It's rare for Mr. Jing to come to Haishi, so I should do my best as a landlord. " Dongfang Yanhe's tone was very sorry and regretful.

"You don't need to take this matter to heart. I didn't tell Yi Ren before I came here. I wanted to surprise her. She was also taken aback by me. I blamed me for not telling her in advance. There will always be opportunities in the future Yes, if Mr. Cheng is going to country Y, please let me know, and I will treat Mr. Cheng well."

The two came and went politely, and Jing Yuanxi simply asked about the cooperation case. When it comes to business, the two have a lot to talk about.

Jing Yiren was playing with Jing Tingyu in the swimming pool, and then distractedly glanced at Jing Yuanxi on the shore, and found that he was holding a mobile phone and didn't know who to call.At first she didn't think much about it, but she quickly remembered what happened just now. He seemed to tell herself that her cell phone rang, and then she reflexively asked him to help answer it... He is not still there now Tell me about the phone call you answered for her just now?

In her mobile phone, isn't the person who can talk to him on the phone is Dongfang Yanhe?Could it be that Dongfang Yanhe called her just now?

Thinking of this, Jing Yiren suddenly panicked.He also didn't care about playing with Jing Tingyu, and was anxious to go ashore.But the more flustered, the more anxious, the more prone to mistakes, when she slipped on the shore, her body immediately lost her balance, she screamed helplessly, and fell from the escalator into the water.


"Yi Ren!"

Jing Tingyu and Jing Yuanxi called out at the same time.

Seeing that Jing Yiren fell into the swimming pool unsteadily, Jing Yuanxi immediately talked to Dongfang Yanhe in a hurry, hung up the phone, jumped into the swimming pool, and quickly swam towards Jing Yiren. When he reached her, he picked her up.

Jing Yiren was a little shocked, wiped the water on his face, gasped, and his face turned pale.

She knew how to swim, but she fell into the swimming pool suddenly, caught off guard, panicked, her hands and feet were disobedient, and she just struggled and thumped.Before she calmed down and swam back to the shore, Jing Yuanxi came to pick her up.

"Why are you so careless? Don't think that you can be careless because you know how to swim. You have to know that many people who drowned died were people who could swim!" Jing Yuanxi reprimanded with a dark face.

Jing Yiren laughed twice, "I was not careful. I wanted to go ashore, but my foot slipped and I fell into the swimming pool. It is normal for me to panic in such a sudden situation. But even if you If you don’t come, I will calm down soon and swim back to the shore.”

"Then what if you are in a hurry and then your feet cramp? What should you do?"

Jing Yiren was speechless now, because it was not impossible.People are prone to cramps when swimming, and she has just been frightened, so it is really possible for her hands and feet to have cramps while splashing in the water.

So she didn't argue, and said obediently: "Okay, okay, I was careless this time, I must be careful in the future, okay?"

"You, you! There's really nothing I can do about you!" Jing Yuanxi helplessly reached out and poked her wet forehead. "Okay, let's go back to the shore and dry yourself! Xiaoyu, you go ashore too. After playing for a while, it's time to rest. After a short rest, go back to the room to change clothes, and then go to eat."

Jing Tingyu was able to slowly return to the shore with the swimming ring on, so he didn't ask his brother for help. Instead, he felt that the person who needed help now was his mommy.But Jing Yuanxi turned around to help him in the end, holding his little butt in the water and pushing him back to the shore.

But Dongfang Yanhe didn't move after the phone was hung up, and stood motionless on the spot, his eyes were deep, dim, and shone with an incomprehensible light.

Did something happen to Jing Yiren?Otherwise, why did Jing Yuanxi's voice suddenly become so anxious, it seemed that something urgent had happened, which made him very worried, and he hung up the phone before he even had time to talk to him.

And... did he get it wrong?He seemed to have heard a child's voice on the phone just now, and was still screaming for Mommy. This voice sounded almost at the same time as Jing Yuanxi's "Yiren", so he was not sure if he heard it himself. wrong.Or maybe there were other people there at the time, and something happened to Jing Yiren, which frightened the children playing around him, that's why they screamed for Mommy?
Is he suspicious?How could he suspect that this child has anything to do with Jing Yiren? It's crazy.Is it because Jing Yiren concealed him and went to play with Jing Yuanxi, so he became suspicious and became suspicious?

He smiled wryly, and suddenly wanted to smoke, but just as he was about to grope, he remembered that he had promised Jing Yiren not to smoke until he recovered from his injury.In order to show his determination, he doesn't even bring a cigarette now...

What happened to Jing Yiren just now, why did Jing Yuanxi's voice sound so panicked and anxious?
Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help feeling anxious and worried, something must have happened, otherwise Jing Yuanxi wouldn't have reacted in that way.But now he can't call her, if Jing Yuanxi answers all her calls, wouldn't it be obvious that there is something weird?Just hung up the phone, turned around and called back.

If you want to know what happened, you have to wait for Jing Yiren to call him back.

She should know that he called her just now, right?Jing Yuanxi should not be the kind of person who answers other people's calls without telling them.

No matter how anxious he was, Dongfang Yanhe had to suppress the worry in his heart first, he even forgot to question Jing Yiren when he was angry, and just kept thinking about what happened to her just now.

So much so that when I returned to the ward, I was still a little absent-minded.

Ye Lingyi quickly noticed his strangeness.

"Yanhe, what's wrong with you? Is something wrong with the company? If something happened to the company, then you go back first. There is nothing wrong here. Ling Chen's situation has stabilized. As long as the next time is old Honestly follow the doctor's orders to recover, and there will be no sequelae, so there is nothing to worry about. And there are me and my parents, can't three adults take care of one person? Besides, I also I'm going to find a nurse." Seeing that he went out to answer the phone, Ye Lingyi looked uneasy, so she guessed that something happened to the company, and said thoughtfully.

Dongfang Yanhe's eyes moved, but he still shook his head, "I don't trust you."

Ye Lingyi laughed, "There is nothing to worry about. Don't take me for those delicate ladies. I have been to Africa alone on an expedition, and I have also led a team to the Amazon rainforest alone. This point What's a trivial matter, besides, you've come back with me to see it, and I think your heart has been reached. Then you don't need to waste time here with me, and you're not a jobless person. "

Ye Lingchen in the ward also said: "That's right, brother-in-law, you can go back and deal with business first, I don't have any major problems. If my parents find out that I delayed your work, they will definitely not let you go easily Mine. Don't worry, I will cooperate with the doctor and recover after treatment, and I will not be self-willed to cause trouble for my sister or my parents."

Seeing what they said, Dongfang Yanhe's eyes darkened, and he smiled, "Let's see the situation tomorrow."

Jing Yiren at the other end returned to the room, and temporarily sent Jing Tingyu to Jing Yuanxi's room on the grounds that he needed to change clothes.After the two of them had left, she quickly closed the door, then took out her mobile phone, and looked at the call history, and sure enough, she saw that the last call she answered was from Mr. Cheng!
She let out a breath slowly, walked back and forth in the room with her mobile phone, frowning tightly.

When the phone was answered, Yuan Xi must have been talking to Dongfang Yanhe just now. What exactly did they say, did Dongfang Yanhe misunderstand something, did he think too much, was he angry... She didn't know all of this!Knowing nothing, how would she explain this when she called him back?If what he said contradicts what Yuan Xi said, or even the opposite, wouldn't he be cheating?
No, it can't be said to be cheating, and she didn't do anything wrong, it's just...just hiding the fact that Yuanxi and Xiaoyu came to Haishi.And you can't blame her for this matter, he didn't ask, he went to the capital, she didn't have a chance to tell him!
Yes, that's right, that's it!Yuan Xi originally wanted to ask him to come out for dinner, but he went to the capital, so it didn't happen!
So it's not her fault!
Jing Yiren gave herself some strong psychological advice. After taking a deep breath, she finally dialed Dongfang Yanhe's phone number, but when she got through and waited for someone to answer, her heart couldn't help but raise again.

"Secretary Jing?"

Jing Yiren was blocked by Secretary Jing's three words, and then cleared his throat after a pause, "Ahem, it's me, um, what did you call me just now? I was in the swimming pool just now. It was placed on the recliner, so Yuan Xi answered it for me." She tried her best to explain as if nothing had happened.

Dongfang Yanhe heard her words but remained silent.

Swimming pool, Yuanxi, helped to answer the phone, all of which showed the close relationship between the two.

When he didn't make a sound, Jing Yiren became even more nervous. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he fell silent.

I don't know how long it took before Dongfang Yanhe asked: "Jing Yiren, what is the relationship between you and Jing Yuanxi?"

Jing Yiren choked, and then said seriously: "I think I told you about this, Yuanxi and I are friends. If there is any relationship, then we are relatives."

Dongfang Yanhe gave a low laugh, the laughter was full of sarcasm, which made Jing Yiren feel a little harsh.When Mingming first returned to Haishi, he often sneered at her like this, but she didn't care.

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