Fortunately, she didn't wear heavy makeup, and her lipstick was also a light color, which almost disappeared after wiping with a handkerchief, and there was still a light layer.In this way, her lip color looks better, which is more attractive.

His eyes rested on her lips burning hotly, and he wanted to lower his head to imprint them.But he told himself that he can't be too hasty, now is not the time to be addicted to women, he has more important things to do.

Jing Yiren's lips hurt a little from being rubbed with a handkerchief, and she couldn't help complaining: "It can only be removed with makeup remover."

And what will her makeup look like after he wipes it like this... In this way, she forgot for a while that she was at a loss just now.

"It's okay, just take off your makeup at night." His voice was low and gentle.

As soon as Jing Yiren raised her head slightly, she met the eyes he had been staring at her. The black pupils were as deep as the sea, and it seemed that the tenderness overflowing from the bones spread into the dark eyes, shattering the calm indifference in his eyes. , Like the gradually spreading ripples on the water surface, it slowly fades away, replaced by the familiar gentleness in the distant memory.

She stared at him blankly, unable to recover for a moment, as if she was about to drown in his deep eyes.

"You haven't answered me yet, are you willing to start over with me?" Dongfang Yanhe asked.

Jing Yiren opened his mouth, and said in a somewhat difficult voice: "You... actually don't need to do this..."

The joy on Dongfang Yanhe's face slowly disappeared, replaced by a little disappointment, "You don't want to? Or do you not believe me?"

"I..." She really couldn't believe her.

Ever since their reunion, he had unabashedly expressed his deep hatred and resentment towards her in front of her.She herself is very clear that her leaving without saying goodbye back then was a kind of injury, she voluntarily gave up her relationship with him, she abandoned him without an explanation, and they were still in love at that time.

In other words, any man will not forgive, nor can he forgive.It's not just a question of dignity, but more of her hurting her feelings and trampling on his love.

She never thought that he could forgive her, let alone start over with him.

Now that he looks like this, she...

"Because I keep saying I hate you, so you can't believe me, and you think it's abnormal for me to be like this suddenly, right?" Dongfang Yanhe smiled, "I understand your feelings, I want to start over with you, so today I I don’t mind cutting my heart open so you can see clearly what’s going on in my heart.”

He lowered his head and stared at her deeply, his eyes filled with intoxicating tenderness, "Yiren, you have always been smart, how could you not understand? I always say I hate you, precisely because I have never forgotten you, I can't let you go. The more I care about you, the more I hate you. If I really don't have feelings for you, I won't have any contact with you at all. I will treat you as a stranger, a real stranger, how can I be in a hurry? Trouble you, get your attention, and try to keep you by your side?"

"The opposite of hate is love. The deeper the love, the deeper the hatred, and the harder it is to forget. After you left, I wanted to forget you too, but I tried, but I couldn't. Then I figured it out. Since I can’t forget, why should I force myself? This is my own feeling, I can do whatever I want, since I can’t let it go, then I shouldn’t force it, let nature take its course, one day I will forget, All love and hate are forgotten."

"But you came back when I hadn't forgotten. What can I do? I couldn't forget you when you left, and I finally saw you again after many years. How could I forget? Yiren, I still remember you I am competing with myself, because I think you can leave gracefully and let go. If I show too much concern, wouldn’t it be a loss of my dignity as a man? So I have been competing with myself until this time, Jing Yuanxi came to look for you, which made me wake up."

"This is an opportunity for me. If I continue like this, maybe one day you will fall in love with someone else. Although I'm not sure if you still have me in your heart, at least you don't have anyone else in your heart. I still There is a chance. I have status and status now, and I can match you!" Dongfang Yanhe held her face in both hands, his eyes were fiery, and his voice was hoarse, "Yiren, give us a chance, you still have me in your heart Right? Sometimes I can feel that you care and care about me, it’s not fake, it’s not my illusion, right? Since you still care about me, why give each other a chance and start over?”

"If you don't love me now and just care about it, that's okay. I have time to slowly make you fall in love with me again, just like back then. I made you fall in love with me back then, and it's the same now !"

He lowered his head slowly, and finally couldn't help but gently kissed Xiao Xiang's red lips that had been glued together all night, his murmured voice overflowed from the glued lips, with a trace of longing and begging, "Yi Ren, promise Me, let's start again, tell me, you still have me in your heart, you still love me..."

Jing Yiren's eyes became hot, her red lips trembled slightly, and she slowly closed her eyes. A stream of tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, and she didn't know whether it was joy or pain.

Dongfang Yanhe rubbed her delicate red lips for a while before reluctantly leaving, kissed her tears away one by one on her cheek, and sighed softly, "If you really don't want to, I won't force you, just keep it like this, take your time."

Jing Yiren shook her head with tears in her eyes, "Dongfang Yanhe, do you really not mind my marriage back then? And why didn't you ask me? You knew I was married, didn't you? But you never asked me, didn't you? Don't you want to know what's going on with me now? Haven't you ever doubted me? "

Dongfang Yanhe was silent for a while, and said in a hoarse voice: "I doubted it, but I believe in you. Since you can choose to be with me, it means that this is allowed, and you know better than me whether it is okay. Since you both Yes, why can't I, what else do I have to worry about? Even if not, as long as you want, I am willing to accompany you! I can snatch you over!"

Jing Yiren laughed, "If you snatch it, you won't be afraid of being ridiculed, saying that you... that you pick up worn-out shoes worn by others?"

Dongfang Yanhe frowned, "What kind of broken shoes are not broken shoes? The men who said these words said something sour because they couldn't get it. Men can change countless women, and they are said to be romantic. Why? A woman will be slandered once she gets married? I know your character better than others. If a man avoids his beloved because he is afraid of other people's gossip, then he is not a real man. You don't deserve the love of others!"

"You will be said to be the mistress." Jing Yiren said deliberately.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled, and said calmly, "If I can be with you, as long as you are by my side, I am willing to bear this infamy. We were together a few years ago, but we just separated halfway. Reunite after a broken mirror."

Reunite after a broken mirror...

A smile slowly bloomed on Jing Yiren's face, brilliant and dazzling, it seemed to light up the darkness of the whole night at once.

She stared deeply at Dongfang Yanhe, "If you can cut through thorns and thorns for me, then I can do the same for you. Dongfang Yanhe, then let's start tonight, let's start again!"

She decided that she will be brave and fight for her love once, even if there is a cliff ahead, she is willing to try once!Maybe the front is not a cliff, but a palace of happiness that belongs to her!How do you know if you don't try it once?If she misses this time, then she and Dongfang Yanhe will never have another chance.

When she thought of this, she couldn't accept it!

Before she hesitated, she was afraid because she didn't know Dongfang Yanhe's thoughts, she thought that in his heart, there was only resentment and hatred for her.So she never dared to think too much, only thinking that she could see him every day during the time in Haishi, and that was enough.But she didn't expect that Dongfang Yanhe still had her in his heart, and he hated her because of love. No wonder he would use means to keep himself in the ordeal, and even made such a request...

She still hesitated in her heart, but she couldn't think of any reason for him to do this, revenge on her?If you just want to take revenge on her, you don't need to do this. There are many ways to take revenge on her, and there is really no need to play affectionate scenes with her.

Probably because she was too eager, so she was more willing to accept his explanation!
No matter what, even if it was a moth to the flame, she would admit it!Who made her only have this person in her heart for so many years?

Dongfang Yanhe's eyes suddenly burst into a strong light of joy, a pair of black eyes lit up suddenly, and a long-lost cheerful smile appeared on his face, without any impurities, just like when they were here back then, she agreed to his request for a relationship Afterwards, his joyful smile did the same.

Jing Yiren's heart suddenly settled down, unprecedentedly firm.

No matter what the road ahead is, she is willing to go hand in hand with Dongfang Yanhe and strive for happiness.

Dongfang Yanhe held her tightly in his arms, breathing quickly and heavily, showing his excitement, "Yiren, thank you, thank you for giving me a chance, I will definitely not let you down and regret it. I will definitely May you be happy!"

Jing Yiren also put aside her reserve, hugged his generous back tightly, and leaned into his arms, feeling extremely at ease at this moment.It's as if someone who has been wandering for a long time has finally landed.

This was the first time since their reunion that they hugged each other openly. Both of them were reluctant to let go of each other for a long time.It wasn't until the mountain wind came at night that Jing Yiren flinched and woke up Dongfang Yanhe who was immersed in joy.

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