Lin Wanru felt goosebumps all over her body when she heard Jiang Li's words.

"It's like this. I went to a banquet before, and then, there was a girl who stalked me. She happened to be the daughter of my father's old friend. Now she keeps asking me to meet, and I can't shirk it." Jiang Li went on to say, "So, can you ask Miss Lin to feel wronged, pretend to be my girlfriend, and help me get rid of this rotten peach blossom?"

Listening to Jiang Li's words, Lin Wanru spit out a mouthful of water: "Pfft, you're looking for me for this kind of thing?"

"Isn't there no way to do it? You also know that there are not many girls around me. Maybe you want me to find Jing Yiren. I'm afraid Dongfang Yanhe will tear me in two if he finds out." Jiang Li said pitifully.

"I won't go." Lin Wanru flatly refused.

"Oh, at least we all know each other. Don't be desperate. How about I treat you to dinner? You can choose whatever place you want?" Jiang Li asked.

Lin Wanru changed her mind when she heard about eating, "My appearance fee is very high."

"How about the newly opened international restaurant? Order whatever you want." Jiang Li said immediately.

"Let's just say it like this. If you haven't made a decision yet, just wait and see me help you turn things around!" Lin Wanru said happily and hung up the phone.

She had taken a look at that international restaurant a few days ago, and she was worried that no one would accompany her there, but now it was fine, and she didn't have to pay for it when someone accompanied her to eat.

Jiang Li was overjoyed to hear that Lin Wanru agreed.

Girlfriend, hahahaha, being a girlfriend for a while is still a girlfriend.

Jiang Li thought happily, took out his mobile phone and sent Lin Wanru the address.

Jiang Li: [Jojo Western Restaurant, five o'clock in the afternoon, see you there or be square. ]
Lin Wanru: [Get ready, please eat! ]
When Jiang Li arrived at the restaurant, he found that the girl from the banquet was already sitting there.

He walked over and sat down awkwardly. If the elders in the family hadn't forced him to meet, he wouldn't have come.

After sitting down, Jiang Li looked at the door of the restaurant from time to time, waiting anxiously, but he didn't listen to a word the other party said.

Suddenly a person walked in, wearing a sky blue skirt with a white handbag, hair tied into a half ball makeup, looking like a beautiful woman.

Jiang Li was dumbfounded. Is this the Lin Wanru he knew?
"Jiang Li!" Lin Wanru shouted, walking towards the two of them.

"Who is this?" The girl opposite asked with a standard smile.

"Oh, hello, let me introduce myself, I'm Jiang Li's girlfriend, and my name is Lin Wanru." Lin Wanru smiled and held out her hand.

The girl opposite stood up from her seat at once.

"What? Girlfriend? Didn't my dad say you don't have a girlfriend?" The other party panicked.

"I'm sorry, the elders in my family don't know that I have a girlfriend, so we just came together today, and I want to make it clear to you." Jiang Li said.

"You... are such a bully!" The girl said angrily, then grabbed her bag, stepped on her high heels and left.

"Haha, what's the matter, my acting skills are not bad." Lin Wanru sat down opposite Jiang Li, "Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity, you didn't eat a single bite of such a delicious dish, hehe, you don't want to eat me eat."

With that said, she picked up the chopsticks and put a big mouthful of food into her mouth.

"Hey, Lin Wanru, pay attention to your image, okay? You look so ladylike in your clothes today. I almost thought you were 'good'. The moment you opened your mouth, your image immediately shattered."

Jiang Li picked up the red wine in front of him and took a sip, watching Lin Wanru complain.

"You still said, if it wasn't for helping you, Miss Ben would still need to waste time dressing up like this? Do you know how uncomfortable I am wearing this kind of clothes? And these high heels are exhausting me." Lin Wanru ate He gave Jiang Li a blank look.

"Thank you, my girlfriend." Jiang Li smiled.

"Go, go, who is your girlfriend, everyone is gone, it's almost enough, you can pay it back endlessly." Lin Wanru lowered her head and ate, not knowing how gentle Jiang Li looked at her.

"Aren't you going to eat at an international restaurant? Can you still eat after eating now?" Jiang Li asked.

"Brother, there are so many, I didn't eat a single bite, it's shameful to waste it." Lin Wanru said, "Eat today, and go to the international restaurant another day. Anyway, you promised me, so don't go back on your word."

"That's fine." Jiang Li looked at Lin Wanru's mouth puckered, picked up the chopsticks in front of him, and started eating.

He didn't have any appetite just now, but now he doesn't know why, but he thinks the food on this table is very delicious.

"How is it? My girlfriend, are you full? Do you need anything more?" Jiang Li asked.

"Hey! What's the matter with you, you still take advantage of me, don't you?"

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore, let's go when you are full, and I will take you home." Jiang Li said.

"Where's your car?" Lin Wanru looked at the empty parking space outside the restaurant and turned her head to ask.

"Are you confused? I just drank, how can I drive, let's go, I will walk back with you." Jiang Li said as he walked forward.

"Jiang Li! Are you trying to mess with me on purpose? Are you deliberately not driving and want me to walk? Huh?" Lin Wanru chased after him and threw the bag in his hand at him.

"Let's go, miss, wait a little longer, it will be early morning when we go back." Jiang Li pushed Lin Wanru forward.

But after walking a few steps, Lin Wanru was exhausted.

She seldom walks normally, and today she specially put on high-heeled shoes for "performance effect", and now both feet are painful.

Lin Wanru shuffled step by step at first, then simply took off her high heels and carried them in her hands, and walked on the road barefoot.

Jiang Li noticed Lin Wanru's frown, and walked over to carry her without saying a word.

"Hey, Jiang Li, you're taking advantage of me by letting me down, aren't you?" Lin Wanru said.

"Are you sure? Can you still walk when I let you down? You think I want to carry you on your back, but you are walking too slowly. If you keep walking like this, how late it will be before I can go home." Jiang Li Said.

Although he said he deserved a beating, he was actually afraid that Lin Wanru would reject him, only in this way could she accept him to do these things.

"Oh, okay." Lin Wanru didn't say anything more, and obediently fell on Jiang Li's back.

Originally, the two were still talking, but Lin Wanru fell asleep while crawling.

"Wake up, Lin Wanru, you're home." Jiang Li called to wake up Lin Wanru who was on his back.

"Huh? Are you here?"

Lin Wanru woke up only when he heard Jiang Li calling him.

Jiang Li put Lin Wanru down and helped her stand firm.

"Okay, you go back quickly, go to bed early after cleaning up, and you should lose weight, really, this journey has exhausted me." Jiang Li turned and left after speaking.

"Obviously you are too weak, okay? You've only been gone for a long time." Lin Wanru yelled at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li shook his hand with his back turned to her.

Looking at Jiang Li's back, Lin Wanru suddenly had a different feeling in his heart.

This Jiang Li didn't seem so annoying anymore.


In the old house.

Gao Guixiang turned on the computer to see how He Jing was doing recently. Since she left, she would send some photos to herself every other week.

Gao Guixiang flipped through the photos one by one, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart, no matter what, this is the child she watched and grew up, even if she really did a lot of wrong things, how could she bear to abandon her In spite of it.

So, she still couldn't help picking up her mobile phone and making a call.

"Hello? How have you been recently?" Gao Guixiang asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay, everything is fine at home, but it's been a long time since I saw you, an old friend, and I miss you so much." The person on the phone said.

"Hahaha, I will definitely come to see you when I have time, but there is one more thing I want to trouble you with." Gao Guixiang continued, "My granddaughter went there a few days ago. She belongs to a girl's family, and her place of birth is I'm not familiar with her, I'm more or less worried about her, and I hope my old friends can help me take care of her more."

"Don't worry, send me her address later, and I'll visit her when I'm free. With old friends like us here, nothing will happen to her." The other party said.

"Thank you then. Let's get together when we have time." Gao Guixiang hung up the phone with a smile and sighed softly while looking at He Jing's photo on the computer screen.

The only thing she can do now is to ask her friends abroad to take care of her. I hope she can live comfortably outside alone, and nothing will happen again.

Just as Gao Guixiang was about to turn off the computer, she suddenly found that there was a new email in her mailbox, which had not yet been signed.

She nodded curiously, looked at the mail carefully, and her face became more and more ugly.

The email stated that Jing Yiren was not the biological daughter of the Jing family, and the other party even attached a certificate of Jing Yiren's blood type.

Isn't Jing Yiren the daughter of the Jing family?

Then who would she be?
Gao Guixiang became suspicious of Jing Yiren's identity, she deleted the email, and closed the computer with a solemn face.

No one should know about this until she finds out.

Before Jing Yitian woke up in the morning, he heard Jiang Shushan go out in a daze.

In the past few days, Jiang Shushan always left early and returned late, and she didn't say what she was doing, and she always looked mysterious, which made Jing Yitian feel very uncomfortable.

Could it be that Jiang Shushan has someone outside behind his back?

Today he must ask to understand.

At night, Jiang Shushan opened the door and came back, thinking that Jing Yitian and Jing Zhenzhen were both asleep, so she sat quietly in the entrance to change shoes, worried about waking them up.

"Are you back?" Jing Yitian asked suddenly.

"Ah..." Jiang Shushan was taken aback.

"What are you doing, you don't turn on the lights in the middle of the night, just sit there to scare ghosts?" Jiang Shushan said unhappy, clutching her heart.

She turned on the light in the living room and sat down on the sofa.

"How is it? Is Zhenzhen okay at home today?" Jiang Shushan asked.

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