The appearance of the little woman firmly wanting to exchange money came to mind, as well as the IOU that she wrote down word by word.

He Shengchen smiled.

"Then what do you say?"

Kevin tapped the keyboard over there: "Boss, I have already figured out the matter of this photo, and I will send you the information."

Then the phone vibrated, and the information of the person who sent the photo, the person who took the photo, and the person who made the connection was clearly displayed in front of He Shengchen.

He Shengchen looked at the familiar name and frowned.

"I don't think it's better than this." Kevin said excitedly over there, "Let's not come forward and let Ms. Jiang deal with it by herself. If she can handle it well, it means she has the talent and should try it." Let her continue to do it. If you can't deal with it well, let's go out again, and then you, the boss, can logically ask her to quit this job and concentrate on school."

He Shengchen thought for a while, if the little girl was forced to return to his protection because of this, it would be fine, then he would feel at ease, and he was afraid that she would not be very happy.

Although the little girl looks well-behaved and gentle, she is actually a very independent person with ideals and ambitions.

Then, let her give it a go.

"Yes." After thinking about it, He Shengchen agreed.

Kevin smiled over there.

He Shengchen felt that he seemed to have succeeded in a conspiracy: "Do you think her level is very good?"

"Hey, to tell you the truth, I think Miss Jiang is very talented, and she can do better than we expected."

He Shengchen sighed slightly: "We are not the only masters in the world, there are several in S City, don't forget."

Kevin is still more optimistic: "Then let's wait and see!"

In the room, Jiang Moyao, who was asleep, didn't know this at all, she turned over slightly, and muttered something in her sleep:
"Mr. He, thank you..."

Jiang Zhenzhen was looking at the post in the room and was angry, when she heard the sound of the door opening from downstairs, she picked up her mobile phone, pushed open the door, and ran downstairs.

"Mom, why did you come back?"

Jiang Shushan sat on the sofa a little tiredly: "There is something."

In fact, it was she and Jiang Yitian who managed to leave that ghostly place. She was afraid of scaring Jiang Zhenzhen, so she didn't go home, but went back to the hotel to tidy up before returning.

"Something wrong?" Jiang Zhenzhen's voice changed: "What's the matter? Are you going to fool around with my father in the wilderness?"

Jiang Shushan's expression changed: "What did you say?"

Jiang Zhenzhen picked up the phone, tapped the screen twice, then put the phone on the coffee table, making a bang.

"See for yourself."

Jiang Shushan picked it up and looked at it, her expression changed immediately, and she murmured: "How could this happen?"

"Didn't you go to a friend's house as guests?" Jiang Zhenzhen was aggressive.

Posts like this made her lose everything.

Jiang Shushan calmed down after the panic. Although the photo looked ambiguous, there was nothing explicit about it. She paused and remembered one thing: "Has the post been deleted?"

"How to delete it? I don't have that right." Jiang Zhenzhen said angrily, and then asked: "Tell me quickly, what's going on?"

"Don't ask me." Jiang Shushan didn't want to say.

Jiang Zhenzhen was in a hurry: "Don't ask? I'm going to lose my life, I don't even dare to go to school."

Jiang Shushan had a headache because of her intransigence, so she could only vaguely say: "It's the love between husband and wife. Someone secretly photographed him. That person asked us for money. I didn't pay it, so I posted it on the forum."

Jiang Zhenzhen patted the coffee table: "This is too much!"

Jiang Shushan patted her on the back: "So I can't blame my parents for this matter, and I can't help it."

This time Jiang Zhenzhen not only felt ashamed, but also furious, and couldn't help curling her lips: "If you want money, just give it to him. It's embarrassing to make a mess like this."

Jiang Shushan did not speak.

In fact, something went wrong with the company. Jiang Yitian left in a hurry early this morning. She didn't even have time to ask what was going on.

"By the way, where's dad?" Jiang Zhenzhen finally remembered to ask him.

"The company has something to do, so I have to come back later."

Jiang Zhenzhen reached out and tapped her phone: "Then what about this? Do I still have to go to school?"

"Of course I'm going." Jiang Shushan rubbed her forehead and cheered up again: "My dear girl, go to school well, don't worry about this matter, it will be fine in two days."

Jiang Zhenzhen curled her lips with a look of reluctance.

She had no choice but to continue coaxing: "Be obedient, no matter what happens at home, you can't delay your studies."

"But it's embarrassing."

Jiang Zhenzhen has always had a lot of face in school. After this happened, she didn't need to think that many people would laugh at her. As long as she thought about it, she couldn't bear it.

"I won't go, I won't settle this matter, I won't go to class."

Jiang Shushan was restless, but looking at her daughter who was making trouble in front of her, she still had to coax her: "You are obedient, your birthday is coming soon, and mom will buy you a birthday present then."

birthday present!

Jiang Zhenzhen's eyes lit up: "What gift?"

Jiang Shushan thought for a while and said, "Necklace?"

Jiang Zhenzhen looked unhappy.


Still not happy.

Jiang Shushan was a little worried, she was also spoiled by this child, she was not satisfied with anything, she sighed: "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Mom." Jiang Zhenzhen hugged her and said with a smile: "A limited edition bag will be released soon. I like it very much. Mom will give it to me as a birthday present, okay?"

Jiang Shushan felt a headache, the limited editions are very expensive.

"Mom, mom." Jiang Zhenzhen pulled her arm coquettishly, thinking of how many envious looks she would get when she walked in school with her bag on her back, she tried her best to coax Jiang Shushan.

Jiang Shushan was a little hesitant. Jiang Yitian knew about all her private money, so he would definitely not give her any more money. Now she was spending a little less, and the thought of spending a large sum of money made her feel pained.

Seeing her hesitate, Jiang Zhenzhen was unhappy: "It's fine if you don't buy it for me, but I definitely won't go to school. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so ashamed."

"Okay, I'll buy it for you." Jiang Shushan really had no choice but to agree as soon as she gritted her teeth.

"Thank you mom, I love you." Jiang Zhenzhen smiled immediately.

Jiang Shushan smiled helplessly, thinking of what had happened in the past few days, her face darkened again.

Jiang Zhenzhen glanced at her secretly, and wanted to tell her about the photo, but found that she seemed to be in a bad mood. After thinking about it, she still didn't say anything.

She takes care of that little slut herself!

Just as a surprise for her mother, she smiled when she thought of this.


On the day of reporting to school, Jiang Moyao was surprisingly a little nervous, after all, she never thought that she could go to school again.

When going out, He Shengchen took the key from the driver's hand, opened the co-pilot's door, and put his palm on the car door: "Let's go, Mrs. He."

"Thank you." Jiang Moyao bent slightly and got in.

He Shengchen got into the car and started the engine.

"Aren't you busy today?" In the silence, Jiang Moyao asked,
"It's okay." He Shengchen turned his head to look at her, and hooked his lips: "Mrs. He, are you nervous?"

This person is too sensitive...

Jiang Moyao breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't hide it: "It's a little bit, but I'm more happy."

After all, this is something that I didn't even dare to think about before.

The car stopped at the gate of the school smoothly. He Shengchen didn't get out of the car, but just watched her get down, and said softly, "I'll pick you up after class."

"Is it too much trouble?"

"No trouble, just go in."

Jiang Moyao pursed her lips, did not hide the smile on her lips, waved at him, turned and went into the school.

She likes to keep a low profile, so she told the principal early in the morning to find the head teacher by herself, not wanting to alarm others.

The class teacher is a female teacher, and she is introduced to the students very gently.

"Hi everyone, my name is Jiang Moyao."

She was wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of white shoes. Although they looked ordinary, they were custom-made for her by He Shengchen, and they were very expensive.

Everyone still applauded very face-saving.

The teacher looked at the seat: "You sit next to the monitor."

Jiang Moyao walked over, and there was a very beautiful and bright girl at the same table, she held out her hand with a smile: "Hello, new classmate, my name is Lin Wanru."


Lin Wanru blinked her big eyes, and looked at her very curiously: "You are the boss in the post, I heard that you are very powerful, teach me some other day?"

Jiang Moyao smiled: "There is a chance."

"There must be a chance." Lin Wanru tilted her head, smiling brightly: "Sit down quickly, and if you have anything you don't understand, just ask me in the future, and I will tell you."

"Thank you." Jiang Moyao returned with a sincere smile.

"Tch, who knows if it's the real thing, how powerful a person who came in through the back door can be." A male voice suddenly sounded, his tone full of sarcasm.

Jiang Moyao turned her head to look over, and saw a handsome young man with a trace of arrogance in his brows and disdain in his eyes.

Before she could answer, Lin Wanru said: "Li Jiaer, don't speak so harshly."

"Why, why don't people tell you what you've done?" The young man named Li Jiaer snorted coldly: "Going through the back door is going through the back door, and it's true if you don't want to listen."

Jiang Moyao grabbed Lin Wanru, who was about to argue with him, and said calmly, "I got admitted, and I still have an admission letter, do you want to see it?"

Li Jiaer scoffed, obviously not believing it.

"Leave him alone, he's just jealous." Lin Wanru pulled Jiang Moyao, with a nonchalant expression on his face: "He can't see that others are better than him, that's just a bad problem."

Li Jiaer gritted her teeth angrily: "Lin Wanru!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Wanru also stared.

The people next to him hurriedly persuaded him to calm down, and someone whispered, "Forget it, Lin Wanru is notoriously difficult, why did you provoke her?"

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