where did you find this blackie? I've never seen it before. Could it be that you picked it up from some coal mine?"
Xiao Zhe touched his nose, and glanced at Lei Sigu casually.

  "Young people should be polite. I'm not Xiao Hei. I have my own name. My name is Ye Anwu. I'm Young Master Lei's personal bodyguard, responsible for his personal safety." 
Ye Anwu protected Lei Sigu and took a few steps back, keeping a safe distance.

Xiao Zhe was able to bring down several thugs in the casino by himself, so he was obviously proficient in fighting.

He wasn't worried about himself, but just for the sake of safety, so as not to hurt First Young Master Lei.

  "Uncle Ye, don't talk nonsense with him, the old and new accounts will be settled together, and he will be abolished directly. I will bear the responsibility if something happens."
A look of coldness and impatience flashed across Young Master Lei's face, he didn't think it was necessary for Ye Anwu's cautious reaction.

"Wait, you answer my question first, and it's not too late to start."
Xiao Zhe waved his hand, Ye Anwu straightened up, withdrew his fighting posture, and looked back at First Young Master Lei.

  "Where did you get so much trouble, what kind of robbers, what kind of Lu Jingyan, I don't know at all." Young Master Lei raised his brows and eyes slightly, and denied it flatly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but what I want to tell you, the robber not only failed, but was killed by me."
Xiao Zhe smiled faintly, as if to him, this was an insignificant matter.

"What! You killed him, and you dare to kill him. Are you crazy?"
First Young Master Lei was shocked when he heard this, it was obvious that this had exceeded his expectations.

The most important thing is that his plan fell through again because of Xiao Zhe.

  "It seems that this matter is really related to you. Besides, it's just a small thief. If you kill him, you will be killed. It's no big deal." Xiao Zheyun said calmly.

"I didn't expect that you, a little doctor, are quite courageous. I did this, so what can you do to me? Our Lei family is rich and powerful, and no one will believe your words."

First Young Master Lei gave a compliment first, rolled his eyes, and then said: "As for getting rid of you, I changed my mind about something else, the premise is that you will return the money you swallowed."
"It's good for you to admit it yourself, so that even if I beat you into a cripple, you won't be wronged."

Xiao Zhe clasped his hands, with a playful look, and continued: "Besides, I won the money by virtue of my strength, so it is impossible to give it back to you."
  "You really don't know how to live or die. You really think that my Lei family's money is so easy to get!"
Afterwards, Lei Sigu looked at Ye Anwu, and said coldly: "Uncle Ye, give him a hard lesson, but don't beat him to death, I will torture him slowly."

Ye Anwu nodded, took a few steps forward, put on a fighting posture, and said, "Whatever you have, just use it."

  "It's right for me to say that!"

Xiao Zhe grinned, and hooked his fingers at Ye Anwu.

"Don't be ashamed!"

Ye Anwu snorted coldly, and shouted: "Just let you see how powerful I am!"

Xiao Zhe is crazy enough, but after all, he is a little younger.

He wanted to see if he had the capital to go crazy.

next second.

Ye Anwu shot out suddenly, and hit Xiao Zhe in the face with a straight punch.

He didn't expect to beat Xiao Zhe with a single punch, after all, he was also a trainer, so he was more or less capable.

  "how can that be!"

Suddenly, Ye Anwu was shocked.

His fist was only 2 cm away from Xiao Zhe's face, unable to advance any further.

His punch was actually blocked by a finger.

This kid is not a monster, he can't do as much strength as a finger.

  "I said you should be more serious, is this also called beating?"

Xiao Zhe smacked his lips, his face full of disappointment.

This is too weak, too weak for him to be interested at all.

  "This is just the beginning, and it's too early to be proud."

Ye Anwu frowned slightly, and had a general understanding of Xiao Zhe's strength.

Maybe it will be a little stronger than he imagined, but it can't change the ending.

  In terms of strength, Xiao Zhe is better than him. If it is just strength, it is far from enough.

More important than strength is combat experience.

At the moment of fighting, any small flaw may reverse the whole situation.

  "I know, I know, I'm not proud, just go ahead!"
Xiao Zhe sighed, and continued to hook his fingers at him.

Ye Anwu didn't hold back any more, and directly used his full strength.

An opponent like Xiao Zhe is enough to attract his attention.

  Gradually, after several rounds of fighting between the two, Ye Anwu still didn't take advantage of it.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Zhe has been defending, and has no intention of making a move at all.

  "What do you mean? Why don't you make a move?"

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Ye Anwu's forehead, he understood that he had met a master.

  "If you want me to make a move, it depends on you not having the ability."

Xiao Zhe shrugged, then looked at Lei Sigu, and said, "You're not very good as a bodyguard, why don't you just invite me, I promise to beat you up every day!"

"Xiao Zhe, don't be too complacent!"
Lei Sigu gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead slightly raised, and shouted: "Uncle Ye, don't hold back, let this kid see how powerful you are."

  "Okay, young master!"

Ye Anwu responded, with a sudden force on the sole of his foot, a side kick swept towards Xiao Zhe's neck.

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