If there is no secret, how could I not tell you?It doesn't do me any good to keep it from you, does it? "

Jing Yuanxi didn't speak.

It was because he knew who she was that he became more disappointed and angry after knowing this.

Didn't she distrust him without telling him?Because he is his father's son, she is worried that he will disagree?But he obviously mentioned it many times, and he once persuaded her when he was in Haishi.But what did she tell him then?And how did she do it?Even if it is really like what she said, she can remind him a little bit!

If he had known about this a long time ago, he would have thought of a solution in advance instead of being completely passive like he is now.Does she know how those directors and the Jing family reacted?Does she know what will happen to her if this matter is not handled properly?She also said that the Jing family didn't have a good relationship with her. If something happened to her, the Jing family wouldn't help her. What would she do then?
By Dongfang Yanhe?

At this point, he was really not sure what Dongfang Yanhe would do for her.Dongfang Yanhe knew that she was married, but didn't know that her husband was no longer alive, but he still chose to be with Yiren under such circumstances, he felt that it was not easy.But he didn't know much about Dongfang Yanhe, and he didn't have much contact with it, so it was difficult to make judgments and conclusions.

In a word, he is now in a completely passive state, no matter what he does, he feels like being bound!
"Yuanxi, don't you believe me?" Jing Yiren asked sadly.

"It's no longer a matter of whether I believe you or not. Yiren, you pack your bags and come back immediately. You must explain this matter to me face to face!" Jing Yuanxi said without refusal.

Jing Yiren was silent for a while, but said quickly: "Okay, I'll go back as soon as possible and tell you clearly."

Since the matter cannot be concealed, it should indeed be made clear.She has been hesitating, not knowing what to say, but now, someone has helped her make a choice.

As for Dongfang Yanhe, he will understand.Now that they are together, Dongfang Yanhe also knows that she needs to solve the matter in Country Y.So knowing that she was going back to Country Y, he wouldn't have any objections if he thought about it.

"It's not as soon as possible, but we must come back as quickly as possible. If this matter gets out and is not handled properly, it will affect the stock market of Fengqi Group. You should understand that. At that time, your situation will be even more difficult. "

The young wife of the Jing family suddenly started a new love affair in a foreign country, and the partner was actually someone who had a cooperative relationship with the Fengqi Group.What does this make others think?This is very likely to become an affair.

Jing Yiren said in a low voice: "I see, I will go back as quickly as possible."

"I'll wait for you." After Jing Yuanxi said these three words, he hung up the phone. Jing Yiren wanted to ask Jing Tingyu before he had time to ask.

She let out a heavy breath.Then he opened the mobile app, chose the fastest flight, booked the ticket, and started to pack his luggage.

After all this was done, she called Dongfang Yanhe, but no one answered the phone.

After they came back from Binhai City yesterday, he has been busy dealing with online affairs, and they haven't met again, they just talked on the phone a few times.No one answered his cell phone now, she subconsciously thought he was busy, so she didn't continue calling.

After she packed her things, she went directly to the airport. The ticket she booked was the fastest departure flight that could be booked that day. If the time was counted, she should go to the airport now.

When she arrived at the airport, she called Dongfang Yanhe again after completing the formalities, but still no one answered, she frowned, feeling a little regretful, she should have gone back to the company before coming to the airport.In this way, she can tell him about it in person, and now no one answers the phone.

She tried calling Han Jiang again, but no one answered!

Now she couldn't help frowning.

Could it be that the matter was not dealt with properly, but became more serious?Otherwise, why didn't anyone answer their cell phones?This is too strange.

She wanted to call Secretary Liu, but when she thought about the current situation, she felt a little embarrassed for no reason.After all, I have lied to them for so long, and made them mistakenly think that she and Han Jiang are a couple...

After thinking about it, she sighed.Finally, I tried to call Dongfang Yanhe again before boarding the plane, but it was still the same, but no one answered.She could only send a message to his mobile phone to explain the matter, saying that she had something urgent to go back to Country Y, and she would come back after dealing with the matter over there, telling him not to worry or think too much.He also told him a few words to let him take good care of himself.

Finally, after confirming that there was no problem, she chose to send it.Seeing that the message was sent, she let out a sigh of relief and boarded the plane with her carry-on luggage.

The plane took off quickly, flew into the blue sky with the people in the cabin, and then disappeared into the clouds.

Said that he ruined the Cheng family's family tradition... The Cheng family's family tradition, this is really the biggest joke he has ever heard, since he abandoned his wife and son to marry the mistress, the Cheng family's family tradition has been completely ruined by him Well, it's his turn to lose.

After fighting with everyone in the conference room, he returned to the office with a cold face.

Seeing the mobile phone on the table, he realized that he didn't bring his mobile phone with him when he went to the conference room just now.No wonder it was so quiet, no wonder the old man directly connected the video to the screen in the conference room.Want to embarrass him in front of all high-level officials, want to hit him?Hehe, whatever ability he has, just use it. If he can really hit him, then he is considered powerful.

In the end, the Izu Group, he is really not as rare as outsiders think, he only took over for his mother.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help feeling a little worried, and quickly made a phone call abroad.

He sent his mother to a certain European country with well-developed medical conditions, where the scenery and climate are very pleasant, which is very suitable for retirement and health care.And she was accompanied by a team he specially hired to take care of her.At the beginning, he ordered that all news in the country must be filtered before it can be known to mother.If the person who took care of her was negligent and let her mother know about this incident, she would definitely be worried.

And... Mom has seen Jing Yiren's photo before, if she sees the video, she will definitely recognize who is in the photo.

The call was quickly connected, and it was the nurse he arranged for his mother to answer it. He asked to make sure that there were no bad things in China that had reached his mother these days. Even if there were, it was some international current affairs. In terms of not.He was slightly relieved when he heard the nurse's words.

"Yanhe, why are you calling me at this time?" A familiar and gentle voice came, and Dongfang Yanhe's restless heart almost immediately settled down, as if being gently wrapped in warm water.

"Nothing special, just thinking that I haven't called you recently. I suddenly remembered, so I called. How is your health recently, have you listened to the doctor obediently?"

Cheng's mother smiled, and her laughter was peaceful, "You treat me as a child, do you still need others to supervise? And you don't have to worry, hasn't my health been much better in the past two years? The doctor said that there is no big problem. The problem is, as long as you pay attention to recuperation in the future, don’t overwork, and ensure nutrition and rest are the same as ordinary people. It’s just you, who is nervous all day long. I have already said that I can go back to China to take care of my body, but you don’t Ken." As she spoke, she couldn't help blaming her son, thinking that he was making too much of a fuss.

The bad health in the past was due to too much work. The life of the two mothers and children was too difficult, and she had to support Yanhe.But after several years of intensive care, it is actually much better than before.As long as you ensure nutrition and rest in the future, don't overwork, and do regular checkups, there will be no major problems.But what Yanhe didn't know was that she was worried that she should stay abroad and continue to recuperate.

Now that Yanhe has returned to Cheng's house, there is no one to protect him, and her mother has been abroad all the time, so she has no time to accompany him at all.Every time she thinks of his lonely home, she feels distressed, and always feels that she is dragging her son down.If it wasn't for her, how could he have been threatened by those members of the Cheng family?
He has always reported good news but not bad news, and the people around him who take care of him only listen to him. It is difficult for her to know what he doesn't want her to know.For so many years, I don't know if his wolf-hearted father and that vicious mistress have ever harmed him.

"Wait a little longer. I'll take you back when the domestic situation stabilizes. It shouldn't be long." If his mother came back, those people would make a fuss about her and even threaten him.

If he didn't take care of Zheng Jiaosheng's two siblings for a day, he wouldn't be able to bring his mother back for a day, so he was worried.His mother has worked hard for most of her life, and he only hopes that the rest of her life will be safe and stable, simple and simple, and don't care about other things.

Mother Cheng seemed to sigh, "But you also want Yi to get married, so I have to go back, right? If you still say you won't let me go back, then I won't recognize your son." She said angry words.

Dongfang Yanhe suddenly felt a little blocked in his heart.He let out a heavy breath, took out a cigarette, lit it skillfully, took a deep breath and then exhaled, suddenly asked: "Mom, do you think Lingyi is okay?"

Cheng's mother was a little surprised, "Why do you suddenly ask like this? Is there something wrong with you and Ling Yi?" She became a little anxious.

Dongfang Yanhe quickly comforted him: "No, we are fine."

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