In the next few days, everyone was plunged into darkness, but life still had to go on. We couldn't lose all our will because of something like this, and never recover from it.

At the same time, Lin Tang learned that Jing Yiren's mother had passed away, and was even more secretly delighted by the news. From time to time, he put more pressure on Jing Yiren, urging her to design the wedding dress he wanted quickly.

Jing Yiren had no choice but to bear such pressure under the grief of his mother's death and make a design drawing for Lin Tang's wedding dress.

However, although she sat in the office every day, Jing Yiren didn't design a wedding dress design she was satisfied with, or she didn't have the heart to design such a drawing at all.

In this way, for several days in a row, Jing Yiren sat in the office wasting time, doing nothing.

Dongfang Yanhe also knew that Jing Yiren was under the greatest pressure, so he called Lin Tang into his company during his spare time at work.

After Lin Tang heard the news, she was instantly pleasantly surprised. After all, every time she approached Dongfang Yanhe, she never got a good result. Either she was kicked out or turned away. Anyway, she never met Dongfang Yanhe once And face.

However, in order to be able to meet Dongfang Yanhe, Lin Tang was eager to go to the company every time and waited for him persistently.

But this time, Dongfang Yanhe suddenly took the initiative to invite her.

Going to the office to talk was probably a good thing, so I dressed up carefully, even had my hair and manicure done, and after wearing a rich perfume, I went to Dongfang Yanhe.

However, Lin Tang didn't dare to waste too much time. He just finished everything within a few hours, so he was a little hasty and ran to Dongfang Yanhe's office.

Because Lin Tang was too excited, he didn't even knock on the door, just opened the door and walked into Dongfang Yanhe's office.

"Yanhe, why are you looking for me? You haven't taken the initiative to look for me for a long time, do you miss me?"

"I didn't miss you.

Please withdraw the request to make the wedding dress, don't make Jing Yiren tired, I will double the deposit you paid at that time. "

Dongfang Yanhe didn't even raise his head, saying that this was very cold, and he was preparing the content of the final stage of the bidding, so he didn't have enough time to talk nonsense to such a woman, just to inform her.

However, Lin Tang didn't seem to be reconciled, and said with a look like he wouldn't let it go without an explanation.

"Why, I have already paid the deposit. As a designer, shouldn't she design a wedding dress for me? And who said that you must direct me? It's just that I want to make a wedding dress on my own whim. Why are you interfering with me?"

"If you don't agree, I have plenty of ways to make you leave City A, and there is no way to come back."

"Why do you want to protect Jing Yiren like this? Am I not as good as her? How can I be worse than her Jing Yiren?"

Lin Tang yelled so loudly that even the people outside the office could hear him clearly.

Dongfang Yanhe was naturally very annoyed by this. He was already worried enough about work, but now there is such an overconfident guy, which is really worrying.

"You are not worthy to compare with her."

After Dongfang Yanhe finished speaking, he pressed the phone button next to the table, and then spoke on his own.

"Pay Lin Tang double the price of the engagement dress, and let her go."

After Dongfang Yanhe finished speaking, he continued to work. Lin Tang was naturally very unwilling to let it go, and kept chattering beside Dongfang Yanhe.

Within a minute, several strong men came to Dongfang Yanhe's office, and then pulled Lin Tang away from the office.

Without Lin Tang, Dongfang Yanhe's office was naturally much quieter.

After those strong men threw Lin Tang out of the company, they only threw a lot of money to make her leave.

Lin Tang felt that she had been humiliated, so she took the thick wad of money next to her and left in a sensible way.

It's never too late to take revenge for this kind of revenge.

"President, Miss Lin Tang has already left with double the price."

"Okay, don't let her appear in front of me in the future."

In this way, under the persecution of Dongfang Yanhe, Lin Tang canceled the engagement of the wedding dress. After all, Dongfang Yanhe would not marry Lin Tang, and there was no need to design this wedding dress, adding unnecessary trouble to Jing Yiren. pressure.

With the hard work of Dongfang Yanhe and the company's employees, the bid was finally successful and new business opportunities were discovered. Next, Dongfang Yanhe plans to put down this valuable area first, and focus on investigating Zhao Xiner's crimes in the days to come. Record, and then send her to the court.

Zhao Xin'er was really too arrogant, Dongfang Yanhe endured it, every time he wanted to send her to the court and let her suffer some prison, but she escaped every time.

But this opportunity is rare, and we must take advantage of this opportunity to send Zhao Xiner to prison to avenge Jing Yiren.

"Focus on investigating Zhao Xin'er, her recent whereabouts and call records, as well as her circle of friends. It is best to find evidence of her crime."

Dongfang Yanhe spoke to his assistant solemnly.

This assistant is very capable for him. From the beginning to now, he has been by his side all the time. He is by Dongfang Yanhe's side. There are a few trustworthy people who are proficient in almost everything, so entrusting him to do such things is enough. Relieved.


After Dongfang Yanhe finished his orders, he turned on the backup monitor on his USB flash drive.

Since he saw the surveillance last time, he kept it and copied many copies and sent them to Jing Yiren.

However, now he needs to watch it again to find out some details. Even though this is just the monitoring in the corridor of the hospital, he still needs to read it carefully to prove that Zhao Xiner has been in Mother Jing's ward and has done indescribable things.

Not long after, Dongfang Yanhe's assistant sent a document to Dongfang Yanhe in the mailbox. When he opened it, it turned out that it was the record of Zhao Xiner's visits and exits to the hospital.

After systematic investigation, the assistant also discovered that there was a strange man in Zhao Xiner's call log, and monitored the content of the call, and found enough evidence to prove that Zhao Xiner was the culprit who killed Jing Yiren's mother.

"President, I also found that mysterious man who often has a call record with Zhao Xiner. It is understood that he is an online hacker, and he is quite clever."

"Find his address and arrest them all in one fell swoop."

Dongfang Yanhe knew very well that this was an excellent opportunity. Zhao Xiner managed to leave enough clues without the help of others for him to find out.

Therefore, he naturally wanted to take this opportunity to send Zhao Xiner and the people who helped her to the prison area.

When Dongfang Yanhe thought of this, he couldn't help but think of Jing Nuan. At this time, he was more worried about her situation, so he called her to find out how his current situation was.

After all, many days have passed since Jing's mother passed away, and the blow to Jingyi's people does not seem to be so easy to dispel.


The system prompt voice from the mobile phone rang a few times before being connected, and then Jing Yiren's tired voice came.

"what happened?"

"I'm a little worried about how you feel now, do you want me to accompany you?"

"Alright, take care of Doudou, I..."

"It's okay, Doudou will be taken care of by me, I will send him to school tomorrow, you can rest well."

"Then you can stay at my house."

"it is good……"

Dongfang Yanhe didn't expect that while he cared about Jing Yiren, he would get such benefits. No matter what he did before, he failed to stay in Jing Yiren's house.

But now, at such a special moment, Dongfang Yanhe is naturally happy to stay and take care of Jing Yiren and Jing Doudou.

After hanging up the phone, Dongfang Yanhe turned off the computer and left the office.

Not long after, Dongfang Yanhe came to Jing Yiren's house.

"Why doesn't Lin Tang come to make trouble with me all of a sudden?"

Jing Yiren looked a little tired. His eyes must have been damaged from crying these days, and even his eyes were swollen. After seeing it, Dongfang Yanhe naturally felt very distressed.

But now Jing Yiren is still concerned about work matters, which makes Dongfang Yanhe feel an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"I paid double the price and let her go."

Dongfang Yanhe explained concisely. He didn't want Jing Yiren to worry too much about the process, so he spoke very concisely.

"Will she let it go so easily? Even if you give me money, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to make her stop bothering me completely, right?"

"I have arranged some people next to your bridal shop to protect you secretly, you don't need to worry."

Jing Yiren nodded, then sat on the sofa holding a pillow, staring blankly ahead.

Jing Doudou hadn't gone to school for a few days and was just staying with Jing Yiren at home.

At this time, he had already fallen asleep because of being too tired, and there was silence in the room, and no one spoke.

Dongfang Yanhe felt from the bottom of his heart that it has been such a long time, he should calm down and not let Jing Yiren go down, so he comforted her.

"Don't let this sink in, there is still a lot of hope in life.

I hope you get better soon. "

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm just thinking about what to do with the bridal shop in the future? No one on the Internet should know the news here, right?"

Of course, Jing Yiren knew that she shouldn't stay in grief for a long time, but after a few days of relief, she hid the sadness in her heart and continued to pretend to be strong and devote herself to work.

Life still has to continue in the future, and Jing Yiren can't just let it go.

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