It seemed that he was afraid of damaging the flowers. He was very careful when picking them, and his profile was reflected in the sun, looking very gentle.

He picked a lot of flowers, then pulled Jiang Moyao to sit down, and sat next to her, weaving all the flowers in his hand.

It ended up being a garland.

"It's so beautiful." Jiang Moyao exclaimed, she didn't expect He Shengchen to have such powerful skills.

Is this man omnipotent?

Suddenly, her eyes were covered with big palms. She couldn't see what was in front of her, but she could feel his warmth and hear his voice.

"Don't look at me like that." He seemed a little depressed.

This little woman has no idea how exciting it is to look at her with admiration.

Jiang Moyao felt something seemed to be placed on her head, she subconsciously raised her hand to touch it, but was grabbed by her wrist.

The hand in front of him moved away.

She opened her eyes, and before she could even look at the person in front of her, she felt her eyes darken, and then a soft warmth stuck to her forehead.

Jiang Moyao understood what it was, her cheeks blushed quietly.

"Today is our anniversary." He Shengchen posted it for a while, then reluctantly left, pursing his lips.

Jiang Moyao was at a loss: "What anniversary?"

He Shengchen curled his lips, took out the marriage certificate from his pocket, opened it for her to look at: "Our [-]th wedding anniversary."

It really is.

Looking at that day, Jiang Moyao felt sweetness in her heart, this man is too romantic.

"I will spend every anniversary with you in the future." He Shengchen put away the marriage certificate, raised his hand and rubbed the back of her head.

This action is extremely pampered.

Jiang Moyao blushed silently: "Thank you."

She never thought that there would be a man who would carry their marriage certificate next to him and remember the seemingly insignificant [-]-day anniversary.

"You really want to thank me?"

Jiang Moyao nodded, feeling extremely moved: "You are so kind."

"Then..." He Shengchen suddenly grabbed the back of her head, very gentle, without much force, and looked down into her eyes: "Mrs. He, you have to take some practical actions."

Jiang Moyao blinked, not quite understanding.

He Shengchen didn't say anything, but slowly, slowly lowered his head, and his lavender lips were getting closer and closer to her.

Needless to say, she understood now.

Just when there was only one centimeter left, he stopped: "Can you?"

Jiang Moyao was dizzy from his masculine aura, her heart was beating thumping, and her ears were buzzing.

It should be possible.

So she let out a soft voice: "Yes."

In the next second, his lips touched, and he didn't go deep, but stopped there very restrained.

Jiang Moyao's heart seemed to explode like fireworks. After so many years, she had never been close to a man before.

She was a little dazed and stiff.

He Shengchen closed his eyes slightly, his lips were as sweet as honey, which made him dare not move for a while, for fear that he would not be able to control himself.

After a while, he began to probe deeper.

Both of them were a little clumsy at first, but slowly, they began to get better.

In the garden, among the colorful flowers, there stood a man and a woman. The man was tall and straight, holding the woman in his arms.

Strong arms wrapped around her waist, very domineering.But on the contrary, it was that kiss, which was extremely gentle.

Steward Fu squatted outside the glass door and window, peeking in secretly. The little old man smiled like a mouse stealing lamp oil. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera inside.

The picture is gradually filmed.

After taking pictures for about 2 minutes, he ran away with his mobile phone, running and bouncing excitedly.

Running into the living room, the rich steward sat on the sofa, with a serious face on handling state affairs, and sent this video to the media.

Soon, the media published the video.

All the previous rumors were self-defeating. The people who eat melons said that they did not see the love and sweetness of the husband and wife, and they even kissed passionately.

Tsk tsk tsk, this dog food is really full.

No one ever said that Mrs. He cheated on her and then she was cleansed, and that Mr. He and his wife were at odds, so this would be a slap in the face.

Sister Dai was quite relieved when she saw this video, and when He Shengchen and the two came back, she stared at Jiang Moyao's face.

With a flushed face and slightly swollen lips, she seemed to have seen the trace of the young master in the future, and slapped her thigh and said, "Madam, hurry up and rest in the room, don't be tired."

Jiang Moyao pursed her lips, raised her hand to cover her face, and then looked at Steward Fu, the old man laughed so hard that his creases stood out, seeing this reaction, he must have known it all.

Oh, what a shame.

"Don't bite your lips." He Shengchen said domineeringly, put his arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear, "This is mine."

Jiang Moyao was originally shy, but now her face was on fire.

After finally staying up late at night, she went to the kitchen to make a pastry, ready to thank someone for taking care of it for her.

Who knew that as soon as the front foot went in, someone followed in the back foot.

"I'll help you." He Shengchen stood behind her, looked down at her little face that would automatically turn red as soon as she approached, and the corners of her lips were slightly hooked.

"I can do it myself." Jiang Moyao hesitated.

"Are you regretting it?" He Shengchen asked intentionally, putting his hands on the cooking table and wrapping her in his arms.

Jiang Moyao subconsciously turned around: "No."

It was only after he finished speaking that he realized something was wrong. This turn around was so close to him that he could almost see the pores on his face.

She was a little embarrassed again: "I'll do it myself."

At first he wanted to tease her, but she was really shy, so He Shengchen had no choice but to give up: "Then do your work first, I'll turn on the TV, and then, come in and help you."

"Okay." As long as he can go out now, Jiang Moyao didn't even notice what he said later.

After He Shengchen went out, she felt that the narrow kitchen became spacious again, and she quickly adjusted her emotions. She couldn't just twitch endlessly because of a kiss.

When He Shengchen came in again, she had already returned to normal.

The two made dessert together, he would take a sip from time to time, Jiang Moyao would stare at him helplessly, every time this time, He Shengchen would feed her a sip.

The sweet taste penetrated from the throat to the bottom of the heart.

No one listened to the news in the living room, both of them regarded it as background music.

When a person's name was mentioned inside, Jiang Moyao was taken aback, lying at the door and looking into the living room.

It turned out that the news said that the Chen family scandal was exposed, and Chen Guo was taken away by the police.

"How could this be?" She didn't do anything.

Just as he was thinking, a warm body was attached to his back, and a deep voice was next to his ear: "Do you like this gift?"

Jiang Moyao immediately understood that this matter must have been written by him, she pursed her lips and couldn't help laughing.

Then suddenly thought of something, she raised her hand to touch her cheek, and looked at him with some hesitation: "My face..."

"I know it all." He Shengchen took off her palm and put his own on it, with a smile in his eyes: "You disfigured people to save people, the little girl is a hero."

He bowed his head and kissed her forehead.

Jiang Moyao was so shy, she turned and ran away covering her face.

He Shengchen smiled lowly, then turned back to the kitchen, looked down at the half-made cake with white cream on it.

He twisted a little with his fingertips and put it in his mouth.

so sweet.

Footsteps sounded behind him, he seemed a little hesitant, he turned his head to look, Jiang Moyao was secretly peeking in at the door, when he saw it, he immediately retracted his head.

"what happened?"

A hesitant little head poked out of the door: "Your phone is ringing."

In the open white tender hand was a vibrating mobile phone.

He Shengchen walked over and saw that her face was flushed again, and chuckled lightly: "You are too shy too easily."

Jiang Moyao bit her lip, handed him the phone, turned and ran away.He stopped halfway through the run, and after a while, he ran back again.

"what happened?"

Jiang Moyao pouted: "I still want to make cakes, you go out."

He Shengchen gave a low laugh, raised his hand to stroke her hair, but didn't tease her again: "Okay."

He went to the living room to answer the phone: "Say."

After leaving Jiang Moyao, there was no tenderness in his eyes, only a touch of coldness remained.

There was a smile in Jiang Li's voice: "Good job."

He Shengchen sat on the sofa, with his right leg resting on his left leg, sitting elegantly and lazily: "That's why you called?"

Jiang Li clicked his tongue: "Don't be so impatient, Boss, you are too good, this series of operations is so precise and ruthless."


Jiang Li twitched the corners of his mouth and sighed: "Boss, that's not good for you. You are too confident and not humble."

He felt that his words were not strong enough, after thinking for a while, he added: "Be careful that Miss Jiang dislikes you, then there will be no place to cry."

"Shut up." He Shengchen didn't like to hear that.

Jiang Li surrendered: "All right, all right, I can't do it if I said something wrong."

He was also speechless, when his boss met Jiang Moyao, he immediately changed into a different person.

Thinking of Jiang Moyao, he inevitably thought of that post, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Boss, what do you think about the plastic surgery?"

He Shengchen's eyes were slightly cold: "I will not let anyone who hurt her go, but I have to come one by one."

"That's her natal family..."

Before Jiang Li finished speaking, He Shengchen smiled softly, and looked through the glass window of the kitchen to see the beautiful figure inside.

She seemed very happy and her mouth was moving.Should be humming a song.

There was a touch of tenderness in his eyes, on the contrary, his tone was so cold that he could freeze: "Such a scumbag is not worthy of being her mother."

Jiang Li was silent for a while, touched the back of his neck, and smoothed the bristling hair: "Okay, tell me if you have anything to do, I will be there immediately."

"Well, hang up." She was about to come out.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Jiang Moyao lay at the door of the kitchen and called him cheerfully: "Mr. He, come and taste the cake and see how sweet it is."

He hooked his lips: "Here we come."

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