This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 614 The Perfect Companion

Dongfang Yanhe looked into her eyes and couldn't help shaking his head. He thought that the snow mountain was so bright that her eyes became brighter, as if it could be compared with the stars in the sky day and night.A small person was reflected in her black pupils, it was his figure, so clear.He felt like he was soaking in a hot spring, his whole body was warm, and his heart was softened by the soak.

He hugged her tightly into his arms, "Me too, I won't be bored, I won't be bored, I just don't feel enough. People who really love each other will only love each other more and more as they get along. Only those Couples who don't love enough are separated because of a trip. It just proves that they were not meant to be, even if they didn't travel together, they would have separated sooner or later."

Jing Yiren smiled, "Well, I think so too. How can people who really love each other feel bored with each other while traveling?"

She feels that she will never be bored with Dongfang Yanhe, she will only love him more and more, even if he is not a perfect man, not a perfect partner, but she loves him, even his shortcomings will be together like.

Dongfang Yanhe embraced Jing Yiren, humming a tune softly.He was just humming the tune, but he didn't sing the lyrics. Jing Yiren didn't know which song he was humming. The melody was so nice that she was sure she had never heard it before.His voice was slightly low, with a hint of sexy hoarseness in his voice, which was inexplicably long in front of the snow-capped mountains, as if he was expressing some strong emotion.

Jing Yiren was almost fascinated by it, but later the tune seemed to have a hint of melancholy.She couldn't help raising her head, he was looking far into the distance, the expression on his handsome and charming face was a little quiet, and there was a trace of emotion between his brows that she couldn't understand.At this moment, she suddenly became flustered, feeling that he seemed to be far away from her for no reason, as if she couldn't touch him at all.

Her heart tightened, and she hugged him subconsciously.

Dongfang Yanhe noticed that the strength of her hugging him suddenly became a lot heavier, so he couldn't help but look away from the distance, and lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong? Could it be that I am humming too badly?"

Jing Yiren shook her head in his arms, and said in a muffled voice: "No, it's very nice. It's the first time I know that your humming tune is so nice. It's just that your tune seems to be a bit... after listening to it. Isn't it a good look, is it a sad song?"

Dongfang Yanhe chuckled, "Why would I hum a sad song at this time? It's a French song, and it's a very old song. I also heard it by accident and thought it sounded good. So I wrote it down. Because it’s French, I don’t know how to sing, so I just memorized the melody. This is a song that describes the love between a man and a woman. I checked the information and think this song is very suitable for our experience.”

"Huh?" Jing Yiren was a little curious.

Dongfang Yanhe lowered his head with a smile and rubbed her nose gently with the tip of his nose, "Separate and reunite, isn't that what our relationship is like? We were separated before, and now we are finally together again."

Jing Yiren blinked and asked, "Then did the hero and heroine in this song get together happily in the end?"

Dongfang Yanhe asked without answering, "What do you think? What you heard just now seemed very sad. It must be time for the hero and heroine to separate. They separated, of course it is a sad tone."

Hearing what he said, the uneasiness in Jing Yiren's heart finally dissipated.Then in retrospect, she suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but it was a song that she didn't even know the lyrics, and she still felt uneasy after listening to it.It's true that the more you live, the more you go back, and it's a bit of a waste of time.

"What were you thinking just now?" Dongfang Yanhe asked curiously.

Jing Yiren snorted softly, "I won't tell you!"

If he knew, he would definitely talk about her again.

"Didn't you say you want to teach me how to ski? Then let's go!" Jing Yiren suddenly became interested.

She felt that what Dongfang Yanhe said was quite right. Now that they have come here, how can they not try new things?And the person beside her was Dongfang Yanhe, she really didn't want to spoil his interest, and she didn't want to leave any regrets for this trip.

"Don't you want to see the scenery?"

"Oh, the scenery is endless, and we can't just stay in a certain place just to see the scenery! Isn't this a waste of time? So let's go skiing now!" She took his hand enthusiastically, The smile is bright, and the eyes are shining with moving light.Because it was on a snow-capped mountain, the light reflected from the snow covered almost the entire area, and the people standing on it were naturally not immune.That layer of light fell on her face and body, making Dongfang Yanhe feel in a trance that her whole body was also coated with a layer of charming light, like a fairy descended from the world.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help letting his thoughts be struck by thunder.He is a man in his late thirties, yet he still thinks of describing his girlfriend as a fairy?It's so vulgar!

I thought so, but he couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face, "Even if you want to ski, you have to fill your stomach first! Otherwise, if you go hungry, you probably won't be able to ski a few times and you will be tired and hungry." gone."

After being reminded by him, Jing Yiren immediately felt that she was really hungry.

Although I came up by train, there are also cable cars, but many places still need to walk on both feet.In addition, walking on the mountain is not as easy as walking on the flat ground, naturally it takes more effort, and the energy is consumed faster.

"Is there a restaurant on this mountain?" Jing Yiren asked subconsciously, but as soon as she finished asking, she knew that she must have asked a very stupid question.

Where are the scenic spots without restaurants?Let alone a snow mountain, it is estimated that a restaurant will be built on Mount Everest in the future.

Dongfang Yanhe really looked at her amusedly, "I think you are tired and stupid, how can there be no restaurants in this kind of place? Not only restaurants, but also movie theaters and post offices." After a pause, he seemed to be careless He said, "Otherwise, let's send a postcard. I'll send it to Han Jiang, and you to Jing Yuanxi."

Jing Yiren was stunned for a moment, and sent a postcard?this……

After thinking about it, she nodded happily, "Okay!"

A flash of success flashed in Dongfang Yanhe's eyes.It is to let Jing Yuanxi understand that now Yiren is his girlfriend and belongs to him!
"I'll also send a copy to Secretary Liu and the others! After I return to Haishi, I actually want to invite Secretary Liu and the others out for a meal. Thank them for taking care of me, but I haven't had time yet. I don't know. Will they blame me?" Speaking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Don't worry, they didn't blame you. They are so happy to know that you have returned to Haishi."

"How do you know?" Jing Yiren looked at him suspiciously, seriously suspecting that he was actually comforting her.

Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows, "I'm their boss, don't I know what they are doing in the company? They knew you were back when I asked Secretary Liu to help book the plane ticket. I could tell that Secretary Liu They didn't blame you, on the contrary, they were very happy. If you feel guilty, then buy some small gifts and give them back."

Jing Yiren's eyes lit up immediately, "Hey, why didn't I think of this method? Let's do it like this. I'll bring them some small gifts and invite them out for dinner."

Dongfang Yanhe said sourly: "Why didn't you say to bring me a gift. In your heart, even Secretary Liu is more important than me!"

Jing Yiren couldn't help crying and laughing when he heard his words, stood on tiptoe, pinched his cheek with his hand, and tugged, "You're going to be jealous even of these, you might as well live with the vinegar jar."

Dongfang Yanhe squinted at her, unmoved, let her pinch, it won't hurt anyway, "Did I say something wrong? Did you give me any present?"

Uh... Speaking of which, Jing Yiren remembered that he really didn't seem to have given Dongfang Yanhe any gifts, and it really seemed that he was a little bit wrong...

"Okay, I will definitely prepare a gift for you when I go back." Jing Yiren solemnly promised.

"Okay, that's what you said! If you can't do it, just wait for my punishment!" He said, with an evil light in his eyes, so that people can tell what punishment he is talking about.

Jing Yiren was speechless for a while.

This man with a crazy brain can really think of anything, it's hopeless.

Dongfang Yanhe took Jing Yiren to the restaurant on the mountain for dinner, and chose a place where he could enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window. Sitting inside, he could also take in most of the scenery outside, and he did not need to be eroded by the cold wind. Much more comfortable outside.However, the restaurants in the scenic area have limited food and the taste is naturally not comparable to the high-end restaurants at the foot of the mountain, but they are not too bad. Probably because of the beautiful scenery, Jingyi people even think it is very delicious.

After eating, he sat down and drank a cup of coffee. After resting for a while, Dongfang Yanhe took Jing Yiren to experience skiing.

Dongfang Yanhe knows how to ski, so there is no need to hire another coach. He mainly stays with Jing Yiren and watches her play.

Jing Yiren was not used to it for the first time. If it wasn't for Dongfang Yanhe watching closely, she wouldn't know how many times she fell.She tried a few times but couldn't control the balance of her body, and even she couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.But Dongfang Yanhe was always full of patience, encouraging her, teaching her, and explaining the essentials to her carefully.

After Jing Yiren realized the essentials, she was able to slide out a certain distance by herself. She was so happy that she jumped up and threw herself on Dongfang Yanhe, and kissed him hard on the face. Afterwards, the more she played, the happier she became .

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