Chen Chao was still coaxing the child at this time, but he didn't expect another task and had to agree, and then continued to play with Jing Doudou in his office.

Jing Doudou is also very sensible, she didn't make trouble for others, and she didn't mess up other people's offices, but she was very curious about Dongfang Yanhe and kept asking Chen Chao about Dongfang Yanhe.

After finally finding someone who knows Dongfang Yanhe well, Jing Doudou naturally wants to know what kind of person his father is. Since he didn't know enough before, he must take this opportunity to get a thorough understanding.

Chen Chao also knew that Dongfang Yanhe needed to have some face in front of his son, so he added a few legends to Dongfang Yanhe's almost miraculous entrepreneurial history, which Jing Doudou admired very much.

In Dongfang Yanhe's office, Qin Qingran was still angry with Dongfang Yanhe.

"Will there be such a person in the future?"

"It should be gone."

Dongfang Yanhe is also not sure, after all he is so good, the woman chasing him will appear all the time, of course Jing Yiren's love rival will appear out of thin air all the time.

Qin Qingran looked at Dongfang Yanhe who was so uncertain, and helplessly helped his forehead.

"What do you mean should be gone? Can you concentrate a little like me, and reject all suitors if you like Xia Yiyi."

Qin Qingran is quite confident in this aspect, even if there is a woman leaning on him, Qin Qingran will not betray Xia Yiyi because of a momentary lust.

Dongfang Yanhe naturally understands this truth, but the woman beside him can't be controlled, and may appear unexpectedly, and he has nothing to do.

"Who made me attractive?"

Dongfang Yanhe said this without shame, Qin Qingran is also considered to be a peerless handsome guy who fascinates women and seduces women to commit crimes. Coupled with his cold personality, most women fall in love with such a mysterious him.

However, Xia Yiyi took care of her very well. Qin Qingran never had any messy women around her, even besides Xia Yiyi and her girlfriends, there were almost no women left.

Qin Qingran rolled his eyes helplessly. He didn't want to talk about such a topic with Dongfang Yanhe anymore. In the end, he could only see Dongfang Yanhe's narcissism and shamelessness.

"Alright, let's change the subject.

I looked at the following development zones today, and they are basically ready. Let’s go to the nail households to mediate in person. There are only two. "

Qin Qingran is still very serious about this matter, even if he personally solves the problem of relocation of nail households, he still has to develop this area.

Dongfang Yanhe is undoubtedly very serious!
It has been ready to bid for several months, and this time it finally succeeded.

Dongfang Yanhe won this piece of land, and only needs to cooperate with Qin Qingran to carry out the construction, which is of course extremely important.

So when it comes to projects, no matter how stupid or dishonest the two men are usually, they will become domineering presidents.

"Okay, it's been a pleasure working with you.

Who will solve the problem of nail households tomorrow? "

Dongfang Yanhe said seriously, Qin Qingran also stood up from the sofa, walked to the side of Dongfang Yanhe, crossed his arms, and looked down at the data and thumbnail maps displayed on the computer screen.

Qin Qingran thought about it for a while, and he thought it would be better for Dongfang Yanhe to solve the nail household issue.

After all, this is mainly his project, and he only contributed [-]% of his contribution as an assistant. Therefore, Dongfang Yanhe should solve the problem of nail households' refusal to agree to relocate.

"You take full responsibility. I'll take care of the rest. I don't want to provoke the nail-biters. Someone as smart as you can definitely solve them. No matter how difficult the problem is, I believe You can also solve it easily, come on!"

Qin Qingran said half-jokingly, on the one hand, it was because he really wanted Dongfang Yanhe to take full responsibility for this matter; Nail household relocation.

Dongfang Yanhe looked at Qin Qingran's serious look, and felt a little helpless, but he and his assistant should do this matter. Qin Qingran's words were reasonable, so he didn't refuse.

"Okay, tomorrow I will deal with those troublesome characters, and you will do the data and planning in your company."

After Dongfang Yan finished the peace, he looked at the computer, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

The next day, Dongfang Yanhe brought Chen Chao and Song Chu to their development zone, trying to persuade the two nail households to relocate.

If these nail households don't move, I'm afraid there will be a misfit family in the middle of the development zone, no matter where they are, there will be some incongruities.

"The first nail household who left the center of the development area is a poor family. I bought that place before and built a house for decades. Now the whole family lives there. Refused to move.

According to what they said, the reason is that they have had feelings for this place for decades, and they are unwilling to leave just like that. The current highest bid is 100 million. "

Song Chu had already investigated it long ago, and had sent people here to negotiate with him before, and his attitude was quite amicable, but from the initial bid of 50 to the current 100 million is already the limit.

This time, since Dongfang Yanhe came to see the nail house in person, he had to tell him the situation in detail to avoid embarrassing situations.

Chen Chao came with Dongfang Yanhe, purely for the purpose of recording materials. Song Chu was in charge of introducing and explaining the basic situation. He only needed to make notes, and write down the key content to meet the needs of nail households as much as possible.

The three people have a very clear division of labor, and they are followed by a few kind-looking bodyguards in case there is any danger in special circumstances.

"Then go to this one first, and we will continue with the other one in the afternoon."

The three of them arrived at the gate of Nail House's yard in a car. Dongfang Yanhe saw the whole yard as soon as he got off the car.

The whole yard looks very dilapidated, and the owner doesn't seem to have plans to renovate it. Although it's not very big, only about [-] square meters, it's full of vitality and a lot of vegetables are planted inside.

It's like a farmhouse, but I'm afraid it's because of this reason that those people refuse to leave.

Dongfang Yanhe knew very clearly why the nail households refused to leave this place, either because they didn't have enough money, or because they had too much affection for this place.

Therefore, after Dongfang Yanhe understood the situation, he planned to prescribe the right medicine.

Dongfang Yanhe politely knocked on the dilapidated door at the entrance of the yard, and then an old-looking aunt came out, probably the type of mother.

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