Xia Yiyi recalled Qin Qingran's ashamed expression that he couldn't accompany him because of work, and she shuddered, fearing that Qin Qingran's work would be solved soon this time.

Although Xia Yiyi also wants to be with Qin Qingran, but there is no need to talk about love every day, you and me, at least you have to take care of your best friend's feelings.

But it's impossible to tell the truth all at once, it's because I've been talking about love with Qin Qingran all the time, so I ignore the two sisters.

Otherwise, it is very likely that she will be ruthlessly accused of forgetting friends after seeing sex, and she doesn't want to do that.

In the future, we still have to live in harmony, so I had to feel wronged myself.

"Please don't be angry, my eldest lady, okay? It's my fault."

In desperation, Xia Yiyi could only use the trick of being cute, hoping that Jing Yiren would accept this trick.

Although Jing Yiren didn't like to be cute, but because of Xia Yiyi's sincerity, she didn't pursue it any further.

After all, Xia Yiyi was still curious about Zhao Xiner.

Under the influence of her two best friends, Xia Yiyi also hated Zhao Xiner a little. After all, both Jing Yiren and Rong Qian had grudges against Zhao Xiner. After all, she had also heard about the bad things Zhao Xiner did, and even felt that Zhao Xiner was very scheming. heavy, and didn't want to get close to her.

Although there was not much interaction, Qin Qingran also protected her very well, but he still hated her a little.

In desperation, Jing Yiren had no choice but to cooperate with Rong Qian and tell the story of the past, so that Xia Yiyi could understand it thoroughly.

Listening to the two chattering, Xia Yiyi finally understood what bad things Zhao Xiner had done. Naturally, she became more disgusted with her, and even wanted to help her two girlfriends kill Zhao Xiner.

However, Jing Yiren still has Dongfang Yanhe's help after all, and she doesn't need to get involved. It seems that Jing Yiren only needs to enjoy life in Dongfang Yanhe's embrace.

Xia Yiyi and Rong Qian, as Jing Yiren's good girlfriends, suddenly had the feeling that my family had grown up girls.

Of course, Jing Yiren didn't know what the two women on the other end of the phone were thinking, so they chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Jing Yiren took out the design draft paper and began to prepare for the design draft show in about three weeks.

"Zhao Xiner, you can't escape this time."

After Lin Tang returned home, she was still angry at what Xiao Lin said to her, and even regretted asking him to help.

I heard... Jing Yiren's mother died?Forget it, this should be known to everyone, there is nothing to talk about, and there is nothing to hype.

Lin Tang thought about it for a while and decided to release something else on purpose. Even if her reputation is ruined, Jing Yiren must accompany her to die together.

Anyway, Dongfang Yanhe is unlikely to like her as an ex-girlfriend anymore, so Lin Tang has to find a way to get his current girlfriend down, making him miserable, and never wanting to have a girlfriend again.

In this case, her goal can be achieved.

"Jing Yiren, why are you so arrogant? If I get away with it, you won't be able to hang out in this circle anymore."

I don't know why, but Lin Tang just hates Jing Yiren.

He hated everything about her, even the status and rights she had fought for, and even hated that she could own Dongfang Yanhe in a fair and easy way.

Maybe it is really excellent, arousing envy and jealousy, and inadvertently becoming lemon essence, or the ultimate kind.

Lin Tang was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling with empty eyes, thinking of a way to ruin Jing Yiren's reputation.

Perhaps this is also an opportunity, just before the hot search of Jing Yiren and Dongfang Yanhe's love has not been replaced by other things, while the public is still waiting to eat melons.

It just so happens that a black story about Jing Yiren can be revealed, so that she can fall from the peak to the bottom, which is also a way to hit her.

But it seemed that all the inspiration had been used up. After thinking for a long time, Lin Tang couldn't figure out how to make Jing Yiren fall from a high place to a low place.

At this time, Dongfang Yanhe was running around for work.

Zhao Xiner's matter can finally be put aside for a while, just wait for the court's notice, and now there are people watching Zhao Xiner to prevent him from escaping, so there is no need to worry about this matter at all.

And now Dongfang Yanhe has picked up the work that has been abandoned for a long time, and began to prepare for the plan to build a beautiful commercial street.

Long before, Dongfang Yanhe led the bidding team to participate in a very useful bidding and successfully obtained a piece of precious land.

According to the survey findings, if this area can be developed reasonably, it will definitely have extremely high value, and it will become the focus of business in a few years.

How could Dongfang Yanhe let go of such an opportunity, so after getting the land, he was very excited. After dealing with Zhao Xiner's matter, he wanted to start planning the land.

The assistant's surname is Chen, and his one-character name is Chao. He is the right-hand man who has been by Dongfang Yanhe's side all the time.

"Chen Chao, pack up the documents, and come to my office right now, and go with me to investigate the land that was bid for."

Chen Chao naturally didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and within 2 minutes he came to Dongfang Yanhe's office with a folder in hand. Dongfang Yanhe was also very satisfied with this and praised Chen Chao's ability to act.

"President, this land has already been surveyed when bidding, but according to our understanding, during this period of time, some people made trouble there and damaged some buildings."

Chen Chao reported the recent situation in an orderly manner, because Dongfang Yanhe has been busy suing Zhao Xiner recently, so Chen Chao also wisely did not tell Dongfang Yanhe about this matter, making him worry more.

Anyway, this is not a big deal, reporting early or late will have the same result.

Chen Chao had already settled this matter long ago, and punished all those little gangsters who made trouble.

Dongfang Yanhe was not surprised when he learned about this incident, it was just a small episode and it passed.

Then began to prepare, planning how to build a more meaningful commercial street.

At the same time, Zhao Xiner was designing the blueprints for the costumes, preparing for the show in three weeks.

It was just inspiration, and I played peek-a-boo with her.

This made Zhao Xiner sit at the desk for a long time, but couldn't design a decent shape of clothes.

It was really difficult for Zhao Xiner to do this. After all, her costume design drawings were not created by herself independently.

Either they found a well-known designer to help Zhao Xiner create a blueprint, or they stole Jing Yiren's design draft, so they were able to participate in the competition and gained some fame and status.

But now, Zhao Xin'er has just done something that Jing Yiren will never forgive her for the rest of her life, and Jing Yiren must be suspicious of herself now, if she gets angry again and steals her design drawings, it will be her own perish!Zhao Xiner is not stupid, so naturally she would not do this.

In fact, Zhao Xiner never thought that a small warning from her could actually send Jing Yiren's mother to the emergency ward, and even died on the operating table.

Originally, Zhao Xiner just wanted to give Jing Yiren's mother a warning and make Jing Yiren worry about it.

But maybe it's because the 'degree' is not well grasped!After crossing the line, there was too much trouble. Within a few minutes after taking off the respirator, Jing's mother didn't have enough oxygen to breathe, which led to her death due to suffocation.

This also turned the original simple warning into the current murder case.

Zhao Xiner is naturally very scared, afraid that Jing Nuan will suspect her and seek revenge from her!The revenge of killing one's mother, one must know that this is a life-and-death feud!Although Zhao Xiner disposed of some important evidence so that Jing Yiren could not find out that she had been to the hospital, she did not know what was missing.

Therefore, Zhao Xin'er has been staying at home avoiding people's eyes for the past few days, in order to prevent Jing Yiren from seeing her and not having the opportunity to question her, so as not to reveal her flaws by leaking her mouth.

Even Zhao Xin'er was praying that if Jing Yiren didn't see her, she could forget all of this, or in other words, don't think about it to herself.

It's just this kind of avoidance, which will make people's emotions extremely irritable... "Damn it, who am I provoking? Why do I still hide like this? I'm so mad!"

Zhao Xin'er really couldn't bear the depression of staying at home these days, coupled with the fact that she couldn't make a design, the design draft fashion show that was going to be shown in three weeks, Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Yiren still announced their design The relationship status made Zhao Xiner even more distressed.

So driven by this emotion, Zhao Xiner called Lin Tang.

After all, the two women, Zhao Xiner and Lin Tang, are Jing Yiren's enemies in all aspects, and they both like Dongfang Yanhe. It would not be a bad thing if they could join forces to deal with Jing Yiren. By then, Jing Yiren, a strong rival in love, would be resolved. In the future, it will not be too late to deal with each other.

As long as you are the enemy of the Jingyi people, we are friends.

There is nothing wrong with this old saying.

Listening to Zhao Xiner's complaints, Lin Tang became even more bored. After all, she was still immersed in the love between Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Yiren because of her mistakes.

The two women both had depressing things in their hearts, and the reason for this was all because of Jing Yiren.

"Of course you provoked Jing Yiren. Why were you so stupid at the time, and you didn't wear a mask to hide it?"

Lin Tang also felt that Zhao Xiner had no brains. If she was prepared, she should at least cover it up so that Mother Jing would not recognize her as Zhao Xiner at a glance.

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