The cohabiting fairy emperor of the female president

Chapter 240 How do you plan to drive this car


Lin Jiaohan looked at Xiao Zhe with pitiful eyes.

Xiao Zhe smiled slightly, and asked the young man, "What's wrong with your sister?"

  "Congenital heart disease."
The young man's eyes were full of sadness. He knew that this disease could not be cured.

  "Tell me your home address." Xiao Zhe said with a light smile.


  There was a little surprise in the eyes of the young man, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Lin Jiaohan smiled and said, "It's your fate to meet him, he is a famous miracle doctor in our Longtan City."

Hearing this, the young man's eyes lit up, but then he said embarrassingly, "I have no money."


Xiao Zhe didn't say much, and continued to urge the young people to live.

The young man nodded in embarrassment, and gave Xiao Zhe an address, at worst, he would pay back the money slowly in the future.

It's just that he doesn't know if this miracle doctor can cure such incurable diseases.

Lin Jiaoxi showed joy, and said with a smile: "My master took action, your sister is saved."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Zhe's sharp-edged silhouette, as cold as otherworldly fireworks.

In his mind, Xiao Zhe is a god-like existence, there is nothing he can't handle.

It was also because of Xiao Zhe that she stepped into the path of a practitioner.

Now that Lin Jiaohan has broken through to the Sea Consciousness Realm, her skills are many times stronger than before.

Now she is confident that she can win special battles against all the masters, including her father Lin Guangliang.

  "Thank you, officer." The young man said sincerely.

Lin Jiaohan smiled faintly and said, "It's him you should thank."

Lin Jiaoxi pointed to Xiao Zhe who was driving, and at the same time increased the angle between her legs again.

Her cheeks were gradually rosy, and from this angle, as long as Xiao Zhe wanted to, he could clearly see the scenery under her skirt.


Xiao Zhe swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

None of these women are silent, which makes him very embarrassed.

Don't read it, I'm sorry for the kindness of others, see it, I'm sorry for my wife.

Forget it, doing it rashly is what a real man does.

From the corner of Xiao Zhe's eyes, he unceremoniously glanced at Lin Jiaohan's secret.

After a closer look, he found out that it turned out that the girl was wearing gauze-like material, and he even saw a few slender strands that had escaped.

Xiao Zhe coughed lightly, and said solemnly: "Sit down for me, don't interfere with driving for the teacher."

  "Why didn't they sit down properly?" Lin Jiaoxi said with a smile.

In fact, this is already a big challenge for her.

It's just that her heart has long been trapped in Xiao Zhe's world, and a little sacrifice is nothing.

As long as he is happy, she can open up to him at any time.

It turns out that this is the feeling of liking someone, and you can do all kinds of behaviors that you couldn't understand before for him.

Xiao Zhe rolled his eyes at her, but didn't speak.

The young man in the back seat looked confused, he didn't understand the conversation between the two at all.

This made him feel strange. Everyone is from China, speaking a common language and words that he can understand.

How come these words are combined together, so he can't understand it.

In the end, he could only feel that his cultural level was not up to standard, but it was a pity that he didn't have the money to study hard when he was a child.

  "Master, how do you plan to drive this car?"

Lin Jiaoxi's words were startling, and Xiao Zhe staggered, almost losing control of the car.

He couldn't bear it any longer, raised his head and slapped Lin Jiaohan on the forehead, and said angrily, "Speak well."

  "People know."

Lin Jiaohan clutched her forehead with an aggrieved look on her face.

The young man was stunned. Is this still the irascible policewoman who acted vigorously when he was arrested?

Could it be that they were subcontracted by someone?
If he could have such a little daughter's attitude towards him, he wouldn't be so frightened that he would run away.

Such a beautiful policewoman, as long as she winks at him a little, he will obediently commit the crime.

He can only think about it, Lin Jiaoxi is a policeman after all, she will not take advantage of her beauty to arrest some Xiaoxiao, that would be too cheap for them.

She, Lin Jiaohan's beauty and tenderness, could only be given to her dishonest master.

The young people also noticed that the relationship between Lin Jiaohan and this miracle doctor was extraordinary.

Ordinary people who dare to hit the police?

We are all men, this gap is too big, it is easy to hit people.

Half an hour later, Xiao Zhe stopped the car.

When Xiao Zhe got out of the car, he really almost spit out nosebleeds.

Without him, Lin Jiaohan made a big move.

I don't know if she did it unintentionally or on purpose, the moment she opened the car door and took a leg.

The short skirt on her body rubbed up a bit.

Immediately, the entire gauze-like white color filled Xiao Zhe's eyeballs.

After that, Lin Jiaohan immediately tried to cover up, and quickly pulled down her skirt.

Xiao Zhe really wanted to ask her, although short skirts are also equipped with police uniforms, but if you come out on duty, would it be convenient to wear them like this?
Fortunately, what shouldn't be seen was seen by him. If it were someone else, it's up to you what to do.

There will no longer be an honest gentleman like this Emperor in this world.

well!Tired, what a worrying apprentice.

At this moment, Xiao Zhe took advantage of the time when Lin Jiaoxi bent down to open the handcuffs, and ruthlessly gouged out her thigh again.

Then, I came to a conclusion in my mind.

This girl's butt seems to have become more warped.

Not only that, but Lin Jiaohan's legs looked more straight and rounded, this is the benefit brought to her by practice.

In addition, her legs originally had muscles due to long-term training.

Although it shows strength, it is not very good-looking for girls after all.

Right now, her muscles are completely invisible, and there is only a white and smooth feeling.

Lin Jiaoxi was also aware of her changes, so when facing Xiao Zhe, she became more confident.

She hasn't changed much in appearance, besides, she is not ugly, but she is slightly inferior to Huang Shanshan.

Now, the changes in her figure were enough for her to ignore these small gaps.

  "Officer, this is my home."

The young man pointed to a dilapidated apartment building, and his finger stopped on the second floor.

Lin Jiaoxi nodded, looked at Xiao Zhe and said, "Master, let's go up."

Before Xiao Zhe could speak, she took the initiative to put her hands on Xiao Zhe's arms, looking like a couple.

Xiao Zhe secretly sighed in his heart, these women just want to take advantage of him, he is very helpless.

Young people are the first to go to the steps, due to the limited width of the stairs.

Lin Jiaoxi had no choice but to let go of Xiao Zhe's arm, and she took the lead in taking a step, lifting a tender calf and stepping on it.

Xiao Zhe took a deep breath, and quickly calmed down the flames that were about to burn in his abdomen.

Lin Jiaohan's whiteness once again filled Xiao Zhe's pupils.

He swears to God, it really wasn't what he wanted to see.

Lin Jiaoxi was walking in front of the steps, and he was walking behind. As long as he raised his head a little, he could see the hidden scenery.

While walking, the corners of Lin Jiaoxi's eyes squinted slightly, and then her cheeks turned rosy.

  "Master, hurry up."
Lin Jiaopei's tone was a bit coquettish, she was about to come up, and Xiao Zhe was less than halfway there.

  Xiao Zhe is suffering in his heart, with you in front, where can I go soon.

If you walk too fast, you won't be able to see anything, you think I'm stupid, don't you?

As a master, how can he live up to the good intentions of his disciples.

He explained again that he was not a sex critic, but just accepted Lin Jiaohan's filial piety.

Lin Jiaohan looked a little shy, and she quickened her pace of climbing the stairs.

She herself didn't know how many times Xiao Zhe had watched her along the way.

Not only was she not angry, but she was secretly delighted, who made Xiao Zhe her master and also the man she liked.

Women are those who please themselves.

The more Xiao Zhe looked at her secretly, the more confidence he brought to her.

If a man ignores women, how can he prove that this man is interested in you.

Lin Jiaohan misunderstood Xiao Zhe, he just wanted to have an eye addiction, and he had no other ideas at all, let alone his apprentice.

This apprentice received a little cheap, but he can be regarded as worshiping him as a teacher.

Xiao Zhe walked into the young man's house with his front foot, and a masked figure in black clothes appeared on his back foot.

His eyes narrowed slightly, sharp and deep, like a poisonous snake staring at the room Xiao Zhe walked into.

The man in black exuded an invisible murderous aura, quickly restrained his aura, and then disappeared.

  "Brother, you are back."

A girl who looked to be in her twenties came over.

The girl's face was pale, her lips were slightly purple, and she lacked vitality while walking.

The appearance is not bad, with a melon-shaped face and a pair of big black eyes, as if he can talk.

And her curved eyebrows, straight nose bridge, she looks like a doll when she smiles.

In the simple room, there are some worn-out furniture. Apart from the bed, the only valuable thing is probably the computer.

  The young man smiled and nodded, took the cleaning items from her sister and put them on the table not far away, and said, "Leave these chores to me. All you have to do is rest."

The girl smiled sweetly, "Understood, brother."

Then the girl looked at Xiao Zhe and Lin Jiaohan who walked in, and asked suspiciously, "Who are they?"

Immediately, the girl narrowed her eyes and said, "Brother, you didn't do something that you couldn't do for me, did you?"

  "Don't worry little sister, I didn't come to arrest your brother, I brought a doctor to treat you." Lin Jiaoxi said with a smile.

  "Is that so?" The girl looked at the young man.

The young man nodded with a light smile, poured the girl a cup of hot water, and said, "Officer Lin brought you a famous doctor from Longtan City. Maybe your illness can be cured."

On the way here, the young man saw Lin Jiaohan's name pasted on the police uniform.

Hearing this, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Police Officer Lin, I really trouble you."

When she saw the police coming to her, she thought it was her brother who had done something wrong.

On weekdays, no one would come to her place, except when the landlord asked for rent, they would come here.

The landlord knew that she had a physical problem, so she didn't want to rent the house to them.

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