"Why did you come here, go quickly."

"Where are you going?" Jiang Moyao followed him passively with a dazed expression on his face.

"Where are you going?" Li Jiaer couldn't laugh or cry: "Did you forget what day it is today?"

"What day?"

Seeing her bewildered face, Li Jiaer finally confirmed that she really didn't remember, only the classmates who came and went in a hurry next to him: "Today is rehearsal, everyone is busy moving props."

Jiang Moyao slapped his forehead and suddenly said: "Today? I remember it's tomorrow..."

"Let's go, sister." Li Jiaer was too lazy to complain about her magical memory, and pulled her forward.

q Auditorium.

There are colorful balls hanging everywhere, and many students are moving props into it. The teachers commanded them, and they all blushed and had thick necks.

The head teacher saw Jiang Moyao and walked over quickly: "Why are you here? Your short play is in the third scene. There will be someone else rehearsing first. You should change your clothes first, don't worry."

Having said this, I have already walked to the backstage, where there are two large hangers filled with all kinds of clothing, surrounded by dressing tables with bottles and cans on them.

The class teacher suddenly asked: "Are you afraid of heights?"

Jiang Moyao replied, "I'm not afraid of heights."

"That's good." The class teacher breathed a sigh of relief, and pushed her: "Go and change clothes first, you don't need to make up for rehearsal today, but you have to get used to Diao Wia."

Jiang Moyao changed her clothes, and when she turned her head, she saw that Li Jiaer had also changed. He put on a gray gown, and winked at her: "I'm playing your servant this time, you can order me as much as you want." .”

Jiang Moyao couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I don't need to show mercy."

After hearing this, Li Jiaer couldn't help laughing, and when the head teacher called them, he walked over with Jiang Moyao.

Master Wia is ready: "Come on."

Li Jiaer took a step forward: "Let me try it first."

"Ah?" Master Wia was stunned: "Isn't it this girl?"

"I'll try the safety issue." Li Jiaer said while squatting down to check carefully, confirming the firmness of the wire and then tying it to his body. The head teacher didn't say anything, and the master of the wire had to agree.

He first stood on the second floor, then descended from the second floor, and finally landed safely on the stage.

Li Jiaer tugged Weiya: "Yes, the safety is ok."

Then it was Jiang Moyao's turn, she walked over and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Master Wia came over to tie her up, Li Jiaer stretched out his hand to help, and replied, "You're welcome, don't worry, there won't be any danger."

The students next to her were watching all the time, and suddenly someone said: "Li Jiaer, you are taking care of her too much, so many people are watching here, it will be fine to hang a Wia."

Li Jiaer was lowering his head to check with Master Wia whether the belt on the top of Wia is tight enough, and he didn't raise his head when he heard this: "It can't be helped, I was entrusted by someone."

Entrusted by whom?
After thinking about it carefully, everyone booed: "It turns out that the husband is worried about the wife."

"Ouch, it's so sweet."

"It seems that classmate Jiang is a treasure in her husband's eyes."

Jiang Moyao felt the eyes of everyone looking over, which made her a little embarrassed, and gently pushed Li Jiaer: "Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense, it's just what they made a fuss about."

Li Jiaer said with a smile: "I am a CP fan, I am innocent."

Upon hearing this, someone asked curiously, is Jiang Moyao his idol?
Li Jiaer was mysterious and refused to tell, no matter how others asked, he just refused to tell the truth.

When looking at other people's faces scratching their hearts and livers with curiosity, he had a feeling that everyone was drunk and the only one was sober, and he was so proud.

With Li Jiaer's careful inspection, Jiang Moyao naturally had no problems when he went up and landed safely.

The days that followed started to get busy.

Go to school for rehearsals in the morning, listen to lectures in the afternoon, and go back to learn techniques in the evening, and read materials to prepare for the competition.

When I was busy going around that night, the phone rang, it was the ringtone of the video, and she knew who it was without looking.

After picking it up, I put it on my nails, said hello in a hurry, and then I bowed my head and did my own thing.

He Shengchen only saw a plain white face flashing in front of his eyes, and then he could only see a whirl, he was a little speechless: "Mrs. He."

"Oh, Mr. He."

She answered simply, but did not look up.

"What are you doing?" He Shengchen couldn't help asking.

"Looking at the information, it's about preparing for the competition."

"Then you look up and let me see you." He Shengchen was helpless. Could it be that his video was just for watching?
Jiang Moyao hurriedly raised her head, smiled at him, then continued to write with her head down.

In a flash, He Shengchen only glanced at those bright and moist eyes, not only did not relieve the pain of lovesickness, but even made his heart itch: "Madam He, the competition is more important than me?"

Jiang Moyao could hear the dissatisfaction in his tone, so she had to raise her head: "Nothing."

Seeing her put down what she was doing, He Shengchen was finally satisfied: "It's not too bad, let me take a good look at you."

If you take a closer look, you will find the problem.


The small face that was still somewhat fleshy now became thinner, and the eyes that were already big seemed even bigger.

Jiang Moyao touched her face: "No."

Although she was busy, she ate meals on time, but she ate in a hurry.

"I'll check when I go back." He Shengchen narrowed his eyes, already extremely dissatisfied: "See how much Mrs. He has lost weight, and I will punish you then."

Jiang Moyao tilted her head: "What punishment?"

She didn't believe that He Shengchen would be willing to beat or scold herself.

He Shengchen saw how confident she was, so he snorted, "How about keeping you from getting out of bed for three days?"

Jiang Moyao's face turned red immediately, and she said angrily, "It's not that good, you're not ashamed, you can say anything."

"Okay, then I won't say anything."

Jiang Moyao breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard him say: "I'll do it when I go back."

! !
She immediately choked in her throat, patted her chest and coughed for a long time, and he reminded her to be careful and drink something.

But she was so ashamed that she stared at the phone screen with a blushing face: "I won't see you after you come back like this."

He Shengchen had a half-smile: "It's okay, I'll catch you anyway."

Jiang Moyao didn't want to say anything anymore, and the other party had ten sentences waiting: "Do you have anything else to do?"

She wanted to hang up.

He Shengchen sighed, and finally returned to seriousness: "Yaoyao, remember to eat, take care of your body, don't make yourself sick."

"Understood." Jiang Moyao smiled sweetly: "You also have to take good care of yourself."

After she finished speaking, she thought of something and asked again, "When are you coming back?"

"Miss me?" A smile flashed in someone's eyes.

Jiang Moyao froze for a moment, then lowered her eyes, and muttered in a low voice: "I didn't really think about it, just a little..."

She also compared it with her index finger and thumb, indicating that it was really just a little bit.

It's so cute, He Shengchen was amused: "It will take a few days... Well, I will go back as soon as possible."

The last sentence was added when I saw the loss on her face.

Jiang Moyao raised a smiling face: "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back and cook something delicious for you."

"It's a word."


Before He Shengchen hung up the phone, he made a request: "Kiss me."

Jiang Moyao was a little speechless, she was shy last time, but this time she felt strange: "You can't feel it through the phone."

Still embarrassed.

"I can feel it." He Shengchen said solemnly, "Madam He's sweet kiss can make me suspend the pain of lovesickness."

Still lovesick...

Jiang Moyao was amused: "Okay."

She leaned over awkwardly, and suddenly stretched out her palm to block the screen when she was in front of her, and then snickered: "Okay."

He Shengchen raised his eyebrows, then smiled: "You can just fool me, after I go back, you will look good."

The last sentence is low and full of meaning.

Jiang Moyao uncontrollably thought of some restricted-rated scenes, and coughed softly: "I'm going to get busy, you should go too."

After speaking, he pressed hang up.

And He Shengchen, who was thousands of miles away in a hotel, looked at his phone and let out a low laugh, with tenderness in his eyes.

The assistant walked in: "President, the ticket is booked, and it will arrive at noon in the morning in two days."

"Yeah." He Shengchen glanced at him appreciatively: "Tell Jiang Li, quickly take down that contract and go back."

"Yes, Mr. Jiang is talking."

"Go." He Shengchen waved his hand, the assistant turned and left, he stood up and walked to the French window, watching the busy traffic outside, but his heart had already flown to the little woman's side.

How would the little girl react when she suddenly saw him?
He touched his chin and raised a smile. Anyway, no matter what the reaction is, it must be cute.


Two days later, the school celebrations began.

Jiang Moyao arrived early in the morning, changed into clothes, put on makeup, and amazed the makeup artist and classmates.

The makeup artist exclaimed: "It's so beautiful."

Such a straightforward compliment made Jiang Moyao feel a little embarrassed: "Thank you."

The head teacher held the script and wore a peaked cap, just like the director on the shooting scene: "Are you ready? Today's first scene is you..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and he stared at Jiang Moyao stupidly, dumbfounded.

Immediately, she was ecstatic: "I am so wise, I chose the right fairy."

Jiang Moyao felt a little embarrassed, so she quickly changed the subject: "Where's Li Jiaer? Why didn't you see him?"

The head teacher was taken aback: "Is he still here?"

He looked around, but he really didn't see Li Jiaer.

Jiang Moyao looked down at the time on the phone: 8 o'clock sharp.

"We will start the performance at 08:30. If he doesn't come, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Of course the head teacher also understood this truth, and immediately rushed to the room in a hurry: "Hurry up and call him, why is the person who has never been late suddenly started to be late?"

Jiang Moyao took out her mobile phone to make a call, and shook her head after a while: "I can't get through."

The head teacher was in a hurry: "Then what should I do, yesterday I specifically told him not to be late today."

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