"After all, we are still young, and we don't understand many things very well. You can teach us well, and I believe we will be able to use them soon."

As soon as Hu Fei heard this, his face burst into joy: "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely worry about this matter for you, and try to hug my grandson as soon as possible!"

She laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth, but Jiang Moyao felt uncomfortable all over and stomped her feet: "Mom!"

Or is it her own mother?

Hu Fei was in a good mood and knew that she was shy, so he just smiled: "You don't need to say anything, I understand everything, and leave it to my mother."

Looking at her face, I can understand the expression, Jiang Moyao really wants to ask: What do you know?

But seeing Hu Fei smiling from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't say it, so he could only lower his head and pretend to be shy.

Of course, she did not dare to look at He Shengchen, she was really a little embarrassed.

He Shengchen was calmer than her, and asked a lot about the relationship between husband and wife, and learned from Hu Fei seriously.

Hu Fei was also willing to teach him, and the two chatted enthusiastically.

On the contrary, it was unnecessary for Jiang Moyao to sit beside her, so she had to lower her head and drink water silently.

Jiang Moyao drank a full stomach of water, but at some point she suddenly raised her head and glanced at the time.

Emma, ​​two hours have passed.

Looking back, the two of them were still chatting vigorously. She looked at the time and felt a little helpless: "Mom, it's almost five o'clock, we should go back."

Hu Fei patted his thigh: "Oh, it's all my fault that I forgot the time when I was talking. Xiao He still has something to do? Then you go away quickly."

"Not urgent."

He Shengchen had just finished speaking.I felt my arm being pulled, and when I turned around, I saw a small face with a little eagerness on it.

"Didn't you say there is another meeting?" Jiang Moyao tried to wink at him.

"Is there still a meeting?" Hu Fei was terrified when he heard that, afraid of delaying their business, he hurriedly drove them away: "Then you go, don't waste time with me, go."

He Shengchen had no choice but to say: "Mom, let's go first."

"go Go."

The two left the ward, and Jiang Moyao quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, He Shengchen heard it, and he frowned slightly: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

"No." Jiang Moyao pursed her lips.

Obviously lying, why sigh if you are not unhappy?
He Shengchen's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't ask much.

When the two got into the car, he looked down at the book and felt something was wrong after reading it for a while.

As soon as he looked up, he saw her looking out the window, absent-minded.

Only then did he understand what was wrong, it was too quiet, although she usually didn't talk much, but the two of them had endless things to say.

So He Shengchen asked concerned: "Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

Hearing his voice, Jiang Moyao was taken aback for a moment, unable to recover from his thoughts immediately, a little dazed: "What?"

Just after asking, a piece of warmth was pasted on his forehead, and the warmth stayed for a while before leaving.

"I'm not sick." He touched his forehead again to make sure the temperature was not high, but he still cared about her: "Is there something uncomfortable?"

Only then did she realize that He Shengchen had misunderstood, and shook her head: "I'm fine, but there's something I can't figure out."

"what's up?"

Jiang Moyao took a look at him, lowered her head, and tugged at the hem of her clothes with her hands on her knees: "I think my mother is a bit too abrupt, after all, we are a fake marriage, and you won't be angry if my mother makes it her own." Bar?"

She looked at He Shengchen with a trace of temptation in her eyes.

He Shengchen was taken aback, and explained: "I'm not angry."

He didn't answer directly.

Jiang Moyao was a little disappointed: "Oh."

He Shengchen frowned slightly, thinking that she might be unhappy, probably not yet ready to accept the matter of having a child, so he said, "I don't really care about children, I respect your wishes."

"Hmm..." Jiang Moyao responded in a low voice.

He would agree to his mother, probably because of her health.

She secretly decided in her heart that she must tell her mother next time, and don't bring up such things again.

It was embarrassing and ugly.


On the weekend, Jiang Moyao finished all the homework for two days. Considering that the exam will be on Monday, she still wants to look at the homework and so on.

Send the homework to the teacher's mailbox and prepare to read the book.

Suddenly, the computer beeped [Didi]

Jiang Moyao looked up, it was a new message, she hesitated to open it.

Liu Lili: 【Yaoyao, did you finish your homework? 】

Jiang Moyao: [It's finished and sent to the teacher's mailbox. 】

A message immediately popped up on the opposite side.

【So fast? 】

Jiang Moyao felt something was wrong, seemed surprised?
【What's wrong?what's the matter with you 】

The other side replied quickly.

Liu Lili: [It's not a big deal, I just want to ask you, and I also want to borrow your email account. I forgot my account password, so I can only borrow it from you. 】

Jiang Moyao: [Okay, then I will send it to you. 】

Liu Lili: [Thank you, thank you so much, if Yaoyao didn't have you tomorrow, I would be ridiculed by my classmates, and my teacher would scold me, but fortunately I have you/Ecstasy]

【Account 165432@... Password xxx...】

When Liu Lili saw that the account password was sent, she was overjoyed, you idiot!
【Thank you, Yaoyao. 】

Jiang Moyao: [You're welcome. /Smile】

Liu Lili opened the mailbox, entered the account number, and logged in easily.

The password is actually real!
She opened the page and glanced at the outbox. The first item was the Sunday homework sent to the teacher.

Withdraw decisively.

She sent the garbage program that she had made a long time ago!
Liu Lili smiled triumphantly, took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Zhenzhen.

There was only one word back: "OK."

After hanging up the phone, she curled her lips. There's no need for Miss Qianjin to be so arrogant, right?

Just as I was thinking, a text message came: Your xxxx tail number, with an income of 50000 yuan.

Liu Lili was overjoyed immediately, ready to go out for a big meal.But before they could go out, they heard Han Yali and Liang Xiaoxiao talking about handing in their homework.

She slapped her forehead, her homework hasn't been handed in yet!

He hurriedly ran back to hand out his homework, and after handing it out, he heard Liang Xiaoxiao's voice behind him.

"There are all kinds of weird things these days."

Liu Lili intuitively felt that this was talking about herself, and frowned and looked over: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean it's none of your business?"

"It's none of my business." Liu Lili slapped the table: "But if you scold me, it's none of my business!"

"Who scolded you?" Liang Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes: "Some people don't take their seats, can they scold you?"


Han Yali acted as a peacemaker in the middle: "Okay, okay, we all live in the same dormitory, so please stop arguing."

"Don't worry about it!" Liu Lili immediately pointed the cannon fire at her.

Seeing her fierce face, Han Yali also became a little angry: "Are you sick? How do you catch someone and bite someone? Did I offend you?"

"Then stop meddling in your own business!" Liu Lili didn't like her, as if she didn't know that the two of them were together.

"Fake!" She turned her head and spat out.

"Are you sick?" Although Han Yali looks sweet, she is actually a hot tempered master: "Let me tell you, don't be like a mad dog."

Liu Lili was so angry that the top of her head was about to smoke, she gritted her teeth and said, "Who are you calling a dog? Can you accumulate some virtue by speaking, so you won't be afraid of losing your virtue and going to the [-]th level of hell in the future."

Liang Xiaoxiao also stood up. She and Han Yali are good friends, so of course she couldn't hear this: "Say it again."

The two girls stared at her intently.

Liu Lili was a little timid. She was afraid of fighting, and she had no chance of winning in a fight. She gritted her teeth and said, "I don't have the same knowledge as you. I have long hair but short knowledge!"

After finishing speaking quickly, he picked up the wallet on the table, turned around and ran away.

"Crazy!" Han Yali was still unhappy, she sat down on the bed and sulked.

Liang Xiaoxiao comforted: "Okay, don't be angry, she is like that, let's not associate with her in the future, stay away from her."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and a girl walked in. It was Amin, another roommate in the dormitory.

She rubbed her shoulders and muttered: "What is Liu Lili doing? Are you crazy? It hurt my shoulders."

Liang Xiaoxiao chuckled: "She's just crazy."

This is good, she offended everyone in the dormitory, and it was not easy to do this.

Han Yali curled her lips: "Don't pay attention to her."

Liang Xiaoxiao winked at Han Yali, and she cleared her throat, and stepped forward to hold Amin's arm: "Minmin, you go out with me, I want to buy something."

"I just came back……"

"Please, so Minmin."

A Min had no choice but to agree, and the two left. When they reached the door, Han Yali turned her head and blinked at Liang Xiaoxiao, then disappeared behind the door.

Liang Xiaoxiao ran to Liu Lili's bed, turned on her computer and clicked on her mailbox. When she saw the assignment that was successfully sent, she pursed her lips and smiled.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, she hurriedly turned off the computer, returned to her bed, and looked down at her phone.

The door opened, and heavy footsteps sounded. You didn't need to look to know who it was. The footsteps stopped at the bedside. From the corner of your eye, you could see Liu Lili picking up the mobile phone that had fallen on the table.

She snorted again, turned and left.

Liang Xiaoxiao looked up at her back, with some disdain in her eyes, thinking of something, she looked down at her phone again.

On the screen is a text message sent successfully.

[It's done. 】

Jiang Moyao is applying a mask and reading the information.

When she saw the text message, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and the mask lifted up, and she quickly pressed it with her hands.

After applying it happily for 10 minutes, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

She was taken aback, and asked hesitantly, "Who?"

"it's me."

It's He Shengchen!

Jiang Moyao glanced at the computer screen facing her. The woman on the screen was wearing a white mask, looking very scary.

I can make ghost movies.

"Wait a minute!" She only had time to shout, then turned around and ran into the bathroom, tidied up for a while, and then ran to open the door.

The door opened, He Shengchen really leaned on the door frame, turned his head to look over, the lines of his profile were perfect and smooth, he lowered his eyes slightly, and smiled.

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