Xiao Zhe originally thought that Huang Shanshan was just talking casually, but he didn't expect to leave the restaurant and drag him directly to a clothing store, and he couldn't stop him.

In Huang Shanshan's words, after opening a medical clinic, she can be regarded as a businessman anyway, although it is a special kind of businessman.

As a businessman, he should have a decent outfit, not to mention that there will be media interviews with him on the opening day of the clinic.

It's not easy for Xiao Zhe to stop him, he can talk about it casually at ordinary times, but formal occasions still need to have the meaning of formal occasions.

In short, in one sentence, life needs a sense of ritual.

  Huang Shanshan took Xiao Zhe to the second floor of the shopping mall, where the main businesses were some trendy business brands.

Since it is a brand, the selling price is naturally extremely high. 
  However, Huang Shanshan didn't care.

Not only that, she will go to which area the price is high.

It seems that being able to buy a decent set of clothes for the man she loves makes her feel happier. 
"Xiao Zhe, see if this suit is okay." 
Women seem to be more interested in shopping by nature. Huang Shanshan dragged Xiao Zhe to look at this item and then that item, not feeling tired at all, but Xiao Zhe looked very listless.

  No, Huang Shanshan held another brown suit in her hand, and compared it with Xiao Zhe a few times, but this time she seemed quite satisfied. 
"These clothes are pretty good. I trust my wife's vision."

Xiao Zhe smiled slightly, looking at the petite and lovely girl who was happy like a little girl in front of him, he seemed to feel the warmth that he had never felt in the fairy world.

When Huang Shanshan heard Xiao Zhe's wife, her face suddenly turned rosy, and she looked a little shy.

When she was in the restaurant, she called Xiao Zhe husband, and Xiao Zhe called her wife, because it was for outsiders to see, no woman would be indifferent when seeing others laughing at her beloved.

  But it's different now, Xiao Zhe's words "wife" seemed to have a magical power, which directly penetrated her heart, and after listening to it, it made her feel very comfortable and warm.

"Okay, let's take this."

  Huang Shanshan smiled sweetly, took the dress and asked the service staff to wrap it up, and went to choose a few washable shirts and a brand new tie before letting go.

"Hi sir, the total is [-] yuan, is it cash or credit card?"

  When Xiao Zhe walked to the counter to check out with his big bags and small bags, the cashier quoted him a price that made his flesh hurt, and the muscles on his face twitched unconsciously.

  "Swipe the card. It's not convenient for my husband to carry things. I'll go check out with you." 
Huang Shanshan took out a card from her bag and handed it to the cashier at the counter. The cashier took the card with both hands and swiped it on the machine.

  "Thank you for your patronage, and welcome to visit us next time."
The cashier smiled and returned the bank card to Huang Shanshan.

  It was nearly 10 o'clock when we left the shopping mall. Although it was not early, people were still coming and going on the bustling streets, and there was no impact due to the time.

  The roadside stalls and snack bars at night are also full of people of all kinds, perhaps because today is Friday.

After a busy week of work, I finally got two days to rest. Everyone also took advantage of this opportunity to come out to relax and relax, so tonight was extraordinarily lively.

Xiao Zhe didn't expect that nearly 10 yuan was spent in just one night, which further aroused his desire to make money.

His little money is really a drop in the bucket for tonight's expenses.

He can't spend Huang Shanshan's money all the time, otherwise he will feel bad.

Men still need to have their own careers, so as to give women enough sense of security.

Without staying too long, Xiao Zhe and Huang Shanshan went back to Longhai Mingjun directly, but he didn't go back to his room.

Xiao Zhe seems to be obsessed with watching TV, there is no such thing in the fairy world.

"Xiao Zhe, it's getting late, why don't we rest!"

"Ah! What are you doing, put on your clothes quickly!"

  As soon as Huang Shanshan finished speaking, she saw Xiao Zhe quickly took off her shirt, and she was so frightened that she quickly covered her eyes.

However, she still saw Xiao Zhe's strong eight-pack abs, which made her blush. 
  "You said we should rest."

Xiao Zhe looked at Huang Shanshan with a smirk on his face.

  "Oh! You know that's not what they mean." 
  "Why haven't you put it on yet!" 
Huang Shanshan's little hand opened a gap, seeing Xiao Zhe still sitting there without moving.

The eight-pack abs caught her eyes again, which made her blush again.

  This time Xiao Zhe didn't tease her, but actually put the shirt back on.

"Are you dressed yet?" Huang Shanshan, who hadn't heard anything for a long time, hurriedly urged.

  "Huh! Where are the people?"

The moment Huang Shanshan lowered her hand from her eyes, she found that Xiao Zhe was nowhere to be seen.

Just when she was about to look around, a pair of hands stretched out from behind her and directly hugged her into his arms.

  "Damn it! I startled people, and there was no movement at all. When did you run behind me?"

Huang Shanshan tilted her head up and looked at Xiao Zhe with her red lips pouted, expressing her dissatisfaction.

  Xiao Zhe hugged Huang Shanshan's willow slender waist, and took a light breath between her neck.

A faint fragrance passed through his nose and reached his nerves, looking very intoxicated.

"Honey, you are so charming. I feel like you have occupied all of my heart, leaving no space."

Xiao Zhe closed his eyes slightly, and spoke affectionately in Huang Shanshan's ear.

"Slick tongue, I don't know how many little girls you have deceived behind your back."

Huang Shanshan pretended to snort softly on the surface, but in fact she was secretly happy in her heart, and even her eyes gradually became blurred.

Xiao Zhe's words are too lethal to women, and they will fall into it unconsciously.

  "The important thing is not to lie to you." 
As the words fell, Xiao Zhe's lips were printed on Huang Shanshan's pink and red lips.

The sudden kiss made her body tremble like an electric shock, and she instantly became limp.

  If Xiao Zhe hadn't held her, she would have fallen to the ground.

She also tried to push Xiao Zhe away, but it seemed that she couldn't exert any strength, so she could only let Xiao Zhe hold her. In the eyes of others, it seemed as if she wanted to refuse.

  This posture made her feel very shy, but just about to say something, before she could speak, her red lips were blocked by Xiao Zhe again.

Gradually, Xiao Zhe was already dissatisfied with this, and his hands also started to move.

When his hand was about to touch her chest, Huang Shanshan finally woke up and quickly broke free from his arms.

  "I...I...I'm not ready yet."

Huang Shanshan glanced at Xiao Zhe apologetically, then lowered her head,
  "It's okay, then... good night!"

Xiao Zhe smiled slightly, and kissed Huang Shanshan lightly on the forehead.

Feeling Xiao Zhe's love, Huang Shanshan smiled and said softly, "Good night."

  After watching Xiao Zhe leave her room, Huang Shanshan felt relieved, she felt that she was really nervous and her heart was beating too fast.

  Recalling the scene of the kiss just now, it made her feel really happy and beautiful.

It is an indescribable feeling from the heart, which can only be understood after experiencing it personally.

After Xiao Zhe left, he took a shower first, and then returned to his room.

At this time, through the eyes of reincarnation, she saw Huang Shanshan lying on the bed and falling asleep.

  Huang Shanshan, who was sleeping soundly, was covered with a thin quilt, her hair covering the side of her face.

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he lay quietly on the bed.

On the other end of the quilt, two little feet were sticking out, looking very cute, giving people an urge to protect.

Seeing that Huang Shanshan had fallen asleep, Xiao Zhe smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Closed the eyes of reincarnation, took another deep breath, and prepared to practice again tonight.

  Through the eyes of reincarnation, he didn't want to peek at something, of course, if he could really see something, he would certainly not refuse anyone.

Xiao Zhe just wanted to look at her, and didn't want her to suffer any harm.

Under the coverage of his eye of reincarnation, no one will find a chance.

For tonight's practice, Xiao Zhe mainly wanted to choose a suitable exercise for him at the moment.

Now that he has cultivated into a spiritual body, he has initially met the conditions for cultivation.

The exercises are very important. A good exercise, suitable for oneself, can achieve twice the result with half the effort when practiced, thus effectively saving time and achieving better results.

  In the Immortal World, Xiao Zhe majored in the Chaos Jue from the Bible.

It is also by relying on this skill that he is also in the immortal emperor level, in an invincible existence.

Although it is impossible to challenge beyond the ranks, it is still no problem to escape from the hands of the weaker immortals. 
  Soon, Xiao Zhe shook his head and gave up.

The cultivation conditions of this technique are relatively harsh, and the immortal energy produced by cultivation is relatively domineering, which is not suitable for him at all. 
  At present, he has only cultivated into a spirit body, and has not yet transformed into an immortal body. What is stored in his body is only spiritual power, not immortal power.

With his current physique, he can't bear the powerful and domineering power of the Chaos Art in the Bible. Forcibly practicing it is bound to explode his body and die, which is really not worth the candle.

Xiao Zhe sighed helplessly. After much deliberation, he really couldn't think of any exercises that were suitable for him to practice now.

  This made him suffer, he is really too weak now.

He is an immortal emperor, and ordinary exercises can't catch his eyes, let alone store them.

"Wait, whoever said that cultivation must first choose lethal exercises, I can choose the Taixuan Golden Alchemy Jue, and enter the Tao with alchemy, which is most suitable for me at present."

Xiao Zhe's eyes lit up, Taixuan Golden Alchemy is a alchemy technique, because of its softness, it is suitable for everyone to practice, not to mention that he wants to open a medical clinic, which is indeed the best choice for him.

The Taixuan Golden Alchemy Jue records not only alchemy, but also can improve one's cultivation.

After being transformed into an immortal body, its effect on the improvement of cultivation base is not very great, and its original power only has the effect of alchemy.

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