This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 493 Intentional Murder

It happened that the doctor was there, and Jing Yiren asked, the doctor said briefly, and finally comforted: "The operation has been done, as long as you recover and rest well, there will be no sequelae, let alone life-threatening, and the family members don't need it." Worry."

The doctor left the ward after giving some instructions.

Jing Yiren walked over to see more clearly.

After seeing Dongfang Yanhe's injury, he froze for a moment, then looked at Han Jiang, "This..."

Han Jiang shrugged and said helplessly: "There is no way. He injured the back of his head. The wound was quite large at the time. The situation looked a bit serious and dangerous, and it was impossible not to shave his hair after surgery. And the doctor said Well, if you don’t shave the hair in this area, it will also affect the recovery of the wound. I’m not very clear about the bacteria and inflammation that are easy to breed. In a word, shaving is good for the wound recovery. If this is the case, then Just shave it."

That's right, Dongfang Yanhe's original thick hair is now half gone, and because he is in a hurry to undergo surgery, he can only shave it casually, and the effect can be imagined.

Although she knew it shouldn't be, she still had the urge to laugh when she saw Dongfang Yanhe's strangely bald spot on the back of her head.But when she thought of him waking up and knowing that he had become like this, she couldn't laugh.

"What if he wakes up?" Jing Yiren asked.

Men cherish their hairstyles just like women cherish their lipsticks. The more successful and status a man is, the more he cares about his image.Now he has become like this, and he will be like this for a while, at least until the wound has recovered almost before he can start to grow his hair.As the president of a large company, wouldn't he be furious if he knew that he had become like this?

Han Jiang fell silent, feeling embarrassed and worried.

Dongfang Yanhe is not a smug person, but he is not a sloppy person who does not pay attention to his image. On the contrary, he is quite concerned about his own image.If he sees himself like this now, he really can't say what will happen.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Why don't we hide it? Anyway, he's still hurt, and he can't look in the mirror or touch it, and it's even more impossible to get a haircut. So we can hide it for a while." For a while? Maybe by then his hair will grow back."

Jing Yiren thought for a while and felt that this method seemed unreliable, but it seemed that there was no other better way.

"Then let's do it first. It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have suffered like this." Jing Yiren was very guilty.

Han Jiang patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, "How can I say that, you know who he is. He is a man, a responsible man. Under such circumstances, he would usually choose to go Protect the weak people around you. It would be the same for others. You don’t have to feel too guilty. If you really feel bad and uncomfortable, then when you get better, take care of him until he gets better until!"

Jing Yiren smiled, "Isn't it right? He saved me, so I should take care of him." And even if she wasn't with him last night, she would still take care of him.

"By the way, what happened last night..." Jing Yiren wanted to know how Zhao Zhisen handled the car accident.

It's still early in the morning, it's still dark, and it's been a few hours since they got into a car accident. Zhao Zhisen should be about the same, right?

As soon as he asked about it, Zhao Zhisen came back.

Seeing Han Jiang and Jing Yiren in Dongfang Yanhe's ward, especially Jing Yiren, he was surprised and asked, "Are you awake?"

Jing Yiren nodded, "I'm awake, there's nothing serious, so come and see Dongfang Yanhe."

Zhao Zhisen nodded.

Mr. Cheng's situation, Han Jiang, had already called him and told him. He knew it well, and now it was a matter of recuperating.

"How did you handle the car accident?" Han Jiang asked.

Zhao Zhisen's face darkened, "It can only be treated as an ordinary traffic accident."

Jing Yiren frowned, "An ordinary traffic accident? How could it be an ordinary traffic accident? It was clearly a deliberate murder!"

Zhao Zhisen and Han Jiang were startled, looked at each other, then looked at Jing Yiren at the same time, Han Jiang frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Yiren, what's going on here, isn't it an ordinary traffic accident? Why? Could it be premeditated murder?"

When they found out about this, the two of them had already been sent to the hospital, and Zhao Zhisen rushed to the scene.

When he arrived at the scene, the traffic police and insurance personnel were already there. The traffic police said that the other party's car lost control and crashed from the ramp. There was a couple in the car and a woman was driving.According to them, it was not long after learning how to drive, and the girlfriend had itchy hands and wanted to try it, but the boyfriend couldn't stand her coquettish pleading and agreed.Unexpectedly, when she started to start, she stepped on the accelerator all at once, and the car flew out.

Dongfang Yanhe's car was hit, which was much more serious, but the other party's was not very serious, and he went back to the police station to make a statement without even going to the hospital.Those words were spoken by the couple.The police checked the surveillance and found nothing unusual. The couple was indeed found in the amusement park. They had indeed played in the amusement park for a day until it was about to close. Only then came out with the flow of people, and it was the same as most people who went to the amusement park.

And what the couple said was also true. The woman did not get her driver's license until she had just learned to drive, and she hadn't warmed up yet.It makes sense to say that it is an itchy hand and wants to try it.But Dongfang Yan and the two people here have not woken up yet, and we can't make a conclusion about the specifics. It's just that according to the police's current investigation, it will probably be handled as a traffic accident in the end, and the couple will be responsible for compensation and bear the accident. full responsibility for.

Zhao Zhisen went to the police station and heard what the couple said. He didn't doubt it at the time, because there was nothing suspicious about it.What they say is also true.He also thought that the president was too unlucky to encounter such a thing.

Unexpectedly, Jing Yiren would say that it was a deliberate murder, which is of a completely different nature!
Jing Yiren frowned tightly, realizing that this matter might be a conspiracy.

She is not such an innocent person anymore, she has never seen anything in the Jing family.Similar to this kind of accident, she also encountered it in the Jing family back then.

After Mr. Jing passed away, she became Xiao Yu's guardian. With a will, they had no choice but to start with her.If something happened to her and she couldn't fulfill her responsibilities as a guardian, it would be natural to change the guardian at that time, so that their goal could be achieved.If it wasn't for her fate and someone secretly protecting her, she would have died long ago.

And why is it so similar this time?
Jing Yiren told what he found when he went back to the parking lot, and what he saw before the accident.

"This can't be an ordinary traffic accident. The car has been waiting there for a long time. Why didn't it leave early or late? It just waited for our car to drive to the intersection before hitting it. Isn't it a long time ago? Were they already waiting there and bumped into them when they saw the right time? What they said was a very good excuse, completely valid, and within reason. This further proves that this was a premeditated and deliberate murder!"

If it was not premeditated, how could this be done?Whether it's the couples, the amusement park or the woman who just got her driver's license, everything has already been arranged.This means that she and Dongfang Yanhe are likely to be watched as soon as they go out in the morning.Maybe they have been looking for a suitable opportunity all day, but they have not found it, so they waited until night.

Amusement park, at night, near the parking lot, the place is remote, there are few people, and there are not many witnesses. It is convenient to do what you want, and you don't need to worry too much.

Thinking of this, Jing Yiren suddenly regretted it.

Going to the amusement park was suggested by myself. If it wasn't for my own suggestion, with Dongfang Yanhe's temper, they might have gone back to the hotel long ago.Even if they didn't go back to the hotel, at most they would find a high-end restaurant to sit down and enjoy a good dinner.High-end restaurants are generally located in downtown areas, and people who want to count them behind their backs will definitely have scruples.Then it is very likely that they will not find a suitable opportunity to do it, and they will be able to avoid this disaster.

But it all ruined her.It was she who said she was going to the amusement park, and she played until so late!

Han Jiang saw Jing Yiren's expression and knew what she was thinking.

Knowing that they were hit in the parking lot outside the amusement park, he guessed that it must be the amusement park that Yiren took Dongfang Yanhe to, otherwise how could Dongfang Yanhe, a big man, want to go to the amusement park? He is no longer a boy of seventeen or eighteen.Yi Ren must be thinking that this wouldn't have happened if they hadn't gone to the amusement park.

In fact, she was wrong. If someone really wants to harm them, let alone not going to the amusement park, as long as they go out, those people will always find a chance to do it.She wouldn't stop doing it just because they didn't go to the amusement park, she thought too simply.Even if they stay in the hotel all the time, they always go out when they leave, and they always take a car, right?There will still be many opportunities.

"Don't think too much, if it's really aimed at you, they won't stop no matter whether you go or not. If they want to harm you, they can find opportunities, and they will create opportunities if they don't have opportunities. So it doesn't matter It's about you. And I would like to thank you for talking about it. If you didn't find something wrong, maybe this incident was really treated as an ordinary traffic accident in the end." Han Jiang patted her on the shoulder said comfortingly.

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