He is well aware of Mike's style of doing things. Every time he helps people investigate, he will carefully make a simple summary at the end, and put the summary of information that is considered important to the customer at the end according to the customer's requirements.If customers read it and want to know more about it, they will naturally look back and look carefully.And he will not add his own subjective feelings to the conclusion, but will simply summarize it in words.

Seeing the summary below, Jing Yuanxi's complexion immediately changed, his eyes were stained with anger, and he even stood up out of control from the chair, almost overturning the chair behind him.

"Dongfang Yanhe... is too deceitful!" He gritted his teeth, his eyes were extremely angry, and a savage look flashed across his eyes.

It took him a while to sit down again, closed his eyes, calmed down the anger in his heart, and thought about what he should tell Yi Ren.The longer this matter drags on, the more troublesome it will be...

He didn't know how long it took before he stood up from the chair, printed out the information in the computer, and walked out with the printed information.

He went directly to Jing Yiren's room and knocked on the door.But there was no response. He was wondering that a servant just passed by and said, "Young master, madam has gone out."

He froze for a moment, "Going out? Do you know where Madam went?"

The servant shook his head, "Madam didn't say anything, she just said she was going out for a while."

He frowned, waved to the servant and asked her to go to work. He stood at the door for a while before taking out his mobile phone and calling Jing Yiren.

Jing Yiren was outside at this time, and Xiao Yu said that she wanted to eat a dish made by her. It was a traditional domestic dish. The housekeeper of the Jing family was not very good at selecting ingredients, so she had to buy it herself. up.

She was still a little surprised when she received the call from Yue Tingfen. She just came out of the house not long ago, why did he call to find someone?
"Yuanxi, what's the matter? I'm buying ingredients in the supermarket now." She pushed the shopping cart, looking at it distractedly.

"Yi Ren, you come back immediately, I have something very important to tell you." Jing Yuanxi said in a serious tone.

Jing Yiren subconsciously stopped, frowned, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, "Yuanxi, is something wrong? Or is it someone else in the family who came to make trouble?"

"No, it has nothing to do with those people in the family. In short, you come back as soon as possible. This matter is very important. It is related to your future. I think you should know it and shouldn't be kept in the dark." Jing Yuanxi said solemnly.

Jing Yiren bit her lip, "Okay, I'll go back now."

"Okay, come back as soon as possible, drive carefully on the road, and pay attention to safety." He urged worriedly.

"I see, I'll pay attention."

After Jing Yiren hung up the phone, he stood at the same place, puzzled, okay, what happened, Jing Yuanxi's attitude was indeed strange, as if something big happened, and he even said that it had something to do with him... ...Could it be related to Dongfang Yanhe?Could it be that Dongfang Yanhe came to Country Y and came looking for him?

Thinking of this, she couldn't stand anymore, and hurriedly pushed the shopping cart to check out, and then drove the car back home as quickly as possible.

After handing over the bought ingredients to the servant, she asked, "Where is the eldest young master, is he at home? Did any strangers come to the house today?"

"Madam, the young master seems to have been in the study all the time. He came out to your room to look for you on the way. As for the house, no strangers came here today." The servant replied dutifully.


"Yes, ma'am, no outsiders came to the door today." The servant was sure.

Jing Yiren frowned, walked upstairs quickly, went directly to the study door, knocked on the door, "Yuanxi, it's me."

"Come in."

She pushed the door open and walked in, "Is there something important that you called me back in such a hurry? You didn't say a word on the phone, so I was so scared that I thought something happened at home."

Jing Yuanxi stared at her without speaking for a while, just when Jing Yiren was surprised and wanted to ask him what was going on, Jing Yuanxi picked up a file bag from the table and pushed it over.

"Look at what's in here."

Jing Yiren glanced at Jing Yuanxi with some strangeness and doubts, and felt that there was something wrong with his expression at this time, it was too serious, as if something serious had happened.

"Yuanxi, what happened?" She asked, reaching out to pick up the file bag on the desktop, glanced at him, then at the file bag, and then slowly opened the file bag, wanting to He took out the contents to see what it was, so that his complexion changed drastically.

Seeing that she was about to pull out the information inside, Jing Yuanxi's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously stopped, "Wait!"

Jing Yiren paused, "Huh?"

Jing Yuanxi looked at her fixedly, closed his eyes, and said in a heavy tone, "Yi Ren, you'd better be mentally prepared, the things inside will not be what you want to see. The information inside and Dongfang Yan's It's related to it, I'm sorry, I privately asked someone to check his past few years, and it turned out... I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want to see you hurt by him. So... Before you read it, you should be mentally prepared Prepare."

Jing Yiren's complexion changed immediately, and he had a bad premonition in his heart. He stopped looking at him, quickly pulled out the information inside, scanned ten lines at a glance, and finally landed on the summary at the back, his eyes widened suddenly At the extreme, his complexion turned pale all of a sudden, and he instinctively shook his head in denial, "This is impossible!"

How could Dongfang Yanhe have a girlfriend?This is impossible!Dongfang Yanhe has never mentioned this matter, and he has never seen him have a close relationship with the opposite sex. His daily behavior does not look like a person with a girlfriend at all!So how could he have a girlfriend?And if he really has a girlfriend, it's impossible to confess to her again, saying that he wants to start over with her!

Could it be that everything he did was lying to her?
Jing Yiren was hit hard and couldn't accept this fact.

But for some reason, she suddenly remembered that time when she called Dongfang Yanhe, but a woman answered his cell phone, and that woman called him Yanhe very intimately... She slammed Closing his eyes, he couldn't help holding onto the desk, his five fingers clasping the desk surface tightly, a sharp pain came from his heart, and at the same time it was extremely bitter.

So, the woman who answered the phone for him that time was actually his girlfriend, right?That's why he was able to answer his calls casually, that's why he called him Yanhe so intimately, and that's why he gently asked him to prepare meals.Also, if it wasn't for some special relationship, with his temperament, how could he allow a woman to get so close to him and invade his life?

There was an omen early in the morning, why didn't she think about it?Is it because Dongfang Yanhe made that request to her?

Thinking of this, Jing Yiren's complexion became even uglier.

At this moment, she couldn't be sure that what Dongfang Yanhe said, that he had a mental illness, that he was not interested in other women... Now she was not sure whether these words were true or not.

He has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend!Then why did he start over with her and make her a mistress!
Little San...

Jing Yiren closed her eyes tightly, not daring to open them, because she was worried that her tears would be uncontrollable once she opened them.

"Yiren, are you okay?" Seeing this, Jing Yuanxi couldn't help but stood up worriedly, walked towards her, wanted to reach out to support her, but was worried that she would be angry. He secretly investigated Dongfang Yanhe, and was a little scared for a while. up.

Jing Yiren took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and shook his head. Although he tried his best to control his voice, there was still a clue, a little flustered, "I'm fine, it's just...it's just too shocking and unexpected. I never I know...he never said anything, and he never acted like he had a girlfriend...I don't know, I really don't know..."

If she knew, if she knew, no matter what Dongfang Yanhe said, she would never agree to start over with him!

Dongfang Yanhe made her a third party who destroys other people's feelings!
This fact made her unacceptable!

She would not doubt the information Yuanxi gave her, she knew that Yuanxi would not intentionally fake it to deceive her.So these things are all true, and Dongfang Yanhe really has a girlfriend, and they have been together for several years!

She doesn't know what to do now, whether she should cry or laugh, this incident is really funny, like a farce.But this happened to her, how could she laugh?
How did that happen?Why did Dongfang Yanhe lie to her? Could it be that he really wanted to avenge her abandonment back then?
This suspicion flashed into his mind, Jing Yiren felt a pain in his heart, his complexion turned ugly, and his eyes were full of pain.

Seeing this, Jing Yuanxi couldn't help sighing, "Yi Ren, don't be sad, it's not too late to know."

Jing Yiren tried his best to smile to express that there was nothing wrong with him at the moment, and he didn't have to worry that she would not be able to bear it.But she tried several times, but she couldn't laugh no matter what, and finally had to give up.

"You're right. It's not too late to know. I should be happy. If you hadn't checked it out, I might have been kept in the dark, and I would suffer even more harm in the future."

Jing Yuanxi was silent for a while, "Would you blame me? Blame me for taking the initiative to investigate Dongfang Yanhe?"

Jing Yiren was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

Blame Won Hee?If it wasn't for his own initiative to investigate Dongfang Yanhe, she wouldn't know about it, and she wouldn't be as sad or even embarrassed as she is now.

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