Later, when someone called the police, Zhao Xiner tightly grabbed Dongfang Yanhe's hand and said, "Yanhe, save me, I don't want to go to the police station. I really didn't mean it. I really didn't think that things would turn out like this." in this way……"

Zhao Xiner was out of breath from crying, which made Dongfang Yanhe feel unbearable, so she had to communicate with the police in private to settle the matter.

When the Jing family's old couple arrived in the hospital, they really felt like they were about to stop breathing.It never occurred to Jing Yiren that there would be a car accident, just at the moment when they went out for a walk.

By the way, I made a phone call and told Jing Yuanxi about this matter, there must always be someone at home to deal with it.The call was from Dongfang Yanhe. Although they didn't say much, they knew that this matter must have something to do with Dongfang Yanhe.

At the door of the operating room, Mother Jing couldn't control her emotions.Grabbing Dongfang Yanhe's hand, he said, "Where is Yiren? Where is my Yiren?"

Dongfang Yanhe's face was rarely apologetic, and this was the first time he had such an expression when facing Jing's parents.Before, I always felt that I treated Jing Yiren badly because Jing Yiren owed her money.

But this time Jing Yiren had an accident, Dongfang Yanhe felt that it had something to do with him.

"We are now in the rescue. We have just arrived at the hospital, so we don't know what's going on inside."

Mother Jing fell to the ground all of a sudden, covering her face and crying helplessly.But after Father Jing helped him up, he saw Zhao Xin'er standing behind Dongfang Yanhe, and his expression changed suddenly.

Zhao Xiner timidly called Uncle, Auntie.Because Jing Yuanxi, Jing Yiren, Dongfang Yanhe, and Zhao Xiner are actually friends who grew up together.It's just that everyone knows the other party's parents, so it's not surprising that Zhao Xiner recognizes Zhao Xiner comfortably.

Dongfang Yanhe sensed Zhao Xiner's timidity, and subconsciously blocked her behind.

Father Jing supported his wife and looked at Dongfang Yanhe and asked, "Who hit Yiren? Why isn't the driver here now? When Yiren had an accident, were you by the side?"

Dongfang Yanhe felt nervous for the first time, "At that time, I went to find Yiren at home, and we came out to discuss things. When Yiren left, I followed behind."

At that time, he kept silent about who the perpetrator was, which made Father Jing a little angry.The daughter is lying in the rescue right now, and the son-in-law is protecting other women outside. This is something no one can bear!

"I ask you who bumped into my daughter!" Because of the excitement, this sentence was yelled out by Father Jing.

Zhao Xiner shivered in fright, but still gritted her teeth and stood up.If I stand up now, the parents of the Jing family will definitely not give me a good face.

Just now seeing Dongfang Yanhe's distressed Jing Yiren's expression, Zhao Xiner felt that she must not let Dongfang Yanhe's heart soften.

"Uncle, aunt. I'm sorry for you. I really didn't mean it. I'm sorry for you."

Zhao Xiner began to cry with a sad face, as if Father Jing and Mother Jing had done something to bully her.Dongfang Yanhe, who was at the side, frowned tightly.

Mother Jing looked at Zhao Xin'er, as if thinking of something.Breaking free from Jing's father's embrace, she grabbed Zhao Xin'er's shoulder and asked.

"Do you know how much our Yiren has been wronged for you? Why did you still hit her with a car? They are going to divorce now, why do you still not let her go!"

Mother Jing lost control of her emotions, and Zhao Xiner was so frightened that she just shook her head vigorously, but couldn't say anything.It's just that the tears kept flowing, as if he was so innocent.

Dongfang Yanhe couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled the two of them away.It just so happened that the doctor came out of the operating room at this time, so the parents of the Jing family went directly to the doctor.

The doctor's words were not whispered, and the two were standing beside Jing's father.She could hear the doctor's words very clearly, but Zhao Xiner was stunned as if she had succeeded.

"Maybe the adult subconsciously protected the child when he fell down. Now the child has no problem, and the adult only has a moderate concussion. He was hospitalized for examination, and the general problem is not particularly serious."

Dongfang Yanhe and Jing's parents were really relieved in their hearts, and felt that Jing Yiren was fine.When Jing Yiren was pushed out, Dongfang Yanhe wanted to follow.

Zhao Xiner held back Dongfang Yanhe, "I'm very worried about Yi Ren now, and I know that what I did is not worthy of forgiveness. But my uncle and aunt's emotions are really too emotional, I..."

Dongfang Yanhe patted Zhao Xiner on the back, and comforted him: "You go back first, I will communicate with them about this matter. Don't worry, I will not let you have trouble."

Jing Yiren woke up in the middle of the night. When he opened his eyes and saw his parents, his first reaction was to cover his stomach.

"Mom, where is my child?" Seeing Jing Yiren's anxious look, Jing's mother felt like a knife was piercing her heart.Thinking of the way Dongfang Yanhe was protecting Zhao Xiner just now, he was really not worth it for his daughter.

Jing's mother took Jing Yiren's hand, "It's okay, the doctor said that you saved the child, there is no big problem."

Jing Yiren breathed a sigh of relief, but the moment he turned his head, he saw Dongfang Yanhe sitting beside him.His face changed immediately, not only ugly, but also a little panicked.

Dongfang Yanhe hadn't divorced Jing Yiren yet, so Jing's father still asked people to come into the ward.

Mother Jing didn't know what to say, she was really angry with Dongfang Yanhe now.What happened to my daughter, who was born so well, after she met Dongfang Yanhe.

Dongfang Yanhe sat inside without opening his mouth, waiting until Jing's father and Jing's mother went to buy breakfast.Although he hesitated in his heart, he still spoke out.

"I agree with you to give birth to a child, and I will give you a certain amount of financial compensation. But the driver who caused the accident yesterday was Xin'er, and I hope you don't hold her accountable. Even for the sake of your being friends, I I also hope that you will show mercy."

Originally, Jing Yiren had his eyes closed, but when he heard these words, when he opened his eyes, he was really full of sarcasm.

Is it because of Zhao Xiner that the child has the right to be born like this?Jing Yiren was really excited and sat up to argue with Dongfang Yanhe about this matter.

"Dongfang Yanhe, get out of here now! I don't want to see you!"

The moment Jing Yuanxi pushed open the door, he saw his younger sister yelling at Dongfang Yanhe excitedly.After running up to hug him directly, he told Dongfang Yanhe to get out!

Seeing that Jing Yiren was so emotional now, Dongfang Yanhe could only choose to go out first.In order to take revenge on Zhao Xiner, he had to make a compromise.

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