Now that it's all like this, it doesn't matter if you lose face a little more.Sometimes it's good to be a turtle.

As soon as she did this, Dongfang Yanhe immediately laughed louder, even his chest trembled, Jing Yiren was buried tightly in his arms, and this feeling became even more obvious.In the end, she couldn't bear the laughter anymore, she suddenly stretched out her hand and pinched a piece of his flesh around his waist, and twisted it hard.

Suddenly being pinched and twisted by someone's waist, Dongfang Yanhe subconsciously yelled and let go, Jing Yiren seized the opportunity and quickly retreated from his arms, looking at him proudly, "Tell you to bully me!"

I really thought she was a soft persimmon, let him handle it.Annoyed women, some are guilty, hum!

Dongfang Yanhe reached out and touched the place pinched by her, and looked at her with a half-smile, and saw that the smile on her face slowly disappeared, and looked at him vigilantly, "What are you looking at? Are you Do you still want to hit me?"

"Hit you? Why? I'm not a violent man. Men who beat women are not good. But I'm a good man, so I don't know how to beat women. I can only..." He didn't say a word When he came out, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Jing Yiren felt that this light was very familiar, and immediately felt a sense of crisis in her heart, and was about to avoid it, but who knew that Dongfang Yanhe rushed over quickly, held her face before she had time to react, and then pressed her lips He stopped, and at the same time finished what he hadn't said just now.

"Kiss women."

Jing Yiren's eyes widened, and she could only see his long eyelashes, which almost touched her nose and cheeks. The warm and soft touch on her lips brought her back to her senses quickly, and she reflexively wanted to reprimand him.In the end, he was given a chance. When she opened her mouth, he took advantage of the opportunity to attack, and the kiss became deeper and deeper. In the end, she could only wave her fist in vain and hit his shoulder and back innocuously.

In the end, Jing Yi was so angry that he kicked him directly and then returned to her room angrily, not wanting to talk to Dongfang Yanhe anymore.

Dongfang Yanhe was in a happy mood, not worried about how long she would be angry at all.

Because things were almost done, Dongfang Yanhe didn't call Jing Yiren when he went out, thinking about letting her take a rest in the hotel, he went out to work with bruises all over his face.

Today he was going to have dinner with some local government officials. The Izu Group is a big company, and coming here is considered an investment. Of course, the local government knows about it.When there was a factory incident before, those people were worried that he would give up setting up a factory here, so they sent people over early.It's just that Dongfang Yanhe has been dealing with the factory affairs and has not met with them.

I do have time now, and I still need to meet up before I leave. With the care of government officials, everything is convenient.

It's just that he came to meet with bruises on his face, which shocked and frightened the people who made an appointment with him, and everyone immediately became concerned, worried that something happened to him here that would affect the cooperation.

Dongfang Yanhe naturally had a helpless expression on his face, and only mentioned a few words, but people in the officialdom are all good people, even just a few words are enough for the people present to understand.

Although the capital is far away, some things can be understood no matter how far away they are, not to mention that the incident with the Cheng family in the capital many years ago has already become a joke among people in the circle. There are still many people.A few years ago, the return of Dongfang Yanhe was also one of the hotly discussed events. After all, no one thought that the mother and son who had been kicked out of the Cheng family for many years could go back again, and they would directly become the heirs once they returned.

Such experiences are not shared by everyone.

Dongfang Yanhe doesn't care what everyone looks at him, as long as his goal is achieved.

It's far away from the capital, but it doesn't mean that things here won't be passed on.Needless to say, someone will naturally help spread the news to the capital, which is also one of the purposes of his coming here today.

But Jing Yiren in the hotel realized something was wrong after returning to his room and getting angry. Why didn't Dongfang Yanhe ask him to go out to do errands?
She felt strange, and waited until she went out to Dongfang Yanhe's room, only to find that the door of the room was wide open. When she went in, she saw that it was the room attendant doing the cleaning.

"Where are the residents in this room?" Jing Yiren asked.

"Are you asking Mr. Cheng? He has gone out." The room attendant returned.

What is there that Jing Yiren doesn't understand, this man left her and went out by himself!
Jing Yiren was immediately enraged.

Jing Yiren was really angry now.When Dongfang Yanhe came back and knocked on the door, she still didn't respond. In the end, she had to go back to her room in shock, and then went to knock on the door early the next morning.

This time, Jing Yiren opened the door.

She just opened the door halfway, and then stood by the door to block the door, apparently to prevent Dongfang Yanhe from letting him in.

"Mr. Cheng, are you okay?" She looked cold.

Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows, "Are you still angry? Didn't I see you go back to the room angrily yesterday, and I was worried that you would be unhappy, so I didn't ask you to go out? I asked you to calm down in the room. Why are you even more angry? up?"

Jing Yiren pursed her lips and stared at him without speaking.

"Okay, okay, I didn't take you on purpose." Finally, Dongfang Yanhe raised his hands as if surrendering, and before Jing Yiren's attack, he straightened his expression and said seriously: "I went out to meet government officials yesterday. Well, if you go with me, the news will be sent back to the capital. Zheng Baosheng and his brother will doubt your identity even more. In case they misunderstand something and want to use you to deal with me, they will be hurt by then You are the only person. You have no ability to protect yourself, so avoid as much as you can."

Jing Yiren was stunned, staring at him blankly, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

He did this for his own safety. Judging from what happened in front of the private restaurant that day, he knew that Zheng Baosheng's two siblings would not be good people, and she had nothing to rely on in China.If the Jing family knew about this, let alone defending her, it would be good if they didn't sell her again.So she still can not mess with troublesome things.

But this also proved that in Dongfang Yanhe's heart, their relationship was indeed only temporary, and it was only because of his illness that he had to start over with her.

Although she knew this was the case, she was still a little sad in her heart.

"So, should I thank you?" Jing Yiren smiled faintly, and the smile seemed a little bitter.

Dongfang Yanhe noticed it, but he didn't understand where her bitterness came from.

He did not let her go with him out of consideration for her safety, Zheng Baosheng who knows when he will go crazy, he and Zheng Baosheng are in a state of endless death, it will never be possible to resolve the conflict between each other.There will always be a day when conflicts will break out, and at that time, one of them will lose power completely.

He didn't want Jing Yiren to become a victim, and he didn't want to drag her into the grievances between him and Zheng Baosheng.

"You don't believe me?" Dongfang Yanhe guessed.

Jing Yiren shook his head, and quickly recovered his mood.

At least he's still worried about her, isn't he?This is actually enough, after all, she is really not qualified to ask him to give her more sincerity.

"No, I just believed in you, that's why I said thank you. Although I didn't get in touch with him, I could somewhat understand that Zheng Baosheng was not a good person outside the private restaurant that day. If they were after me, I really wouldn't The ability to protect yourself is good if you can avoid it." She said rationally.

Dongfang Yanhe felt a little relieved for some reason, "You just need to understand."

"What are you knocking on my door so early in the morning?" Jing Yiren asked suspiciously, tilting her head.

Dongfang Yanhe's eyes dodged a little, he coughed lightly and said: "Aren't we going to Qingzhou tomorrow? Other things have been dealt with, I thought I have time today, so I came to ask you if you want to go out for a stroll Take a stroll, take a look at the scenery here or something. After all, it’s rare to come here.”

Jing Yiren's eyes widened because of surprise, and he looked at Dongfang Yanhe fixedly, until he finally became angry from embarrassment, "Do you want to go, or not!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, but Jing Yiren quickly reached out and grabbed him, "Go! I didn't say no!"

Dongfang Yanhe stopped in his tracks, and snorted arrogantly, "Since this is the case, why don't you hurry up and change your clothes, how long do you want me to wait?"

Seeing his appearance, Jing Yiren finally couldn't help laughing.A beautiful smile bloomed on his face, delicate and beautiful like a flower, completely different from the cold and polite smile just now.

Dongfang Yanhe knew at a glance that this was her smile from the heart, not fake.

"I'll go in and wait for you." After speaking, he pushed open the door of Jing Yiren's room and walked in swaggeringly. Jing Yiren couldn't stop her even if she wanted to.

People have come in, and they can never be driven out.Jing Yiren had no choice but to let him find a place and time to do it, and then she went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

When she was tidying herself up, Dongfang Yanhe briefly looked at her room.

I have lived here for a few days, but the room is still very tidy. This kind of tidiness is not the cleanliness of the room attendant, but her own things are always placed on the table in an orderly manner, and there is no mess. Litter.There were no clothes lying around on the sofa or chairs.She also made the bed a little bit by herself, and it was obvious that someone slept at night, but it was not messy.

He knew that if many people lived in the same room in a hotel for a few days, the things they brought with them might be a little messy, and they wouldn't be as neat and tidy as they were at home.Especially for some girls, cosmetics and skin care products may be thrown all over the house.

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