From what she told me, I can feel that she really has no affection for Dongfang Yanhe.Dongfang Yanhe also said that when they were together, it was because they knew that Ms. Ye also had a lover who let go in her heart, and felt that each other suffered the same situation and sympathized with each other.Yuanxi, they have never been in love. Dongfang Yanhe has always been in my heart. Since this is the case, how can I give up?You know for so many years, I have never forgotten Dongfang Yanhe in my heart. "

Hearing her words, Jing Yuanxi suddenly felt powerless.

He has never experienced it, so he doesn't understand and can't quite understand this kind of feeling.What love is love, in fact, it's just like that, there are so many people in the world, why do they want that one?Wouldn't it be nice to have another one?That person is not unique, there are many better than him, why must Zi hanged on a tree?

But he is not her, so he can't ask her with his own thoughts.

For so many years, she can't forget Dongfang Yanhe, and she still loves Dongfang Yanhe in her heart. She used to feel that there was no hope and opportunity, but now that hope and opportunity are in front of her, she really can't give up easily.It's like if he fancy a piece of land, he always thinks that he can't get it, but one day he suddenly finds out that as long as he works a little harder, this piece of land can be in his hands, developed well, and can bring him tens of billions of profits , he will definitely not give up easily.

"Hey! Yiren, you know I'm just worried about you. Feelings are the easiest thing to hurt people since ancient times. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I don't believe in Dongfang Yanhe. I always feel that he will hurt you." Jing Yuanxi sighed.

Jing Yiren smiled and looked at him softly, "I know you are worried about you. You are worried that I will be hurt and endure hardships. You want to protect me like you protect Xiaoyu. But Yuanxi, I am not Xiaoyu, I am As an adult, an adult who's been through a lot, I know what I'm doing and I'm able to live with the consequences of my choices."

Jing Yuanxi wanted to refute something when he heard these words, but he didn't know what to say.

She is an independent individual, her father has already ruined her once because of Xiao Yu, and he can't ruin her again.But Dongfang Yanhe...Jing Yuanxi felt that he was very contradictory now. He hoped that she would be happy, but he suspected that Dongfang Yanhe was the one who could make her happy.According to what she said, the fact that Dongfang Yanhe had a girlfriend did not seem to be a big problem, but for some reason, he was a little suspicious and worried.

Probably because he didn't believe that with Dongfang Yanhe's identity, he could still maintain his original intentions for Yiren after Yiren abandoned him to marry.It's not that there are no good men, it's just that there are too few of them.

"Then what are you going to do now? Just get back together with Dongfang Yanhe like this? You really don't need to go back to China to check the matter between him and his girlfriend, do you make a decision after checking it out? I hope you can be rational and calm again One point, don’t make a decision so quickly.”

Jing Yiren shook her head, "I haven't promised him yet. I don't think the matter between him and Ms. Ye is a big problem. What I should think about is the matter of the Jing family."

About the Jing family... Jing Yuanxi frowned when he thought of something, his face darkened, and he said with an ugly look: "If you really want to be with Dongfang Yan, make sure he isn't lying to you. You don't have to worry about the Jing family's affairs, I will take care of it."

He would never let the affairs of the Jing family become an obstacle to her happiness again.He is no longer the Jing Yuanxi who just returned to Jing's house a few years ago and his eyes were smeared. If he still relies on her and sacrifices her happiness to protect him, then he is really too useless some.


He sighed and looked at her with complicated eyes, "It's better not to let Xiaoyu know about this, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept it."

Jing Yiren was unable to speak immediately.

"Since Dongfang Yanhe has come to Country Y, let's make an appointment to meet him. I will talk to him face to face." Jing Yuanxi said after thinking for a while.

Jing Yiren was a little worried, "Yuanxi, what do you want to do?"

Jing Yuanxi looked at her angrily, with a smile that was not a smile, "Why, are you still worried that I will bully Dongfang Yan and fail? Or are you worried that I will get in the way and ruin your marriage?"

When he said that, Jing Yiren was immediately embarrassed, feeling ashamed of being exposed.

She chuckled twice, "Why? I... I was just worried that you would quarrel because of me. The two of you are in a cooperative relationship now, and the cooperation case is only halfway through. If something goes wrong because of me, then I am truly to blame.”

Ten thousand deaths are to blame...Jing Yuanxi was amused by her words, and said with a smile: "That's not that serious, at most it's just a big loss, and you don't have to die forever."

After finishing speaking, he smiled, "Just make an appointment with Dongfang Yanhe, let's meet up, I want to talk to him face to face, otherwise I really have no way to rest assured."

Seeing his insistence, Jing Yiren knew that there was no room for negotiation on this matter.Thinking about it, this is actually good. Firstly, Yuanxi may be able to feel at ease, and secondly, Dongfang Yanhe can also be at ease, so he doesn't have to be embarrassed.It really seems to be killing three birds with one stone.

So she nodded, "Okay, I'll make an appointment with him. He shouldn't have any problems. He came here for this matter. The time arrangement should be fine. It depends on your time."

Jing Yuanxi glanced at her, with unclear meaning, "You know it very well. If that's the case, let's do it tomorrow. It's not good for everyone if this matter drags on."

If Dongfang Yanhe's thoughts on her were true, then he had to make preparations in advance, after all, the will left by his father back then was indeed a trouble.And Xiaoyu, if Yiren and Dongfang Yan get together, maybe they will move back to China?If this was the case, then Xiao Yu might really not accept it, and it would not be easy to convince him.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Jing Yiren inexplicably saw the deep meaning in his eyes, and his expression became unnatural.

"You are my chief secretary. You should know when I am free. Then you can arrange it according to the time. Let me know when it is arranged. I will go to the study to deal with business. Xiaoyu should be back soon. So if you have something to do, you'd better do it before he comes back, lest he come back and pester you." He reminded.

Jing Yiren nodded, "I see."

Jing Yuanxi went upstairs soon, Jing Yiren sat in the living room and thought for a while before taking out his mobile phone to call Dongfang Yanhe, and told him about Jing Yuanxi's meeting with him.

Hearing her words, Dongfang Yanhe was quite surprised, "You mentioned me to him so soon?" There seemed to be a hint of joy in his voice.

Jing Yiren was so preoccupied that he didn't hear a trace of joy in his tone, and said, "He knew it without me saying it. I happened to meet him in the living room when I came back, and he could tell something was wrong with me at a glance."

Dongfang Yanhe was silent for a while, and said sourly: "He does understand you."

Jing Yiren still didn't hear anything, and blurted out: "Of course I understand, I have lived under the same roof for several years, can I not understand?"

Yuanxi understands her just like she understands Yuanxi. After getting along for several years, how could she not understand.

When Dongfang Yanhe heard her words, he was furious, looked at the phone, gritted his teeth, and really wanted to hang up the phone.

She always said that she had nothing to do with Jing Yuanxi, they were relatives, but from time to time, she made him feel that the relationship between the two of them was really not like relatives. On the contrary... Was she sure that Jing Yuanxi had no affection for her?Although there is a relationship between stepmother and stepson, the two of them are not much different in age, and they live under the same roof, get along day and night, and they also enter and exit the same company, which is really exciting. Doubt!
"Dongfang Yanhe? Are you listening?" Jing Yiren didn't hear his voice for a long time, and wondered if the signal was cut off. He looked at his mobile phone, and then called back to his ear tentatively.

"I'm here, you say."

Probably because the tone of his words was too obvious, Jing Yiren finally noticed something, and asked strangely: "Dongfang Yanhe, what's wrong with you? Why does your voice sound unhappy?"

Dongfang Yanhe snorted, "Fortunately, you can tell that I'm not happy."

Jing Yiren was at a loss, okay, why is he upset?
She was about to ask, but Dongfang Yanhe changed the subject, "When does he want to meet?"

Jing Yiren was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and replied: "Tomorrow, he said the sooner the better, procrastination is not good for anyone. Anyway, you have nothing else to do when you come here. The time should be flexible. Hurry up." After this matter is settled, you can go back to Haishi."

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean I can go back to Haishi? Don't you plan to go back with me?" He asked in a deep voice, his tone already filled with unhappiness.

Jing Yiren opened his mouth, remembering what he said before, he hesitated and said: "I may not go back for a while, because of work... Yuanxi may arrange someone else to go to Haishi. With the relationship between you and me now, It might not be good for me to go back.”

Dongfang Yanhe sneered, "What's wrong, is there anything wrong with our dating in an open and aboveboard manner? The cooperation case has already been settled, can someone make a fuss about it? You don't want to go back, do you?"

Jing Yiren frowned, "Dongfang Yanhe, what's wrong with you? You should know that what I said is not unreasonable, and there should be many people in the company who know that you have a girlfriend. I will go back at this time, and you let other people What do you think of me?"

Why did she feel that Dongfang Yanhe's temper seemed to have become a little strange? Did he have special periods just like women, and that's why his mood fluctuated?

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