I never felt that because Dongfang Yanhe liked me, I could hurt him unscrupulously without being held accountable.I can't change what happened in the past, I can only try my best to make up for it in the future. "

"I am back with Dongfang Yanhe, not for anything else, but because my feelings for him have always been there. I will not hurt him again in the future, and I will do my best to make him happy and happy. This It's the only guarantee I can give you. You are worried that Dongfang Yanhe will repeat the same mistakes, but we can't give up the chance to try to get happiness because we have been hurt in the past! If you haven't tried it, how do you know it won't work this time?"

"Dongfang Yanhe can forgive me and accept me again, which proves that he has thought it through. I won't ask you to forgive me like him, but I hope you can give me a chance to prove it to you. But I still want to say sorry to you. I didn’t reveal the relationship between me and Dongfang Yanhe at the beginning. Although it was not my intention, I did take advantage of you at this point. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But please Believe me, I have no intention of hurting you or playing with your feelings."

Jing Yiren looked at Han Jiang sincerely and regretfully and said.

After hearing her words, Han Jiang looked very disgusted, "Be careful what you say, what is playing with my feelings, what will others think when they hear this? I have no improper relationship with you."

Jing Yiren was stunned, unable to react.

What does he mean by that?For a moment, she was not sure whether he had forgiven her or not, this attitude really confused her.

Han Jiang knew what she was thinking when he saw her like that. Although he was still angry, he had thought about it carefully and calmed down these days.

As she said, Dongfang Yanhe had already forgiven her as the person concerned and accepted her again, so what reason does he, an outsider, hold on to her?The relationship between him and Dongfang Yanhe is indeed very good, they are good friends and good brothers, but there is a limit to the relationship no matter how good it is, and it is not appropriate to exceed this level.No matter what kind of relationship, it should be maintained at an appropriate distance.

The reason why he disagreed was entirely because he was worried that Dongfang Yanhe would be hurt again.But he is already an adult, and he is still the president of a large company that controls the economy of so many people. If he can't even handle his own feelings well, how can he lead the company to a better direction in the future?And he has already stumbled on Jing Yiren once, and if he stumbles again, he can only blame himself for being stupid.

He has already persuaded what should be persuaded, tried to stop him, he has also done it, and he still decides to do so.Not only him, but also Ye Lingyi, the parties involved can accept it, why can't he accept it?If he persisted in the matter like this, or if he spoke against Jing Yiren, it would only embarrass Dongfang Yanhe and make him sad.

He is his good brother, good friend, and he sincerely hopes that he can get the happiness he wants.

He also looked good when he was with Ye Lingyi, but compared with Jing Yiren, he could tell the difference at a glance.

I just looked at each other at the door for a while, but he saw from his face that he was relaxed, comfortable, and there was a faint happiness from the heart. The whole person seemed to have relaxed and softened. Already disappeared.He even felt that the trace of depression that had been hidden in his body for the past few years had disappeared.

And it's all because of Jing Yiren, because she returned to him, that's why he changed so much.

There was a hint of frustration in Han Jiang's eyes, and then he looked straight, looked at Jing Yiren with a serious tone, and said in a solemn tone, "Jing Yiren, Dongfang Yanhe insists on you, I can't help it, I am his good friend, good brother , I can only support him. But I warn you, if you hurt him again this time, even if he doesn't want to pursue you in the end, I will definitely not let you go. So you'd better do what you said , can give him happiness and joy this time, instead of hurting him!"

Jing Yiren met his gaze, clearly saw the seriousness and solemnity in his eyes, and felt the stern warning in his tone, as well as his concern for Dongfang Yanhe.

She couldn't help but move slightly, and a confident smile appeared on her face, "Don't worry, I will definitely not hurt him this time!"

Han Jiang curled his lips, "It's best to be like this, otherwise I will never let you go. Don't think that you can still have the luck of a few years ago. If I and Dongfang Yanhe were no longer in the same campus, Do you think you can escape so easily?"

Jing Yiren's eyes moved, she smiled and said nothing.

It was inevitable that Han Jiang felt resentment towards her.She didn't expect that he could really get rid of her grievances all at once, and his attitude towards her returned to the way it was before he knew her identity.Now his attitude has calmed down, which is already a good thing, take your time, she believes that as long as time passes, and he sees the relationship between her and Dongfang Yanhe, he will truly forgive her.

Neither of them noticed that Dongfang Yanhe had washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen at some point. He was standing behind the wall of the corridor connecting the kitchen and the living room, and heard their conversation from beginning to end.

He leaned against the wall, folded his hands on his chest, looked up at a point in front of him, was in a daze, and then suddenly smiled after a long time.Then he pretended that he had just cleaned up the kitchen and walked out.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

Han Jiang glanced at him. Although he had decided to accept his arrangement in his heart, he still didn't want to give him a good face. "Why? I'm afraid I'll bully her, come out to support her, right?"

Dongfang Yanhe looked at him angrily, "Han Jiang, did you go for sex reassignment surgery while I wasn't paying attention? Otherwise, why are you becoming more and more like a woman?"

"Dongfang Yanhe!"

Jing Yiren looked at Dongfang Yanhe disapprovingly, "Don't talk about him like that, it's really outrageous."

Han Jiang was just worried about him, so he came here during his lunch break, but he was fine, every sentence seemed to poke people's hearts.

Dongfang Yanhe snorted, "You still protect him, there are a hundred of them, and 1 of them don't want us to start over."

"One yard counts for one yard. I'm helping the manager not the relative." Jing Yiren said with a serious face.

"Look, look at others, and then look at you! I've really fed all my kindness to you!"

"Yo, it's mine now, isn't it?"

"It was originally your fault!"

Jing Yiren looked at the two with some headaches, "Why don't you go back to the company quickly."

The quarrel here gave her a headache, and if she continued to quarrel, she would become a sinner.

Dongfang Yanhe didn't say anything this time, and said obediently: "Then I'll go change my clothes first, and if he bullies you, you can call me loudly." He deliberately glanced at Han Jiang, making Han Jiang's teeth itch with anger of.

When Dongfang Yanhe went to the bedroom to change clothes, Jing Yi looked at Han Jiang with a sorry face, "Han Jiang, don't talk to him, that's just how he is, sometimes his mouth is unforgiving. And I think he just said Just teasing you on purpose."

Han Jiang glanced at her, "You still need to say."

Dongfang Yanhe was probably worried that he and Jing Yiren would be too embarrassed and everyone would feel uncomfortable, so he said these words deliberately as if they were provoking trouble.Hmph, it was really well-intentioned.

Dongfang Yanhe quickly changed his clothes, and before leaving, he told Jing Yiren, "Call me if you go out. Also, it's cold now, remember to wear good clothes when you go out, don't be like the ones on the street. Those women, in the winter, just wear short skirts and shorts, and they are not afraid of any problems in the future."

Han Jiang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

It's just going back to the company to work, which is just an afternoon. He shouldn't act as if he is going on a business trip for ten days and half a month, okay?I know that they have been separated for a few years, and it's not long before their old love rekindled. It's the time for deep affection, but can you pay attention, they are already old, and they are still like young people of seventeen or eighteen.

Shame or not, shame or shame?Is there any morals left?

Han Jiang suddenly felt a little sour, and thought that he seemed to have not dated for a long time.

A single dog can't afford to be hurt!
Dongfang Yanhe returned to the company, although his face was still expressionless, but the people in the company were keenly aware that their president seemed to be in a particularly good mood today!

The reason is that when the president was returning to the company, there was an employee who hurriedly lowered his head and hurried on his way, but unexpectedly bumped into the president!Although Manager Han reached out to support the employee in time, preventing the employee from hitting the president directly, it was scary enough!The employee was so frightened that he burst into tears on the spot, as if he wanted to kneel on the ground and beg to be let go.

Everyone couldn't help expressing deep sympathy for this employee when they saw it. Who didn't know that the president's mood these days was the same as the typhoon weather in July and August.

But I didn't expect that the president just said lightly that he should pay attention next time and let this employee go!He didn't reprimand him loudly like the black-faced god, and he didn't point at the door and yell at people to get the hell out of him, and he didn't even punish him with salary deductions!
It wasn't until the president got on the elevator that everyone rushed to tell each other: The president's mood has improved!Everyone's crisis is over!I no longer go to work cautiously and fearfully!
In the elevator, Han Jiang teased: "See, you have become a devil in the eyes of the people in the company, and everyone is afraid of you to death. You keep a straight face every day, as if someone owes you money." It’s like you don’t pay back hundreds of millions of dollars.”

"As a boss, it is necessary for the employees below to be afraid." Dongfang Yanhe said calmly and naturally.Otherwise, where does the persuasion and deterrence come from?Wouldn't it be easy for employees to climb on top of their own heads to do their best?

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