Only she herself, instead of feeling ashamed, looked at Xiao Zhe with complacency.

That means it's like saying what if you cure the old man, we are a family, and it is impossible for the old man to favor you as an outsider.

As long as I give him a step down casually, the old man will take advantage of the slope to go down, and will not do anything to me.

And you, Lu Jingyan, no matter what, I am also your second aunt, no matter how capable you are, you are still a girl.

The old man will not hand over the inheritance rights to you, never will, because it is impossible for the Lu Group to adopt a foreign surname.

Only I am qualified to get the right of inheritance, not for any reason, just because I have a son, if you want to blame it, blame your parents for not living up to expectations and not making you a man.

"I can't bear your filial piety, I'm saying it for the last time, get out!"

Lu Yuanming sneered, his eyes showed a stern look, obviously really angry.

It might be okay to deceive the ghost with her words, but it is absolutely impossible to deceive him.

Lu Wenze wanted to plead for his younger siblings, but in a blink of an eye he saw the old man glaring at him, and swallowed back the words he was about to say.

Lu Yuanming sighed in his heart, when will his eldest son get rid of his weak temper.

"Okay! I'll go!"
At first Zhang Siqi thought the old man was trying to scare her, but now he doesn't know that he is serious.

Looking at her man Lu Wen'er, he didn't seem to intercede for her at all.

I saw him standing where he was, without even looking at her, as if he wanted to stay out of the matter.

Feeling hopeless, Zhang Siqi said to him, "You really look like a man. My wife has been bullied, and I dare not even fart."

Lu Wener simply glanced at her, and acted as if he hadn't heard anything else.

At this moment, he couldn't protect himself, so how could he say anything else.

He also doesn't want the inheritance rights of the Lu Group, as long as he can stay in the Lu family safely and be a parasite.

Without the protection of the Lu family, he is nothing, and being alive is better than anything else.

"Wait a minute, the old man said to tell you to get out, but he didn't say to let you go."

Xiao Zhe looked at Zhang Siqi with a smile, and quickly stopped her when he saw her walking towards the door.

If she has the intention of repenting, Xiao Zhe is too lazy to care about her.

But this woman was still arguing with Lu Yuanming just now, without any sign of repentance.

"That's right, brother Xiao Zhe is right, don't forget that you also promised me that."
Lu Jingyan got up and came to Xiao Zhe's side, standing parallel to him on the same line.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

This woman is not worthy of sympathy, it is her own fault.

Thinking of Zhang Siqi's face when her grandfather was unconscious made her angry.

It seems that in her eyes, she only cares about the inheritance rights of the Lu Group, and her grandfather is a dispensable person, and she will feel happier even after his death.


Zhang Siqi gritted her teeth, and her whole body trembled with anger.

Lu Wen'er finally couldn't stand it anymore. Even if his wife was wrong in every way, she shouldn't be insulted like this.

He clenched his fists tightly, pointed at Xiao Zhe, looked at Lu Yuanming and said, "Dad, Siqi is the daughter-in-law of our Lu family, you can tolerate them like this, even Jingyan is fine, Xiao Zhe is just a little doctor, he Why!"

Zhang Siqi was moved, and Lu Wener stood up for her like a man.

For many years, I have been with him without complaint or regret, endured his flirtatious nature, and gave birth to a son for him.

What was she trying to do, she couldn't figure it out, maybe she owed him in her previous life.

"Just because he saved my life, because he is the benefactor of the Lu Group."

Lu Wener, who was choked up by Lu Yuanming with just one sentence, was speechless. Saving him is equivalent to saving the Lu Group.

Shen Wanting looked left and right with her big eyes, and finally put them on Xiao Zhe. Fighting in the family is a common occurrence, and she is not surprised.

The more she got in touch with, the more she felt that Xiao Zhe was such a pure man, who was so much better than these people who knew his face but didn't know his heart.

It's just that can I get his heart, can't I get his heart, or can I get his people?

I'm afraid Shanshan will kill me if she finds out, hee hee!

hum!The boss must have been preempted by her. The two of them lived together for so long, I can't believe that nothing happened.

Such an excellent man, even a woman would pounce on him, including the little girl Lu Jingyan, don't think I didn't see the bright starlight from her eyes.

oops!Why are there so many opponents? It's really annoying.

I have to hurry up and seduce...!
Pooh!No, I have to hurry up and have a close contact with him.

Seeing that Lu Wen'er had nothing to say, Lu Yuanming cast his eyes on Zhang Siqi and said, "Leave the Lu family if you don't leave."

Zhang Siqi stared at Lu Yuanming viciously, she bit the corner of her mouth with traces of blood, and the old man was not afraid of her gaze.

Afterwards, Zhang Siqi chuckled lightly, as if mocking herself, and bowed her head in resignation.

She really got out!
Zhang Siqi got out of the door and got up in a state of embarrassment, never dreaming that she would suffer today's humiliation.

All of this is due to Xiao Zhe's meddling, if he hadn't saved Lu Yuanming and let the old man fend for himself, she would not be ashamed in public.

There is also Lu Jingyan, a stinky girl who always loves to be against her, this time it is even more unforgivable.

They will all pay the price!All those who hurt her will not be spared.

Lu Wen'er had mixed feelings, he turned and left Lu Yuanming's room without saying a word.

Lu Yuanming's eyes were dull, and he couldn't see what he was thinking, but Lu Wener was his son after all.

Even if he is not filial, he can't bear to blame him, but just let himself bear the sadness silently.

Is there any father in this world who doesn't care about his son, even if there are all kinds of wrongs, he will still choose to forgive.

Besides, he was already old, and the Lu Corporation still counted on them to grow and develop.

When one day others return to dust, they can also close their eyes with peace of mind.

Since it was getting late, Lu Yuanming specially ordered Lu Jingyan to find some vacant rooms for Xiao Zhe and the others to live in.

Xiao Zhe, who was exhausted all day, just took off his clothes and was about to take a shower when Huang Shanshan called.

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Zhe clicked on the answer.

When a perfect line fell into her eyes, Huang Shanshan froze for a few seconds, and then her nose bleeds.

Feeling the silence in the air, Xiao Zhe noticed that what she was typing was actually a video.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my wife's concentration is not enough! You need to practice more."

Xiao Zhe in the video screen is shaking his head with a smirk, looking as cheap as he wants.

Anyway, don't blame me, who asked you to call when I was going to take a shower, I can't put my clothes back on.

That's too troublesome, it seems that I'm the one who suffers.

She was sloppy, and she feasted her eyes again. This woman really is greedy for the emperor's body all the time.

Is it time to play video at this big night? Typical bad intentions and intentions.

She got her way this time, so I have to be more careful next time, the emperor has integrity.

Although she is already my wife, it doesn't mean that she can see my body casually.

Take off your clothes if you have the ability, it would be unfair for me to be alone without clothes.

The important thing is that I don't feel safe at the moment, what if a woman who can't stand the temptation runs over and throws me down.

Give it to her, I'm sorry for my wife, don't give it to her, I'm sorry for myself, maybe people will suspect that I have obstacles.

well!What a hard choice!
"Bad guy! Why don't you wear clothes? Did you do something shameful without telling me? Show me if there is anyone on your bed."

Huang Shanshan's slightly hoarse voice came over, and it can be seen from Xiao Zhe's camera that a ball of paper was stuffed into her two nostrils.

The first time she saw that explosive scene, her blood pressure skyrocketed.

Then the watch exploded, and the body reacted most directly through her nose, using this to relieve the burden caused by the rapid increase in blood flow.

Fortunately, I was not on the bed, otherwise the newly changed sheets would be scrapped.

But at the moment, she is lying on the bed.

There's no way, it's all caused by this guy, her body is weak from the nosebleed, she can only lean on the bed to relieve herself, she already feels dizzy and dizzy standing up.

If she didn't lie down again, she was afraid that she would faint due to excessive blood loss.

"I said wife, you can't doubt your man, you must know that I am the most principled, and I definitely can't do shameful things behind your back!" Xiao Zhe explained while putting on his clothes.

Why wear clothes?

It's simple, the woman in front of him has stared straight at her eyes, and she might not be able to sleep tonight if she doesn't put on her clothes.

Xiao Zhe would not doubt his own charm, he is the male god in the hearts of thousands of girls.

Just a simple look at him, or a smile from him, is enough to make the other party fall into a dream life of infatuation.

There has never been anyone who can resist his charm.

"Bah! If you have principles, pigs can climb trees!"

Huang Shanshan rolled her eyes at him, obviously not believing this guy's nonsense.

Even if he can restrain himself, can others also restrain him!
Not to mention, there is someone beside her who is staring at her every day, eager to take her place and complete her position as soon as possible.

The person Huang Shanshan was referring to was naturally Shen Wanting, and now that she wasn't by her side, she might be able to confuse her man with this spooky little girl.

When she was around, she still fired at Xiao Zhe all the time, but now that she's not following, she doesn't think Shen Wanting will be honest and do nothing.

That would be too unlike her, with this girl's ghostly temper, it's hard to guarantee that she won't be able to do such a thing.

Lu Jingyan wasn't too worried, and Xiao Zhe wouldn't lay hands on a little girl if she thought about it.

However, because of a woman's intuition, she still has to be on guard.

Xiao Zhe had no choice but to walk around the room with his mobile phone.

What bathroom, wardrobe, even what can be seen under the bed was shown to her.

He is a majestic immortal emperor, and one day he will fall to the point of being checked by others.

He dared to be angry but dare not speak out, the wife he chose had to bear it with tears in his eyes.

"How about my wife, I have said that I am the most principled person, you should rest assured now!" Xiao Zhe said with a big grin.

I thought to myself that it was almost 10:30, and those who should sleep should go to sleep, who still has the energy to come out and toss.

Besides, it was the first time he came here in Nanzhou City, so it was impossible for someone who was unfamiliar with the place to want something.

The only people he knew here were Lu Yuanming and Lu Jingyan.

Not counting Shen Wanting and Bai Qing, one is an artist of his company and the other is a staff member of his company.

Huang Shanshan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You have a conscience!"

Just as she finished speaking, when she was about to hang up the video call, Xiao Zhe's door creaked open.

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