This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 616 Fulfilling the Promise

"Do your parents favor Jing Zhen and neglect you? They are all daughters, why do you want to do this? Is it because of Jing Zhen's youngest daughter that you, the eldest daughter, have to give way to her? They are going too far. How come you never Didn't you mention this to me? You looked very optimistic and confident when you were in college, you can't tell..."

It is not obvious at all that she has always been ignored by her parents at home.

"It's different. Jing Zhen and I are different." One is an adopted daughter and the other is a biological daughter. How could it be the same?

Dongfang Yanhe remembered what Jing Zhen had said to him, and couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

If it was normal, he might not believe everything she said to him, but now, she is sick, and people are always very fragile when they are sick, so she can't help but tell him these things.After all, they have known each other for so many years, not to mention now, even in the past, she never mentioned it when she was in college.

So what she said now cannot be false.If what she said is true, Jing Zhen's words are very doubtful.

Then when she got married back then, would it be...

It was only this thought that came to mind, and it was immediately stopped by Dongfang Yanhe in his mind.

It is useless to think too much, cherishing what is in front of you is the most important thing.

"Forget it, don't think too much about these things. They don't care about you. It doesn't matter if they ignore you. You have me. I will replace them and give you all my attention and love. It won't make you feel neglected and neglected. Since they don't cherish you, you don't need to be them. Now that you are cared about, you don't care about them anymore. It's because they are blind that they can't see your goodness. I think you are a thousand times better than Jing Zhen .”

Jing Yiren raised his head and looked at him tenderly, "Really? Do you really think I'm better than Jing Zhen?"

Dongfang Yanhe nodded without hesitation, "Of course. I don't like that Jing Zhen. If it weren't for the fact that she is your sister, I wouldn't even have a word with her."

Jing Yiren burst out laughing, strangely feeling much more comfortable in her heart.It seemed that the depression and unwillingness that had been suppressed in my heart since childhood also dissipated.

Yes, she has Dongfang Yanhe now, as long as he is still by her side, she thinks it is enough.

Dongfang Yanhe held Jing Yiren in his arms and talked nicely for a while, Jing Yiren's mood gradually improved after hearing that, the inexplicable trace of grievance in his heart seemed to have disappeared, and a quiet smile involuntarily rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Are you hungry? I asked the hotel to bring you food? I borrowed their kitchen while you were asleep and cooked porridge for you. Eat light food first, so as not to upset your stomach and cause you to vomit later. I'll let them warm it up when I'm done, and let them bring it up when you wake up. Have some now?"

Jing Yiren looked at him in surprise, "You borrowed the kitchen to make it yourself?"

Dongfang Yanhe's expression was natural, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with doing so, "Yes, this is a foreign country, and they are all foreign dishes. You are not used to it. If it is normal, you are in good health, try the local delicacies It doesn't matter. But now that you are sick and your appetite is bad, how can you eat these exotic foods? I saw that you were a heavy sleeper, so I borrowed the kitchen."

Jing Yiren's eyes were quickly filled with emotion, and there were mixed feelings in his heart, but it was also a little sweet.But in the end, distress prevailed, "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Just let the kitchen make some simple food. Why go there yourself? If you meet some bad-talking chefs, won't you be made things difficult and ridiculed?" What? I'm not so delicate, I don't have a good appetite, so I should eat less."

Dongfang Yanhe reached out and tapped the tip of her nose, and said amusedly: "Why do you think so complicated? Although many foreigners look down on people from our country, here, I am a guest, and I live only The suite next to the presidential guest room, even if the chef is unwilling to let outsiders into the kitchen, but because I am a guest, if I ask to borrow the kitchen, they will obediently borrow it."

"However, the chef of this hotel is very nice. When I went to borrow the kitchen, he was still chatting with me. I knew that my girlfriend was sick, so I wanted to cook some hometown dishes for my girlfriend. Eat, he even praised me, saying that I am a good man. He also taught me to cook a dish, which he said was his wife's favorite, and he specially researched it for his wife. Let me wait for you, and then Make it for you to taste."

"Really? Is there such a thing?" Jing Yiren was a little surprised.

"Can I still lie to you? Well, you lie back first. Although you are much better now, you can't be careless. I'll call and ask someone to bring it up, and I'll eat it in the room."

Lying on the bed, Jing Yiren's face was still quite haggard and pale, but her eyes were much more energetic, with a smile in them, she nodded obediently, like a child.

Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help feeling soft when he saw it, and leaned down to press a kiss on her still warm forehead, "I'll be back soon."

"it is good."

Watching him go out, the smile on Jing Yiren's face could not be taken back, and her heart was sweet.

She felt that these days were really the happiest days she had lived in the past few years, and it could even be said that they were the happiest days in her life so far.

When she was in college, she was happy with Dongfang Yan.

But because he has been hiding his identity and hiding secrets in his heart, it is inevitable that he will feel guilty when facing him.In many things, the happier you are, the happier you feel, the more you will worry about gains and losses, feel uneasy, fear, and worry.

Worried that Dongfang Yanhe would be angry if he found out that he had cheated him, and would leave him.So she has not clearly stated her life experience, and she has been procrastinating until the end.

Although he didn't confess his life experience to Dongfang Yanhe at that time, it was unintentional at first, but later it was intentional.She thought that she would leave the Jing family one day, and if Dongfang Yanhe found out, there might be a lot of trouble in the future, so she kept hiding it.

At that time, she was more worried about gains and losses, worried and afraid.How can it be compared with the present, now all the misunderstandings have been explained clearly, all the misfortunes have passed, they started again, and they will definitely get better and better in the future!
In the future, when they get married, she will be the wife of Dongfang Yanhe and take good care of their family.After marriage, she can get pregnant immediately, or she can wait a little longer to restore her body to a better state, and then get pregnant again and have a baby.In this way, their family is complete.

Just thinking about it, Jing Yiren couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although her face was still haggard and pale, a pair of eyes shone brightly, which made her mental outlook improve all of a sudden, as if she was bathed in an invisible soft light.

When Dongfang Yanhe came back from the phone call, he saw Jing Yiren smirking, "Why are you laughing stupidly? Are you still laughing when you are sick?"

Seeing him, Jing Yiren quickly put away the smile on his face, but still hummed softly and said, "Of course it's because I thought of something worth laughing about. It's because I'm sick, so I have to maintain a good mood, so that I can I recover quickly. As long as I recover, you don't have to change the itinerary for me. If people in the company know about it, they might say that I'm a beauty, a disaster."

"Who dares to say that to you? It is my own business to decide what I do, and I don't need others to talk. You are the same. Don't have psychological pressure. It helps me to recover from illness. Because you have a bad day, I will Just worry about it for another day."

Jing Yiren looked serious, "I will definitely recover!"

Strive to get better tomorrow!In fact, if you have a fever, as long as the fever subsides and you sleep well, you will be fine the next day.She obediently took the medicine today, then rested, and went to bed early at night, I believe that tomorrow she will recover as before!
"It's just a pity. I could have gone to other places to have fun today." She said with some regret.Now I can only sleep in the hotel.

Oh, how can you be sick when you are fine?Yesterday was obviously fine!Jing Yiren also couldn't figure it out.

Dongfang Yanhe is quite open-minded, "There will be opportunities in the future, if you like this place, I will bring you here again."

"Really?" Jing Yiren's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed, and he said listlessly: "You have a lot of things to do every day, so it should be difficult to take time out to play with me." Even if you have time, it is only a day or two God, it's not enough to go back and forth by plane, so how can I play.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled, "As long as you think about it, you can do it. It is an excuse to say that you have no time at all. It is impossible for me to work all the time without rest. I am also an individual. If I am an individual, I need rest. Isn't it?"

Hearing what he said, Jing Yiren immediately felt better again, and looked at him with a smile, "Then I'll wait for you to fulfill your promise!"

Dongfang Yanhe is really ready to end this trip ahead of schedule and return to China with Jing Yiren. He has even made Zhao Zhisen ready to tell the chamber of commerce in Country R that he cannot participate in this meeting. He will apologize in person at the next chance.

But I don't want Jing Yiren to really get better the next day.At least the fever has completely subsided and returned to a normal temperature, and she looks much more refreshed. If it wasn't for her complexion, she was still a little haggard, and she really couldn't tell that she was still sick in bed the day before.And she repeatedly assured that she was really fine, and her physical condition could support her next journey, so Dongfang Yanhe went to Country R as originally planned.

The work in country R is simpler than that in country S. After the official business is over, Dongfang Yanhe takes Jing Yiren to play around the local area.

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