Jiang Moyao vaguely guessed who it was: "Mr. He?"

Kevin smiled: "It's him. I wanted to go to that competition on a whim. He didn't want to, but I forced him to go, but who knew that I came down before I entered the semi-finals. He did. We overcame obstacles all the way and won the first place.”

Thinking of what happened back then, he was still a little bit unwilling.

Jiang Moyao held her chin: "He should have participated in many competitions, right?"

"Of course, your husband was a man of the day." Kevin talked about it endlessly: "It's the same now, but he started to hibernate and hasn't shown his skills for a long time."

Speaking of this person, he suddenly paused and stopped talking.

Jiang Moyao listened with gusto, but the other party stopped suddenly, naturally still unsatisfied: "Why didn't you say it?"

Kevin said mysteriously: "Let me tell you, if you want to know, ask your husband, I think he will know everything about you."

This mouthful of your husband made Jiang Moyao feel extremely embarrassed: "Can you stop talking about my husband?"

"Can't you say it?" Kevin said with an innocent face, "It's your husband in the first place."

Jiang Moyao could see that this person was deliberately teasing herself, so she said: "Forget it, I don't want to tell you, the task is done, I'm going to rest."

After speaking, he turned around and left, his footsteps were hasty, somewhat like running away.

Kevin chuckled, took out his phone and sent someone a text message.

Handsome boy: [Mr. He, your wife really wants to know you. 】

After 1 minute, there was a ding dong, and there was a reply.

Mr. He: [Don't talk too much. 】

Kevin curled his lips. Fortunately, he didn't say anything, so he knew that someone must want to say it by himself.

Handsome boy: [Understood, don't worry, Mr. He, I won't speak ill of you. 】

Skin it, very happy.

After speaking, without waiting for a reply from the other side, he turned off the phone and went back to rest.

He Shengchen, who was far away abroad, narrowed his long and narrow eyes, typed a few words, and the assistant next to him said, "President, Mr. Zhan Fo is here."

Putting the phone in his pocket, He Shengchen walked out the door with his long legs, followed by his assistant.

early morning.

The first thing Kevin did when he woke up was to turn on the phone, and he burst out laughing when he saw the text message.

Kevin laughed for a while before he brushed his hair and sat up, put his phone aside, got out of bed and went to wash.

There is a line of words on the lit screen.

Mr. He: [Try it. 】


Jiang Moyao got up and tidied up, ready to go home and change clothes before going to school, and called He Jing on the way.

He Jing answered quickly: "Sister-in-law."

"are you better?"

"It's much better, thank you sister-in-law for your concern."

"You're welcome." Jiang Moyao paused, and said: "I'm going home now, do you want to bring you some breakfast, what do you want to eat?"

"Really?" He Jing was very happy, but a little hesitant: "Would it be too much trouble for my sister-in-law? You are so busy with your studies, otherwise forget it, and go to class quickly."

Jiang Moyao pulled out a smile: "It's okay, I'm already on my way."

He Jing said: "Well, sister-in-law, I used to go to L University, and I especially liked the breakfast at the school gate. The fennel stuffed buns there are very delicious. Please buy me some."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Moyao said to the driver, "Go to L University."

It was still early, and when she arrived, some students came to the school one after another, and they all rushed to the breakfast shop next to them.

She also followed and said to the enthusiastic proprietress: "Five fennel stuffed buns, a bowl of soy milk and a bowl of millet porridge."

The proprietress was taken aback, and said, "I'm really sorry, we don't have fennel stuffing here, but soy milk and millet porridge are available."

This time it was Jiang Moyao's turn to be stunned, she apologized, and turned to go out.

Go to the second shop early and get out in less than 2 minutes.

And then the third...the fourth...

In the end, I went to all the breakfast shops next to the school, and when it was the last one's turn, the other party still said no.

Jiang Moyao was very tired, but she still asked: "Then do you know where they sell it? I heard from a friend that there was an early shop here that sold fennel stuffed buns."

"You mean Aunt Zhang?"

Jiang Moyao followed the voice and saw a handsome girl. The girl said, "There used to be a breakfast shop here, and the owner's surname is Zhang, who can make fennel stuffed buns, which are very delicious, but she has moved away, and the bun shop is also open." Get out, and now no one here will do it."

"Then do you know where she moved to?" Jiang Moyao asked.

The girl shook her head: "Then I don't know, but I heard her say once before that it seems that her son is going to study at Q University in the city center, and she is going to move to the city."

Jiang Moyao hurriedly thanked her, and had no choice but to take a car to the city again. Since her son is studying at Q University, that aunt will definitely not be too far away.

There are not many shops in Q University, there are only two, she asked one by one, and finally found it, but there was a feeling of dumbfounding, knowing that here, why go to L University, and spare such a big circle.

When the proprietress heard that she was famous, she was so moved that she specially packed an extra steamed stuffed bun for her.

Jiang Moyao looked at the time, it was past eight o'clock, so she could only smile wryly, left the breakfast shop, and went back home without stopping.

In the living room, Gao Guixiang was talking with He Jing, while Sister Dai and the servant were clearing up the dishes.

Jiang Moyao paused before walking in: "I'm late."

He Jing smiled and said, "It's okay, have you bought it yet?"

"I got it." Jiang Moyao put the breakfast on the coffee table, and Gao Guixiang said calmly, "Did you go to the suburbs to buy the breakfast?"

Jiang Moyao shook her head: "No, I bought it at the gate of my school."

"Q University is not too far away from home, right?" Gao Guixiang thought she came from school, and was suddenly a little unhappy: "Did you spare half the city? Jinger said you called her at 7 o'clock."

Jiang Moyao explained: "No, I..."

Before she finished speaking, He Jing interrupted her: "Grandmother, don't say that, my sister-in-law didn't mean it, she kindly brought me breakfast, and I'm already very satisfied."

Gao Guixiang sighed: "You still speak for others."

He Jing smiled and said, "No, although my sister-in-law came late, she still came? You always talk about her, let my brother know that it's time to feel sorry for her."

"Why, I can't talk about her anymore?" Gao Guixiang glanced at Jiang Moyao, her eyes light and light: "Since you are married to Chen'er, you should honor the elders together with him. I can't stand being wronged by a few words?"

Jiang Moyao lowered her eyes slightly: "No, I was late."

Having said that, she didn't want to explain anymore.

Gao Guixiang said indifferently: "Next time, I'll bring it earlier and come out earlier. Jing'er is already hungry. I really won't starve Jing'er until you bring it."

"Understood." Jiang Moyao replied softly.

He Jing smoothed things over in the middle: "Okay, sister-in-law, have you had breakfast yet?"

Jiang Moyao shook her head: "I'm not hungry, I'm going back to school soon, I don't have time to eat."

"Then you should eat this." He Jing glanced at the breakfast on the bedside table: "I smell the smell of fennel, this kind of bun is very delicious, you should try it."

Jiang Moyao has no appetite, she was exhausted after running all morning: "I won't eat, if you can eat, then eat some, otherwise just throw it away."

"Waste." Gao Guixiang snorted coldly: "If the family has money, they can't be so extravagant."

Jiang Moyao: "..."

A splurge early on?
I knew that Gao Guixiang didn't like me, but I didn't expect that I didn't like it this way. It's midsummer and the weather is hot. Even if I put it in the refrigerator, I can eat it at noon. Who wants to eat leftovers?
Besides, before coming out, the proprietress specifically instructed that the fennel stuffed buns must be eaten while they are hot, otherwise they would be a bit bitter for the second meal.

She sighed secretly, didn't say anything, and looked at the time: "Grandma, I'm going to change clothes first, and then I have to go to class."

Gao Guixiang nodded lightly.

She turned around and went upstairs, after changing her clothes, it was already 8:9 when she came down, class started at [-]:[-], she only had time to say hello to Gao Guixiang, and left in a hurry.

Gao Guixiang showed dissatisfaction: "This is coming and going in a hurry, it's better not to come back."

Sister Dai could hear clearly from the side, and couldn't help but say a word for her: "Old lady, madam has class at 9:[-]."

Gao Guixiang froze for a moment, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Instead, He Jing said: "Grandmother, don't be angry, my sister-in-law is still a student now, and she must focus on her studies. It is understandable that she will inevitably neglect her family."

Miss Dai glanced at her.

"I don't approve of her going to school!" Gao Guixiang was even more dissatisfied: "Since you are married, you should take care of your husband and raise your children at home. What do you want to do when you go to school? If you want to study, don't get married."

This is not overt restlessness.

He Jing took her arm: "Okay, don't be angry, grandma, my brother doesn't care, this is probably love."

Gao Guixiang snorted: "Love, I think she confused Chen'er."

Jiang Zhenzhen was having dinner with her friends when her cell phone rang.

She picked it up and took a look. It was Xiao Yaning calling. She hesitated for a moment, not wanting to answer it.

"Who is it?" Zhong Xue'er lay on her back and looked at her mobile phone, but she locked it in time. She didn't see anything, so she couldn't help curling her lips: "What's wrong? It's so mysterious."

Jiang Zhenzhen glanced at her, said hello to her friends, and got up to go out.

Zhong Xueer pursed her lips, and got into a fight with a group of friends again.

Jiang Zhenzhen deliberately walked away, the noisy voice gradually disappeared, and in the silence, she answered the phone.

"Student Jiang." Xiao Yaning's voice came out of the phone.

Jiang Zhenzhen lazily replied: "What's the matter?"

"There is something I want to tell you." Xiao Yaning's voice was a little nervous: "Can I invite you out for dinner? Let's talk face to face."

Jiang Zhenzhen frowned, a little impatient, so she didn't speak.

Xiao Yaning added: "If you are not free now, you can make another appointment tomorrow."

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