But I was thinking in my heart, two air tickets, could it be that the CEO is only on a business trip with Yi Ren?Without the rest of the company?This seems to have never happened before. The president never takes only a female secretary on business trips. In fact, he rarely takes his secretary on business trips. He usually brings his own special assistant. Now, there are other employees.

But why did you only bring Yi Ren this time?

But she soon thought that maybe the president wasn't with other people, and there was nothing to make a fuss about.Secretary Liu felt that he was overthinking.

Jing Yiren also quickly packed her things, greeted several other people before she left the company, and went straight to Dongfang Yanhe's residence in the car.

After opening the door and walking in, Jing Yiren let out a sigh of relief, looked around the room, and found that she had a very familiar feeling about this place, like her own home... She closed her eyes before She lowered her head to change her shoes, she would be busy packing her luggage for a while, and she didn't plan to squat on the ground in high heels.

Just opening the shoe cabinet, I saw a pair of powder blue slippers inside. Compared with the slippers next to it, they were obviously much smaller, and it was obvious that they were worn by women.Her hands paused, and after a moment of hesitation, she revealed the pair of pink-blue slippers and put them on the ground, with complicated eyes.

When she came here before, even last night, she didn't have this pair of slippers... In other words, this pair of shoes was bought today, pink blue, women's slippers, were they specially bought for her to wear?

She slowly slipped her foot into it, and found that it really fit her foot perfectly, not too big or too small, just right.The slippers are soft and comfortable to step on.

She sighed softly and put away her bag and other items before walking towards the bedroom.

When she came to Dongfang Yanhe's bedroom, she went straight to the closet and found a suitcase from underneath. She wanted to start packing, but after packing a few clothes, she started to have difficulties.

Dongfang Yan and that guy didn't seem to say how many days they would be going, so how would she pack her luggage?She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call him, but she hesitated before calling him.

She didn't want to call him at all, he would definitely sneer at her.

After thinking about it, she decided to help him clean up according to her own wishes. If there is any problem at that time, it will be his own fault, and it is none of her business!Who told him not to speak clearly!

Annoyed, she rudely stuffed his clothes into the suitcase before going to the bathroom to pack other things.

It has been more than an hour since she finished packing.

After Jing Yiren packed Dongfang Yanhe's luggage, he realized that he had accidentally messed up Dongfang Yanhe's bedroom and cloakroom, as if they had been destroyed by a naughty brat.She became a little embarrassed.

Although she was angry, she really didn't mean to make a mess of his room.It doesn't seem very polite and well-bred to leave directly in this state, but she feels a little unwilling to help him tidy up.

Finally, after hesitating for a while, he still couldn't overcome the guilt in his heart, and reluctantly prepared to help him tidy up before leaving.

It's just that she hadn't started tidying up when she heard a sound from the door.She looked over reflexively, and frowned. Could it be Dongfang Yanhe who came back?
Whatever you don't want to do.

The door was quickly opened, and someone walked in, who else could it be if it wasn't Dongfang Yanhe?
Her eyes widened, "Why are you back at this hour?" What time is it, it's not even four o'clock!
Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows, "Why can't I come back at this time? I'm the president, and I can come back whenever I want." It's okay for him not to go to work, is there any problem?

"It's working time now, how can you leave early as the president, you should lead by example!" She accused, "And since you have already left early yourself, why do you want me to help you pack your luggage? You can't do it yourself? "You really used her as a maid, didn't you?

Sure enough, he did it on purpose!

Dongfang Yanhe took off his coat casually, then threw it on the sofa, saw the suitcase in the living room, and asked, "Have you packed everything?"

"Do you want to check it out?" Jing Yiren tried her best not to roll her eyes at him. This is impolite and unladylike behavior, and she shouldn't do it.

She actually said it on purpose to provoke Dongfang Yanhe, thinking that in this way he should not really check in front of her.

Because she has a guilty conscience.

She stuffed all the things in the suitcase indiscriminately, they were not folded properly, and tidy up, the suitcase was just a mess.If he opened the suitcase and saw it, he would definitely use the problem again.

But Dongfang Yanhe seemed to see through her mind and said, "Okay, let me check."

Jing Yiren's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this.

It was too late for her to stop, Dongfang Yanhe pulled the suitcase over and quickly opened it.

Seeing that it was a mess inside, the clothes were not sorted, the tie was also crumpled up casually, and other things were stuffed aside casually. At first glance, it was the packer who randomly stuffed the clothes in.

He raised his eyebrows, looked at Jing Yiren who was blushing, and said, "Secretary Jing, so that's how you pack your luggage...I'm afraid even elementary school students pack better than you. Do you want me to take a picture of you?" Pass the photos to Mr. Jing for a look, and ask him why his chief secretary and special assistant's ability is only so small, and whether he entered through the back door."

Jing Yiren blushed, wanted to explain but didn't know what to say, because she did it on purpose.

Dongfang Yanhe suddenly thought of something, stood up and walked towards the bedroom, Jing Yiren was startled, and blurted out: "What are you going to do?"

Dongfang Yanhe looked back at her, "Is the room I'm going to see done by you?"

"I didn't!" Jing Yiren denied loudly, but his eyes were dodging, showing a bluff.

Huh, no?What are you guilty of?
Dongfang Yanhe strode towards the bedroom, but saw a mess as expected.

The corner of his mouth twitched, he really didn't expect to ask her to pack her luggage, she deliberately made a mess of things.How come you act like a child, childish to death!
"Jing Yiren, are you expressing your dissatisfaction? What's wrong, you feel aggrieved when I ask you to pack your luggage? You don't want to do it? I thought you should understand what it means after you agree to my request. Yes, or is your compensation just lip service?"

Jing Yiren's complexion changed, and he wanted to say that this was no compensation at all, but that he deliberately made things difficult.But when the words came to his lips, he felt that maybe for him to make things difficult for her, making her difficult would make him happy, and it was just a way of making up for it.

She swallowed her anger, "Don't worry, I will clean it up for you! In fact, I was about to clean it up for you, and you came back! I don't know where your things are. If you want to rummage, of course it will be messed up. "As she spoke, she became confident and hypnotized herself in her mind, that's it, she didn't mess it up on purpose, she wasn't so childish!

"Oh, that's good, then you can clean it up. If you don't clean it up, you can't leave." Dongfang Yan said while sitting on the sofa calmly, "Oh, by the way, it's almost time to eat when you finish cleaning up." It's time for dinner, you cook me dinner before you go!"

Jing Yiren took a sharp breath, "Dongfang Yanhe, can you go too far?" She gritted her teeth and forced out a sentence.

Dongfang Yanhe pretended to think about it seriously, and actually nodded, "Of course. If you want, I can cooperate with you a little bit more, for example... let you stay tonight and start fulfilling your obligations, what do you think? Sample?"

He couldn't wait any longer, he was too embarrassed to admit that he was an old virgin, it would be really embarrassing to say it.Not to mention that others will know that he has another problem.

Jing Yiren's complexion changed, and he immediately turned around and walked towards the bedroom, with a feeling of running away from the back, "I'll go and clean it up for you right now, you wait! I promise to clean it up neatly for you net."

Dongfang Yanhe looked at her fleeing back and snorted softly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

Run away, run away, he wants to see how long she can escape!
He will give her time, but how much he wants to give is up to him, not her.

Thinking of the upcoming business trip, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help showing a meaningful smile on his face.

Jing Yiren didn't know what was going on in Dongfang Yanhe's mind. She packed her things angrily in the bedroom. Fortunately, she didn't make a mess when she packed her luggage just now, and it's not too difficult to recover now.While tidying up, she couldn't help thinking of another bad idea.

All right, tell her to clean it up, then she will clean it up, clean it up well, so that he will never find a single bit of her fault!

She intentionally messed up his habit. She took out all the ties that were originally placed in the left drawer and put them in the bottom right drawer, and took out all the accessories and put them in another cabinet.And his socks, underwear, etc., she moved all of them, and the bottoming shirts and suit jackets were also changed and hung in the cabinet.

After working together, she looked at her results with satisfaction and smiled proudly.

I hope he can find clothes to wear when he wakes up tomorrow morning, but don't miss the boarding time.

Jing Yiren came out after tidying up his bedroom and cloakroom, and Dongfang Yanhe was still sitting on the sofa.Hearing the voice, Dongfang Yanhe turned his head to look at her, seeing that she seemed to be in a good mood, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and raised his eyebrows.

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