Only then did Jing Yi realize how much Dongfang Yanhe cared about her.

Whether injured or in danger, Jing Yiren is always the one to be protected, and Dongfang Yanhe is the one who rushes forward to protect Jing Yiren.

"Thank you!"

With deep affection, Jing Yiren couldn't help kissing Dongfang Yanhe, but since he had already entered the tiger's den, it was difficult to get out. Taking this opportunity, Dongfang Yanhe ruthlessly asked Jing Yiren until he was satisfied. Reluctantly let go...

In order not to let the atmosphere of the hospital affect Jing Yiren, Dongfang Yanhe simply treated the wound and left the People's Hospital.

Although Dongfang Yanhe is very aware of Jing Yiren's sadness when she visited her mother every time she came to the hospital half a year ago.

Now that Jing's mother is gone, Dongfang Yanhe doesn't want Jing Yiren to try the experience of visiting patients again.

What's more, Dongfang Yanhe thinks that this is not an important wound, and it will be enough to recuperate for a while, and there is no need to spend a lot of time in the hospital.

There are still a lot of things going on in the development zone, Dongfang Yanhe will naturally not let go of work, nor will he neglect to accompany Jing Yiren.

There are too many things to do, not only to take good care of Jing Yiren and Jing Doudou, and to adjust their relationship with them all the time, but also to prevent what happened today from happening again!More importantly, we must find out the person who designed himself this time!He had to send someone to find out the truth, otherwise, whether it was himself, Jing Yiren, or even Jing Doudou, his life would be in danger.

"It's already night, I'll take you home, you go back and accompany Doudou."

After Dongfang Yanhe walked out of the hospital, he saw that it was almost dark. At this time, Jing Doudou was still playing with the nanny at home. Jing Yiren should also go back to rest. After all, there is still work to do tomorrow.

"Then you go home early, so you don't have to see me off. I can take a taxi back. Your wound is serious, so go back and rest first."

Jing Yiren didn't want to cause Dongfang Yanhe so much trouble, after all, Dongfang Yanhe came to protect her every time, and she couldn't take it for granted.

But Dongfang Yanhe was unwilling after hearing this, and said in a low voice: "It's okay, it's not safe for you to go home alone, I don't worry.

Let me take you home, anyway. "

Fortunately, as early as when Dongfang Yanhe was bandaging in the hospital, Chen Chao followed Dongfang Yanhe's instructions and drove the car to the parking lot of the People's Hospital.

Dongfang Yanhe also knew that it was getting late now, and he couldn't let Jing Yiren go home alone, so he prepared the car presciently.

After all, people who love you, all go along the way.

Jing Yiren was dragged and dragged by Dongfang Yanhe to the passenger seat, and put on a seat belt. Afterwards, Dongfang Yanhe started the car engine without saying a word.

"You... Are you really okay? It feels like a serious injury. You should take a break."

Jing Yiren was still a little worried about Dongfang Yanhe's injuries. After all, after a big tragedy, there would always be some worries that something like that would happen again.

I just hope that next time it can be prevented early and the perpetrators of bad things will be brought to justice so that Dongfang Yanhe won't be hurt again.

"It's okay, I'll take you home first."

Although Dongfang Yanhe said this on the lips, he was actually in great pain. After all, he was in a car accident just after the fight... Misfortunes never come singly!In the future, you must listen to Jing Yiren's explanation clearly, and you can't get angry with her anymore, otherwise you may encounter more disasters.

Of course, Jing Yiren didn't know what Dongfang Yanhe was thinking, but was silently worried about his injury.

"Let me call Aunt Wang first, Doudou should be asleep at this time."

Jing Yiren is not only worried about Dongfang Yanhe who is driving, but also very worried about Jing Doudou at home. As long as he is not stupid, it can be seen that someone can design the accident?Who is it?Zhao Xiner is in prison?Could it be... Lin Tang! ! !Jing Yiren's call was quickly connected. Jing Yiren was afraid of disturbing Jing Doudou's rest, so she asked Aunt Wang very suicidally.

"Aunt Wang, is Doudou asleep?"

Aunt Wang seemed to know the meaning of Jing Yiren's low voice, so she answered her very quietly, "Don't worry, Doudou has fallen asleep and is sleeping soundly now, and I will wait for you to come back."

Aunt Wang knew that it was not easy for Jing Yiren to live alone with Jing Doudou all these years, and she lived stumbling for so long.

Although there is now a man to help, according to Aunt Wang's professional ethics, Jing Doudou cannot be left in the empty house, so before Jing Yiren comes back, Aunt Wang must guard Jing Yiren's house responsibly, in order to avoid any accidents.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, we will be home soon."

Jing Yiren was also very moved by this, and was lucky to meet a nanny like Aunt Wang, so Jing Yiren never wanted to change the nanny, and always believed that Aunt Wang was very suitable to take care of Jing Doudou.

Jing Doudou also has some emotions because she is often taken care of by Aunt Wang, so she will feel a little sticky when she sees Aunt Wang.

Jing Yiren was recalling the past, and soon arrived downstairs at her house. Dongfang Yanhe thoughtfully opened the car door for her, let her get out, and then locked the car.

"Hurry up and take a rest, I'll take you upstairs."

Even though he was downstairs with Jing Yiren, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't just leave, he had to send Jing Yiren home safely before he would leave.

Even if it is delivered downstairs, if there is any accident while going upstairs, and Dongfang Yanhe is not by his side, what's the use? "Ah? Do you want to stay here directly? It's very troublesome for you to go back so late with a wound on your back, isn't it?"

Anyway, it's not a day or two for Dongfang Ming to live in Jing Yiren's house, what's more, Dongfang Yanhe was injured because of Jing Yiren this time, whether it's a fight or a car accident, they are all inseparable from Jing Yiren .

No matter how angry you are, you should tell Dongfang Yanhe not to travel so long. It is not very convenient to drive at night, and there is a high possibility of accidents.

Jing Yiren's kind idea was rejected by Dongfang Yanhe, who explained while working on the elevator.

"It's okay, you can stay at home alone this time, I will definitely accompany you in the future, I have some things to do after I go back this time, and take a good rest by the way.

You take advantage of this night to think about our living together, so that I can protect my family. "

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