Jia Jie lowered her head and didn't say a word. Ding Meiling's words hurt her dignity a bit. Her boyfriend is a very career-minded person. Although their lives are a little bit hard now, they are full of hope for the future. .

She won't find someone like a rich second generation to be her boyfriend, because there is no basis for feelings, and she will be very passive. He can find other women at any time, and it is very likely that he will become someone else's plaything.

What you achieve with your own hands is truly permanent, and no one can take it away from you.

Jia Jie couldn't see the essence of things clearly, which neither Shu Wen nor Ding Meiling could compare to.

Shu Wen's husband's secret pursuit of her is the best proof.

It's just that she knows that a man like him is only interested in her for a while, and if he really wants to get it, he will be ruthlessly abandoned in a short time.

To meet a man who loves each other and is willing to give his heart is worthy of a woman's entrustment.

"Shanshan, I'm not talking about you. Your vision in choosing men is really bad. My husband is hundreds of times better than you, a handsome boy."

Shu Wen cast a sideways glance at Xiao Zhe, with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, you don't deserve my eyes.

Her sense of superiority is innate. When she was in school, her grades were among the best, not much worse than Huang Shanshan.

It's just that she doesn't have Huang Shanshan's outstanding appearance, and she doesn't have the confidence to attract Lei Sigu, otherwise she wouldn't have married her current husband.

It is her real dream to be married into Lei's Group.

  "How do you know my man is bad? Do you know him?" 
Rao Huang Shanshan's gentle temperament also ignited anger at this moment.

A good class reunion, but changed the taste.

It had been a long time since everyone hadn't seen each other, but Huang Shanshan still wanted to be as close as she was in college, but now it seems that there is no need to do that.

She is a man who will not allow anyone to slander her.

In her heart, no one is more important than Xiao Zhe. Without Xiao Zhe, she would not have such a comfortable life. This is a man who changed her destiny.

Shu Wen smiled and said, "Don't be angry. I'm just talking about the facts. You were our former class flower. We all hope that you will live better, so that everyone will be happy for you."

Shu Wen didn't expect Huang Shanshan's reaction to be so strong. I really don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Xiao Zhe poured into her to make her fall into it.

If it wasn't for her own relationship with Lei's Group, she wouldn't be bothered to get involved in these crap.

Anyway, whether Huang Shanshan's life is good or not has nothing to do with her.

"Shu Wen is so right. You can't just find a dubious man. For a woman like you, the men who pursue you have already been outnumbered. How many excellent men are waiting for you to choose? You have to take responsibility for yourself."

Ding Meiling thinks she is very smart, as long as she has a good relationship with Shu Wen, she might be able to replace her in the future.

Especially for this task, if her husband knows that with his help, his foreign trade company and Lei's Group have forged a cooperation, then she will definitely become extraordinary in Shu Wen's husband's heart.

It is not impossible to fall in love with her.

Just ask, is there any man who doesn't like a capable woman?

Jia Jie took a deep look at the two of them. She felt that her three views were not on the same channel as the two of them at all, and it was better to stay away from them as soon as possible.

Huang Shanshan was furious, and just when she was about to explode, Xiao Zhe held her hand with a smile, and shook his head to show his calmness.

It's not worth being angry with women of this kind, but letting them go is not what Xiao Zhe wants to do.

"Who do you say is a dubious man? Is it your man or Shu Wen's man, but judging by your appearance, your men should all be dubious men. There will be no dubious men around good men." Four and a woman who feels good about herself."

  Xiao Zhe smiled and picked up a dish and put it in Huang Shanshan's bowl. Since they wanted to play, he would play with them, as if it were to add some seasoning to this boring meal.

Of course, the most important thing is to let them recognize themselves and have the ideological consciousness to be a cat and a dog.

What people fear most is not having a clear understanding of themselves.

"Hmph! I'm a man who's not good or bad, so you can't even be good or bad. My husband is the big boss of a foreign trade company, so what are you?" Shu Wen raised his eyebrows and said. 
Xiao Zhe's words stimulated her self-esteem, what right did he have to look down on her man, he was just a little boy standing behind a woman.

When Huang Shanshan's interest in him faded, she was still a salted fish with nothing, so what right did she have to speak wild words to her.

"You're just a small boss of a foreign trade company, and you're so proud of yourself. At best, you're just a man's vase."

Xiao Zhe paused, and then said: "Oh! No, I was wrong. The vase should at least look good. As for you, tsk tsk tsk! Your complexion is sallow and covered entirely by foundation. It's a typical endocrine disorder. I'm afraid it's because of a disordered cycle. gone."

Shu Wen's face was livid with anger, what kind of man Huang Shanshan has found, he has no quality at all, it is simply embarrassing, and she is not afraid of being blacked out by taking it out.

However, Huang Shanshan had a smile on her face, as if she agreed with Xiao Zhe's words, which made her even more angry.

Is it possible to compare her appearance with Huang Shanshan?
Forget it, she doesn't want to humiliate herself yet.

The most frightening thing is that Xiao Zhe really hit the mark. She is indeed having an unstable cycle now, and her mood is always inexplicably irritable, and she quarrels with her husband every now and then.

Her husband didn't go home at all. Shu Wen hadn't seen her husband for several days.

It wasn't for the sake of her husband's favor, so she came to Longtan City from Nanzhou, and approached Lei Sigu to express her thoughts on cooperation.

She didn't want to break up her relationship, so that she would lose everything for the rest of her life.

"Look, Shanshan, this is the man you are looking for, did you hear what he said to Shu Wen?"
Ding Meiling was completely inconceivable, how could a big man talk to a girl like this, it was really unqualified.

Now her impression of Xiao Zhe was extremely bad, it would be even better if what he said was right.

Thinking that Shu Wen has been married to her husband for so long and has never had children, maybe it is true what he said.

In this way, the probability of her getting Shu Wen's husband will be higher. Successful men like them always need their children to inherit the family business.

"Your skin is dull, and there are several freckles hidden under the foundation. One is lack of moisture, and the other is toxins in the body. The yin and yang are not coordinated. It must be caused by thinking about calculating others all day long. The root cause is a woman like you. Lack of love from men."

Xiao Zhe turned his head to look at Ding Meiling. The foundation on their faces could not be hidden from his eyes, even if it was applied thickly, it would not help.

He can easily cure them, just add a few medicines and adjust them, but he doesn't need to help them.

Ding Meiling was furious at Xiao Zhe's words, at this time Shu Wen spoke up, saying: "We can't afford to be angry with a villain, don't forget that we have invited an important guest over this time, he should be here by the time. "

Ding Meiling thought about it again, and ignored Xiao Zhe.

Seeing that they stopped talking, Xiao Zhe was also very happy.

Huang Shanshan's eyes were full of apology, she originally brought him to dinner, but she didn't expect to make things difficult for him instead.

Xiao Zhe smiled, and didn't take them to heart at all, Huang Shanshan's guilt deepened.

Not long after, the honored guest they were talking about rushed over. Shu Wen hurriedly got up to greet him, stretched out his hand with a smile and said, "Mr. Wei, you are here. It's a great honor that you took time out of your busy schedule to let me treat you to a meal." meal."

Wei Zhen nodded, not intending to shake hands with her at all, but patted Xiao Zhe's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Brother Xiao Zhe, what a coincidence, are they your friends?"

Brother Xiao Zhe's voice from Wei Zhen deeply shocked the three of them.

This is the president of Red Star Group, a leading company in the cosmetics industry.

It took a lot of thought for Shu Wen to ask him out to meet him, because he wanted to get sales channels in the Nanzhou market.

But how could someone like him have such a close relationship with someone like Xiao Zhe.

Could it be because of Huang Shanshan?

Only Jia Jie, who was sitting in the far corner, could see the situation clearly.

If it was because of Huang Shanshan's relationship, Wei Zhen would not have greeted Xiao Zhe first.

The real hidden one must be the man in front of them.

"Yes, yes, we are friends. It's not been a long time since we saw each other. Let's all come out and get together."
Shu Wen put on a smiling face and looked at Wei Zhen who was sitting next to Xiao Zhe. In this situation, let's just treat him as a friend.

To be her verbal friend is to think highly of him, and a sensible person will not say anything.

Big people like them don't call anyone a friend casually, even in words.

Huang Shanshan sneered in her heart, she hadn't seen them have such a fawning attitude just now, it was really an unlimited coquettish operation.

Just when Wei Zhen was about to face them squarely, Xiao Zhe spoke up and said, "I'm not familiar with them, so don't worry about me, just talk about whatever you want, and pretend that I don't exist."

In a word, Shu Wen froze in place, he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

One second, she just said they were friends, but Xiao Zhe denied it the next moment.

Does he think I'm not worthy to be his friend?If it wasn't for business, how would I treat you differently.

It's just relying on his looks to eat women's soft food, and he climbed up the ladder, and he really treats himself as an onion.

"It's good if you don't know them well. I thought they were your friends. If they were, I would give them the sales channels in Nanzhou. If they are not, then I will deal with it as a matter of business."

Wei Zhen was still probing, he was worried that Xiao Zhe said this because he couldn't save face.

This made Shu Wen anxious, and she hurriedly looked at Xiao Zhe as if asking for help.

Only then did he discover that Wei Zhen was not close to Xiao Zhe because of Huang Shanshan.

Instead, I wanted to befriend him from the bottom of my heart.

Shu Wen's brain circuit was about to explode, and everything in front of him always felt unreal, like a dream.

Is this still the Xiao Zhe who was so humble that he had no sense of existence in school?
How did he manage to chat happily with someone like Wei Zhen, who is the president of the group company, what is he in front of Wei Zhen?

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