This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 464 Pay attention to safety

She said she didn't have time, she didn't have time, and she said she had time, she had time.She said this as a resignation, but Jing Kangning couldn't understand.

But other people can understand.

Jing Zhen remained expressionless, looked at her with a smile, and said to Jing Kangning: "Don't worry, Kang'er, the eldest sister will definitely come to see you when she has time."

It's okay if she doesn't come, she can take Kang'er to see her, the same.

Up to now, she felt that it was a good thing for her mother to give birth to a younger brother who was so many years younger than her.

"Sister, where do you live, why don't I drive you back. I'm afraid there will be traffic jams in the city at this time. If you take a taxi, it will be too troublesome." Jing Zhen said.

Jing Yiren shook her head, "No need, just go back. I live in the opposite direction from your home. I can take the subway because of the traffic jam, which is also very convenient."

After she said that, Jing Zhen didn't force her anymore, "Okay then, let's go first, sister, be careful and be safe."

Jing Yiren and Jing Kangning waved, and then left in the opposite direction.

Neither she nor the Jing family noticed a car parked not far from the street, and they had been staring at them since she appeared at the door.

He couldn't see clearly the people of the Jing family inside, and it was only when they came out that they could see clearly who they were.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the familiar person coming out with Jing Yiren.

He knew these people, at least one of them, the boss of the Jing Group.How could Jing Yiren be with these people?
Jing... Dongfang Yanhe's expression froze, his eyes narrowed.

Why did he only now think of the weirdness in it?Jing Yi's surname is Jing, and she is the daughter of a wealthy family in Haishi. What did the woman who pestered her in Cheng's office building that day say her name?It is said that she is a member of the Jing Group, and her surname is Jing, plus the scene I saw today, what else is there that I don't understand?
It turns out that Jing Yiren is the daughter of Haishi Jing's family!
No wonder, no wonder she despised herself for being poor back then, that's why!

Of course he had heard of the Jing family in Haishi. Although it could not be said to be a first-class family in Haishi, it was considered a wealthy family after all.Jing Yiren is a young lady of the Jing family. She has lived in the top class of society since she was a child. How could she think highly of a poor boy like him!No wonder she never talked about her own affairs, and she knew that if she did, he would definitely...

What will happen?Dongfang Yanhe himself was not sure, judging from his feelings for Jing Yiren back then, even if he knew, he might not back down.As he himself said, what he likes is Jing Yiren, not her family background.He will try his best to chase and get the person he has identified no matter how difficult it is.

It's a pity that Jing Yiren didn't think so.

Was he just a game to her back then, a pastime, to pass the time?

Dongfang Yan stared gloomyly at Jing Yiren, who was walking slowly alone in front of him, his hands on the steering wheel became tighter and tighter, and finally he patted hard, and immediately remembered a sharp whistle sound, which frightened passers-by They all looked back.But Dongfang Yanhe's car windows are equipped with special glass, people inside can see things outside, but people outside can't see what's inside.Everyone can't see if there are still people in the car, and it's not easy to have a seizure. They can only think that the car has a sudden convulsion.After all, that's not to say it didn't happen.

Jing Yiren also heard the sharp voice, and subconsciously looked back, but there were so many cars on the road, and she didn't know which one made it, so she turned around and continued walking soon.She was thinking whether she should take a taxi or go back by subway.

Just walking, she remembered the sound of the horn again, she frowned, followed the sound and looked over, and then saw a car slowly stopped beside her.Jing Yiren looked at the car and suddenly felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere...

Before she could figure out where she had seen this car before, she saw the window slowly lowered, and then a cold voice floated out.


She was taken aback, looked down reflexively, and immediately called out in surprise, "Dongfang Yanhe!"

How is it him!

When Dongfang Yanhe heard her call his name, he was no longer the hypocritical Mr. Cheng at last, so he couldn't help but glanced at her. Seeing that she was still standing there in a daze, he immediately frowned, and said impatiently: "Hurry up and get in the car!" , you can’t park here. If you are caught by the traffic police, you will be responsible!”

Jing Yiren looked around, bit his lip, and finally worried that he would be fined by the traffic police, so he opened the car door and got in.It was only when she sat still, and the seat belt was still buckled up, that the car rushed forward suddenly, causing her to almost crash forward with inertia.

"What are you doing?" she complained reflexively.

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at her, "You are moving too slowly, how do I know you haven't fastened your seat belt yet?"

Lie, he just saw that she hadn't fastened her seat belt to scare her on purpose.Of course, he was sure that he would not cause her any harm, so he frightened her like this. He was not so vicious as to intentionally harm her.

Jing Yiren frowned, thinking he did it on purpose.It's just that he will definitely not admit it, these days she has fully understood him as a person, compared with before, he is not a little bit worse!
"Why are you here?" she asked.

She remembered that the direction of his house was not this way, did he come here for dinner?Then why are you alone, why don't you see Han Jiang?

Thinking so, she asked, "Why didn't you see Han Jiang?"

When she asked, Dongfang Yanhe immediately turned dark, "You care so much about Han Jiang, why don't you go with him? I'm not a couple with him, how do I know where he is?"

Jing Yiren was speechless for a moment.

How did this man talk?He can't speak without thorns, can he?Even if he doesn't like her and doesn't want to see her, there's no need to be a thorn in his mouth, right?Would that make him happier?

Besides, he stopped the car himself and told her to get in the car!
Jing Yiren wanted to be angry, but when he thought about the relationship between the two, he couldn't get angry anymore. He could only puff his cheeks and fold his hands over his chest, and he didn't bother to talk to him anymore!She was afraid that she would lose control and want to hate him.

Dongfang Yanhe seems to be concentrating on driving the car, but in fact, out of the corner of his eye, he has been paying attention to Jing Yiren in the passenger seat. Seeing her with her arms folded on her chest, her cheeks are puffed up, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised uncontrollably , which reminded him of how she occasionally lost her temper when they were in love.But when he realized that the corners of his mouth were raised, he immediately lowered them into a tight straight line.

I don't know how long it took Dongfang Yanhe to ask suddenly: "Are you the lady of the Jing family?"

Jing Yiren was stunned for a moment before realizing it, and turned to look at him, "Did you see it all?"

Thinking of the text message he sent tonight, she couldn't help but look at him suspiciously, and asked, " haven't been waiting outside, have you?"

The embarrassment of being exposed flashed across Dongfang Yanhe's face for a moment, but he quickly returned to nature, unmoving as a mountain, and glanced at her lightly, with contempt in his eyes, "Are you thinking too much? Would you do such a thing? I came here on business, and when I passed by Rongsheng Hall, I saw you walking out. Your imagination is amazing."

In fact, after Jing Yiren finished asking, she wished she could bite her tongue off.

Seeing what questions she was asking, how could Dongfang Yanhe come here specially for her and wait outside Rongshengtang?If it was a few years ago he would, but now, absolutely not.

But this was really a coincidence, she told him that she was in Rongshengtang, and she saw him when she came out after talking to the Jing family and was about to go home.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Dongfang Yanhe asked again.

Jing Yiren nodded, "Yes, I am from the Jing family, and I have lived in the Jing family for more than ten years." Until she got married.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled sarcastically, "I really didn't expect that you are from Haishi Jing's family. I was with you for three years, and I didn't know it. You kept it a secret. .”

Jing Yiren was silent for a while before saying: "I'm sorry, there is a reason why I didn't say it back then."

Dongfang Yanhe twitched the corners of his mouth, and turned the steering wheel steadily, "I know, because my background is very different from yours, and you have never taken me seriously, so I don't think it is necessary to tell me about you. Family matters."

When Jing Yiren heard this, his eyes widened, and he retorted: "I didn't! I never meant that!"

"No? Then how do you explain that when we dated for three years, you never told me about your family. I only know that you are from Haishi, and there is nothing more than that. It's ridiculous to think about it." .”

Jing Yiren didn't like what he said.She had devoted all her energy and emotion to the relationship back then, and she had devoted herself physically and mentally. If the Jing family hadn't suddenly called her back, according to her plan, she would have given herself to him on his birthday.How could he say that her feelings for him back then were fake?

And...Jing Yiren suddenly became unconvinced, held back but still didn't hold back, and replied: "You only talk about me? What about you? How much better are you? Didn't you also lie to me? Back then When you were with me, didn't you also conceal your identity? You said that you were a poor boy who lived with your own mother, but a few years later, you suddenly became the president of the Izu Group!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't control her tone and became a little mocking, "Don't tell me, you rely on your own ability to make yourself jump from a college student who is about to graduate to a college student in just a few years. The president of a large group. I believe no one will believe such words."

Dongfang Yanhe's breath suddenly turned cold, sending out a strong sense of resistance and repulsion.

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