It's just a pity, Dongfang Yanhe stretched out his hands fiercely, supported on the back of the sofa behind her, and lowered his body.

Jing Yiren felt that her waist was about to break, and he got closer and closer, even the breath from his nose seemed to spray on her face, so close that she could clearly smell the faint scent of perfume from him.

To be honest, she has never really liked men's perfumes, and she can accept clearer and lighter perfumes.But at this time, she smelled the faint scent of perfume from Dongfang Yanhe, but she didn't feel bad or disgusted, and even felt a little dizzy because of it.In addition to the faint smell of perfume, the air inhaled into the nose also has a special hormonal smell belonging to men...

She is very familiar with this breath, even after so many years, she still hasn't forgotten it.This is the taste of Dongfang Yanhe, which belongs to the taste of Dongfang Yanhe.

"You, you go away... What the hell do you want to do..." Jing Yiren became nervous unconsciously, and stammered a little.

Dongfang Yanhe stared at her closely, saw the twinkle in her eyes, the nervousness on her face, and a little flustered, then took advantage of her distraction and took the mobile phone she was holding by surprise. come out.

"Dongfang Yanhe!" Jing Yiren's complexion changed, and he shouted, subconsciously going to grab his phone back.

Dongfang Yanhe would not give it to her, held up the mobile phone in one hand, looked at her meaningfully, "Jing Yiren, do you know that you look very guilty now? What the hell were you doing just now?" ? Are you talking to your lover? Or... your husband?"

I don't know if it's her illusion, but she always feels that the word husband seems to be tinged with ice scum when it comes out of Dongfang Yanhe's mouth...

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"No, then why are you guilty?"

Jing Yiren couldn't help but glared at him, "I took your phone away, I see if you are in a hurry!"

The mobile phone is originally a personal item, which involves privacy, and it was taken away suddenly. Obviously, it is still a person who wants to make trouble, and anyone would be in a hurry.He just wanted to trouble her!

"I'm not in a hurry, because I haven't done anything wrong." Dongfang Yanhe said coolly.

Jing Yiren choked, holding his breath in his chest, unable to move up or down.

Guilty, she is guilty, but it's not because she did something she shouldn't do, but... She is worried that he will make use of it again, so she wants to hide it!Yes, that's what it looks like.

"Anyway, give me back my phone!"

"Return it and I will definitely return it. I will still be greedy for one of your mobile phones?" Dongfang Yanhe said, Jing Yiren's expression relaxed, and then Dongfang Yanhe added: "But it has to be After I read it."

Jing Yiren was taken aback for a moment, watched, finished?What's the meaning?
Dongfang Yanhe has taken his time and tried to unlock her mobile phone very frankly.

Jing Yiren's heart tensed at first, then calmed down again.

Her phone was locked, and Dongfang Yanhe didn't know the password at all, so he couldn't open it!

Just thinking about it, she saw that Dongfang Yan and this guy were not in a hurry, and unlocked the password of her mobile phone screen in two or three strokes, which made her eyes widen in disbelief.

What's going on, why did Dongfang Yanhe know the unlock code of her phone? !
Dongfang Yanhe saw her stunned look and her round eyes, a smile flashed through her eyes quickly.

It's still the same habit, I'm used to using my birthday for all passwords, it's been so many years, and I haven't changed this habit yet.He told her at the beginning, don't use birthdays for all passwords, it's too easy to be seen through.She agreed, but never changed it, saying it was for convenience.It's all right now, it's convenient for him.

He didn't care about her expression and reaction now, he quickly found WeChat, opened it, his eyes froze for a moment, then cooled down, staring at the chat box at the top, the two words of note stuck into his eyes.

Won Hee.

"Yuanxi..." These two words seemed to have been chewed countless times in his mouth and slowly spat out. He looked at her with deep eyes, "I remember the name of the president of Fengqi Group. It's called Yuanxi, Jing Yuanxi... I don't remember wrongly, right?"

Jing Yiren swallowed and shook his head, "No, his name is Jing Yuanxi."

He said faintly: "It seems that the relationship between you and Mr. Jing is really extraordinary. Jing Yiren, tell me, how many men do you have? You and Mr. Jing have such a good relationship, does your husband know?"

Jing Yiren opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a hint of doubt in his pupils.

husband?Didn't he know... yes, he wouldn't know.He didn't know that the person she married was Yuanxi's father, so how could he know that her husband had died long ago?
Since he didn't know, she felt that there was no need to deliberately say anything.Besides, she didn't think he would be interested in knowing whether her husband was dead or alive.

"Dongfang Yanhe, I don't understand what you say. Yuanxi and I are just friends, just ordinary friends. There is no other ambiguous relationship that you think. I don't care what you say, I can pretend I didn't hear anything. But Yuanxi is the president of Fengqi Group, if you say such things, it will affect his reputation and have a bad impact on the company. Therefore, for the sake of cooperation between the two parties, you should not say such things in the future." She looked at He said very seriously.

She knew that many people thought that she and Yuanxi were boyfriend and girlfriend. Even Han Jiang said that at first they thought she was Yuanxi's lover or girlfriend.But she and Yuanxi are really impossible. They can only be family members and friends, and they will never become lovers.

She knew that Yuanxi was special to her, and maybe she had a little strange feeling in the past, but Yuanxi knew each other's identities as well as she did.She is his stepmother in law, she and his father are a legal couple with a certificate, and she is his mother in name, neither she nor he can develop a relationship beyond the limit.

So Yuan Xi controlled his feelings in time.Now, she can guarantee that there may be a little difference, but it is definitely not what outsiders think.Even if Yuan Xi likes her, she believes that it is like a loved one, not a relationship between a man and a woman.

Dongfang Yanhe sneered, "How many people do you think will believe your words?"

As he spoke, his eyes returned to her mobile phone.She didn't set anything to the top, so the chat box on the top was the last chatter, and Jing Yuanxi's profile picture was below.

"Mr. Cheng..." He stared at the two unfamiliar words, "Jing Yiren, anyway, I am also your ex-boyfriend, so you remarked these two indifferent words, and Jing Yuanxi made a very affectionate remark. Yuanxi, the closeness and distance are clear! You say it doesn't matter?"

Jing Yiren felt her head hurt a little, and she found that Dongfang Yanhe was like a paranoid, who didn't care about the truth of the matter, only believed in what she thought, and always liked to misinterpret her.

Holding back her breath, she stood on tiptoe while he was not paying attention, snatched back her mobile phone, then lowered her head for a while to operate, and finally raised the mobile phone to him, "Are you satisfied now?"

Dongfang Yanhe's eyes moved, and his eyes met her mobile phone, only to see that Mr. Cheng's remark just now had been changed to Dongfang Yanhe.

He seemed to snort softly, "This doesn't mean anything."

Jing Yiren let out a sharp breath, really worried that he would hit his head with his mobile phone uncontrollably, to see if he could wake up a bit.

"Then what else do you want?" Jing Yiren asked angrily.

Now she has no idea what he wants to do.To say that he could grasp eight points of his mind before, but now he can't grasp two points.

Dongfang Yanhe stared at her slightly pursed mouth because of anger.The red lips are delicate and moist, and even a light layer of lip balm can't hide its original color. Under the dim light, the skin on her face is extraordinarily fair and tender. It's not like some women are full of skin problems, even the pores I can't even tell that she is as young and delicate as she was a few years ago.

Back then, he always hugged her, and then rubbed his lips against her face, using his lips to feel the touch and temperature on her face, and finally moved to her red lips slowly, entangled hold on.

Thinking about it this way, Dongfang Yanhe found that his masculine features that had been calm for several years before reuniting with Jing Yiren began to recover again.

He felt helpless and annoyed by this fact.Why did it happen to be Jing Yiren? After so many years of inactivity, he began to wonder if he was dying. It turned out that he was only interested in Jing Yiren, and only she could arouse his desire. It was very easy.

He suddenly didn't want to bear it, and he didn't want to wait.

She was originally his, so why did he have to endure it?As a man, I haven't felt that way for several years, and those who haven't experienced it don't understand this feeling at all.

Jing Yiren watched with a trembling heart as the color in Dongfang Yanhe's eyes became darker and darker, and then there seemed to be a trace of something in the darkness, which gradually spread and spread, and his eyes fell on her face like fire , making her face involuntarily start to heat up.

"Dongfang Yanhe, you—uh!" Jing Yiren was blocked before she finished speaking, her eyes widened.

Dongfang Yanhe had already blocked her mouth forcefully.

This is the second time since they met again.

The first time was in the dining room, he was full of anger, and that kiss was also full of anger, with a strong sense of punishment.He didn't taste anything at all. He only had endless anger in his heart at that time, which almost burned all his reason and his whole body, so he didn't have the heart to pay attention to other things.

So this time, he must taste and feel it well, Dongfang Yanhe held Jing Yiren's face.

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