Jing Tingyu made a grimace at him, "Slightly slightly, my brother is jealous, because Mommy only hugs me, not you! Mommy said, when I grow up, I will become a man of indomitable spirit, stronger than my brother." Awesome! My brother is just jealous, jealous!"

The corners of Jing Yuanxi's eyes twitched uncontrollably.This kid was really born to collect debts from him, right?Look at what he said, what is he jealous, jealous of him as a brat?With him like this, he is even better than him, he will be satisfied if he doesn't grow up to be a good-for-nothing who knows how to spend money to play with women all day long.

Anyway, the Jing family has plenty of money, so it doesn't matter if he's not successful, but it shouldn't be too ridiculous, otherwise, even if he is his only younger brother, he will still kick him out.

After Jing Tingyu finished speaking, he ignored him, chatting with Jing Yiren.

Jing Yiren told him to eat breakfast while answering his questions, and then asked him what he did at school and at home these days.

"Xiaoyu, your school will be on holiday in a few days, have you thought about where to go to play?" Jing Yiren asked.

Xiao Yu's mood would definitely be affected if she wasn't with him in country Y during the Chinese New Year. Maybe she could suggest Yuan Xi to take him abroad for fun.Although there is no custom of celebrating the New Year in foreign countries, Chinese and overseas Chinese are still used to celebrating the New Year.And the Jing family has always had a tradition of celebrating the New Year. If she is not here, if there are only the two brothers at home during the New Year, it seems that it will indeed be a little deserted.

Or it is better to take Xiaoyu to go abroad for fun.

"I'll go wherever Mommy goes." Jing Tingyu replied without thinking while drinking the milk with his head down.

Jing Yiren's expression changed slightly. Although he didn't say anything, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

Jing Yuanxi saw her expression in his eyes, and after thinking about it, he quickly guessed the reason.

Although I have already made preparations, I have already begun to accept this fact in my heart.But when things really happened, he was still a little bit disappointed.

Maybe it's not just a new year, they won't have much chance to be together in the next new year.

After she and Dongfang Yanhe get married, they will have their own family and their own children...

He silently lowered his eyes and ate his breakfast quietly.On the dining table, only Jing Tingyu's childish and innocent voice was ringing.

When Jing Tingyu went to school, Jing Yiren returned to the house only to find that the person who was supposed to go to work was still at home at this time, she couldn't help being a little surprised, "Why are you still at home, isn't it almost time for work?"

Jing Yuanxi glanced at her, raised his chin towards the sofa, "Sit down, are you planning to go back to China to spend the New Year with Dongfang Yanhe during the Chinese New Year?"

Jing Yiren was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, and said with a smile: "You can see everything, you are so smart, I am a little scared, won't you be able to hide everything from you in the future? Think about it It's kind of scary."

Jing Yuanxi smiled noblely, "Don't flatter me, I won't be fooled. If you didn't go to Haishi to accompany him for the New Year, you wouldn't come back at this time." Instead, you should stay in Haishi , come back until the Chinese New Year.

"Hehe..." Jing Yiren could only smile awkwardly.

After all, this matter sounds like a bit of forgetting friends. With a boyfriend, I don't even want my son.

Jing Yiren walked to the sofa and sat down, "So maybe you have to talk to Xiao Yu about this matter at that time, maybe...he can accept that I'm not around now?"

Jing Yuanxi snorted, her tone was very contemptuous, "If you really think so, then I must break your fantasy. In Xiao Yu's heart, you are the most important and irreplaceable .”

How could he get used to not having her by his side just because she frequently went to Haishi?Is she being naive?
But speaking of it, Xiao Yu was so clingy to her, she herself was also responsible to a certain extent.

When he just came back, he said, let her not let Xiao Yu be too much, but to properly cultivate his independent character, and let the servant do what Xiao Yu can do, and not her. Do it yourself.

But she didn't listen, she felt that Xiao Yu had no father and no real mother, if her stepmother couldn't give him love, then he might grow crooked, so she has been doing her best to take care of Xiao Yu by herself , Worse than a biological mother.

This made Xiao Yu very dependent on her.

It's all right now, she has found her love and is about to leave, what will Xiao Yu do?
Of course, he wasn't blaming her, he just didn't want to see her being so entangled and distressed because of Xiao Yu.After all, she has done enough to Xiao Yu, no one can say anything against her.But Xiao Yu is just a child after all, and there are some things that he can understand, understand, and accept without reasoning with him.

If...if she hadn't been so dedicated and devoted to taking care of Xiao Yu in the past few years, maybe the problem would be much easier to solve now.

There is no substitute.I just can't let go of it.

Jing Yiren is very glad that Dongfang Yanhe has agreed to her request to take Xiaoyu back to China to live together in the future.

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on her face, and she said excitedly: "Yuanxi, I told you before that I have already discussed with Dongfang Yanhe about bringing Xiaoyu with me when I return to China to settle down in the future. Yes, he agreed with me! So it’s up to you now, as long as you agree, then when I go back to China, Xiao Yu will be able to go back to China and live with me, so I don’t have to worry about him not being able to accept the fact that I left! "

Hearing her words, Jing Yuanxi froze for a moment, didn't seem to be able to react, and asked uncertainly after a while: "You said that Dongfang Yanhe agreed that you would take Xiaoyu to settle down with you when you return to China? Are you sure you really Have you made it clear to Dongfang Yanhe? Are you sure he didn't misunderstand you, thinking that you just brought Xiaoyu back to live for a while, rather than living together for a long time?"

Jing Yuanxi's first reaction was doubt and disbelief.

Even if Xiao Yu is not Yi Ren's biological son, he is her ex-husband's son.Which man would like to see his girlfriend and wife take his ex-husband's children to live together, especially her ex-husband has an adult son with a wealth of wealth who is capable enough to take care of his own brother, How could she be taken care of by her unrelated stepmother?
Dongfang Yanhe didn't look like a magnanimous man, on the contrary, he felt that he was very narrow-minded.If he wants to start anew with Yi Ren, he definitely wants to live the world of two people. How could he agree to put a huge light bulb between them?
Jing Yiren gave him a dissatisfied look, "Of course I will make it clear about such an important matter. And I have also taken a fancy to an international school. Dongfang Yanhe told me about this school. He took me with him I went to find out about it. I think it is very suitable for Xiaoyu. In a community near the school, he also helped me find a suitable house. In fact, that house was the house I lived in Haishi before, and that house was a good one for him. My brother’s house. Without telling me, he spent an extra 400 million yuan to get his good brother to transfer the house and give it to me.”

"So you said, he has done it for this sake, how could it be fake? I know what you are doubting, and your suspicion is also reasonable, but Dongfang Yanhe said that he is willing to try because of my relationship. Accepting Xiao Yu is not because he doesn't care, but because he chose to give in for me." Jing Yiren said with a serious expression.

Jing Yuanxi frowned.

He wouldn't suspect that Yi Ren deliberately fabricated these things to reassure him. If she said this, it meant that Dongfang Yanhe had indeed done these things and said these things.Not only could he accept that Yi Ren took Xiao Yu to live with him, but he also offered to help find a suitable school?Does he like being a stepfather so much?This is something that a man with a big heart can do!
If it were him, he really didn't dare to say that he could accept the woman he loved to bring her ex-husband's child and start anew with him. Just hearing it felt a little absurd.Especially in Dongfang Yanhe is obviously not the kind of honest, single-minded man!

How can a man who can quickly gain a foothold in the market and expand his territory be a little white lotus?

But if he doesn't mean it sincerely, then what exactly is he trying to do?
"Yuanxi, so there is no problem with Dongfang Yanhe. I really discussed it with him seriously, and he has indeed agreed. Now you are left here, and I hope you can agree Me, let me bring Xiaoyu back to China and settle down together. Don’t worry, I will take good care of him. Even if I marry Dongfang Yanhe in the future and we have our own children, I can guarantee that my love for Xiaoyu will last forever Ruyi, I won't ignore him or neglect him just because I have a child." Jing Yiren has a serious expression and a serious attitude.

Jing Yiren's words brought Jing Yuanxi back to his senses, "What are you talking about? When did I suspect you? It's been so many years. I don't know what you are doing to Xiao Yu? But this matter is not child's play. It's not that simple. It's not what you want me to do, but I hope you, Yiren, I hope you can calm down a little more and think carefully about whether it's worth it or not."

"You know, Xiaoyu knows that you are not his biological mother, so even if you leave, he should be able to accept it. It is inevitable that you will be sad and sad, because even if it is me, I will. But I believe As long as there is a transition period, both I and Xiao Yu will get used to it. You take him by your side to take care of him, how do you let others see you? How do you see Dongfang Yanhe?"

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